1026 lines
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1026 lines
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// Copyright 2013-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use back::lto;
use back::link::{get_linker, remove};
use session::config::{OutputFilenames, Passes, SomePasses, AllPasses};
use session::Session;
use session::config::{self, OutputType};
use llvm;
use llvm::{ModuleRef, TargetMachineRef, PassManagerRef, DiagnosticInfoRef, ContextRef};
use llvm::SMDiagnosticRef;
use trans::{CrateTranslation, ModuleTranslation};
use util::common::time;
use util::common::path2cstr;
use syntax::codemap;
use syntax::errors::{self, Handler, Level};
use syntax::errors::emitter::Emitter;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use std::fs;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::ptr;
use std::str;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use std::thread;
use libc::{self, c_uint, c_int, c_void};
pub fn llvm_err(handler: &errors::Handler, msg: String) -> ! {
unsafe {
let cstr = llvm::LLVMRustGetLastError();
if cstr == ptr::null() {
} else {
let err = CStr::from_ptr(cstr).to_bytes();
let err = String::from_utf8_lossy(err).to_string();
libc::free(cstr as *mut _);
panic!(handler.fatal(&format!("{}: {}", &msg[..], &err[..])));
pub fn write_output_file(
handler: &errors::Handler,
target: llvm::TargetMachineRef,
pm: llvm::PassManagerRef,
m: ModuleRef,
output: &Path,
file_type: llvm::FileType) {
unsafe {
let output_c = path2cstr(output);
let result = llvm::LLVMRustWriteOutputFile(
target, pm, m, output_c.as_ptr(), file_type);
if !result {
llvm_err(handler, format!("could not write output to {}", output.display()));
struct Diagnostic {
msg: String,
code: Option<String>,
lvl: Level,
// We use an Arc instead of just returning a list of diagnostics from the
// child thread because we need to make sure that the messages are seen even
// if the child thread panics (for example, when `fatal` is called).
struct SharedEmitter {
buffer: Arc<Mutex<Vec<Diagnostic>>>,
impl SharedEmitter {
fn new() -> SharedEmitter {
SharedEmitter {
buffer: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new())),
fn dump(&mut self, handler: &Handler) {
let mut buffer = self.buffer.lock().unwrap();
for diag in &*buffer {
match diag.code {
Some(ref code) => {
None => {
impl Emitter for SharedEmitter {
fn emit(&mut self, sp: Option<codemap::Span>,
msg: &str, code: Option<&str>, lvl: Level) {
assert!(sp.is_none(), "SharedEmitter doesn't support spans");
self.buffer.lock().unwrap().push(Diagnostic {
msg: msg.to_string(),
code: code.map(|s| s.to_string()),
lvl: lvl,
fn custom_emit(&mut self, _sp: errors::RenderSpan, _msg: &str, _lvl: Level) {
panic!("SharedEmitter doesn't support custom_emit");
// On android, we by default compile for armv7 processors. This enables
// things like double word CAS instructions (rather than emulating them)
// which are *far* more efficient. This is obviously undesirable in some
// cases, so if any sort of target feature is specified we don't append v7
// to the feature list.
// On iOS only armv7 and newer are supported. So it is useful to
// get all hardware potential via VFP3 (hardware floating point)
// and NEON (SIMD) instructions supported by LLVM.
