"Dual impls" are impls that are both type implementations and trait implementations. They can lead to ambiguity and so this patch removes them from the language. This also enforces coherence rules. Without this patch, records can implement traits not defined in the current crate. This patch fixes this, and updates all of rustc to adhere to the new enforcement. Most of this patch is fixing rustc to obey the coherence rules, which involves converting a bunch of records to structs.
709 lines
18 KiB
709 lines
18 KiB
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use core::prelude::*;
use ast::*;
use ast;
use ast_util;
use codemap::{span, BytePos};
use parse::token;
use visit;
use core::cmp;
use core::int;
use core::option;
use core::str;
use core::to_bytes;
use core::vec;
pure fn spanned<T>(+lo: BytePos, +hi: BytePos, +t: T) -> spanned<T> {
respan(mk_sp(lo, hi), move t)
pure fn respan<T>(sp: span, +t: T) -> spanned<T> {
spanned {node: t, span: sp}
pure fn dummy_spanned<T>(+t: T) -> spanned<T> {
respan(dummy_sp(), move t)
/* assuming that we're not in macro expansion */
pure fn mk_sp(+lo: BytePos, +hi: BytePos) -> span {
span {lo: lo, hi: hi, expn_info: None}
// make this a const, once the compiler supports it
pure fn dummy_sp() -> span { return mk_sp(BytePos(0), BytePos(0)); }
pure fn path_name_i(idents: &[ident], intr: @token::ident_interner) -> ~str {
// FIXME: Bad copies (#2543 -- same for everything else that says "bad")
str::connect(idents.map(|i| *intr.get(*i)), ~"::")
pure fn path_to_ident(p: @path) -> ident { vec::last(p.idents) }
pure fn local_def(id: node_id) -> def_id {
ast::def_id { crate: local_crate, node: id }
pure fn is_local(did: ast::def_id) -> bool { did.crate == local_crate }
pure fn stmt_id(s: stmt) -> node_id {
match s.node {
stmt_decl(_, id) => id,
stmt_expr(_, id) => id,
stmt_semi(_, id) => id,
stmt_mac(*) => fail ~"attempted to analyze unexpanded stmt",
fn variant_def_ids(d: def) -> {enm: def_id, var: def_id} {
match d {
def_variant(enum_id, var_id) => {
return {enm: enum_id, var: var_id}
_ => fail ~"non-variant in variant_def_ids"
pure fn def_id_of_def(d: def) -> def_id {
match d {
def_fn(id, _) | def_static_method(id, _, _) | def_mod(id) |
def_foreign_mod(id) | def_const(id) |
def_variant(_, id) | def_ty(id) | def_ty_param(id, _) |
def_use(id) | def_struct(id) => {
def_arg(id, _, _) | def_local(id, _) | def_self(id, _) | def_self_ty(id)
| def_upvar(id, _, _, _) | def_binding(id, _) | def_region(id)
| def_typaram_binder(id) | def_label(id) => {
def_prim_ty(_) => fail
pure fn binop_to_str(op: binop) -> ~str {
match op {
add => return ~"+",
subtract => return ~"-",
mul => return ~"*",
div => return ~"/",
rem => return ~"%",
and => return ~"&&",
or => return ~"||",
bitxor => return ~"^",
bitand => return ~"&",
bitor => return ~"|",
shl => return ~"<<",
shr => return ~">>",
eq => return ~"==",
lt => return ~"<",
le => return ~"<=",
ne => return ~"!=",
ge => return ~">=",
gt => return ~">"
pure fn binop_to_method_name(op: binop) -> Option<~str> {
match op {
add => return Some(~"add"),
subtract => return Some(~"sub"),
mul => return Some(~"mul"),
div => return Some(~"div"),
rem => return Some(~"modulo"),
bitxor => return Some(~"bitxor"),
bitand => return Some(~"bitand"),
bitor => return Some(~"bitor"),
shl => return Some(~"shl"),
shr => return Some(~"shr"),
lt => return Some(~"lt"),
le => return Some(~"le"),
ge => return Some(~"ge"),
gt => return Some(~"gt"),
eq => return Some(~"eq"),
ne => return Some(~"ne"),
and | or => return None
pure fn lazy_binop(b: binop) -> bool {
match b {
and => true,
or => true,
_ => false
pure fn is_shift_binop(b: binop) -> bool {
match b {
shl => true,
shr => true,
_ => false
pure fn unop_to_str(op: unop) -> ~str {
match op {
box(mt) => if mt == m_mutbl { ~"@mut " } else { ~"@" },
uniq(mt) => if mt == m_mutbl { ~"~mut " } else { ~"~" },
deref => ~"*",
not => ~"!",
neg => ~"-"
pure fn is_path(e: @expr) -> bool {
return match e.node { expr_path(_) => true, _ => false };
pure fn int_ty_to_str(t: int_ty) -> ~str {
match t {
ty_char => ~"u8", // ???
