Nicholas Nethercote 1aceaaa969 Avoid hashing the key twice in get_query().
For a single-threaded parallel compiler, this reduces instruction counts
across several benchmarks, by up to 2.8%.

The commit also adds documentation about `Sharded`'s use of `FxHasher`.
2019-11-04 10:15:55 +11:00

1192 lines
44 KiB

//! The implementation of the query system itself. This defines the macros that
//! generate the actual methods on tcx which find and execute the provider,
//! manage the caches, and so forth.
use crate::dep_graph::{DepNodeIndex, DepNode, DepKind, SerializedDepNodeIndex};
use crate::ty::tls;
use crate::ty::{self, TyCtxt};
use crate::ty::query::Query;
use crate::ty::query::config::{QueryConfig, QueryDescription};
use crate::ty::query::job::{QueryJob, QueryResult, QueryInfo};
use errors::DiagnosticBuilder;
use errors::Level;
use errors::Diagnostic;
use errors::FatalError;
use errors::Handler;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHasher, FxHashMap};
use rustc_data_structures::sync::{Lrc, Lock};
use rustc_data_structures::sharded::Sharded;
use rustc_data_structures::thin_vec::ThinVec;
use rustc_data_structures::cold_path;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use syntax_pos::Span;
use syntax::source_map::DUMMY_SP;
pub struct QueryCache<'tcx, D: QueryConfig<'tcx> + ?Sized> {
pub(super) results: FxHashMap<D::Key, QueryValue<D::Value>>,
pub(super) active: FxHashMap<D::Key, QueryResult<'tcx>>,
pub(super) cache_hits: usize,
pub(super) struct QueryValue<T> {
pub(super) value: T,
pub(super) index: DepNodeIndex,
impl<T> QueryValue<T> {
pub(super) fn new(value: T,
dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex)
-> QueryValue<T> {
QueryValue {
index: dep_node_index,
impl<'tcx, M: QueryConfig<'tcx>> Default for QueryCache<'tcx, M> {
fn default() -> QueryCache<'tcx, M> {
QueryCache {
results: FxHashMap::default(),
active: FxHashMap::default(),
cache_hits: 0,
/// A type representing the responsibility to execute the job in the `job` field.
/// This will poison the relevant query if dropped.
pub(super) struct JobOwner<'a, 'tcx, Q: QueryDescription<'tcx>> {
cache: &'a Sharded<QueryCache<'tcx, Q>>,
key: Q::Key,
job: Lrc<QueryJob<'tcx>>,
impl<'a, 'tcx, Q: QueryDescription<'tcx>> JobOwner<'a, 'tcx, Q> {
/// Either gets a `JobOwner` corresponding the query, allowing us to
/// start executing the query, or returns with the result of the query.
/// If the query is executing elsewhere, this will wait for it.
/// If the query panicked, this will silently panic.
/// This function is inlined because that results in a noticeable speed-up
/// for some compile-time benchmarks.
pub(super) fn try_get(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, span: Span, key: &Q::Key) -> TryGetJob<'a, 'tcx, Q> {
let cache = Q::query_cache(tcx);
loop {
// We compute the key's hash once and then use it for both the
// shard lookup and the hashmap lookup. This relies on the fact
// that both of them use `FxHasher`.
let mut state = FxHasher::default();
key.hash(&mut state);
let key_hash = state.finish();
let mut lock = cache.get_shard_by_hash(key_hash).lock();
if let Some((_, value)) =
lock.results.raw_entry().from_key_hashed_nocheck(key_hash, key)
let result = (value.value.clone(), value.index);
lock.cache_hits += 1;
return TryGetJob::JobCompleted(result);
let query_blocked_prof_timer;
let job = match*key).clone()) {
Entry::Occupied(entry) => {
match *entry.get() {
QueryResult::Started(ref job) => {
// For parallel queries, we'll block and wait until the query running
// in another thread has completed. Record how long we wait in the
// self-profiler.