// Note that without those flags various linking errors might
// arise as some of intrinsics are converted into function calls
// and nobody provides implementations those functions
fn target_feature(sess: &Session) -> String {
format!("{},{}", sess.target.target.options.features, sess.opts.cg.target_feature)
fn get_llvm_opt_level(optimize: config::OptLevel) -> llvm::CodeGenOptLevel {
match optimize {
config::No => llvm::CodeGenLevelNone,
config::Less => llvm::CodeGenLevelLess,
config::Default => llvm::CodeGenLevelDefault,
config::Aggressive => llvm::CodeGenLevelAggressive,
pub fn create_target_machine(sess: &Session) -> TargetMachineRef {
let reloc_model_arg = match sess.opts.cg.relocation_model {
Some(ref s) => &s[..],
None => &sess.target.target.options.relocation_model[..],
let reloc_model = match reloc_model_arg {
"pic" => llvm::RelocPIC,
"static" => llvm::RelocStatic,
"default" => llvm::RelocDefault,
"dynamic-no-pic" => llvm::RelocDynamicNoPic,
_ => {
sess.err(&format!("{:?} is not a valid relocation mode",
let opt_level = get_llvm_opt_level(sess.opts.optimize);
let use_softfp = sess.opts.cg.soft_float;
let any_library = sess.crate_types.borrow().iter().any(|ty| {
*ty != config::CrateTypeExecutable
let ffunction_sections = sess.target.target.options.function_sections;
let fdata_sections = ffunction_sections;
let code_model_arg = match sess.opts.cg.code_model {
Some(ref s) => &s[..],
None => &sess.target.target.options.code_model[..],
let code_model = match code_model_arg {
"default" => llvm::CodeModelDefault,
"small" => llvm::CodeModelSmall,
"kernel" => llvm::CodeModelKernel,
"medium" => llvm::CodeModelMedium,
"large" => llvm::CodeModelLarge,
_ => {
sess.err(&format!("{:?} is not a valid code model",
let triple = &sess.target.target.llvm_target;
let tm = unsafe {
let triple = CString::new(triple.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let cpu = match sess.opts.cg.target_cpu {
Some(ref s) => &**s,
None => &*sess.target.target.options.cpu
let cpu = CString::new(cpu.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let features = CString::new(target_feature(sess).as_bytes()).unwrap();
triple.as_ptr(), cpu.as_ptr(), features.as_ptr(),
!any_library && reloc_model == llvm::RelocPIC,
if tm.is_null() {
format!("Could not create LLVM TargetMachine for triple: {}",
} else {
return tm;
/// Module-specific configuration for `optimize_and_codegen`.
pub struct ModuleConfig {
/// LLVM TargetMachine to use for codegen.
tm: TargetMachineRef,
/// Names of additional optimization passes to run.
passes: Vec<String>,
/// Some(level) to optimize at a certain level, or None to run
/// absolutely no optimizations (used for the metadata module).
opt_level: Option<llvm::CodeGenOptLevel>,
// Flags indicating which outputs to produce.
emit_no_opt_bc: bool,
emit_bc: bool,
emit_lto_bc: bool,
emit_ir: bool,
emit_asm: bool,
emit_obj: bool,
// Miscellaneous flags. These are mostly copied from command-line
// options.
no_verify: bool,
no_prepopulate_passes: bool,
no_builtins: bool,
time_passes: bool,
vectorize_loop: bool,
vectorize_slp: bool,
merge_functions: bool,
inline_threshold: Option<usize>
unsafe impl Send for ModuleConfig { }
impl ModuleConfig {
fn new(tm: TargetMachineRef, passes: Vec<String>) -> ModuleConfig {
ModuleConfig {
tm: tm,
passes: passes,
opt_level: None,
emit_no_opt_bc: false,
emit_bc: false,
emit_lto_bc: false,
emit_ir: false,
emit_asm: false,
emit_obj: false,
no_verify: false,
no_prepopulate_passes: false,
no_builtins: false,
time_passes: false,
vectorize_loop: false,
vectorize_slp: false,
merge_functions: false,
inline_threshold: None
fn set_flags(&mut self, sess: &Session, trans: &CrateTranslation) {
self.no_verify = sess.no_verify();
self.no_prepopulate_passes = sess.opts.cg.no_prepopulate_passes;
self.no_builtins = trans.no_builtins;
self.time_passes = sess.time_passes();
self.inline_threshold = sess.opts.cg.inline_threshold;
// Copy what clang does by turning on loop vectorization at O2 and
// slp vectorization at O3. Otherwise configure other optimization aspects
// of this pass manager builder.
self.vectorize_loop = !sess.opts.cg.no_vectorize_loops &&
(sess.opts.optimize == config::Default ||
sess.opts.optimize == config::Aggressive);
self.vectorize_slp = !sess.opts.cg.no_vectorize_slp &&
sess.opts.optimize == config::Aggressive;
self.merge_functions = sess.opts.optimize == config::Default ||
sess.opts.optimize == config::Aggressive;
/// Additional resources used by optimize_and_codegen (not module specific)
struct CodegenContext<'a> {
// Extra resources used for LTO: (sess, reachable). This will be `None`
// when running in a worker thread.