ty_i => ~"",
ty_i8 => ~"i8",
ty_i16 => ~"i16",
ty_i32 => ~"i32",
ty_i64 => ~"i64"
pure fn int_ty_max(t: int_ty) -> u64 {
match t {
ty_i8 => 0x80u64,
ty_i16 => 0x8000u64,
ty_i | ty_char | ty_i32 => 0x80000000u64, // actually ni about ty_i
ty_i64 => 0x8000000000000000u64
pure fn uint_ty_to_str(t: uint_ty) -> ~str {
match t {
ty_u => ~"u",
ty_u8 => ~"u8",
ty_u16 => ~"u16",
ty_u32 => ~"u32",
ty_u64 => ~"u64"
pure fn uint_ty_max(t: uint_ty) -> u64 {
match t {
ty_u8 => 0xffu64,
ty_u16 => 0xffffu64,
ty_u | ty_u32 => 0xffffffffu64, // actually ni about ty_u
ty_u64 => 0xffffffffffffffffu64
pure fn float_ty_to_str(t: float_ty) -> ~str {
match t { ty_f => ~"f", ty_f32 => ~"f32", ty_f64 => ~"f64" }
fn is_exported(i: ident, m: _mod) -> bool {
let mut local = false;
let mut parent_enum : Option<ident> = None;
for m.items.each |it| {
if it.ident == i { local = true; }
match it.node {
item_enum(ref enum_definition, _) =>
for (*enum_definition).variants.each |v| {
if v.node.name == i {
local = true;
parent_enum = Some(/* FIXME (#2543) */ copy it.ident);
_ => ()
if local { break; }
let mut has_explicit_exports = false;
for m.view_items.each |vi| {
match vi.node {
view_item_export(vps) => {
has_explicit_exports = true;
for vps.each |vp| {
match vp.node {
ast::view_path_simple(id, _, _, _) => {
if id == i { return true; }
match parent_enum {
Some(parent_enum_id) => {
if id == parent_enum_id { return true; }
_ => ()
ast::view_path_list(path, ref ids, _) => {
if vec::len(path.idents) == 1u {
if i == path.idents[0] { return true; }
for (*ids).each |id| {
if id.node.name == i { return true; }
} else {
fail ~"export of path-qualified list";
_ => ()
_ => ()
// If there are no declared exports then
// everything not imported is exported
// even if it's local (since it's explicit)
return !has_explicit_exports && local;
pure fn is_call_expr(e: @expr) -> bool {
match e.node { expr_call(_, _, _) => true, _ => false }
// This makes def_id hashable
impl def_id : to_bytes::IterBytes {
pure fn iter_bytes(&self, +lsb0: bool, f: to_bytes::Cb) {
to_bytes::iter_bytes_2(&self.crate, &self.node, lsb0, f);
fn block_from_expr(e: @expr) -> blk {
let blk_ = default_block(~[], option::Some::<@expr>(e), e.id);
return spanned {node: blk_, span: e.span};
fn default_block(
+stmts1: ~[@stmt],
expr1: Option<@expr>,
id1: node_id
) -> blk_ {
ast::blk_ {
view_items: ~[],
stmts: stmts1,
expr: expr1,
id: id1,
rules: default_blk,
fn ident_to_path(s: span, +i: ident) -> @path {
@ast::path { span: s,
global: false,
idents: ~[i],
rp: None,
types: ~[] }
fn ident_to_pat(id: node_id, s: span, +i: ident) -> @pat {
@ast::pat { id: id,
node: pat_ident(bind_by_value, ident_to_path(s, i), None),
span: s }
pure fn is_unguarded(a: &arm) -> bool {
match a.guard {
None => true,
_ => false
pure fn unguarded_pat(a: &arm) -> Option<~[@pat]> {
if is_unguarded(a) { Some(/* FIXME (#2543) */ copy a.pats) } else { None }
fn public_methods(ms: ~[@method]) -> ~[@method] {
do ms.filtered |m| {
match m.vis {
public => true,
_ => false
// extract a ty_method from a trait_method. if the trait_method is
// a default, pull out the useful fields to make a ty_method
fn trait_method_to_ty_method(method: trait_method) -> ty_method {
match method {