query_blocked_prof_timer =;
QueryResult::Poisoned => FatalError.raise(),
Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
// No job entry for this query. Return a new one to be started later.
return tls::with_related_context(tcx, |icx| {
// Create the `parent` variable before `info`. This allows LLVM
// to elide the move of `info`
let parent = icx.query.clone();
let info = QueryInfo {
query: Q::query(key.clone()),
let job = Lrc::new(QueryJob::new(info, parent));
let owner = JobOwner {
job: job.clone(),
key: (*key).clone(),
// If we are single-threaded we know that we have cycle error,
// so we just return the error.
return TryGetJob::Cycle(cold_path(|| {
Q::handle_cycle_error(tcx, job.find_cycle_in_stack(tcx, span))
// With parallel queries we might just have to wait on some other
// thread.
let result = job.r#await(tcx, span);
// This `drop()` is not strictly necessary as the binding
// would go out of scope anyway. But it's good to have an
// explicit marker of how far the measurement goes.
if let Err(cycle) = result {
return TryGetJob::Cycle(Q::handle_cycle_error(tcx, cycle));
/// Completes the query by updating the query cache with the `result`,
/// signals the waiter and forgets the JobOwner, so it won't poison the query
pub(super) fn complete(self, result: &Q::Value, dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex) {
// We can move out of `self` here because we `mem::forget` it below
let key = unsafe { ptr::read(&self.key) };
let job = unsafe { ptr::read(&self.job) };
let cache = self.cache;
// Forget ourself so our destructor won't poison the query
let value = QueryValue::new(result.clone(), dep_node_index);
let mut lock = cache.get_shard_by_value(&key).lock();;
lock.results.insert(key, value);
fn with_diagnostics<F, R>(f: F) -> (R, ThinVec<Diagnostic>)
F: FnOnce(Option<&Lock<ThinVec<Diagnostic>>>) -> R
let diagnostics = Lock::new(ThinVec::new());
let result = f(Some(&diagnostics));
(result, diagnostics.into_inner())
impl<'a, 'tcx, Q: QueryDescription<'tcx>> Drop for JobOwner<'a, 'tcx, Q> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Poison the query so jobs waiting on it panic.
let shard = self.cache.get_shard_by_value(&self.key);
shard.lock().active.insert(self.key.clone(), QueryResult::Poisoned);
// Also signal the completion of the job, so waiters
// will continue execution.
pub struct CycleError<'tcx> {
/// The query and related span that uses the cycle.
pub(super) usage: Option<(Span, Query<'tcx>)>,
pub(super) cycle: Vec<QueryInfo<'tcx>>,
/// The result of `try_get_lock`.
pub(super) enum TryGetJob<'a, 'tcx, D: QueryDescription<'tcx>> {
/// The query is not yet started. Contains a guard to the cache eventually used to start it.
NotYetStarted(JobOwner<'a, 'tcx, D>),
/// The query was already completed.
/// Returns the result of the query and its dep-node index
/// if it succeeded or a cycle error if it failed.
JobCompleted((D::Value, DepNodeIndex)),
/// Trying to execute the query resulted in a cycle.
impl<'tcx> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
/// Executes a job by changing the `ImplicitCtxt` to point to the
/// new query job while it executes. It returns the diagnostics
/// captured during execution and the actual result.
pub(super) fn start_query<F, R>(
job: Lrc<QueryJob<'tcx>>,
diagnostics: Option<&Lock<ThinVec<Diagnostic>>>,
compute: F,
) -> R
F: FnOnce(TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> R,
// The `TyCtxt` stored in TLS has the same global interner lifetime
// as `self`, so we use `with_related_context` to relate the 'tcx lifetimes
// when accessing the `ImplicitCtxt`.
tls::with_related_context(self, move |current_icx| {
// Update the `ImplicitCtxt` to point to our new query job.
let new_icx = tls::ImplicitCtxt {
tcx: self,
query: Some(job),
layout_depth: current_icx.layout_depth,
task_deps: current_icx.task_deps,
// Use the `ImplicitCtxt` while we execute the query.
tls::enter_context(&new_icx, |_| {
pub(super) fn report_cycle(
CycleError { usage, cycle: stack }: CycleError<'tcx>,
) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx> {
let fix_span = |span: Span, query: &Query<'tcx>| {
self.sess.source_map().def_span(query.default_span(self, span))
// Disable naming impls with types in this path, since that
// sometimes cycles itself, leading to extra cycle errors.