lto_ctxt: Option<(&'a Session, &'a [String])>,
// Handler to use for diagnostics produced during codegen.
handler: &'a Handler,
// LLVM passes added by plugins.
plugin_passes: Vec<String>,
// LLVM optimizations for which we want to print remarks.
remark: Passes,
// Worker thread number
worker: usize,
impl<'a> CodegenContext<'a> {
fn new_with_session(sess: &'a Session, reachable: &'a [String]) -> CodegenContext<'a> {
CodegenContext {
lto_ctxt: Some((sess, reachable)),
handler: sess.diagnostic(),
plugin_passes: sess.plugin_llvm_passes.borrow().clone(),
remark: sess.opts.cg.remark.clone(),
worker: 0,
struct HandlerFreeVars<'a> {
llcx: ContextRef,
cgcx: &'a CodegenContext<'a>,
unsafe extern "C" fn report_inline_asm<'a, 'b>(cgcx: &'a CodegenContext<'a>,
msg: &'b str,
cookie: c_uint) {
use syntax::codemap::ExpnId;
match cgcx.lto_ctxt {
Some((sess, _)) => {
sess.codemap().with_expn_info(ExpnId::from_u32(cookie), |info| match info {
Some(ei) => sess.span_err(ei.call_site, msg),
None => sess.err(msg),
None => {
.note("build without -C codegen-units for more exact errors")
unsafe extern "C" fn inline_asm_handler(diag: SMDiagnosticRef,
user: *const c_void,
cookie: c_uint) {
let HandlerFreeVars { cgcx, .. } = *(user as *const HandlerFreeVars);
let msg = llvm::build_string(|s| llvm::LLVMWriteSMDiagnosticToString(diag, s))
.expect("non-UTF8 SMDiagnostic");
report_inline_asm(cgcx, &msg[..], cookie);
unsafe extern "C" fn diagnostic_handler(info: DiagnosticInfoRef, user: *mut c_void) {
let HandlerFreeVars { llcx, cgcx } = *(user as *const HandlerFreeVars);
match llvm::diagnostic::Diagnostic::unpack(info) {
llvm::diagnostic::InlineAsm(inline) => {
llvm::diagnostic::Optimization(opt) => {
let pass_name = str::from_utf8(CStr::from_ptr(opt.pass_name).to_bytes())
.expect("got a non-UTF8 pass name from LLVM");
let enabled = match cgcx.remark {
AllPasses => true,
SomePasses(ref v) => v.iter().any(|s| *s == pass_name),
if enabled {
let loc = llvm::debug_loc_to_string(llcx, opt.debug_loc);
cgcx.handler.note_without_error(&format!("optimization {} for {} at {}: {}",
if loc.is_empty() { "[unknown]" } else { &*loc },
_ => (),
// Unsafe due to LLVM calls.
unsafe fn optimize_and_codegen(cgcx: &CodegenContext,
mtrans: ModuleTranslation,
config: ModuleConfig,
name_extra: String,
output_names: OutputFilenames) {
let ModuleTranslation { llmod, llcx } = mtrans;
let tm = config.tm;
// llcx doesn't outlive this function, so we can put this on the stack.
let fv = HandlerFreeVars {
llcx: llcx,
cgcx: cgcx,
let fv = &fv as *const HandlerFreeVars as *mut c_void;
llvm::LLVMSetInlineAsmDiagnosticHandler(llcx, inline_asm_handler, fv);
llvm::LLVMContextSetDiagnosticHandler(llcx, diagnostic_handler, fv);
if config.emit_no_opt_bc {
let ext = format!("{}.no-opt.bc", name_extra);
let out = output_names.with_extension(&ext);
let out = path2cstr(&out);
llvm::LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(llmod, out.as_ptr());
if config.opt_level.is_some() {
// Create the two optimizing pass managers. These mirror what clang
// does, and are by populated by LLVM's default PassManagerBuilder.
