If we already have a slice, there is no need to get another full-range slice from that, just use the original. clippy::redundant_slicing
803 lines
25 KiB
803 lines
25 KiB
pub mod printf {
use super::strcursor::StrCursor as Cur;
use rustc_span::InnerSpan;
/// Represents a single `printf`-style substitution.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Substitution<'a> {
/// A formatted output substitution with its internal byte offset.
/// A literal `%%` escape.
impl<'a> Substitution<'a> {
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
Substitution::Format(ref fmt) => fmt.span,
Substitution::Escape => "%%",
pub fn position(&self) -> Option<InnerSpan> {
match *self {
Substitution::Format(ref fmt) => Some(fmt.position),
_ => None,
pub fn set_position(&mut self, start: usize, end: usize) {
if let Substitution::Format(ref mut fmt) = self {
fmt.position = InnerSpan::new(start, end);
/// Translate this substitution into an equivalent Rust formatting directive.
/// This ignores cases where the substitution does not have an exact equivalent, or where
/// the substitution would be unnecessary.
pub fn translate(&self) -> Option<String> {
match *self {
Substitution::Format(ref fmt) => fmt.translate(),
Substitution::Escape => None,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
/// A single `printf`-style formatting directive.
pub struct Format<'a> {
/// The entire original formatting directive.
pub span: &'a str,
/// The (1-based) parameter to be converted.
pub parameter: Option<u16>,
/// Formatting flags.
pub flags: &'a str,
/// Minimum width of the output.
pub width: Option<Num>,
/// Precision of the conversion.
pub precision: Option<Num>,
/// Length modifier for the conversion.
pub length: Option<&'a str>,
/// Type of parameter being converted.
pub type_: &'a str,
/// Byte offset for the start and end of this formatting directive.
pub position: InnerSpan,
impl Format<'_> {
/// Translate this directive into an equivalent Rust formatting directive.
/// Returns `None` in cases where the `printf` directive does not have an exact Rust
/// equivalent, rather than guessing.
pub fn translate(&self) -> Option<String> {
use std::fmt::Write;
let (c_alt, c_zero, c_left, c_plus) = {
let mut c_alt = false;
let mut c_zero = false;
let mut c_left = false;
let mut c_plus = false;
for c in self.flags.chars() {
match c {
'#' => c_alt = true,
'0' => c_zero = true,
'-' => c_left = true,
'+' => c_plus = true,
_ => return None,
(c_alt, c_zero, c_left, c_plus)
// Has a special form in Rust for numbers.
let fill = c_zero.then_some("0");
let align = c_left.then_some("<");
// Rust doesn't have an equivalent to the `' '` flag.
let sign = c_plus.then_some("+");
// Not *quite* the same, depending on the type...
let alt = c_alt;
let width = match self.width {
Some(Num::Next) => {
// NOTE: Rust doesn't support this.
return None;
w @ Some(Num::Arg(_)) => w,
w @ Some(Num::Num(_)) => w,
None => None,
let precision = self.precision;
// NOTE: although length *can* have an effect, we can't duplicate the effect in Rust, so
// we just ignore it.
let (type_, use_zero_fill, is_int) = match self.type_ {
"d" | "i" | "u" => (None, true, true),
"f" | "F" => (None, false, false),
"s" | "c" => (None, false, false),
"e" | "E" => (Some(self.type_), true, false),
"x" | "X" | "o" => (Some(self.type_), true, true),
"p" => (Some(self.type_), false, true),
"g" => (Some("e"), true, false),
"G" => (Some("E"), true, false),
_ => return None,
let (fill, width, precision) = match (is_int, width, precision) {
(true, Some(_), Some(_)) => {
// Rust can't duplicate this insanity.
return None;
(true, None, Some(p)) => (Some("0"), Some(p), None),
(true, w, None) => (fill, w, None),
(false, w, p) => (fill, w, p),
let align = match (self.type_, width.is_some(), align.is_some()) {
("s", true, false) => Some(">"),
_ => align,
let (fill, zero_fill) = match (fill, use_zero_fill) {
(Some("0"), true) => (None, true),
(fill, _) => (fill, false),
let alt = match type_ {
Some("x" | "X") => alt,
_ => false,
let has_options = fill.is_some()
|| align.is_some()
|| sign.is_some()
|| alt
|| zero_fill
|| width.is_some()
|| precision.is_some()
|| type_.is_some();
// Initialise with a rough guess.
