Alex Crichton 7755ffd013 Remove #[fixed_stack_segment] and #[rust_stack]
These two attributes are no longer useful now that Rust has decided to leave
segmented stacks behind. It is assumed that the rust task's stack is always
large enough to make an FFI call (due to the stack being very large).

There's always the case of stack overflow, however, to consider. This does not
change the behavior of stack overflow in Rust. This is still normally triggered
by the __morestack function and aborts the whole process.

C stack overflow will continue to corrupt the stack, however (as it did before
this commit as well). The future improvement of a guard page at the end of every
rust stack is still unimplemented and is intended to be the mechanism through
which we attempt to detect C stack overflow.

Closes #8822
Closes #10155
2013-11-11 10:40:34 -08:00

1284 lines
38 KiB

// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Operations and constants for `f32`
use default::Default;
use libc::c_int;
use num::{Zero, One, strconv};
use num::{FPCategory, FPNaN, FPInfinite , FPZero, FPSubnormal, FPNormal};
use num;
use prelude::*;
use to_str;
pub use cmath::c_float_targ_consts::*;
use self::delegated::*;
macro_rules! delegate(
fn $name:ident(
$arg:ident : $arg_ty:ty
) -> $rv:ty = $bound_name:path
) => (
// An inner module is required to get the #[inline] attribute on the
// functions.
mod delegated {
use cmath::c_float_utils;
use libc::{c_float, c_int};
use unstable::intrinsics;
pub fn $name($( $arg : $arg_ty ),*) -> $rv {
unsafe {
$bound_name($( $arg ),*)
// intrinsics
fn abs(n: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::fabsf32,
fn cos(n: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::cosf32,
fn exp(n: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::expf32,
fn exp2(n: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::exp2f32,
fn floor(x: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::floorf32,
fn ln(n: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::logf32,
fn log10(n: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::log10f32,
fn log2(n: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::log2f32,
fn mul_add(a: f32, b: f32, c: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::fmaf32,
fn pow(n: f32, e: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::powf32,
fn powi(n: f32, e: c_int) -> f32 = intrinsics::powif32,
fn sin(n: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::sinf32,
fn sqrt(n: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::sqrtf32,
// LLVM 3.3 required to use intrinsics for these four
fn ceil(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::ceil,
fn trunc(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::trunc,
fn ceil(n: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::ceilf32,
fn trunc(n: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::truncf32,
fn rint(n: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::rintf32,
fn nearbyint(n: f32) -> f32 = intrinsics::nearbyintf32,
// cmath
fn acos(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::acos,
fn asin(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::asin,
fn atan(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::atan,
fn atan2(a: c_float, b: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::atan2,
fn cbrt(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::cbrt,
fn copysign(x: c_float, y: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::copysign,
fn cosh(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::cosh,
fn erf(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::erf,
fn erfc(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::erfc,
fn exp_m1(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::exp_m1,
fn abs_sub(a: c_float, b: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::abs_sub,
fn next_after(x: c_float, y: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::next_after,
fn frexp(n: c_float, value: &mut c_int) -> c_float = c_float_utils::frexp,
fn hypot(x: c_float, y: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::hypot,
fn ldexp(x: c_float, n: c_int) -> c_float = c_float_utils::ldexp,
fn lgamma(n: c_float, sign: &mut c_int) -> c_float = c_float_utils::lgamma,
fn log_radix(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::log_radix,
fn ln_1p(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::ln_1p,
fn ilog_radix(n: c_float) -> c_int = c_float_utils::ilog_radix,
fn modf(n: c_float, iptr: &mut c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::modf,
fn round(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::round,
fn ldexp_radix(n: c_float, i: c_int) -> c_float = c_float_utils::ldexp_radix,
fn sinh(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::sinh,
fn tan(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::tan,
fn tanh(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::tanh,
fn tgamma(n: c_float) -> c_float = c_float_utils::tgamma
// These are not defined inside consts:: for consistency with
// the integer types
pub static NAN: f32 = 0.0_f32/0.0_f32;
pub static INFINITY: f32 = 1.0_f32/0.0_f32;
pub static NEG_INFINITY: f32 = -1.0_f32/0.0_f32;
// FIXME (#1999): replace the predicates below with llvm intrinsics or
// calls to the libmath macros in the rust runtime for performance.
// FIXME (#1999): add is_normal, is_subnormal, and fpclassify.
/* Module: consts */
pub mod consts {
// FIXME (requires Issue #1433 to fix): replace with mathematical
// staticants from cmath.