// Each manager has a different set of passes, but they also share
// some common passes.
let fpm = llvm::LLVMCreateFunctionPassManagerForModule(llmod);
let mpm = llvm::LLVMCreatePassManager();
// If we're verifying or linting, add them to the function pass
// manager.
let addpass = |pass: &str| {
let pass = CString::new(pass).unwrap();
llvm::LLVMRustAddPass(fpm, pass.as_ptr())
if !config.no_verify { assert!(addpass("verify")); }
if !config.no_prepopulate_passes {
llvm::LLVMRustAddAnalysisPasses(tm, fpm, llmod);
llvm::LLVMRustAddAnalysisPasses(tm, mpm, llmod);
with_llvm_pmb(llmod, &config, &mut |b| {
llvm::LLVMPassManagerBuilderPopulateFunctionPassManager(b, fpm);
llvm::LLVMPassManagerBuilderPopulateModulePassManager(b, mpm);
for pass in &config.passes {
if !addpass(pass) {
cgcx.handler.warn(&format!("unknown pass `{}`, ignoring",
for pass in &cgcx.plugin_passes {
if !addpass(pass) {
cgcx.handler.err(&format!("a plugin asked for LLVM pass \
`{}` but LLVM does not \
recognize it", pass));
// Finally, run the actual optimization passes
time(config.time_passes, &format!("llvm function passes [{}]", cgcx.worker), ||
llvm::LLVMRustRunFunctionPassManager(fpm, llmod));
time(config.time_passes, &format!("llvm module passes [{}]", cgcx.worker), ||
llvm::LLVMRunPassManager(mpm, llmod));
// Deallocate managers that we're now done with
match cgcx.lto_ctxt {
Some((sess, reachable)) if sess.lto() => {
time(sess.time_passes(), "all lto passes", ||
lto::run(sess, llmod, tm, reachable, &config,
&name_extra, &output_names));
if config.emit_lto_bc {
let name = format!("{}.lto.bc", name_extra);
let out = output_names.with_extension(&name);
let out = path2cstr(&out);
llvm::LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(llmod, out.as_ptr());
_ => {},
// A codegen-specific pass manager is used to generate object
// files for an LLVM module.
// Apparently each of these pass managers is a one-shot kind of
// thing, so we create a new one for each type of output. The
// pass manager passed to the closure should be ensured to not
// escape the closure itself, and the manager should only be
// used once.
unsafe fn with_codegen<F>(tm: TargetMachineRef,
llmod: ModuleRef,
no_builtins: bool,
f: F) where
F: FnOnce(PassManagerRef),
let cpm = llvm::LLVMCreatePassManager();
llvm::LLVMRustAddAnalysisPasses(tm, cpm, llmod);
llvm::LLVMRustAddLibraryInfo(cpm, llmod, no_builtins);
if config.emit_bc {
let ext = format!("{}.bc", name_extra);
let out = output_names.with_extension(&ext);
let out = path2cstr(&out);
llvm::LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(llmod, out.as_ptr());
time(config.time_passes, &format!("codegen passes [{}]", cgcx.worker), || {
if config.emit_ir {
let ext = format!("{}.ll", name_extra);
let out = output_names.with_extension(&ext);
let out = path2cstr(&out);
with_codegen(tm, llmod, config.no_builtins, |cpm| {
llvm::LLVMRustPrintModule(cpm, llmod, out.as_ptr());
if config.emit_asm {
let path = output_names.with_extension(&format!("{}.s", name_extra));
// We can't use the same module for asm and binary output, because that triggers
// various errors like invalid IR or broken binaries, so we might have to clone the
// module to produce the asm output
let llmod = if config.emit_obj {
} else {
with_codegen(tm, llmod, config.no_builtins, |cpm| {
write_output_file(cgcx.handler, tm, cpm, llmod, &path,
if config.emit_obj {
if config.emit_obj {
let path = output_names.with_extension(&format!("{}.o", name_extra));
with_codegen(tm, llmod, config.no_builtins, |cpm| {
write_output_file(cgcx.handler, tm, cpm, llmod, &path, llvm::ObjectFileType);
pub fn run_passes(sess: &Session,
trans: &CrateTranslation,
output_types: &HashMap<OutputType, Option<PathBuf>>,
crate_output: &OutputFilenames) {
// It's possible that we have `codegen_units > 1` but only one item in
// `trans.modules`. We could theoretically proceed and do LTO in that
// case, but it would be confusing to have the validity of
// `-Z lto -C codegen-units=2` depend on details of the crate being
// compiled, so we complain regardless.
