Tim Chevalier 85b5b2a8e4 Tests for while loops that may invalidate constraints
Wrote some small test cases that use while loops and moves, to
make sure the poststate for the loop body gets propagated into the
new prestate and deinitialization gets reflected.

Along with that, rewrite the code for intersecting states. I still
find it dodgy, but I guess I'll continue trying to add more tests.
Also, I'll probably feel better about it once I start formalizing
the algorithm.
2011-06-27 18:14:23 -07:00

271 lines
8.6 KiB

import front::ast::*;
import std::option::*;
import std::vec;
import std::vec::len;
import std::vec::slice;
import aux::local_node_id_to_def;
import aux::fn_ctxt;
import aux::fn_info;
import aux::log_tritv;
import aux::log_tritv_err;
import aux::num_constraints;
import aux::cinit;
import aux::cpred;
import aux::ninit;
import aux::npred;
import aux::pred_desc;
import aux::match_args;
import aux::constr_;
import aux::block_precond;
import aux::stmt_precond;
import aux::expr_precond;
import aux::block_prestate;
import aux::expr_prestate;
import aux::stmt_prestate;
import tstate::aux::node_id_to_ts_ann;
import tstate::ann::pre_and_post;
import tstate::ann::precond;
import tstate::ann::postcond;
import tstate::ann::prestate;
import tstate::ann::poststate;
import tstate::ann::relax_prestate;
import tstate::ann::relax_precond;
import tstate::ann::relax_poststate;
import tstate::ann::pps_len;
import tstate::ann::true_precond;
import tstate::ann::empty_prestate;
import tstate::ann::difference;
import tstate::ann::union;
import tstate::ann::intersect;
import tstate::ann::clone;
import tstate::ann::set_in_postcond;
import tstate::ann::set_in_poststate;
import tstate::ann::set_in_poststate_;
import tstate::ann::clear_in_poststate;
import tstate::ann::clear_in_prestate;
import tstate::ann::clear_in_poststate_;
import tritv::*;
fn bit_num(&fn_ctxt fcx, &constr_ c) -> uint {
assert (fcx.enclosing.constrs.contains_key(;
auto rslt = fcx.enclosing.constrs.get(;
alt (c.c) {
case (ninit(_)) {
alt (rslt) {
case (cinit(?n, _, _)) { ret n; }
case (_) {
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug("bit_num: asked for init constraint,"
+ " found a pred constraint");
case (npred(_, ?args)) {
alt (rslt) {
case (cpred(_, ?descs)) { ret match_args(fcx, *descs, args); }
case (_) {
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug("bit_num: asked for pred constraint,"
+ " found an init constraint");
fn promises(&fn_ctxt fcx, &poststate p, &constr_ c) -> bool {
ret tritv_get(p, bit_num(fcx, c)) == ttrue;
// v "happens after" u
fn seq_trit(trit u, trit v) -> trit {
alt (v) {
case (ttrue) { ttrue }
case (tfalse) { tfalse }
case (dont_care) { u }
// idea: q "happens after" p -- so if something is
// 1 in q and 0 in p, it's 1 in the result; however,
// if it's 0 in q and 1 in p, it's 0 in the result
fn seq_tritv(&postcond p, &postcond q) {
auto i = 0u;
assert (p.nbits == q.nbits);
while (i < p.nbits) {
tritv_set(i, p, seq_trit(tritv_get(p, i), tritv_get(q, i)));
i += 1u;
fn seq_postconds(&fn_ctxt fcx, &vec[postcond] ps) -> postcond {
auto sz = vec::len(ps);
if (sz >= 1u) {
auto prev = tritv_clone(ps.(0));
for (postcond p in slice(ps, 1u, sz)) {
seq_tritv(prev, p);
ret prev;
else {
ret ann::empty_poststate(num_constraints(fcx.enclosing));
// Given a list of pres and posts for exprs e0 ... en,
// return the precondition for evaluating each expr in order.
// So, if e0's post is {x} and e1's pre is {x, y, z}, the entire
// precondition shouldn't include x.
fn seq_preconds(&fn_ctxt fcx, &vec[pre_and_post] pps) -> precond {
let uint sz = len(pps);
let uint num_vars = num_constraints(fcx.enclosing);
fn seq_preconds_go(&fn_ctxt fcx, &vec[pre_and_post] pps,
&pre_and_post first)
-> precond {
let uint sz = len(pps);
if (sz >= 1u) {
auto second = pps.(0);
assert (pps_len(second) == num_constraints(fcx.enclosing));