/// Archimedes' constant
pub static PI: f32 = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288_f32;
/// pi/2.0
pub static FRAC_PI_2: f32 = 1.57079632679489661923132169163975144_f32;
/// pi/4.0
pub static FRAC_PI_4: f32 = 0.785398163397448309615660845819875721_f32;
/// 1.0/pi
pub static FRAC_1_PI: f32 = 0.318309886183790671537767526745028724_f32;
/// 2.0/pi
pub static FRAC_2_PI: f32 = 0.636619772367581343075535053490057448_f32;
/// 2.0/sqrt(pi)
pub static FRAC_2_SQRTPI: f32 = 1.12837916709551257389615890312154517_f32;
/// sqrt(2.0)
pub static SQRT2: f32 = 1.41421356237309504880168872420969808_f32;
/// 1.0/sqrt(2.0)
pub static FRAC_1_SQRT2: f32 = 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039_f32;
/// Euler's number
pub static E: f32 = 2.71828182845904523536028747135266250_f32;
/// log2(e)
pub static LOG2_E: f32 = 1.44269504088896340735992468100189214_f32;
/// log10(e)
pub static LOG10_E: f32 = 0.434294481903251827651128918916605082_f32;
/// ln(2.0)
pub static LN_2: f32 = 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568_f32;
/// ln(10.0)
pub static LN_10: f32 = 2.30258509299404568401799145468436421_f32;
impl Num for f32 {}
impl Eq for f32 {
fn eq(&self, other: &f32) -> bool { (*self) == (*other) }
impl ApproxEq<f32> for f32 {
fn approx_epsilon() -> f32 { 1.0e-6 }
fn approx_eq(&self, other: &f32) -> bool {
self.approx_eq_eps(other, &1.0e-6)
fn approx_eq_eps(&self, other: &f32, approx_epsilon: &f32) -> bool {
(*self - *other).abs() < *approx_epsilon
impl Ord for f32 {
fn lt(&self, other: &f32) -> bool { (*self) < (*other) }
fn le(&self, other: &f32) -> bool { (*self) <= (*other) }
fn ge(&self, other: &f32) -> bool { (*self) >= (*other) }
fn gt(&self, other: &f32) -> bool { (*self) > (*other) }
impl Orderable for f32 {
/// Returns `NAN` if either of the numbers are `NAN`.
fn min(&self, other: &f32) -> f32 {
match () {
_ if self.is_nan() => *self,
_ if other.is_nan() => *other,
_ if *self < *other => *self,
_ => *other,
/// Returns `NAN` if either of the numbers are `NAN`.
fn max(&self, other: &f32) -> f32 {
match () {
_ if self.is_nan() => *self,
_ if other.is_nan() => *other,
_ if *self > *other => *self,
_ => *other,
/// Returns the number constrained within the range `mn <= self <= mx`.
/// If any of the numbers are `NAN` then `NAN` is returned.
fn clamp(&self, mn: &f32, mx: &f32) -> f32 {
match () {
_ if self.is_nan() => *self,
_ if !(*self <= *mx) => *mx,
_ if !(*self >= *mn) => *mn,
_ => *self,
impl Default for f32 {
fn default() -> f32 { 0.0 }
impl Zero for f32 {
fn zero() -> f32 { 0.0 }
/// Returns true if the number is equal to either `0.0` or `-0.0`
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { *self == 0.0 || *self == -0.0 }
impl One for f32 {
fn one() -> f32 { 1.0 }
impl Add<f32,f32> for f32 {
fn add(&self, other: &f32) -> f32 { *self + *other }
impl Sub<f32,f32> for f32 {
fn sub(&self, other: &f32) -> f32 { *self - *other }
impl Mul<f32,f32> for f32 {
fn mul(&self, other: &f32) -> f32 { *self * *other }
impl Div<f32,f32> for f32 {
fn div(&self, other: &f32) -> f32 { *self / *other }
impl Rem<f32,f32> for f32 {
fn rem(&self, other: &f32) -> f32 { *self % *other }
impl Neg<f32> for f32 {
fn neg(&self) -> f32 { -*self }
impl Signed for f32 {
/// Computes the absolute value. Returns `NAN` if the number is `NAN`.
fn abs(&self) -> f32 { abs(*self) }
/// The positive difference of two numbers. Returns `0.0` if the number is less than or
/// equal to `other`, otherwise the difference between`self` and `other` is returned.