// (And cycle errors around impls tend to occur during the
// collect/coherence phases anyhow.)
ty::print::with_forced_impl_filename_line(|| {
let span = fix_span(stack[1 % stack.len()].span, &stack[0].query);
let mut err = struct_span_err!(self.sess,
"cycle detected when {}",
for i in 1..stack.len() {
let query = &stack[i].query;
let span = fix_span(stack[(i + 1) % stack.len()].span, query);
err.span_note(span, &format!("...which requires {}...", query.describe(self)));
err.note(&format!("...which again requires {}, completing the cycle",
if let Some((span, query)) = usage {
err.span_note(fix_span(span, &query),
&format!("cycle used when {}", query.describe(self)));
pub fn try_print_query_stack(handler: &Handler) {
eprintln!("query stack during panic:");
// Be careful reyling on global state here: this code is called from
// a panic hook, which means that the global `Handler` may be in a weird
// state if it was responsible for triggering the panic.
tls::with_context_opt(|icx| {
if let Some(icx) = icx {
let mut current_query = icx.query.clone();
let mut i = 0;
while let Some(query) = current_query {
let mut diag = Diagnostic::new(Level::FailureNote,
&format!("#{} [{}] {}",
diag.span = icx.tcx.sess.source_map().def_span(;
current_query = query.parent.clone();
i += 1;
eprintln!("end of query stack");
pub(super) fn get_query<Q: QueryDescription<'tcx>>(self, span: Span, key: Q::Key) -> Q::Value {
debug!("ty::query::get_query<{}>(key={:?}, span={:?})",
let job = match JobOwner::try_get(self, span, &key) {
TryGetJob::NotYetStarted(job) => job,
TryGetJob::Cycle(result) => return result,
TryGetJob::JobCompleted((v, index)) => {
return v
// Fast path for when incr. comp. is off. `to_dep_node` is
// expensive for some `DepKind`s.
if !self.dep_graph.is_fully_enabled() {
let null_dep_node = DepNode::new_no_params(crate::dep_graph::DepKind::Null);
return self.force_query_with_job::<Q>(key, job, null_dep_node).0;
if Q::ANON {
let prof_timer =;
let ((result, dep_node_index), diagnostics) = with_diagnostics(|diagnostics| {
self.start_query(job.job.clone(), diagnostics, |tcx| {
tcx.dep_graph.with_anon_task(Q::dep_kind(), || {
Q::compute(tcx, key)
if unlikely!(!diagnostics.is_empty()) {
.store_diagnostics_for_anon_node(dep_node_index, diagnostics);
job.complete(&result, dep_node_index);
return result;
let dep_node = Q::to_dep_node(self, &key);
// The diagnostics for this query will be
// promoted to the current session during
// `try_mark_green()`, so we can ignore them here.
let loaded = self.start_query(job.job.clone(), None, |tcx| {
let marked = tcx.dep_graph.try_mark_green_and_read(tcx, &dep_node);|(prev_dep_node_index, dep_node_index)| {
), dep_node_index)
if let Some((result, dep_node_index)) = loaded {
job.complete(&result, dep_node_index);
return result;
let (result, dep_node_index) = self.force_query_with_job::<Q>(key, job, dep_node);
fn load_from_disk_and_cache_in_memory<Q: QueryDescription<'tcx>>(
key: Q::Key,
prev_dep_node_index: SerializedDepNodeIndex,
dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex,
dep_node: &DepNode,
) -> Q::Value {
// Note this function can be called concurrently from the same query
// We must ensure that this is handled correctly.