auto second_pre = clone(second.precondition);
difference(second_pre, first.postcondition);
auto next_first = clone(first.precondition);
union(next_first, second_pre);
auto next_first_post = clone(first.postcondition);
seq_tritv(next_first_post, second.postcondition);
ret seq_preconds_go(fcx, slice(pps, 1u, sz),
else {
ret first.precondition;
if (sz >= 1u) {
auto first = pps.(0);
assert (pps_len(first) == num_vars);
ret seq_preconds_go(fcx, slice(pps, 1u, sz), first);
} else { ret true_precond(num_vars); }
fn intersect_states(&prestate p, &prestate q) -> prestate {
auto rslt = tritv_clone(p);
tritv_intersect(rslt, q);
ret rslt;
fn gen(&fn_ctxt fcx, node_id id, &constr_ c) -> bool {
ret set_in_postcond(bit_num(fcx, c),
node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, id).conditions);
fn declare_var(&fn_ctxt fcx, &constr_ c, prestate pre) -> prestate {
auto rslt = clone(pre);
relax_prestate(bit_num(fcx, c), rslt);
// idea is this is scoped
relax_poststate(bit_num(fcx, c), rslt);
ret rslt;
fn relax_precond_block_non_recursive(&fn_ctxt fcx, node_id i, &block b) {
relax_precond(i as uint, block_precond(fcx.ccx, b));
fn relax_precond_expr(&fn_ctxt fcx, node_id i, &@expr e) {
relax_precond(i as uint, expr_precond(fcx.ccx, e));
fn relax_precond_stmt(&fn_ctxt fcx, node_id i, &@stmt s) {
relax_precond(i as uint, stmt_precond(fcx.ccx, *s));
fn relax_precond_block(&fn_ctxt fcx, node_id i, &block b) {
relax_precond_block_non_recursive(fcx, i, b);
// FIXME: should use visit instead
// could at least generalize this pattern
// (also seen in ck::check_states_against_conditions)
let @mutable bool keepgoing = @mutable true;
fn quit(@mutable bool keepgoing, &@item i) {
*keepgoing = false;
fn kg(@mutable bool keepgoing) -> bool { ret *keepgoing; }
auto v = rec(visit_block_pre = bind
relax_precond_block_non_recursive(fcx, i, _),
visit_expr_pre = bind relax_precond_expr(fcx, i, _),
visit_stmt_pre = bind relax_precond_stmt(fcx, i, _),
visit_item_pre=bind quit(keepgoing, _),
keep_going=bind kg(keepgoing)
with walk::default_visitor());
walk::walk_block(v, b);
fn gen_poststate(&fn_ctxt fcx, node_id id, &constr_ c) -> bool {
log "gen_poststate";
ret set_in_poststate(bit_num(fcx, c),
node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, id).states);
fn kill_prestate(&fn_ctxt fcx, node_id id, &constr_ c) -> bool {
ret clear_in_prestate(bit_num(fcx, c),
node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, id).states);
fn kill_poststate(&fn_ctxt fcx, node_id id, &constr_ c) -> bool {
log "kill_poststate";
ret clear_in_poststate(bit_num(fcx, c),
node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, id).states);
fn clear_in_poststate_expr(&fn_ctxt fcx, &@expr e, &poststate t) {
alt (e.node) {
case (expr_path(?p)) {
alt (vec::last(p.node.idents)) {
case (some(?i)) {
alt (local_node_id_to_def(fcx, {
case (some(def_local(?d_id))) {
c=ninit(i))), t);
case (some(_)) { /* ignore args (for now...) */ }
case (_) {
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug("clear_in_poststate_expr: \
unbound var"); }
case (_) { fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug("clear_in_poststate_expr"); }
case (_) { /* do nothing */ }
fn set_in_poststate_ident(&fn_ctxt fcx, &node_id id, &ident ident,
&poststate t) -> bool {
ret set_in_poststate_(bit_num(fcx, rec(id=id, c=ninit(ident))), t);
fn clear_in_poststate_ident(&fn_ctxt fcx, &node_id id, &ident ident,
&node_id parent) -> bool {
ret kill_poststate(fcx, parent, rec(id=id, c=ninit(ident)));
fn clear_in_prestate_ident(&fn_ctxt fcx, &node_id id, &ident ident,
&node_id parent) -> bool {
ret kill_prestate(fcx, parent, rec(id=id, c=ninit(ident)));
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
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// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
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