fn abs_sub(&self, other: &f32) -> f32 { abs_sub(*self, *other) }
/// # Returns
/// - `1.0` if the number is positive, `+0.0` or `INFINITY`
/// - `-1.0` if the number is negative, `-0.0` or `NEG_INFINITY`
/// - `NAN` if the number is NaN
fn signum(&self) -> f32 {
if self.is_nan() { NAN } else { copysign(1.0, *self) }
/// Returns `true` if the number is positive, including `+0.0` and `INFINITY`
fn is_positive(&self) -> bool { *self > 0.0 || (1.0 / *self) == INFINITY }
/// Returns `true` if the number is negative, including `-0.0` and `NEG_INFINITY`
fn is_negative(&self) -> bool { *self < 0.0 || (1.0 / *self) == NEG_INFINITY }
impl Round for f32 {
/// Round half-way cases toward `NEG_INFINITY`
fn floor(&self) -> f32 { floor(*self) }
/// Round half-way cases toward `INFINITY`
fn ceil(&self) -> f32 { ceil(*self) }
/// Round half-way cases away from `0.0`
fn round(&self) -> f32 { round(*self) }
/// The integer part of the number (rounds towards `0.0`)
fn trunc(&self) -> f32 { trunc(*self) }
/// The fractional part of the number, satisfying:
/// ```rust
/// assert!(x == trunc(x) + fract(x))
/// ```
fn fract(&self) -> f32 { *self - self.trunc() }
impl Fractional for f32 {
/// The reciprocal (multiplicative inverse) of the number
fn recip(&self) -> f32 { 1.0 / *self }
impl Algebraic for f32 {
fn pow(&self, n: &f32) -> f32 { pow(*self, *n) }
fn sqrt(&self) -> f32 { sqrt(*self) }
fn rsqrt(&self) -> f32 { self.sqrt().recip() }
fn cbrt(&self) -> f32 { cbrt(*self) }
fn hypot(&self, other: &f32) -> f32 { hypot(*self, *other) }
impl Trigonometric for f32 {
fn sin(&self) -> f32 { sin(*self) }
fn cos(&self) -> f32 { cos(*self) }
fn tan(&self) -> f32 { tan(*self) }
fn asin(&self) -> f32 { asin(*self) }
fn acos(&self) -> f32 { acos(*self) }
fn atan(&self) -> f32 { atan(*self) }
fn atan2(&self, other: &f32) -> f32 { atan2(*self, *other) }
/// Simultaneously computes the sine and cosine of the number
fn sin_cos(&self) -> (f32, f32) {
(self.sin(), self.cos())
impl Exponential for f32 {
/// Returns the exponential of the number
fn exp(&self) -> f32 { exp(*self) }
/// Returns 2 raised to the power of the number
fn exp2(&self) -> f32 { exp2(*self) }
/// Returns the natural logarithm of the number
fn ln(&self) -> f32 { ln(*self) }
/// Returns the logarithm of the number with respect to an arbitrary base
fn log(&self, base: &f32) -> f32 { self.ln() / base.ln() }
/// Returns the base 2 logarithm of the number
fn log2(&self) -> f32 { log2(*self) }
/// Returns the base 10 logarithm of the number
fn log10(&self) -> f32 { log10(*self) }
impl Hyperbolic for f32 {
fn sinh(&self) -> f32 { sinh(*self) }
fn cosh(&self) -> f32 { cosh(*self) }
fn tanh(&self) -> f32 { tanh(*self) }
/// Inverse hyperbolic sine
/// # Returns
/// - on success, the inverse hyperbolic sine of `self` will be returned
/// - `self` if `self` is `0.0`, `-0.0`, `INFINITY`, or `NEG_INFINITY`
/// - `NAN` if `self` is `NAN`
fn asinh(&self) -> f32 {
match *self {
x => (x + ((x * x) + 1.0).sqrt()).ln(),
/// Inverse hyperbolic cosine
/// # Returns
/// - on success, the inverse hyperbolic cosine of `self` will be returned
/// - `INFINITY` if `self` is `INFINITY`
/// - `NAN` if `self` is `NAN` or `self < 1.0` (including `NEG_INFINITY`)
fn acosh(&self) -> f32 {
match *self {