// First we try to load the result from the on-disk cache.
let result = if Q::cache_on_disk(self, key.clone(), None) &&
self.sess.opts.debugging_opts.incremental_queries {
let _prof_timer =;
let result = Q::try_load_from_disk(self, prev_dep_node_index);
// We always expect to find a cached result for things that
// can be forced from `DepNode`.
debug_assert!(!dep_node.kind.can_reconstruct_query_key() ||
"missing on-disk cache entry for {:?}",
} else {
// Some things are never cached on disk.
let result = if let Some(result) = result {
} else {
// We could not load a result from the on-disk cache, so
// recompute.
let _prof_timer =;
// The dep-graph for this computation is already in-place.
let result = self.dep_graph.with_ignore(|| {
Q::compute(self, key)
// If `-Zincremental-verify-ich` is specified, re-hash results from
// the cache and make sure that they have the expected fingerprint.
if unlikely!(self.sess.opts.debugging_opts.incremental_verify_ich) {
self.incremental_verify_ich::<Q>(&result, dep_node, dep_node_index);
fn incremental_verify_ich<Q: QueryDescription<'tcx>>(
result: &Q::Value,
dep_node: &DepNode,
dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex,
) {
use crate::ich::Fingerprint;
Some(self.dep_graph.fingerprint_of(dep_node_index)) ==
"fingerprint for green query instance not loaded from cache: {:?}",
debug!("BEGIN verify_ich({:?})", dep_node);
let mut hcx = self.create_stable_hashing_context();
let new_hash = Q::hash_result(&mut hcx, result).unwrap_or(Fingerprint::ZERO);
debug!("END verify_ich({:?})", dep_node);
let old_hash = self.dep_graph.fingerprint_of(dep_node_index);
new_hash == old_hash,
"found unstable fingerprints for {:?}",
fn force_query_with_job<Q: QueryDescription<'tcx>>(
key: Q::Key,
job: JobOwner<'_, 'tcx, Q>,
dep_node: DepNode,
) -> (Q::Value, DepNodeIndex) {
// If the following assertion triggers, it can have two reasons:
// 1. Something is wrong with DepNode creation, either here or
// in `DepGraph::try_mark_green()`.
// 2. Two distinct query keys get mapped to the same `DepNode`
// (see for example #48923).
"forcing query with already existing `DepNode`\n\
- query-key: {:?}\n\
- dep-node: {:?}",
key, dep_node);
let prof_timer =;
let ((result, dep_node_index), diagnostics) = with_diagnostics(|diagnostics| {
self.start_query(job.job.clone(), diagnostics, |tcx| {
} else {
if unlikely!(!diagnostics.is_empty()) {
if dep_node.kind != crate::dep_graph::DepKind::Null {
.store_diagnostics(dep_node_index, diagnostics);
job.complete(&result, dep_node_index);
(result, dep_node_index)
/// Ensure that either this query has all green inputs or been executed.
/// Executing `query::ensure(D)` is considered a read of the dep-node `D`.
/// This function is particularly useful when executing passes for their
/// side-effects -- e.g., in order to report errors for erroneous programs.
/// Note: The optimization is only available during incr. comp.
pub(super) fn ensure_query<Q: QueryDescription<'tcx>>(self, key: Q::Key) -> () {
let _ = self.get_query::<Q>(DUMMY_SP, key);
// Ensuring an anonymous query makes no sense
let dep_node = Q::to_dep_node(self, &key);
if self.dep_graph.try_mark_green_and_read(self, &dep_node).is_none() {
// A None return from `try_mark_green_and_read` means that this is either
// a new dep node or that the dep node has already been marked red.
