Fix last `let_chains` blocker
In order to forbid things like `let x = (let y = 1);` or `if let a = 1 && { let x = let y = 1; } {}`, the parser **HAS** to know the context of `let`.
This context thing is not a surprise in the parser because you can see **a lot** of ad hoc fixes mixing parsing logic with validation logic creating code that looks more like spaghetti with tomato sauce.
To make things even greater, a new ad hoc fix was added to only allow `let`s in a valid `let_chains` context by checking the previously processed token. This was the only solution I could think of and believe me, I thought about it for a long time 👍
In the long term, it should be preferable to segregate different responsibilities or create a more robust and cleaner parser framework.