x if x < 1.0 => Float::nan(),
x => (x + ((x * x) - 1.0).sqrt()).ln(),
/// Inverse hyperbolic tangent
/// # Returns
/// - on success, the inverse hyperbolic tangent of `self` will be returned
/// - `self` if `self` is `0.0` or `-0.0`
/// - `INFINITY` if `self` is `1.0`
/// - `NEG_INFINITY` if `self` is `-1.0`
/// - `NAN` if the `self` is `NAN` or outside the domain of `-1.0 <= self <= 1.0`
/// (including `INFINITY` and `NEG_INFINITY`)
fn atanh(&self) -> f32 {
0.5 * ((2.0 * *self) / (1.0 - *self)).ln_1p()
impl Real for f32 {
/// Archimedes' constant
fn pi() -> f32 { 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 }
/// 2.0 * pi
fn two_pi() -> f32 { 6.28318530717958647692528676655900576 }
/// pi / 2.0
fn frac_pi_2() -> f32 { 1.57079632679489661923132169163975144 }
/// pi / 3.0
fn frac_pi_3() -> f32 { 1.04719755119659774615421446109316763 }
/// pi / 4.0
fn frac_pi_4() -> f32 { 0.785398163397448309615660845819875721 }
/// pi / 6.0
fn frac_pi_6() -> f32 { 0.52359877559829887307710723054658381 }
/// pi / 8.0
fn frac_pi_8() -> f32 { 0.39269908169872415480783042290993786 }
/// 1 .0/ pi
fn frac_1_pi() -> f32 { 0.318309886183790671537767526745028724 }
/// 2.0 / pi
fn frac_2_pi() -> f32 { 0.636619772367581343075535053490057448 }
/// 2.0 / sqrt(pi)
fn frac_2_sqrtpi() -> f32 { 1.12837916709551257389615890312154517 }
/// sqrt(2.0)
fn sqrt2() -> f32 { 1.41421356237309504880168872420969808 }
/// 1.0 / sqrt(2.0)
fn frac_1_sqrt2() -> f32 { 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039 }
/// Euler's number
fn e() -> f32 { 2.71828182845904523536028747135266250 }
/// log2(e)
fn log2_e() -> f32 { 1.44269504088896340735992468100189214 }
/// log10(e)
fn log10_e() -> f32 { 0.434294481903251827651128918916605082 }
/// ln(2.0)
fn ln_2() -> f32 { 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568 }
/// ln(10.0)
fn ln_10() -> f32 { 2.30258509299404568401799145468436421 }
/// Converts to degrees, assuming the number is in radians
fn to_degrees(&self) -> f32 { *self * (180.0f32 / Real::pi()) }
/// Converts to radians, assuming the number is in degrees
fn to_radians(&self) -> f32 {
let value: f32 = Real::pi();
*self * (value / 180.0f32)
impl Bounded for f32 {
fn min_value() -> f32 { 1.17549435e-38 }
fn max_value() -> f32 { 3.40282347e+38 }
impl Primitive for f32 {
fn bits(_: Option<f32>) -> uint { 32 }
fn bytes(_: Option<f32>) -> uint { Primitive::bits(Some(0f32)) / 8 }
fn is_signed(_: Option<f32>) -> bool { true }
impl Float for f32 {
fn nan() -> f32 { 0.0 / 0.0 }
fn infinity() -> f32 { 1.0 / 0.0 }
fn neg_infinity() -> f32 { -1.0 / 0.0 }
fn neg_zero() -> f32 { -0.0 }
/// Returns `true` if the number is NaN
fn is_nan(&self) -> bool { *self != *self }
/// Returns `true` if the number is infinite
fn is_infinite(&self) -> bool {
*self == Float::infinity() || *self == Float::neg_infinity()
/// Returns `true` if the number is neither infinite or NaN
fn is_finite(&self) -> bool {
!(self.is_nan() || self.is_infinite())
/// Returns `true` if the number is neither zero, infinite, subnormal or NaN
fn is_normal(&self) -> bool {
self.classify() == FPNormal
/// Returns the floating point category of the number. If only one property is going to
/// be tested, it is generally faster to use the specific predicate instead.