let cap = self.span.len() + if has_options { 2 } else { 0 };
let mut s = String::with_capacity(cap);
if let Some(arg) = self.parameter {
write!(s, "{}", arg.checked_sub(1)?).ok()?;
if has_options {
let align = if let Some(fill) = fill {
} else {
if let Some(align) = align {
if let Some(sign) = sign {
if alt {
if zero_fill {
if let Some(width) = width {
width.translate(&mut s).ok()?;
if let Some(precision) = precision {
precision.translate(&mut s).ok()?;
if let Some(type_) = type_ {
/// A general number used in a `printf` formatting directive.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Num {
// The range of these values is technically bounded by `NL_ARGMAX`... but, at least for GNU
// libc, it apparently has no real fixed limit. A `u16` is used here on the basis that it
// is *vanishingly* unlikely that *anyone* is going to try formatting something wider, or
// with more precision, than 32 thousand positions which is so wide it couldn't possibly fit
// on a screen.
/// A specific, fixed value.
/// The value is derived from a positional argument.
/// The value is derived from the "next" unconverted argument.
impl Num {
fn from_str(s: &str, arg: Option<&str>) -> Self {
if let Some(arg) = arg {
Num::Arg(arg.parse().unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("invalid format arg `{:?}`", arg)))
} else if s == "*" {
} else {
Num::Num(s.parse().unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("invalid format num `{:?}`", s)))
fn translate(&self, s: &mut String) -> std::fmt::Result {
use std::fmt::Write;
match *self {
Num::Num(n) => write!(s, "{}", n),
Num::Arg(n) => {
let n = n.checked_sub(1).ok_or(std::fmt::Error)?;
write!(s, "{}$", n)
Num::Next => write!(s, "*"),
/// Returns an iterator over all substitutions in a given string.
pub fn iter_subs(s: &str, start_pos: usize) -> Substitutions<'_> {
Substitutions { s, pos: start_pos }
/// Iterator over substitutions in a string.
pub struct Substitutions<'a> {
s: &'a str,
pos: usize,
impl<'a> Iterator for Substitutions<'a> {
type Item = Substitution<'a>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let (mut sub, tail) = parse_next_substitution(self.s)?;
self.s = tail;
match sub {
Substitution::Format(_) => {
if let Some(inner_span) = sub.position() {
sub.set_position(inner_span.start + self.pos, inner_span.end + self.pos);
self.pos += inner_span.end;
Substitution::Escape => self.pos += 2,
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
// Substitutions are at least 2 characters long.
(0, Some(self.s.len() / 2))
enum State {
/// Parse the next substitution from the input string.
pub fn parse_next_substitution(s: &str) -> Option<(Substitution<'_>, &str)> {
use self::State::*;
let at = {
let start = s.find('%')?;
if let '%' = s[start + 1..].chars().next()? {
return Some((Substitution::Escape, &s[start + 2..]));
Cur::new_at(s, start)
// This is meant to be a translation of the following regex:
// ```regex
// (?x)
// ^ %
// (?: (?P<parameter> \d+) \$ )?
// (?P<flags> [-+ 0\#']* )
// (?P<width> \d+ | \* (?: (?P<widtha> \d+) \$ )? )?
// (?: \. (?P<precision> \d+ | \* (?: (?P<precisiona> \d+) \$ )? ) )?
// (?P<length>
// # Standard
// hh | h | ll | l | L | z | j | t
// # Other
// | I32 | I64 | I | q
// )?
// (?P<type> . )
// ```
// Used to establish the full span at the end.
let start = at;
// The current position within the string.
let mut at = at.at_next_cp()?;
// `c` is the next codepoint, `next` is a cursor after it.
let (mut c, mut next) = at.next_cp()?;
// Update `at`, `c`, and `next`, exiting if we're out of input.
macro_rules! move_to {
($cur:expr) => {{
at = $cur;
let (c_, next_) = at.next_cp()?;
c = c_;
next = next_;
// Constructs a result when parsing fails.
