Previously we had: - Multiple rules - Each rule had its pattern parsed as an expression, path etc This meant that there were two levels at which there could be multiple rules. Now we just have multiple rules. If a pattern can parse as more than one kind of thing, then they get stored as multiple separate rules. We also now don't have separate fields for the different kinds of things that a pattern can parse as. This makes adding new kinds of things simpler. Previously, add_search_pattern would construct a rule with a dummy replacement. Now the replacement is an Option. This is slightly cleaner and also opens the way for parsing the replacement template as the same kind of thing as the search pattern.
390 lines
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390 lines
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//! This file contains code for parsing SSR rules, which look something like `foo($a) ==>> bar($b)`.
//! We first split everything before and after the separator `==>>`. Next, both the search pattern
//! and the replacement template get tokenized by the Rust tokenizer. Tokens are then searched for
//! placeholders, which start with `$`. For replacement templates, this is the final form. For
//! search patterns, we go further and parse the pattern as each kind of thing that we can match.
//! e.g. expressions, type references etc.
use crate::errors::bail;
use crate::{SsrError, SsrPattern, SsrRule};
use ra_syntax::{ast, AstNode, SmolStr, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, T};
use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use std::str::FromStr;
pub(crate) struct ParsedRule {
pub(crate) placeholders_by_stand_in: FxHashMap<SmolStr, Placeholder>,
pub(crate) pattern: SyntaxNode,
pub(crate) template: Option<SsrTemplate>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct SsrTemplate {
pub(crate) tokens: Vec<PatternElement>,
pub(crate) struct RawPattern {
tokens: Vec<PatternElement>,
// Part of a search or replace pattern.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum PatternElement {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) struct Placeholder {
/// The name of this placeholder. e.g. for "$a", this would be "a"
pub(crate) ident: SmolStr,
/// A unique name used in place of this placeholder when we parse the pattern as Rust code.
stand_in_name: String,
pub(crate) constraints: Vec<Constraint>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum Constraint {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum NodeKind {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) struct Token {
kind: SyntaxKind,
pub(crate) text: SmolStr,
impl ParsedRule {
fn new(
pattern: &RawPattern,
template: Option<&SsrTemplate>,
) -> Result<Vec<ParsedRule>, SsrError> {
let raw_pattern = pattern.as_rust_code();
let mut builder = RuleBuilder {
placeholders_by_stand_in: pattern.placeholders_by_stand_in(),
rules: Vec::new(),
builder.try_add(ast::Expr::parse(&raw_pattern), template);
builder.try_add(ast::TypeRef::parse(&raw_pattern), template);
builder.try_add(ast::ModuleItem::parse(&raw_pattern), template);
builder.try_add(ast::Path::parse(&raw_pattern), template);
builder.try_add(ast::Pat::parse(&raw_pattern), template);
struct RuleBuilder {
placeholders_by_stand_in: FxHashMap<SmolStr, Placeholder>,
rules: Vec<ParsedRule>,
impl RuleBuilder {
fn try_add<T: AstNode>(&mut self, pattern: Result<T, ()>, template: Option<&SsrTemplate>) {
match pattern {
Ok(pattern) => self.rules.push(ParsedRule {
placeholders_by_stand_in: self.placeholders_by_stand_in.clone(),
pattern: pattern.syntax().clone(),
template: template.cloned(),
_ => {}
fn build(self) -> Result<Vec<ParsedRule>, SsrError> {
if self.rules.is_empty() {
bail!("Pattern is not a valid Rust expression, type, item, path or pattern");
impl FromStr for SsrRule {
type Err = SsrError;
fn from_str(query: &str) -> Result<SsrRule, SsrError> {
let mut it = query.split("==>>");
let pattern = it.next().expect("at least empty string").trim();
let template = it
.ok_or_else(|| SsrError("Cannot find delimiter `==>>`".into()))?
if it.next().is_some() {
return Err(SsrError("More than one delimiter found".into()));
let raw_pattern = pattern.parse()?;
let raw_template = template.parse()?;
let parsed_rules = ParsedRule::new(&raw_pattern, Some(&raw_template))?;
let rule = SsrRule { pattern: raw_pattern, template: raw_template, parsed_rules };
impl FromStr for RawPattern {
type Err = SsrError;
fn from_str(pattern_str: &str) -> Result<RawPattern, SsrError> {
Ok(RawPattern { tokens: parse_pattern(pattern_str)? })
impl RawPattern {
/// Returns this search pattern as Rust source code that we can feed to the Rust parser.
fn as_rust_code(&self) -> String {
let mut res = String::new();
for t in &self.tokens {
res.push_str(match t {
PatternElement::Token(token) => token.text.as_str(),
PatternElement::Placeholder(placeholder) => placeholder.stand_in_name.as_str(),
pub(crate) fn placeholders_by_stand_in(&self) -> FxHashMap<SmolStr, Placeholder> {
let mut res = FxHashMap::default();
for t in &self.tokens {
if let PatternElement::Placeholder(placeholder) = t {
res.insert(SmolStr::new(placeholder.stand_in_name.clone()), placeholder.clone());
impl ParsedRule {
pub(crate) fn get_placeholder(&self, token: &SyntaxToken) -> Option<&Placeholder> {
if token.kind() != SyntaxKind::IDENT {
return None;
impl FromStr for SsrPattern {
type Err = SsrError;
fn from_str(pattern_str: &str) -> Result<SsrPattern, SsrError> {
let raw_pattern = pattern_str.parse()?;
let parsed_rules = ParsedRule::new(&raw_pattern, None)?;
Ok(SsrPattern { raw: raw_pattern, parsed_rules })
impl FromStr for SsrTemplate {
type Err = SsrError;
fn from_str(pattern_str: &str) -> Result<SsrTemplate, SsrError> {
let tokens = parse_pattern(pattern_str)?;
// Validate that the template is a valid fragment of Rust code. We reuse the validation
// logic for search patterns since the only thing that differs is the error message.
if SsrPattern::from_str(pattern_str).is_err() {
bail!("Replacement is not a valid Rust expression, type, item, path or pattern");
// Our actual template needs to preserve whitespace, so we can't reuse `tokens`.