// Either way, we can't call `` as we don't have the
// DepNodeIndex. We must invoke the query itself. The performance cost
// this introduces should be negligible as we'll immediately hit the
// in-memory cache, or another query down the line will.
let _ = self.get_query::<Q>(DUMMY_SP, key);
} else {;
fn force_query<Q: QueryDescription<'tcx>>(self, key: Q::Key, span: Span, dep_node: DepNode) {
// We may be concurrently trying both execute and force a query.
// Ensure that only one of them runs the query.
let job = match JobOwner::try_get(self, span, &key) {
TryGetJob::NotYetStarted(job) => job,
TryGetJob::Cycle(_) |
TryGetJob::JobCompleted(_) => {
self.force_query_with_job::<Q>(key, job, dep_node);
macro_rules! handle_cycle_error {
([][$tcx: expr, $error:expr]) => {{
([fatal_cycle$(, $modifiers:ident)*][$tcx:expr, $error:expr]) => {{
([cycle_delay_bug$(, $modifiers:ident)*][$tcx:expr, $error:expr]) => {{
([$other:ident$(, $modifiers:ident)*][$($args:tt)*]) => {
macro_rules! is_anon {
([]) => {{
([anon$(, $modifiers:ident)*]) => {{
([$other:ident$(, $modifiers:ident)*]) => {
macro_rules! is_eval_always {
([]) => {{
([eval_always$(, $modifiers:ident)*]) => {{
([$other:ident$(, $modifiers:ident)*]) => {
macro_rules! hash_result {
([][$hcx:expr, $result:expr]) => {{
dep_graph::hash_result($hcx, &$result)
([no_hash$(, $modifiers:ident)*][$hcx:expr, $result:expr]) => {{
([$other:ident$(, $modifiers:ident)*][$($args:tt)*]) => {
macro_rules! define_queries {
(<$tcx:tt> $($category:tt {
$($(#[$attr:meta])* [$($modifiers:tt)*] fn $name:ident: $node:ident($K:ty) -> $V:ty,)*
},)*) => {
define_queries_inner! { <$tcx>
$($( $(#[$attr])* category<$category> [$($modifiers)*] fn $name: $node($K) -> $V,)*)*
macro_rules! define_queries_inner {
$($(#[$attr:meta])* category<$category:tt>
[$($modifiers:tt)*] fn $name:ident: $node:ident($K:ty) -> $V:ty,)*) => {
use std::mem;
use ty::query::job::QueryResult;
use rustc_data_structures::sharded::Sharded;
use crate::{
use crate::util::profiling::ProfileCategory;
define_queries_struct! {
tcx: $tcx,
input: ($(([$($modifiers)*] [$($attr)*] [$name]))*)
impl<$tcx> Queries<$tcx> {
pub fn new(
providers: IndexVec<CrateNum, Providers<$tcx>>,
fallback_extern_providers: Providers<$tcx>,
on_disk_cache: OnDiskCache<'tcx>,
) -> Self {
Queries {
fallback_extern_providers: Box::new(fallback_extern_providers),
$($name: Default::default()),*
pub fn collect_active_jobs(&self) -> Vec<Lrc<QueryJob<$tcx>>> {
let mut jobs = Vec::new();
// We use try_lock_shards here since we are only called from the
// deadlock handler, and this shouldn't be locked.