// Note: `move` used to capture copies of the cursors as they are *now*.
let fallback = move || {
Substitution::Format(Format {
span: start.slice_between(next).unwrap(),
parameter: None,
flags: "",
width: None,
precision: None,
length: None,
type_: at.slice_between(next).unwrap(),
position: InnerSpan::new(start.at, next.at),
// Next parsing state.
let mut state = Start;
// Sadly, Rust isn't *quite* smart enough to know these *must* be initialised by the end.
let mut parameter: Option<u16> = None;
let mut flags: &str = "";
let mut width: Option<Num> = None;
let mut precision: Option<Num> = None;
let mut length: Option<&str> = None;
let mut type_: &str = "";
let end: Cur<'_>;
if let Start = state {
match c {
'1'..='9' => {
let end = at_next_cp_while(next, char::is_ascii_digit);
match end.next_cp() {
// Yes, this *is* the parameter.
Some(('$', end2)) => {
state = Flags;
parameter = Some(at.slice_between(end).unwrap().parse().unwrap());
// Wait, no, actually, it's the width.
Some(_) => {
state = Prec;
parameter = None;
flags = "";
width = Some(Num::from_str(at.slice_between(end).unwrap(), None));
// It's invalid, is what it is.
None => return fallback(),
_ => {
state = Flags;
parameter = None;
if let Flags = state {
let end = at_next_cp_while(at, is_flag);
state = Width;
flags = at.slice_between(end).unwrap();
if let Width = state {
match c {
'*' => {
state = WidthArg;
'1'..='9' => {
let end = at_next_cp_while(next, char::is_ascii_digit);
state = Prec;
width = Some(Num::from_str(at.slice_between(end).unwrap(), None));
_ => {
state = Prec;
width = None;
if let WidthArg = state {
let end = at_next_cp_while(at, char::is_ascii_digit);
match end.next_cp() {
Some(('$', end2)) => {
state = Prec;
width = Some(Num::from_str("", Some(at.slice_between(end).unwrap())));
_ => {
state = Prec;
width = Some(Num::Next);
if let Prec = state {
match c {
'.' => {
state = PrecInner;
_ => {
state = Length;
precision = None;
if let PrecInner = state {
match c {
'*' => {
let end = at_next_cp_while(next, char::is_ascii_digit);
match end.next_cp() {
Some(('$', end2)) => {
state = Length;
precision = Some(Num::from_str("*", next.slice_between(end)));
_ => {
state = Length;
precision = Some(Num::Next);
'0'..='9' => {
let end = at_next_cp_while(next, char::is_ascii_digit);
state = Length;
precision = Some(Num::from_str(at.slice_between(end).unwrap(), None));
_ => return fallback(),
if let Length = state {
let c1_next1 = next.next_cp();
match (c, c1_next1) {
('h', Some(('h', next1))) | ('l', Some(('l', next1))) => {
state = Type;
length = Some(at.slice_between(next1).unwrap());
('h' | 'l' | 'L' | 'z' | 'j' | 't' | 'q', _) => {
state = Type;
length = Some(at.slice_between(next).unwrap());
('I', _) => {
let end = next
.and_then(|end| end.at_next_cp())
.map(|end| (next.slice_between(end).unwrap(), end));
let end = match end {
Some(("32" | "64", end)) => end,
_ => next,
state = Type;
length = Some(at.slice_between(end).unwrap());
_ => {
state = Type;
length = None;
if let Type = state {
type_ = at.slice_between(next).unwrap();
// Don't use `move_to!` here, as we *can* be at the end of the input.
at = next;
end = at;
let position = InnerSpan::new(start.at, end.at);
let f = Format {
span: start.slice_between(end).unwrap(),
Some((Substitution::Format(f), end.slice_after()))
fn at_next_cp_while<F>(mut cur: Cur<'_>, mut pred: F) -> Cur<'_>
F: FnMut(&char) -> bool,
loop {
match cur.next_cp() {
Some((c, next)) => {
if pred(&c) {
cur = next;
} else {
return cur;
None => return cur,
fn is_flag(c: &char) -> bool {
matches!(c, '0' | '-' | '+' | ' ' | '#' | '\'')
mod tests;
pub mod shell {
use super::strcursor::StrCursor as Cur;
use rustc_span::InnerSpan;
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Substitution<'a> {
Ordinal(u8, (usize, usize)),
Name(&'a str, (usize, usize)),
Escape((usize, usize)),
impl Substitution<'_> {
pub fn as_str(&self) -> String {
match self {
Substitution::Ordinal(n, _) => format!("${}", n),
Substitution::Name(n, _) => format!("${}", n),
Substitution::Escape(_) => "$$".into(),
pub fn position(&self) -> Option<InnerSpan> {
match self {
Substitution::Ordinal(_, pos)
| Substitution::Name(_, pos)
| Substitution::Escape(pos) => Some(InnerSpan::new(pos.0, pos.1)),
pub fn set_position(&mut self, start: usize, end: usize) {
match self {
Substitution::Ordinal(_, ref mut pos)
| Substitution::Name(_, ref mut pos)
| Substitution::Escape(ref mut pos) => *pos = (start, end),
pub fn translate(&self) -> Option<String> {
match *self {
Substitution::Ordinal(n, _) => Some(format!("{{{}}}", n)),
Substitution::Name(n, _) => Some(format!("{{{}}}", n)),
Substitution::Escape(_) => None,
/// Returns an iterator over all substitutions in a given string.