Ok(SsrTemplate { tokens })
/// Returns `pattern_str`, parsed as a search or replace pattern. If `remove_whitespace` is true,
/// then any whitespace tokens will be removed, which we do for the search pattern, but not for the
/// replace pattern.
fn parse_pattern(pattern_str: &str) -> Result<Vec<PatternElement>, SsrError> {
let mut res = Vec::new();
let mut placeholder_names = FxHashSet::default();
let mut tokens = tokenize(pattern_str)?.into_iter();
while let Some(token) = tokens.next() {
if token.kind == T![$] {
let placeholder = parse_placeholder(&mut tokens)?;
if !placeholder_names.insert(placeholder.ident.clone()) {
bail!("Name `{}` repeats more than once", placeholder.ident);
} else {
/// Checks for errors in a rule. e.g. the replace pattern referencing placeholders that the search
/// pattern didn't define.
fn validate_rule(rule: &SsrRule) -> Result<(), SsrError> {
let mut defined_placeholders = FxHashSet::default();
for p in &rule.pattern.tokens {
if let PatternElement::Placeholder(placeholder) = p {
let mut undefined = Vec::new();
for p in &rule.template.tokens {
if let PatternElement::Placeholder(placeholder) = p {
if !defined_placeholders.contains(&placeholder.ident) {
undefined.push(format!("${}", placeholder.ident));
if !placeholder.constraints.is_empty() {
bail!("Replacement placeholders cannot have constraints");
if !undefined.is_empty() {
bail!("Replacement contains undefined placeholders: {}", undefined.join(", "));
fn tokenize(source: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, SsrError> {
let mut start = 0;
let (raw_tokens, errors) = ra_syntax::tokenize(source);
if let Some(first_error) = errors.first() {
bail!("Failed to parse pattern: {}", first_error);
let mut tokens: Vec<Token> = Vec::new();
for raw_token in raw_tokens {
let token_len = usize::from(raw_token.len);
tokens.push(Token {
kind: raw_token.kind,
text: SmolStr::new(&source[start..start + token_len]),
start += token_len;
fn parse_placeholder(tokens: &mut std::vec::IntoIter<Token>) -> Result<Placeholder, SsrError> {
let mut name = None;
let mut constraints = Vec::new();
if let Some(token) = tokens.next() {
match token.kind {
SyntaxKind::IDENT => {
name = Some(token.text);
T!['{'] => {
let token =
tokens.next().ok_or_else(|| SsrError::new("Unexpected end of placeholder"))?;
if token.kind == SyntaxKind::IDENT {
name = Some(token.text);
loop {
let token = tokens
.ok_or_else(|| SsrError::new("Placeholder is missing closing brace '}'"))?;
match token.kind {
T![:] => {
T!['}'] => break,
_ => bail!("Unexpected token while parsing placeholder: '{}'", token.text),
_ => {
bail!("Placeholders should either be $name or ${{name:constraints}}");
let name = name.ok_or_else(|| SsrError::new("Placeholder ($) with no name"))?;
Ok(Placeholder::new(name, constraints))
fn parse_constraint(tokens: &mut std::vec::IntoIter<Token>) -> Result<Constraint, SsrError> {
let constraint_type = tokens
.ok_or_else(|| SsrError::new("Found end of placeholder while looking for a constraint"))?
match constraint_type.as_str() {
"kind" => {
expect_token(tokens, "(")?;
let t = tokens.next().ok_or_else(|| {
SsrError::new("Unexpected end of constraint while looking for kind")
if t.kind != SyntaxKind::IDENT {
bail!("Expected ident, found {:?} while parsing kind constraint", t.kind);
expect_token(tokens, ")")?;
"not" => {
expect_token(tokens, "(")?;
let sub = parse_constraint(tokens)?;
expect_token(tokens, ")")?;
x => bail!("Unsupported constraint type '{}'", x),
fn expect_token(tokens: &mut std::vec::IntoIter<Token>, expected: &str) -> Result<(), SsrError> {
if let Some(t) = tokens.next() {
if t.text == expected {
return Ok(());
bail!("Expected {} found {}", expected, t.text);
bail!("Expected {} found end of stream", expected);
impl NodeKind {
fn from(name: &SmolStr) -> Result<NodeKind, SsrError> {
Ok(match name.as_str() {
"literal" => NodeKind::Literal,
_ => bail!("Unknown node kind '{}'", name),
impl Placeholder {
fn new(name: SmolStr, constraints: Vec<Constraint>) -> Self {
Self { stand_in_name: format!("__placeholder_{}", name), constraints, ident: name }
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn parser_happy_case() {
fn token(kind: SyntaxKind, text: &str) -> PatternElement {
PatternElement::Token(Token { kind, text: SmolStr::new(text) })
fn placeholder(name: &str) -> PatternElement {
PatternElement::Placeholder(Placeholder::new(SmolStr::new(name), Vec::new()))
let result: SsrRule = "foo($a, $b) ==>> bar($b, $a)".parse().unwrap();
token(SyntaxKind::IDENT, "foo"),
token(T!['('], "("),
token(T![,], ","),
token(SyntaxKind::WHITESPACE, " "),
token(T![')'], ")"),
token(SyntaxKind::IDENT, "bar"),
token(T!['('], "("),
token(T![,], ","),
token(SyntaxKind::WHITESPACE, " "),
token(T![')'], ")"),