let shards = self.$name.try_lock_shards().unwrap();
if let QueryResult::Started(ref job) = *v {
} else {
pub fn print_stats(&self) {
let mut queries = Vec::new();
struct QueryStats {
name: &'static str,
cache_hits: usize,
key_size: usize,
key_type: &'static str,
value_size: usize,
value_type: &'static str,
entry_count: usize,
fn stats<'tcx, Q: QueryConfig<'tcx>>(
name: &'static str,
map: &Sharded<QueryCache<'tcx, Q>>,
) -> QueryStats {
let map = map.lock_shards();
QueryStats {
cache_hits: map.iter().map(|shard| shard.cache_hits).sum(),
cache_hits: 0,
key_size: mem::size_of::<Q::Key>(),
key_type: type_name::<Q::Key>(),
value_size: mem::size_of::<Q::Value>(),
value_type: type_name::<Q::Value>(),
entry_count: map.iter().map(|shard| shard.results.len()).sum(),
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
let hits: usize = queries.iter().map(|s| s.cache_hits).sum();
let results: usize = queries.iter().map(|s| s.entry_count).sum();
println!("\nQuery cache hit rate: {}", hits as f64 / (hits + results) as f64);
let mut query_key_sizes = queries.clone();
query_key_sizes.sort_by_key(|q| q.key_size);
println!("\nLarge query keys:");
for q in query_key_sizes.iter().rev()
.filter(|q| q.key_size > 8) {
" {} - {} x {} - {}",,
let mut query_value_sizes = queries.clone();
query_value_sizes.sort_by_key(|q| q.value_size);
println!("\nLarge query values:");
for q in query_value_sizes.iter().rev()
.filter(|q| q.value_size > 8) {
" {} - {} x {} - {}",,
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
let mut query_cache_hits = queries.clone();
query_cache_hits.sort_by_key(|q| q.cache_hits);
println!("\nQuery cache hits:");
for q in query_cache_hits.iter().rev() {
" {} - {} ({}%)",,
q.cache_hits as f64 / (q.cache_hits + q.entry_count) as f64
let mut query_value_count = queries.clone();
query_value_count.sort_by_key(|q| q.entry_count);
println!("\nQuery value count:");
for q in query_value_count.iter().rev() {
println!(" {} - {}",, q.entry_count);
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum QueryName {
impl QueryName {
pub fn register_with_profiler(profiler: &crate::util::profiling::SelfProfiler) {
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
$(QueryName::$name => stringify!($name),)*
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Query<$tcx> {
$($(#[$attr])* $name($K)),*
impl<$tcx> Query<$tcx> {
pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
$(Query::$name(_) => stringify!($name),)*
pub fn describe(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Cow<'static, str> {
let (r, name) = match *self {
$(Query::$name(key) => {
(queries::$name::describe(tcx, key), stringify!($name))
if tcx.sess.verbose() {
format!("{} [{}]", r, name).into()
} else {
// FIXME(eddyb) Get more valid `Span`s on queries.
pub fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<$tcx>, span: Span) -> Span {
if !span.is_dummy() {
return span;
// The `def_span` query is used to calculate `default_span`,
// so exit to avoid infinite recursion.
if let Query::def_span(..) = *self {
return span
match *self {
$(Query::$name(key) => key.default_span(tcx),)*
pub fn query_name(&self) -> QueryName {
match self {
$(Query::$name(_) => QueryName::$name,)*
impl<'a, $tcx> HashStable<StableHashingContext<'a>> for Query<$tcx> {
fn hash_stable(&self, hcx: &mut StableHashingContext<'a>, hasher: &mut StableHasher) {
mem::discriminant(self).hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
match *self {
$(Query::$name(key) => key.hash_stable(hcx, hasher),)*
pub mod queries {
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub struct $name<$tcx> {
data: PhantomData<&$tcx ()>
// This module and the functions in it exist only to provide a
// predictable symbol name prefix for query providers. This is helpful
// for analyzing queries in profilers.
pub(super) mod __query_compute {
pub fn $name<F: FnOnce() -> R, R>(f: F) -> R {
$(impl<$tcx> QueryConfig<$tcx> for queries::$name<$tcx> {
type Key = $K;
type Value = $V;
const NAME: QueryName = QueryName::$name;
const CATEGORY: ProfileCategory = $category;
impl<$tcx> QueryAccessors<$tcx> for queries::$name<$tcx> {
const ANON: bool = is_anon!([$($modifiers)*]);
const EVAL_ALWAYS: bool = is_eval_always!([$($modifiers)*]);
fn query(key: Self::Key) -> Query<'tcx> {
fn query_cache<'a>(tcx: TyCtxt<$tcx>) -> &'a Sharded<QueryCache<$tcx, Self>> {
fn to_dep_node(tcx: TyCtxt<$tcx>, key: &Self::Key) -> DepNode {
use crate::dep_graph::DepConstructor::*;
DepNode::new(tcx, $node(*key))
fn dep_kind() -> dep_graph::DepKind {
fn compute(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, key: Self::Key) -> Self::Value {
__query_compute::$name(move || {
let provider = tcx.queries.providers.get(key.query_crate())
// HACK(eddyb) it's possible crates may be loaded after
// the query engine is created, and because crate loading
// is not yet integrated with the query engine, such crates
// would be missing appropriate entries in `providers`.