fn classify(&self) -> FPCategory {
static EXP_MASK: u32 = 0x7f800000;
static MAN_MASK: u32 = 0x007fffff;
match (
unsafe { ::cast::transmute::<f32,u32>(*self) } & MAN_MASK,
unsafe { ::cast::transmute::<f32,u32>(*self) } & EXP_MASK,
) {
(0, 0) => FPZero,
(_, 0) => FPSubnormal,
(0, EXP_MASK) => FPInfinite,
(_, EXP_MASK) => FPNaN,
_ => FPNormal,
fn mantissa_digits(_: Option<f32>) -> uint { 24 }
fn digits(_: Option<f32>) -> uint { 6 }
fn epsilon() -> f32 { 1.19209290e-07 }
fn min_exp(_: Option<f32>) -> int { -125 }
fn max_exp(_: Option<f32>) -> int { 128 }
fn min_10_exp(_: Option<f32>) -> int { -37 }
fn max_10_exp(_: Option<f32>) -> int { 38 }
/// Constructs a floating point number by multiplying `x` by 2 raised to the power of `exp`
fn ldexp(x: f32, exp: int) -> f32 {
ldexp(x, exp as c_int)
/// Breaks the number into a normalized fraction and a base-2 exponent, satisfying:
/// - `self = x * pow(2, exp)`
/// - `0.5 <= abs(x) < 1.0`
fn frexp(&self) -> (f32, int) {
let mut exp = 0;
let x = frexp(*self, &mut exp);
(x, exp as int)
/// Returns the exponential of the number, minus `1`, in a way that is accurate
/// even if the number is close to zero
fn exp_m1(&self) -> f32 { exp_m1(*self) }
/// Returns the natural logarithm of the number plus `1` (`ln(1+n)`) more accurately
/// than if the operations were performed separately
fn ln_1p(&self) -> f32 { ln_1p(*self) }
/// Fused multiply-add. Computes `(self * a) + b` with only one rounding error. This
/// produces a more accurate result with better performance than a separate multiplication
/// operation followed by an add.
fn mul_add(&self, a: f32, b: f32) -> f32 {
mul_add(*self, a, b)
/// Returns the next representable floating-point value in the direction of `other`
fn next_after(&self, other: f32) -> f32 {
next_after(*self, other)
// Section: String Conversions
/// Converts a float to a string
/// # Arguments
/// * num - The float value
pub fn to_str(num: f32) -> ~str {
let (r, _) = strconv::float_to_str_common(
num, 10u, true, strconv::SignNeg, strconv::DigAll);
/// Converts a float to a string in hexadecimal format
/// # Arguments
/// * num - The float value
pub fn to_str_hex(num: f32) -> ~str {
let (r, _) = strconv::float_to_str_common(
num, 16u, true, strconv::SignNeg, strconv::DigAll);
/// Converts a float to a string in a given radix, and a flag indicating
/// whether it's a special value
/// # Arguments
/// * num - The float value
/// * radix - The base to use
pub fn to_str_radix_special(num: f32, rdx: uint) -> (~str, bool) {
strconv::float_to_str_common(num, rdx, true,
strconv::SignNeg, strconv::DigAll)
/// Converts a float to a string with exactly the number of
/// provided significant digits
/// # Arguments
/// * num - The float value
/// * digits - The number of significant digits
pub fn to_str_exact(num: f32, dig: uint) -> ~str {
let (r, _) = strconv::float_to_str_common(
num, 10u, true, strconv::SignNeg, strconv::DigExact(dig));
/// Converts a float to a string with a maximum number of
/// significant digits
/// # Arguments
/// * num - The float value
/// * digits - The number of significant digits
pub fn to_str_digits(num: f32, dig: uint) -> ~str {
let (r, _) = strconv::float_to_str_common(
num, 10u, true, strconv::SignNeg, strconv::DigMax(dig));
impl to_str::ToStr for f32 {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str { to_str_digits(*self, 8) }
impl num::ToStrRadix for f32 {
/// Converts a float to a string in a given radix
/// # Arguments
/// * num - The float value
/// * radix - The base to use
/// # Failure
/// Fails if called on a special value like `inf`, `-inf` or `NaN` due to
/// possible misinterpretation of the result at higher bases. If those values
/// are expected, use `to_str_radix_special()` instead.
fn to_str_radix(&self, rdx: uint) -> ~str {
let (r, special) = strconv::float_to_str_common(
*self, rdx, true, strconv::SignNeg, strconv::DigAll);
if special { fail!("number has a special value, \
try to_str_radix_special() if those are expected") }
/// Convert a string in base 16 to a float.
/// Accepts a optional binary exponent.
/// This function accepts strings such as
/// * 'a4.fe'
/// * '+a4.fe', equivalent to 'a4.fe'
/// * '-a4.fe'
/// * '2b.aP128', or equivalently, '2b.ap128'
/// * '2b.aP-128'
/// * '.' (understood as 0)
/// * 'c.'
/// * '.c', or, equivalently, '0.c'
/// * '+inf', 'inf', '-inf', 'NaN'
/// Leading and trailing whitespace represent an error.
/// # Arguments
/// * num - A string
/// # Return value
/// `None` if the string did not represent a valid number. Otherwise,
/// `Some(n)` where `n` is the floating-point number represented by `[num]`.
pub fn from_str_hex(num: &str) -> Option<f32> {
strconv::from_str_common(num, 16u, true, true, true,
strconv::ExpBin, false, false)
impl FromStr for f32 {
/// Convert a string in base 10 to a float.