if sess.lto() && sess.opts.cg.codegen_units > 1 {
// This case is impossible to handle because LTO expects to be able
// to combine the entire crate and all its dependencies into a
// single compilation unit, but each codegen unit is in a separate
// LLVM context, so they can't easily be combined.
sess.fatal("can't perform LTO when using multiple codegen units");
// Sanity check
assert!(trans.modules.len() == sess.opts.cg.codegen_units);
let tm = create_target_machine(sess);
// Figure out what we actually need to build.
let mut modules_config = ModuleConfig::new(tm, sess.opts.cg.passes.clone());
let mut metadata_config = ModuleConfig::new(tm, vec!());
modules_config.opt_level = Some(get_llvm_opt_level(sess.opts.optimize));
// Save all versions of the bytecode if we're saving our temporaries.
if sess.opts.cg.save_temps {
modules_config.emit_no_opt_bc = true;
modules_config.emit_bc = true;
modules_config.emit_lto_bc = true;
metadata_config.emit_bc = true;
// Emit bitcode files for the crate if we're emitting an rlib.
// Whenever an rlib is created, the bitcode is inserted into the
// archive in order to allow LTO against it.
let needs_crate_bitcode =
sess.crate_types.borrow().contains(&config::CrateTypeRlib) &&
let needs_crate_object =
if needs_crate_bitcode {
modules_config.emit_bc = true;
for output_type in output_types.keys() {
match *output_type {
OutputType::Bitcode => { modules_config.emit_bc = true; },
OutputType::LlvmAssembly => { modules_config.emit_ir = true; },
OutputType::Assembly => {
modules_config.emit_asm = true;
// If we're not using the LLVM assembler, this function
// could be invoked specially with output_type_assembly, so
// in this case we still want the metadata object file.
if !sess.opts.output_types.contains_key(&OutputType::Assembly) {
metadata_config.emit_obj = true;
OutputType::Object => { modules_config.emit_obj = true; },
OutputType::Exe => {
modules_config.emit_obj = true;
metadata_config.emit_obj = true;
OutputType::DepInfo => {}
modules_config.set_flags(sess, trans);
metadata_config.set_flags(sess, trans);
// Populate a buffer with a list of codegen threads. Items are processed in
// LIFO order, just because it's a tiny bit simpler that way. (The order
// doesn't actually matter.)
let mut work_items = Vec::with_capacity(1 + trans.modules.len());
let work = build_work_item(sess,
for (index, mtrans) in trans.modules.iter().enumerate() {
let work = build_work_item(sess,
format!("{}", index));
// Process the work items, optionally using worker threads.
if sess.opts.cg.codegen_units == 1 {
run_work_singlethreaded(sess, &trans.reachable, work_items);
} else {
run_work_multithreaded(sess, work_items, sess.opts.cg.codegen_units);
// All codegen is finished.
unsafe {
// Produce final compile outputs.
let copy_gracefully = |from: &Path, to: &Path| {
if let Err(e) = fs::copy(from, to) {
sess.err(&format!("could not copy {:?} to {:?}: {}", from, to, e));
let copy_if_one_unit = |ext: &str,
output_type: OutputType,
keep_numbered: bool| {
if sess.opts.cg.codegen_units == 1 {
// 1) Only one codegen unit. In this case it's no difficulty
// to copy `foo.0.x` to `foo.x`.
if !sess.opts.cg.save_temps && !keep_numbered {
// The user just wants `foo.x`, not `foo.0.x`.
remove(sess, &crate_output.with_extension(ext));
} else if crate_output.outputs.contains_key(&output_type) {
// 2) Multiple codegen units, with `--emit foo=some_name`. We have
// no good solution for this case, so warn the user.
sess.warn(&format!("ignoring emit path because multiple .{} files \
were produced", ext));
} else if crate_output.single_output_file.is_some() {
// 3) Multiple codegen units, with `-o some_name`. We have
// no good solution for this case, so warn the user.
sess.warn(&format!("ignoring -o because multiple .{} files \
were produced", ext));
} else {
// 4) Multiple codegen units, but no explicit name. We
// just leave the `foo.0.x` files in place.
// (We don't have to do any work in this case.)
// Flag to indicate whether the user explicitly requested bitcode.
// Otherwise, we produced it only as a temporary output, and will need
// to get rid of it.
let mut user_wants_bitcode = false;
let mut user_wants_objects = false;
for output_type in output_types.keys() {
match *output_type {
OutputType::Bitcode => {
user_wants_bitcode = true;
// Copy to .bc, but always keep the .0.bc. There is a later
// check to figure out if we should delete .0.bc files, or keep
// them for making an rlib.
copy_if_one_unit("0.bc", OutputType::Bitcode, true);
OutputType::LlvmAssembly => {
copy_if_one_unit("0.ll", OutputType::LlvmAssembly, false);
OutputType::Assembly => {
copy_if_one_unit("0.s", OutputType::Assembly, false);
OutputType::Object => {
user_wants_objects = true;
copy_if_one_unit("0.o", OutputType::Object, true);
OutputType::Exe |
OutputType::DepInfo => {}
let user_wants_bitcode = user_wants_bitcode;
// Clean up unwanted temporary files.
// We create the following files by default:
// - crate.0.bc
// - crate.0.o
// - crate.metadata.bc
// - crate.metadata.o
// - crate.o (linked from crate.##.o)
// - crate.bc (copied from crate.0.bc)
// We may create additional files if requested by the user (through
// `-C save-temps` or `--emit=` flags).
if !sess.opts.cg.save_temps {
// Remove the temporary .0.o objects. If the user didn't
// explicitly request bitcode (with --emit=bc), and the bitcode is not
// needed for building an rlib, then we must remove .0.bc as well.
// Specific rules for keeping .0.bc:
// - If we're building an rlib (`needs_crate_bitcode`), then keep
// it.
// - If the user requested bitcode (`user_wants_bitcode`), and
// codegen_units > 1, then keep it.
// - If the user requested bitcode but codegen_units == 1, then we
// can toss .0.bc because we copied it to .bc earlier.
// - If we're not building an rlib and the user didn't request
// bitcode, then delete .0.bc.
// If you change how this works, also update back::link::link_rlib,
// where .0.bc files are (maybe) deleted after making an rlib.
let keep_numbered_bitcode = needs_crate_bitcode ||
(user_wants_bitcode && sess.opts.cg.codegen_units > 1);
let keep_numbered_objects = needs_crate_object ||
(user_wants_objects && sess.opts.cg.codegen_units > 1);
for i in 0..trans.modules.len() {
if modules_config.emit_obj && !keep_numbered_objects {
let ext = format!("{}.o", i);
remove(sess, &crate_output.with_extension(&ext));
if modules_config.emit_bc && !keep_numbered_bitcode {
let ext = format!("{}.bc", i);
remove(sess, &crate_output.with_extension(&ext));
if metadata_config.emit_bc && !user_wants_bitcode {
remove(sess, &crate_output.with_extension("metadata.bc"));
// We leave the following files around by default:
// - crate.o
// - crate.metadata.o
// - crate.bc
// These are used in linking steps and will be cleaned up afterward.
// FIXME: time_llvm_passes support - does this use a global context or
// something?
if sess.opts.cg.codegen_units == 1 && sess.time_llvm_passes() {
unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustPrintPassTimings(); }
struct WorkItem {
mtrans: ModuleTranslation,
config: ModuleConfig,
output_names: OutputFilenames,
name_extra: String
fn build_work_item(sess: &Session,
mtrans: ModuleTranslation,
config: ModuleConfig,
output_names: OutputFilenames,
name_extra: String)
-> WorkItem
let mut config = config;
config.tm = create_target_machine(sess);
WorkItem { mtrans: mtrans, config: config, output_names: output_names,
name_extra: name_extra }
fn execute_work_item(cgcx: &CodegenContext,
work_item: WorkItem) {
unsafe {
optimize_and_codegen(cgcx, work_item.mtrans, work_item.config,
work_item.name_extra, work_item.output_names);
fn run_work_singlethreaded(sess: &Session,
reachable: &[String],
work_items: Vec<WorkItem>) {
let cgcx = CodegenContext::new_with_session(sess, reachable);
// Since we're running single-threaded, we can pass the session to
// the proc, allowing `optimize_and_codegen` to perform LTO.
for work in work_items.into_iter().rev() {
execute_work_item(&cgcx, work);
fn run_work_multithreaded(sess: &Session,
work_items: Vec<WorkItem>,
num_workers: usize) {
// Run some workers to process the work items.
let work_items_arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(work_items));
let mut diag_emitter = SharedEmitter::new();
let mut futures = Vec::with_capacity(num_workers);
for i in 0..num_workers {
let work_items_arc = work_items_arc.clone();
let diag_emitter = diag_emitter.clone();
let plugin_passes = sess.plugin_llvm_passes.borrow().clone();
let remark = sess.opts.cg.remark.clone();
let (tx, rx) = channel();
let mut tx = Some(tx);
thread::Builder::new().name(format!("codegen-{}", i)).spawn(move || {
let diag_handler = Handler::with_emitter(true, false, box diag_emitter);
// Must construct cgcx inside the proc because it has non-Send
// fields.
let cgcx = CodegenContext {
lto_ctxt: None,
handler: &diag_handler,
plugin_passes: plugin_passes,
remark: remark,
worker: i,
loop {
// Avoid holding the lock for the entire duration of the match.
let maybe_work = work_items_arc.lock().unwrap().pop();
match maybe_work {
Some(work) => {
execute_work_item(&cgcx, work);
// Make sure to fail the worker so the main thread can
// tell that there were errors.
None => break,
let mut panicked = false;
for rx in futures {
match rx.recv() {
Ok(()) => {},
Err(_) => {
panicked = true;
// Display any new diagnostics.
if panicked {
sess.fatal("aborting due to worker thread panic");
pub fn run_assembler(sess: &Session, outputs: &OutputFilenames) {
let (pname, mut cmd) = get_linker(sess);
debug!("{:?}", cmd);
match cmd.output() {
Ok(prog) => {
if !prog.status.success() {
let mut note = prog.stderr.clone();
sess.struct_err(&format!("linking with `{}` failed: {}",
.note(&format!("{:?}", &cmd))
Err(e) => {
sess.err(&format!("could not exec the linker `{}`: {}", pname, e));
pub unsafe fn configure_llvm(sess: &Session) {
let mut llvm_c_strs = Vec::new();
let mut llvm_args = Vec::new();
let mut add = |arg: &str| {
let s = CString::new(arg).unwrap();
add("rustc"); // fake program name
if sess.time_llvm_passes() { add("-time-passes"); }
if sess.print_llvm_passes() { add("-debug-pass=Structure"); }
// FIXME #21627 disable faulty FastISel on AArch64 (even for -O0)
if sess.target.target.arch == "aarch64" { add("-fast-isel=0"); }
for arg in &sess.opts.cg.llvm_args {
llvm::LLVMRustSetLLVMOptions(llvm_args.len() as c_int,
pub unsafe fn with_llvm_pmb(llmod: ModuleRef,
config: &ModuleConfig,
f: &mut FnMut(llvm::PassManagerBuilderRef)) {
// Create the PassManagerBuilder for LLVM. We configure it with
// reasonable defaults and prepare it to actually populate the pass
// manager.
let builder = llvm::LLVMPassManagerBuilderCreate();
let opt = config.opt_level.unwrap_or(llvm::CodeGenLevelNone);
let inline_threshold = config.inline_threshold;
llvm::LLVMRustConfigurePassManagerBuilder(builder, opt,
llvm::LLVMRustAddBuilderLibraryInfo(builder, llmod, config.no_builtins);
// Here we match what clang does (kinda). For O0 we only inline
// always-inline functions (but don't add lifetime intrinsics), at O1 we
// inline with lifetime intrinsics, and O2+ we add an inliner with a
// thresholds copied from clang.
match (opt, inline_threshold) {
(_, Some(t)) => {
llvm::LLVMPassManagerBuilderUseInlinerWithThreshold(builder, t as u32);
(llvm::CodeGenLevelNone, _) => {
llvm::LLVMRustAddAlwaysInlinePass(builder, false);
(llvm::CodeGenLevelLess, _) => {
llvm::LLVMRustAddAlwaysInlinePass(builder, true);
(llvm::CodeGenLevelDefault, _) => {
llvm::LLVMPassManagerBuilderUseInlinerWithThreshold(builder, 225);
(llvm::CodeGenLevelAggressive, _) => {
llvm::LLVMPassManagerBuilderUseInlinerWithThreshold(builder, 275);