pub fn iter_subs(s: &str, start_pos: usize) -> Substitutions<'_> {
Substitutions { s, pos: start_pos }
/// Iterator over substitutions in a string.
pub struct Substitutions<'a> {
s: &'a str,
pos: usize,
impl<'a> Iterator for Substitutions<'a> {
type Item = Substitution<'a>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let (mut sub, tail) = parse_next_substitution(self.s)?;
self.s = tail;
if let Some(InnerSpan { start, end }) = sub.position() {
sub.set_position(start + self.pos, end + self.pos);
self.pos += end;
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
(0, Some(self.s.len()))
/// Parse the next substitution from the input string.
pub fn parse_next_substitution(s: &str) -> Option<(Substitution<'_>, &str)> {
let at = {
let start = s.find('$')?;
match s[start + 1..].chars().next()? {
'$' => return Some((Substitution::Escape((start, start + 2)), &s[start + 2..])),
c @ '0'..='9' => {
let n = (c as u8) - b'0';
return Some((Substitution::Ordinal(n, (start, start + 2)), &s[start + 2..]));
_ => { /* fall-through */ }
Cur::new_at(s, start)
let at = at.at_next_cp()?;
let (c, inner) = at.next_cp()?;
if !is_ident_head(c) {
} else {
let end = at_next_cp_while(inner, is_ident_tail);
let slice = at.slice_between(end).unwrap();
let start = at.at - 1;
let end_pos = at.at + slice.len();
Some((Substitution::Name(slice, (start, end_pos)), end.slice_after()))
fn at_next_cp_while<F>(mut cur: Cur<'_>, mut pred: F) -> Cur<'_>
F: FnMut(char) -> bool,
loop {
match cur.next_cp() {
Some((c, next)) => {
if pred(c) {
cur = next;
} else {
return cur;
None => return cur,
fn is_ident_head(c: char) -> bool {
c.is_ascii_alphabetic() || c == '_'
fn is_ident_tail(c: char) -> bool {
c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c == '_'
mod tests;
mod strcursor {
pub struct StrCursor<'a> {
s: &'a str,
pub at: usize,
impl<'a> StrCursor<'a> {
pub fn new_at(s: &'a str, at: usize) -> StrCursor<'a> {
StrCursor { s, at }
pub fn at_next_cp(mut self) -> Option<StrCursor<'a>> {
match self.try_seek_right_cp() {
true => Some(self),
false => None,
pub fn next_cp(mut self) -> Option<(char, StrCursor<'a>)> {
let cp = self.cp_after()?;
Some((cp, self))
fn slice_before(&self) -> &'a str {
pub fn slice_after(&self) -> &'a str {
pub fn slice_between(&self, until: StrCursor<'a>) -> Option<&'a str> {
if !str_eq_literal(self.s, until.s) {
} else {
use std::cmp::{max, min};
let beg = min(self.at, until.at);
let end = max(self.at, until.at);
fn cp_after(&self) -> Option<char> {
fn try_seek_right_cp(&mut self) -> bool {
match self.slice_after().chars().next() {
Some(c) => {
self.at += c.len_utf8();
None => false,
fn seek_right(&mut self, bytes: usize) {
self.at += bytes;
impl Copy for StrCursor<'_> {}
impl<'a> Clone for StrCursor<'a> {
fn clone(&self) -> StrCursor<'a> {
impl std::fmt::Debug for StrCursor<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(fmt, "StrCursor({:?} | {:?})", self.slice_before(), self.slice_after())
fn str_eq_literal(a: &str, b: &str) -> bool {
a.as_bytes().as_ptr() == b.as_bytes().as_ptr() && a.len() == b.len()