provider(tcx, key)
fn hash_result(
_hcx: &mut StableHashingContext<'_>,
_result: &Self::Value
) -> Option<Fingerprint> {
hash_result!([$($modifiers)*][_hcx, _result])
fn handle_cycle_error(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
error: CycleError<'tcx>
) -> Self::Value {
handle_cycle_error!([$($modifiers)*][tcx, error])
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct TyCtxtEnsure<'tcx> {
pub tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
impl TyCtxtEnsure<$tcx> {
pub fn $name(self, key: $K) {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct TyCtxtAt<'tcx> {
pub tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
pub span: Span,
impl Deref for TyCtxtAt<'tcx> {
type Target = TyCtxt<'tcx>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl TyCtxt<$tcx> {
/// Returns a transparent wrapper for `TyCtxt`, which ensures queries
/// are executed instead of just returing their results.
pub fn ensure(self) -> TyCtxtEnsure<$tcx> {
TyCtxtEnsure {
tcx: self,
/// Returns a transparent wrapper for `TyCtxt` which uses
/// `span` as the location of queries performed through it.
pub fn at(self, span: Span) -> TyCtxtAt<$tcx> {
TyCtxtAt {
tcx: self,
pub fn $name(self, key: $K) -> $V {$name(key)
impl TyCtxtAt<$tcx> {
pub fn $name(self, key: $K) -> $V {
self.tcx.get_query::<queries::$name<'_>>(self.span, key)
define_provider_struct! {
tcx: $tcx,
input: ($(([$($modifiers)*] [$name] [$K] [$V]))*)
impl<$tcx> Copy for Providers<$tcx> {}
impl<$tcx> Clone for Providers<$tcx> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }
macro_rules! define_queries_struct {
(tcx: $tcx:tt,
input: ($(([$($modifiers:tt)*] [$($attr:tt)*] [$name:ident]))*)) => {
pub struct Queries<$tcx> {
/// This provides access to the incrimental comilation on-disk cache for query results.
/// Do not access this directly. It is only meant to be used by
/// `DepGraph::try_mark_green()` and the query infrastructure.
pub(crate) on_disk_cache: OnDiskCache<'tcx>,
providers: IndexVec<CrateNum, Providers<$tcx>>,
fallback_extern_providers: Box<Providers<$tcx>>,
$($(#[$attr])* $name: Sharded<QueryCache<$tcx, queries::$name<$tcx>>>,)*
macro_rules! define_provider_struct {
(tcx: $tcx:tt,
input: ($(([$($modifiers:tt)*] [$name:ident] [$K:ty] [$R:ty]))*)) => {
pub struct Providers<$tcx> {
$(pub $name: fn(TyCtxt<$tcx>, $K) -> $R,)*
impl<$tcx> Default for Providers<$tcx> {
fn default() -> Self {
$(fn $name<$tcx>(_: TyCtxt<$tcx>, key: $K) -> $R {
bug!("`tcx.{}({:?})` unsupported by its crate",
stringify!($name), key);
Providers { $($name),* }
/// The red/green evaluation system will try to mark a specific DepNode in the
/// dependency graph as green by recursively trying to mark the dependencies of
/// that `DepNode` as green. While doing so, it will sometimes encounter a `DepNode`
/// where we don't know if it is red or green and we therefore actually have
/// to recompute its value in order to find out. Since the only piece of
/// information that we have at that point is the `DepNode` we are trying to
/// re-evaluate, we need some way to re-run a query from just that. This is what
/// `force_from_dep_node()` implements.
/// In the general case, a `DepNode` consists of a `DepKind` and an opaque
/// GUID/fingerprint that will uniquely identify the node. This GUID/fingerprint
/// is usually constructed by computing a stable hash of the query-key that the
/// `DepNode` corresponds to. Consequently, it is not in general possible to go
/// back from hash to query-key (since hash functions are not reversible). For
/// this reason `force_from_dep_node()` is expected to fail from time to time
/// because we just cannot find out, from the `DepNode` alone, what the
/// corresponding query-key is and therefore cannot re-run the query.
/// The system deals with this case letting `try_mark_green` fail which forces
/// the root query to be re-evaluated.
/// Now, if `force_from_dep_node()` would always fail, it would be pretty useless.
/// Fortunately, we can use some contextual information that will allow us to
/// reconstruct query-keys for certain kinds of `DepNode`s. In particular, we
/// enforce by construction that the GUID/fingerprint of certain `DepNode`s is a
/// valid `DefPathHash`. Since we also always build a huge table that maps every
/// `DefPathHash` in the current codebase to the corresponding `DefId`, we have
/// everything we need to re-run the query.
/// Take the `mir_validated` query as an example. Like many other queries, it
/// just has a single parameter: the `DefId` of the item it will compute the
/// validated MIR for. Now, when we call `force_from_dep_node()` on a `DepNode`
/// with kind `MirValidated`, we know that the GUID/fingerprint of the `DepNode`
/// is actually a `DefPathHash`, and can therefore just look up the corresponding
/// `DefId` in `tcx.def_path_hash_to_def_id`.
/// When you implement a new query, it will likely have a corresponding new
/// `DepKind`, and you'll have to support it here in `force_from_dep_node()`. As
/// a rule of thumb, if your query takes a `DefId` or `DefIndex` as sole parameter,
/// then `force_from_dep_node()` should not fail for it. Otherwise, you can just
/// add it to the "We don't have enough information to reconstruct..." group in
/// the match below.
pub fn force_from_dep_node(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, dep_node: &DepNode) -> bool {
use crate::dep_graph::RecoverKey;
// We must avoid ever having to call `force_from_dep_node()` for a
// `DepNode::codegen_unit`:
// Since we cannot reconstruct the query key of a `DepNode::codegen_unit`, we
// would always end up having to evaluate the first caller of the
// `codegen_unit` query that *is* reconstructible. This might very well be
// the `compile_codegen_unit` query, thus re-codegenning the whole CGU just
// to re-trigger calling the `codegen_unit` query with the right key. At
// that point we would already have re-done all the work we are trying to
// avoid doing in the first place.
// The solution is simple: Just explicitly call the `codegen_unit` query for
// each CGU, right after partitioning. This way `try_mark_green` will always
// hit the cache instead of having to go through `force_from_dep_node`.
// This assertion makes sure, we actually keep applying the solution above.
debug_assert!(dep_node.kind != DepKind::codegen_unit,
"calling force_from_dep_node() on DepKind::codegen_unit");
if !dep_node.kind.can_reconstruct_query_key() {
return false
rustc_dep_node_force!([dep_node, tcx]
// These are inputs that are expected to be pre-allocated and that
// should therefore always be red or green already.
DepKind::AllLocalTraitImpls |
DepKind::Krate |
DepKind::CrateMetadata |
DepKind::HirBody |
DepKind::Hir |
// These are anonymous nodes.
DepKind::TraitSelect |
// We don't have enough information to reconstruct the query key of
// these.
DepKind::CompileCodegenUnit => {
bug!("force_from_dep_node: encountered {:?}", dep_node)
DepKind::Analysis => {
let def_id = if let Some(def_id) = dep_node.extract_def_id(tcx) {
} else {
// Return from the whole function.
return false