required(ref m) => (*m),
provided(m) => {
ty_method {
ident: m.ident,
attrs: m.attrs,
purity: m.purity,
decl: m.decl,
tps: m.tps,
self_ty: m.self_ty,
id: m.id,
span: m.span,
fn split_trait_methods(trait_methods: ~[trait_method])
-> (~[ty_method], ~[@method]) {
let mut reqd = ~[], provd = ~[];
for trait_methods.each |trt_method| {
match *trt_method {
required(ref tm) => reqd.push((*tm)),
provided(m) => provd.push(m)
(reqd, provd)
pure fn struct_field_visibility(field: ast::struct_field) -> visibility {
match field.node.kind {
ast::named_field(_, _, visibility) => visibility,
ast::unnamed_field => ast::public
pub trait inlined_item_utils {
fn ident() -> ident;
fn id() -> ast::node_id;
fn accept<E>(e: E, v: visit::vt<E>);
impl inlined_item: inlined_item_utils {
fn ident() -> ident {
match self {
ii_item(i) => /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy i.ident,
ii_foreign(i) => /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy i.ident,
ii_method(_, m) => /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy m.ident,
ii_dtor(_, nm, _, _) => /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy nm
fn id() -> ast::node_id {
match self {
ii_item(i) => i.id,
ii_foreign(i) => i.id,
ii_method(_, m) => m.id,
ii_dtor(ref dtor, _, _, _) => (*dtor).node.id
fn accept<E>(e: E, v: visit::vt<E>) {
match self {
ii_item(i) => (v.visit_item)(i, e, v),
ii_foreign(i) => (v.visit_foreign_item)(i, e, v),
ii_method(_, m) => visit::visit_method_helper(m, e, v),
ii_dtor(ref dtor, _, tps, parent_id) => {
visit::visit_struct_dtor_helper((*dtor), tps, parent_id, e, v);
/* True if d is either a def_self, or a chain of def_upvars
referring to a def_self */
fn is_self(d: ast::def) -> bool {
match d {
def_self(*) => true,
def_upvar(_, d, _, _) => is_self(*d),
_ => false
/// Maps a binary operator to its precedence
fn operator_prec(op: ast::binop) -> uint {
match op {
mul | div | rem => 12u,
// 'as' sits between here with 11
add | subtract => 10u,
shl | shr => 9u,
bitand => 8u,
bitxor => 7u,
bitor => 6u,
lt | le | ge | gt => 4u,
eq | ne => 3u,
and => 2u,
or => 1u
fn dtor_ty() -> @ast::Ty { @ast::Ty {id: 0, node: ty_nil, span: dummy_sp()} }
fn dtor_dec() -> fn_decl {
let nil_t = dtor_ty();
// dtor has no args
ast::fn_decl {
inputs: ~[],
output: nil_t,
cf: return_val,
// ______________________________________________________________________
// Enumerating the IDs which appear in an AST
struct id_range {
min: node_id,
max: node_id,
fn empty(range: id_range) -> bool {
range.min >= range.max
fn id_visitor(vfn: fn@(node_id)) -> visit::vt<()> {
visit::mk_simple_visitor(@visit::SimpleVisitor {
visit_mod: |_m, _sp, id| vfn(id),
visit_view_item: fn@(vi: @view_item) {
match vi.node {
view_item_use(_, _, id) => vfn(id),
view_item_import(vps) | view_item_export(vps) => {
for vec::each(vps) |vp| {
match vp.node {
view_path_simple(_, _, _, id) => vfn(id),
view_path_glob(_, id) => vfn(id),
view_path_list(_, _, id) => vfn(id)
visit_foreign_item: fn@(ni: @foreign_item) {
visit_item: fn@(i: @item) {
match i.node {
item_enum(ref enum_definition, _) =>
for (*enum_definition).variants.each |v| { vfn(v.node.id); },
_ => ()
visit_local: fn@(l: @local) {
visit_block: fn@(b: blk) {
visit_stmt: fn@(s: @stmt) {