/// Accepts a optional decimal exponent.
/// This function accepts strings such as
/// * '3.14'
/// * '+3.14', equivalent to '3.14'
/// * '-3.14'
/// * '2.5E10', or equivalently, '2.5e10'
/// * '2.5E-10'
/// * '.' (understood as 0)
/// * '5.'
/// * '.5', or, equivalently, '0.5'
/// * '+inf', 'inf', '-inf', 'NaN'
/// Leading and trailing whitespace represent an error.
/// # Arguments
/// * num - A string
/// # Return value
/// `None` if the string did not represent a valid number. Otherwise,
/// `Some(n)` where `n` is the floating-point number represented by `num`.
fn from_str(val: &str) -> Option<f32> {
strconv::from_str_common(val, 10u, true, true, true,
strconv::ExpDec, false, false)
impl num::FromStrRadix for f32 {
/// Convert a string in an given base to a float.
/// Due to possible conflicts, this function does **not** accept
/// the special values `inf`, `-inf`, `+inf` and `NaN`, **nor**
/// does it recognize exponents of any kind.
/// Leading and trailing whitespace represent an error.
/// # Arguments
/// * num - A string
/// * radix - The base to use. Must lie in the range [2 .. 36]
/// # Return value
/// `None` if the string did not represent a valid number. Otherwise,
/// `Some(n)` where `n` is the floating-point number represented by `num`.
fn from_str_radix(val: &str, rdx: uint) -> Option<f32> {
strconv::from_str_common(val, rdx, true, true, false,
strconv::ExpNone, false, false)
mod tests {
use f32::*;
use prelude::*;
use num::*;
use num;
use mem;
fn test_num() {
num::test_num(10f32, 2f32);
fn test_min() {
assert_eq!(1f32.min(&2f32), 1f32);
assert_eq!(2f32.min(&1f32), 1f32);
fn test_max() {
assert_eq!(1f32.max(&2f32), 2f32);
assert_eq!(2f32.max(&1f32), 2f32);
fn test_clamp() {
assert_eq!(1f32.clamp(&2f32, &4f32), 2f32);
assert_eq!(8f32.clamp(&2f32, &4f32), 4f32);
assert_eq!(3f32.clamp(&2f32, &4f32), 3f32);
let nan: f32 = Float::nan();
assert!(3f32.clamp(&nan, &4f32).is_nan());
assert!(3f32.clamp(&2f32, &nan).is_nan());
assert!(nan.clamp(&2f32, &4f32).is_nan());
fn test_floor() {
assert_approx_eq!(1.0f32.floor(), 1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.3f32.floor(), 1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.5f32.floor(), 1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.7f32.floor(), 1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(0.0f32.floor(), 0.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-0.0f32).floor(), -0.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.0f32).floor(), -1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.3f32).floor(), -2.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.5f32).floor(), -2.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.7f32).floor(), -2.0f32);
fn test_ceil() {
assert_approx_eq!(1.0f32.ceil(), 1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.3f32.ceil(), 2.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.5f32.ceil(), 2.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.7f32.ceil(), 2.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(0.0f32.ceil(), 0.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-0.0f32).ceil(), -0.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.0f32).ceil(), -1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.3f32).ceil(), -1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.5f32).ceil(), -1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.7f32).ceil(), -1.0f32);
fn test_round() {
assert_approx_eq!(1.0f32.round(), 1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.3f32.round(), 1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.5f32.round(), 2.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.7f32.round(), 2.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(0.0f32.round(), 0.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-0.0f32).round(), -0.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.0f32).round(), -1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.3f32).round(), -1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.5f32).round(), -2.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.7f32).round(), -2.0f32);
fn test_trunc() {
assert_approx_eq!(1.0f32.trunc(), 1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.3f32.trunc(), 1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.5f32.trunc(), 1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.7f32.trunc(), 1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(0.0f32.trunc(), 0.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-0.0f32).trunc(), -0.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.0f32).trunc(), -1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.3f32).trunc(), -1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.5f32).trunc(), -1.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.7f32).trunc(), -1.0f32);
fn test_fract() {
assert_approx_eq!(1.0f32.fract(), 0.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.3f32.fract(), 0.3f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.5f32.fract(), 0.5f32);
assert_approx_eq!(1.7f32.fract(), 0.7f32);
assert_approx_eq!(0.0f32.fract(), 0.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-0.0f32).fract(), -0.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.0f32).fract(), -0.0f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.3f32).fract(), -0.3f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.5f32).fract(), -0.5f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-1.7f32).fract(), -0.7f32);
fn test_asinh() {
assert_eq!(0.0f32.asinh(), 0.0f32);
assert_eq!((-0.0f32).asinh(), -0.0f32);
let inf: f32 = Float::infinity();
let neg_inf: f32 = Float::neg_infinity();
let nan: f32 = Float::nan();
assert_eq!(inf.asinh(), inf);
assert_eq!(neg_inf.asinh(), neg_inf);
assert_approx_eq!(2.0f32.asinh(), 1.443635475178810342493276740273105f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-2.0f32).asinh(), -1.443635475178810342493276740273105f32);
fn test_acosh() {
assert_eq!(1.0f32.acosh(), 0.0f32);
let inf: f32 = Float::infinity();
let neg_inf: f32 = Float::neg_infinity();
let nan: f32 = Float::nan();
assert_eq!(inf.acosh(), inf);
assert_approx_eq!(2.0f32.acosh(), 1.31695789692481670862504634730796844f32);
assert_approx_eq!(3.0f32.acosh(), 1.76274717403908605046521864995958461f32);
fn test_atanh() {
assert_eq!(0.0f32.atanh(), 0.0f32);
assert_eq!((-0.0f32).atanh(), -0.0f32);
let inf32: f32 = Float::infinity();
let neg_inf32: f32 = Float::neg_infinity();
assert_eq!(1.0f32.atanh(), inf32);
assert_eq!((-1.0f32).atanh(), neg_inf32);
let inf64: f32 = Float::infinity();
let neg_inf64: f32 = Float::neg_infinity();
let nan32: f32 = Float::nan();
assert_approx_eq!(0.5f32.atanh(), 0.54930614433405484569762261846126285f32);
assert_approx_eq!((-0.5f32).atanh(), -0.54930614433405484569762261846126285f32);
fn test_real_consts() {
let pi: f32 = Real::pi();
let two_pi: f32 = Real::two_pi();
let frac_pi_2: f32 = Real::frac_pi_2();
let frac_pi_3: f32 = Real::frac_pi_3();
let frac_pi_4: f32 = Real::frac_pi_4();
let frac_pi_6: f32 = Real::frac_pi_6();
let frac_pi_8: f32 = Real::frac_pi_8();
let frac_1_pi: f32 = Real::frac_1_pi();
let frac_2_pi: f32 = Real::frac_2_pi();
let frac_2_sqrtpi: f32 = Real::frac_2_sqrtpi();
let sqrt2: f32 = Real::sqrt2();
let frac_1_sqrt2: f32 = Real::frac_1_sqrt2();
let e: f32 = Real::e();
let log2_e: f32 = Real::log2_e();
let log10_e: f32 = Real::log10_e();
let ln_2: f32 = Real::ln_2();
let ln_10: f32 = Real::ln_10();
assert_approx_eq!(two_pi, 2f32 * pi);
assert_approx_eq!(frac_pi_2, pi / 2f32);
assert_approx_eq!(frac_pi_3, pi / 3f32);
assert_approx_eq!(frac_pi_4, pi / 4f32);
assert_approx_eq!(frac_pi_6, pi / 6f32);
assert_approx_eq!(frac_pi_8, pi / 8f32);
assert_approx_eq!(frac_1_pi, 1f32 / pi);
assert_approx_eq!(frac_2_pi, 2f32 / pi);
assert_approx_eq!(frac_2_sqrtpi, 2f32 / pi.sqrt());
assert_approx_eq!(sqrt2, 2f32.sqrt());
assert_approx_eq!(frac_1_sqrt2, 1f32 / 2f32.sqrt());
assert_approx_eq!(log2_e, e.log2());
assert_approx_eq!(log10_e, e.log10());
assert_approx_eq!(ln_2, 2f32.ln());
assert_approx_eq!(ln_10, 10f32.ln());
pub fn test_abs() {
assert_eq!(INFINITY.abs(), INFINITY);
assert_eq!(1f32.abs(), 1f32);
assert_eq!(0f32.abs(), 0f32);
assert_eq!((-0f32).abs(), 0f32);
assert_eq!((-1f32).abs(), 1f32);
assert_eq!(NEG_INFINITY.abs(), INFINITY);
assert_eq!((1f32/NEG_INFINITY).abs(), 0f32);
fn test_abs_sub() {
assert_eq!((-1f32).abs_sub(&1f32), 0f32);
assert_eq!(1f32.abs_sub(&1f32), 0f32);
assert_eq!(1f32.abs_sub(&0f32), 1f32);
assert_eq!(1f32.abs_sub(&-1f32), 2f32);
assert_eq!(NEG_INFINITY.abs_sub(&0f32), 0f32);
assert_eq!(INFINITY.abs_sub(&1f32), INFINITY);
assert_eq!(0f32.abs_sub(&NEG_INFINITY), INFINITY);
assert_eq!(0f32.abs_sub(&INFINITY), 0f32);
#[test] #[ignore(cfg(windows))] // FIXME #8663
fn test_abs_sub_nowin() {
fn test_signum() {
assert_eq!(INFINITY.signum(), 1f32);
assert_eq!(1f32.signum(), 1f32);
assert_eq!(0f32.signum(), 1f32);
assert_eq!((-0f32).signum(), -1f32);
assert_eq!((-1f32).signum(), -1f32);
assert_eq!(NEG_INFINITY.signum(), -1f32);
assert_eq!((1f32/NEG_INFINITY).signum(), -1f32);
fn test_is_positive() {
fn test_is_negative() {
fn test_approx_eq() {
assert!(1.000001f32.approx_eq_eps(&1f32, &1.0e-5));
assert!(1.0000001f32.approx_eq_eps(&1f32, &1.0e-6));
assert!(!1.0000001f32.approx_eq_eps(&1f32, &1.0e-7));
fn test_primitive() {
let none: Option<f32> = None;
assert_eq!(Primitive::bits(none), mem::size_of::<f32>() * 8);
assert_eq!(Primitive::bytes(none), mem::size_of::<f32>());
fn test_is_normal() {
let nan: f32 = Float::nan();
let inf: f32 = Float::infinity();
let neg_inf: f32 = Float::neg_infinity();
let zero: f32 = Zero::zero();
let neg_zero: f32 = Float::neg_zero();
fn test_classify() {
let nan: f32 = Float::nan();
let inf: f32 = Float::infinity();
let neg_inf: f32 = Float::neg_infinity();
let zero: f32 = Zero::zero();
let neg_zero: f32 = Float::neg_zero();
assert_eq!(nan.classify(), FPNaN);
assert_eq!(inf.classify(), FPInfinite);
assert_eq!(neg_inf.classify(), FPInfinite);
assert_eq!(zero.classify(), FPZero);
assert_eq!(neg_zero.classify(), FPZero);
assert_eq!(1f32.classify(), FPNormal);
assert_eq!(1e-37f32.classify(), FPNormal);
assert_eq!(1e-38f32.classify(), FPSubnormal);
fn test_ldexp() {
// We have to use from_str until base-2 exponents
// are supported in floating-point literals
let f1: f32 = from_str_hex("1p-123").unwrap();
let f2: f32 = from_str_hex("1p-111").unwrap();
assert_eq!(Float::ldexp(1f32, -123), f1);
assert_eq!(Float::ldexp(1f32, -111), f2);
assert_eq!(Float::ldexp(0f32, -123), 0f32);
assert_eq!(Float::ldexp(-0f32, -123), -0f32);
let inf: f32 = Float::infinity();
let neg_inf: f32 = Float::neg_infinity();
let nan: f32 = Float::nan();
assert_eq!(Float::ldexp(inf, -123), inf);
assert_eq!(Float::ldexp(neg_inf, -123), neg_inf);
assert!(Float::ldexp(nan, -123).is_nan());
fn test_frexp() {
// We have to use from_str until base-2 exponents
// are supported in floating-point literals
let f1: f32 = from_str_hex("1p-123").unwrap();
let f2: f32 = from_str_hex("1p-111").unwrap();
let (x1, exp1) = f1.frexp();
let (x2, exp2) = f2.frexp();
assert_eq!((x1, exp1), (0.5f32, -122));
assert_eq!((x2, exp2), (0.5f32, -110));
assert_eq!(Float::ldexp(x1, exp1), f1);
assert_eq!(Float::ldexp(x2, exp2), f2);
assert_eq!(0f32.frexp(), (0f32, 0));
assert_eq!((-0f32).frexp(), (-0f32, 0));
#[test] #[ignore(cfg(windows))] // FIXME #8755
fn test_frexp_nowin() {
let inf: f32 = Float::infinity();
let neg_inf: f32 = Float::neg_infinity();
let nan: f32 = Float::nan();
assert_eq!(match inf.frexp() { (x, _) => x }, inf)
assert_eq!(match neg_inf.frexp() { (x, _) => x }, neg_inf)
assert!(match nan.frexp() { (x, _) => x.is_nan() })