visit_arm: fn@(_a: arm) { },
visit_pat: fn@(p: @pat) {
visit_decl: fn@(_d: @decl) {
visit_expr: fn@(e: @expr) {
visit_expr_post: fn@(_e: @expr) {
visit_ty: fn@(t: @Ty) {
match t.node {
ty_path(_, id) => vfn(id),
_ => { /* fall through */ }
visit_ty_params: fn@(ps: ~[ty_param]) {
for vec::each(ps) |p| {
visit_fn: fn@(fk: visit::fn_kind, d: ast::fn_decl,
_b: ast::blk, _sp: span, id: ast::node_id) {
match fk {
visit::fk_dtor(tps, _, self_id, parent_id) => {
for vec::each(tps) |tp| { vfn(tp.id); }
visit::fk_item_fn(_, tps, _) => {
for vec::each(tps) |tp| { vfn(tp.id); }
visit::fk_method(_, tps, m) => {
for vec::each(tps) |tp| { vfn(tp.id); }
visit::fk_anon(_, capture_clause) |
visit::fk_fn_block(capture_clause) => {
for vec::each(*capture_clause) |clause| {
for vec::each(d.inputs) |arg| {
visit_ty_method: fn@(_ty_m: ty_method) {
visit_trait_method: fn@(_ty_m: trait_method) {
visit_struct_def: fn@(_sd: @struct_def, _id: ident, _tps: ~[ty_param],
_id: node_id) {
visit_struct_field: fn@(f: @struct_field) {
visit_struct_method: fn@(_m: @method) {
fn visit_ids_for_inlined_item(item: inlined_item, vfn: fn@(node_id)) {
item.accept((), id_visitor(vfn));
fn compute_id_range(visit_ids_fn: fn(fn@(node_id))) -> id_range {
let min = @mut int::max_value;
let max = @mut int::min_value;
do visit_ids_fn |id| {
*min = int::min(*min, id);
*max = int::max(*max, id + 1);
id_range { min: *min, max: *max }
fn compute_id_range_for_inlined_item(item: inlined_item) -> id_range {
compute_id_range(|f| visit_ids_for_inlined_item(item, f))
pure fn is_item_impl(item: @ast::item) -> bool {
match item.node {
item_impl(*) => true,
_ => false
fn walk_pat(pat: @pat, it: fn(@pat)) {
match pat.node {
pat_ident(_, _, Some(p)) => walk_pat(p, it),
pat_rec(fields, _) | pat_struct(_, fields, _) => {
for fields.each |f| {
walk_pat(f.pat, it)
pat_enum(_, Some(s)) | pat_tup(s) => {
for s.each |p| {
walk_pat(*p, it)
pat_box(s) | pat_uniq(s) | pat_region(s) => {
walk_pat(s, it)
pat_vec(elts, tail) => {
for elts.each |p| {
walk_pat(*p, it)
do option::iter(&tail) |tail| {
walk_pat(*tail, it)
pat_wild | pat_lit(_) | pat_range(_, _) | pat_ident(_, _, _) |
pat_enum(_, _) => {
fn view_path_id(p: @view_path) -> node_id {
match p.node {
view_path_simple(_, _, _, id) | view_path_glob(_, id) |
view_path_list(_, _, id) => id
/// Returns true if the given struct def is tuple-like; i.e. that its fields
/// are unnamed.
fn struct_def_is_tuple_like(struct_def: @ast::struct_def) -> bool {
fn visibility_to_privacy(visibility: visibility,
legacy_exports: bool) -> Privacy {
if legacy_exports {
match visibility {
inherited | public => Public,
private => Private
} else {
match visibility {
public => Public,
inherited | private => Private
enum Privacy {
impl Privacy : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(&self, other: &Privacy) -> bool {
((*self) as uint) == ((*other) as uint)
pure fn ne(&self, other: &Privacy) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
fn has_legacy_export_attr(attrs: &[attribute]) -> bool {
for attrs.each |attribute| {
match attribute.node.value.node {
meta_word(ref w) if (*w) == ~"legacy_exports" => {
return true;
_ => {}
return false;
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// End: