This hir expression isn't needed and only existed as it was simpler to deal with at first as it gave us a direct mapping for the ast version of the same construct. This PR removes it, properly handling the statements that are introduced by macro call expressions.
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1057 lines
40 KiB
//! Lookup hir elements using positions in the source code. This is a lossy
//! transformation: in general, a single source might correspond to several
//! modules, functions, etc, due to macros, cfgs and `#[path=]` attributes on
//! modules.
//! So, this modules should not be used during hir construction, it exists
//! purely for "IDE needs".
use std::{
iter::{self, once},
use hir_def::{
scope::{ExprScopes, ScopeId},
Body, BodySourceMap,
expr::{ExprId, Pat, PatId},
path::{ModPath, Path, PathKind},
resolver::{resolver_for_scope, Resolver, TypeNs, ValueNs},
AsMacroCall, AssocItemId, DefWithBodyId, FieldId, FunctionId, ItemContainerId, LocalFieldId,
Lookup, ModuleDefId, VariantId,
use hir_expand::{
name::{AsName, Name},
HirFileId, InFile,
use hir_ty::{
record_literal_missing_fields, record_pattern_missing_fields, unsafe_expressions,
method_resolution::{self, lang_names_for_bin_op},
Adjust, Adjustment, AutoBorrow, InferenceResult, Interner, Substitution, Ty, TyExt, TyKind,
use itertools::Itertools;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use syntax::{
ast::{self, AstNode},
SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode, TextRange, TextSize,
use crate::{
db::HirDatabase, semantics::PathResolution, Adt, AssocItem, BindingMode, BuiltinAttr,
BuiltinType, Callable, Const, DeriveHelper, Field, Function, Local, Macro, ModuleDef, Static,
Struct, ToolModule, Trait, Type, TypeAlias, Variant,
/// `SourceAnalyzer` is a convenience wrapper which exposes HIR API in terms of
/// original source files. It should not be used inside the HIR itself.
pub(crate) struct SourceAnalyzer {
pub(crate) file_id: HirFileId,
pub(crate) resolver: Resolver,
def: Option<(DefWithBodyId, Arc<Body>, Arc<BodySourceMap>)>,
infer: Option<Arc<InferenceResult>>,
impl SourceAnalyzer {
pub(crate) fn new_for_body(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
def: DefWithBodyId,
node @ InFile { file_id, .. }: InFile<&SyntaxNode>,
offset: Option<TextSize>,
) -> SourceAnalyzer {
let (body, source_map) = db.body_with_source_map(def);
let scopes = db.expr_scopes(def);
let scope = match offset {
None => scope_for(&scopes, &source_map, node),
Some(offset) => scope_for_offset(db, &scopes, &source_map, node.file_id, offset),
let resolver = resolver_for_scope(db.upcast(), def, scope);
SourceAnalyzer {
def: Some((def, body, source_map)),
infer: Some(db.infer(def)),
pub(crate) fn new_for_body_no_infer(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
def: DefWithBodyId,
node @ InFile { file_id, .. }: InFile<&SyntaxNode>,
offset: Option<TextSize>,
) -> SourceAnalyzer {
let (body, source_map) = db.body_with_source_map(def);
let scopes = db.expr_scopes(def);
let scope = match offset {
None => scope_for(&scopes, &source_map, node),
Some(offset) => scope_for_offset(db, &scopes, &source_map, node.file_id, offset),
let resolver = resolver_for_scope(db.upcast(), def, scope);
SourceAnalyzer { resolver, def: Some((def, body, source_map)), infer: None, file_id }
pub(crate) fn new_for_resolver(
resolver: Resolver,
node: InFile<&SyntaxNode>,
) -> SourceAnalyzer {
SourceAnalyzer { resolver, def: None, infer: None, file_id: node.file_id }
fn body_source_map(&self) -> Option<&BodySourceMap> {
self.def.as_ref().map(|(.., source_map)| &**source_map)
fn body(&self) -> Option<&Body> {
self.def.as_ref().map(|(_, body, _)| &**body)
fn expr_id(&self, db: &dyn HirDatabase, expr: &ast::Expr) -> Option<ExprId> {
let src = match expr {
ast::Expr::MacroExpr(expr) => {
self.expand_expr(db, InFile::new(self.file_id, expr.macro_call()?.clone()))?
_ => InFile::new(self.file_id, expr.clone()),
let sm = self.body_source_map()?;
fn pat_id(&self, pat: &ast::Pat) -> Option<PatId> {
// FIXME: macros, see `expr_id`
let src = InFile { file_id: self.file_id, value: pat };
fn expand_expr(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
expr: InFile<ast::MacroCall>,
) -> Option<InFile<ast::Expr>> {
let macro_file = self.body_source_map()?.node_macro_file(expr.as_ref())?;
let expanded = db.parse_or_expand(macro_file)?;
let res = if let Some(stmts) = ast::MacroStmts::cast(expanded.clone()) {
match stmts.expr()? {
ast::Expr::MacroExpr(mac) => {
self.expand_expr(db, InFile::new(macro_file, mac.macro_call()?))?
expr => InFile::new(macro_file, expr),
} else if let Some(call) = ast::MacroCall::cast(expanded.clone()) {
self.expand_expr(db, InFile::new(macro_file, call))?
} else {
InFile::new(macro_file, ast::Expr::cast(expanded)?)
pub(crate) fn is_implicit_reborrow(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
expr: &ast::Expr,
) -> Option<Mutability> {
let expr_id = self.expr_id(db, expr)?;
let infer = self.infer.as_ref()?;
let adjustments = infer.expr_adjustments.get(&expr_id)?;
adjustments.windows(2).find_map(|slice| match slice {
&[Adjustment {kind: Adjust::Deref(None), ..}, Adjustment {kind: Adjust::Borrow(AutoBorrow::Ref(m)), ..}] => Some(match m {
hir_ty::Mutability::Mut => Mutability::Mut,
hir_ty::Mutability::Not => Mutability::Shared,
_ => None,
pub(crate) fn type_of_expr(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
expr: &ast::Expr,
) -> Option<(Type, Option<Type>)> {
let expr_id = self.expr_id(db, expr)?;
let infer = self.infer.as_ref()?;
let coerced = infer
.and_then(|adjusts| adjusts.last().map(|adjust| adjust.target.clone()));
let ty = infer[expr_id].clone();
let mk_ty = |ty| Type::new_with_resolver(db, &self.resolver, ty);
Some((mk_ty(ty), coerced.map(mk_ty)))
pub(crate) fn type_of_pat(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
pat: &ast::Pat,
) -> Option<(Type, Option<Type>)> {
let pat_id = self.pat_id(pat)?;
let infer = self.infer.as_ref()?;
let coerced = infer
.and_then(|adjusts| adjusts.last().map(|adjust| adjust.clone()));
let ty = infer[pat_id].clone();
let mk_ty = |ty| Type::new_with_resolver(db, &self.resolver, ty);
Some((mk_ty(ty), coerced.map(mk_ty)))
pub(crate) fn type_of_self(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
param: &ast::SelfParam,
) -> Option<Type> {
let src = InFile { file_id: self.file_id, value: param };
let pat_id = self.body_source_map()?.node_self_param(src)?;
let ty = self.infer.as_ref()?[pat_id].clone();
Some(Type::new_with_resolver(db, &self.resolver, ty))
pub(crate) fn binding_mode_of_pat(
_db: &dyn HirDatabase,
pat: &ast::IdentPat,
) -> Option<BindingMode> {
let pat_id = self.pat_id(&pat.clone().into())?;
let infer = self.infer.as_ref()?;
infer.pat_binding_modes.get(&pat_id).map(|bm| match bm {
hir_ty::BindingMode::Move => BindingMode::Move,
hir_ty::BindingMode::Ref(hir_ty::Mutability::Mut) => BindingMode::Ref(Mutability::Mut),
hir_ty::BindingMode::Ref(hir_ty::Mutability::Not) => {
pub(crate) fn pattern_adjustments(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
pat: &ast::Pat,
) -> Option<SmallVec<[Type; 1]>> {
let pat_id = self.pat_id(&pat)?;
let infer = self.infer.as_ref()?;
.map(|ty| Type::new_with_resolver(db, &self.resolver, ty.clone()))
pub(crate) fn resolve_method_call_as_callable(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
call: &ast::MethodCallExpr,
) -> Option<Callable> {
let expr_id = self.expr_id(db, &call.clone().into())?;
let (func, substs) = self.infer.as_ref()?.method_resolution(expr_id)?;
let ty = db.value_ty(func.into()).substitute(Interner, &substs);
let ty = Type::new_with_resolver(db, &self.resolver, ty);
let mut res = ty.as_callable(db)?;
res.is_bound_method = true;
pub(crate) fn resolve_method_call(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
call: &ast::MethodCallExpr,
) -> Option<FunctionId> {
let expr_id = self.expr_id(db, &call.clone().into())?;
let (f_in_trait, substs) = self.infer.as_ref()?.method_resolution(expr_id)?;
Some(self.resolve_impl_method_or_trait_def(db, f_in_trait, &substs))
pub(crate) fn resolve_await_to_poll(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
await_expr: &ast::AwaitExpr,
) -> Option<FunctionId> {
let mut ty = self.ty_of_expr(db, &await_expr.expr()?.into())?.clone();
let into_future_trait = self
.resolve_known_trait(db.upcast(), &path![core::future::IntoFuture])
if let Some(into_future_trait) = into_future_trait {
let type_ = Type::new_with_resolver(db, &self.resolver, ty.clone());
if type_.impls_trait(db, into_future_trait, &[]) {
let items = into_future_trait.items(db);
let into_future_type = items.into_iter().find_map(|item| match item {
if alias.name(db) == hir_expand::name![IntoFuture] =>
_ => None,
let future_trait = type_.normalize_trait_assoc_type(db, &[], into_future_type)?;
ty = future_trait.ty;
let poll_fn = db
.lang_item(self.resolver.krate(), hir_expand::name![poll].to_smol_str())?
let substs = hir_ty::TyBuilder::subst_for_def(db, poll_fn).push(ty.clone()).build();
Some(self.resolve_impl_method_or_trait_def(db, poll_fn, &substs))
pub(crate) fn resolve_prefix_expr(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
prefix_expr: &ast::PrefixExpr,
) -> Option<FunctionId> {
let lang_item_name = match prefix_expr.op_kind()? {
ast::UnaryOp::Deref => name![deref],
ast::UnaryOp::Not => name![not],
ast::UnaryOp::Neg => name![neg],
let ty = self.ty_of_expr(db, &prefix_expr.expr()?.into())?;
let op_fn = self.lang_trait_fn(db, &lang_item_name, &lang_item_name)?;
let substs = hir_ty::TyBuilder::subst_for_def(db, op_fn).push(ty.clone()).build();
Some(self.resolve_impl_method_or_trait_def(db, op_fn, &substs))
pub(crate) fn resolve_index_expr(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
index_expr: &ast::IndexExpr,
) -> Option<FunctionId> {
let base_ty = self.ty_of_expr(db, &index_expr.base()?.into())?;
let index_ty = self.ty_of_expr(db, &index_expr.index()?.into())?;
let lang_item_name = name![index];
let op_fn = self.lang_trait_fn(db, &lang_item_name, &lang_item_name)?;
let substs = hir_ty::TyBuilder::subst_for_def(db, op_fn)
Some(self.resolve_impl_method_or_trait_def(db, op_fn, &substs))
pub(crate) fn resolve_bin_expr(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
binop_expr: &ast::BinExpr,
) -> Option<FunctionId> {
let op = binop_expr.op_kind()?;
let lhs = self.ty_of_expr(db, &binop_expr.lhs()?.into())?;
let rhs = self.ty_of_expr(db, &binop_expr.rhs()?.into())?;
let op_fn = lang_names_for_bin_op(op)
.and_then(|(name, lang_item)| self.lang_trait_fn(db, &lang_item, &name))?;
let substs =
hir_ty::TyBuilder::subst_for_def(db, op_fn).push(lhs.clone()).push(rhs.clone()).build();
Some(self.resolve_impl_method_or_trait_def(db, op_fn, &substs))
pub(crate) fn resolve_try_expr(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
try_expr: &ast::TryExpr,
) -> Option<FunctionId> {
let ty = self.ty_of_expr(db, &try_expr.expr()?.into())?;
let op_fn =
db.lang_item(self.resolver.krate(), name![branch].to_smol_str())?.as_function()?;
let substs = hir_ty::TyBuilder::subst_for_def(db, op_fn).push(ty.clone()).build();
Some(self.resolve_impl_method_or_trait_def(db, op_fn, &substs))
pub(crate) fn resolve_field(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
field: &ast::FieldExpr,
) -> Option<Field> {
let expr_id = self.expr_id(db, &field.clone().into())?;
self.infer.as_ref()?.field_resolution(expr_id).map(|it| it.into())
pub(crate) fn resolve_record_field(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
field: &ast::RecordExprField,
) -> Option<(Field, Option<Local>, Type)> {
let record_expr = ast::RecordExpr::cast(field.syntax().parent().and_then(|p| p.parent())?)?;
let expr = ast::Expr::from(record_expr);
let expr_id = self.body_source_map()?.node_expr(InFile::new(self.file_id, &expr))?;
let local_name = field.field_name()?.as_name();
let local = if field.name_ref().is_some() {
} else {
// Shorthand syntax, resolve to the local
let path = ModPath::from_segments(PathKind::Plain, once(local_name.clone()));
match self.resolver.resolve_path_in_value_ns_fully(db.upcast(), &path) {
Some(ValueNs::LocalBinding(pat_id)) => {
Some(Local { pat_id, parent: self.resolver.body_owner()? })
_ => None,
let (_, subst) = self.infer.as_ref()?.type_of_expr.get(expr_id)?.as_adt()?;
let variant = self.infer.as_ref()?.variant_resolution_for_expr(expr_id)?;
let variant_data = variant.variant_data(db.upcast());
let field = FieldId { parent: variant, local_id: variant_data.field(&local_name)? };
let field_ty =
db.field_types(variant).get(field.local_id)?.clone().substitute(Interner, subst);
Some((field.into(), local, Type::new_with_resolver(db, &self.resolver, field_ty)))
pub(crate) fn resolve_record_pat_field(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
field: &ast::RecordPatField,
) -> Option<Field> {
let field_name = field.field_name()?.as_name();
let record_pat = ast::RecordPat::cast(field.syntax().parent().and_then(|p| p.parent())?)?;
let pat_id = self.pat_id(&record_pat.into())?;
let variant = self.infer.as_ref()?.variant_resolution_for_pat(pat_id)?;
let variant_data = variant.variant_data(db.upcast());
let field = FieldId { parent: variant, local_id: variant_data.field(&field_name)? };
pub(crate) fn resolve_macro_call(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
macro_call: InFile<&ast::MacroCall>,
) -> Option<Macro> {
let ctx = body::LowerCtx::new(db.upcast(), macro_call.file_id);
let path = macro_call.value.path().and_then(|ast| Path::from_src(ast, &ctx))?;
self.resolver.resolve_path_as_macro(db.upcast(), path.mod_path()).map(|it| it.into())
pub(crate) fn resolve_bind_pat_to_const(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
pat: &ast::IdentPat,
) -> Option<ModuleDef> {
let pat_id = self.pat_id(&pat.clone().into())?;
let body = self.body()?;
let path = match &body[pat_id] {
Pat::Path(path) => path,
_ => return None,
let res = resolve_hir_path(db, &self.resolver, path)?;
match res {
PathResolution::Def(def) => Some(def),
_ => None,
pub(crate) fn resolve_path(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
path: &ast::Path,
) -> Option<PathResolution> {
let parent = path.syntax().parent();
let parent = || parent.clone();
let mut prefer_value_ns = false;
let resolved = (|| {
if let Some(path_expr) = parent().and_then(ast::PathExpr::cast) {
let expr_id = self.expr_id(db, &path_expr.into())?;
let infer = self.infer.as_ref()?;
if let Some(assoc) = infer.assoc_resolutions_for_expr(expr_id) {
let assoc = match assoc {
AssocItemId::FunctionId(f_in_trait) => {
match infer.type_of_expr.get(expr_id) {
None => assoc,
Some(func_ty) => {
if let TyKind::FnDef(_fn_def, subs) = func_ty.kind(Interner) {
self.resolve_impl_method(db, f_in_trait, subs)
} else {
_ => assoc,
return Some(PathResolution::Def(AssocItem::from(assoc).into()));
if let Some(VariantId::EnumVariantId(variant)) =
return Some(PathResolution::Def(ModuleDef::Variant(variant.into())));
prefer_value_ns = true;
} else if let Some(path_pat) = parent().and_then(ast::PathPat::cast) {
let pat_id = self.pat_id(&path_pat.into())?;
if let Some(assoc) = self.infer.as_ref()?.assoc_resolutions_for_pat(pat_id) {
return Some(PathResolution::Def(AssocItem::from(assoc).into()));
if let Some(VariantId::EnumVariantId(variant)) =
return Some(PathResolution::Def(ModuleDef::Variant(variant.into())));
} else if let Some(rec_lit) = parent().and_then(ast::RecordExpr::cast) {
let expr_id = self.expr_id(db, &rec_lit.into())?;
if let Some(VariantId::EnumVariantId(variant)) =
return Some(PathResolution::Def(ModuleDef::Variant(variant.into())));
} else {
let record_pat = parent().and_then(ast::RecordPat::cast).map(ast::Pat::from);
let tuple_struct_pat =
|| parent().and_then(ast::TupleStructPat::cast).map(ast::Pat::from);
if let Some(pat) = record_pat.or_else(tuple_struct_pat) {
let pat_id = self.pat_id(&pat)?;
let variant_res_for_pat =
if let Some(VariantId::EnumVariantId(variant)) = variant_res_for_pat {
return Some(PathResolution::Def(ModuleDef::Variant(variant.into())));
if let Some(_) = resolved {
return resolved;
// This must be a normal source file rather than macro file.
let hygiene = Hygiene::new(db.upcast(), self.file_id);
let ctx = body::LowerCtx::with_hygiene(db.upcast(), &hygiene);
let hir_path = Path::from_src(path.clone(), &ctx)?;
// Case where path is a qualifier of a use tree, e.g. foo::bar::{Baz, Qux} where we are
// trying to resolve foo::bar.
if let Some(use_tree) = parent().and_then(ast::UseTree::cast) {
if use_tree.coloncolon_token().is_some() {
return resolve_hir_path_qualifier(db, &self.resolver, &hir_path);
let meta_path = path
.take_while(|it| {
let kind = it.kind();
ast::Path::can_cast(kind) || ast::Meta::can_cast(kind)
// Case where path is a qualifier of another path, e.g. foo::bar::Baz where we are
// trying to resolve foo::bar.
if path.parent_path().is_some() {
return match resolve_hir_path_qualifier(db, &self.resolver, &hir_path) {
None if meta_path.is_some() => {
path.first_segment().and_then(|it| it.name_ref()).and_then(|name_ref| {
ToolModule::by_name(db, self.resolver.krate().into(), &name_ref.text())
res => res,
} else if let Some(meta_path) = meta_path {
// Case where we are resolving the final path segment of a path in an attribute
// in this case we have to check for inert/builtin attributes and tools and prioritize
// resolution of attributes over other namespaces
if let Some(name_ref) = path.as_single_name_ref() {
let builtin =
BuiltinAttr::by_name(db, self.resolver.krate().into(), &name_ref.text());
if let Some(_) = builtin {
return builtin.map(PathResolution::BuiltinAttr);
if let Some(attr) = meta_path.parent_attr() {
let adt = if let Some(field) =
} else if let Some(field) =
} else if let Some(variant) =
} else {
if let Some(adt) = adt {
let ast_id = db.ast_id_map(self.file_id).ast_id(&adt);
if let Some(helpers) = self
.derive_helpers_in_scope(InFile::new(self.file_id, ast_id))
// FIXME: Multiple derives can have the same helper
let name_ref = name_ref.as_name();
for (macro_id, mut helpers) in
helpers.iter().group_by(|(_, macro_id, ..)| macro_id).into_iter()
if let Some(idx) = helpers.position(|(name, ..)| *name == name_ref)
return Some(PathResolution::DeriveHelper(DeriveHelper {
derive: *macro_id,
return match resolve_hir_path_as_macro(db, &self.resolver, &hir_path) {
Some(m) => Some(PathResolution::Def(ModuleDef::Macro(m))),
// this labels any path that starts with a tool module as the tool itself, this is technically wrong
// but there is no benefit in differentiating these two cases for the time being
None => path.first_segment().and_then(|it| it.name_ref()).and_then(|name_ref| {
ToolModule::by_name(db, self.resolver.krate().into(), &name_ref.text())
if parent().map_or(false, |it| ast::Visibility::can_cast(it.kind())) {
resolve_hir_path_qualifier(db, &self.resolver, &hir_path)
} else {
resolve_hir_path_(db, &self.resolver, &hir_path, prefer_value_ns)
pub(crate) fn record_literal_missing_fields(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
literal: &ast::RecordExpr,
) -> Option<Vec<(Field, Type)>> {
let body = self.body()?;
let infer = self.infer.as_ref()?;
let expr_id = self.expr_id(db, &literal.clone().into())?;
let substs = infer.type_of_expr[expr_id].as_adt()?.1;
let (variant, missing_fields, _exhaustive) =
record_literal_missing_fields(db, infer, expr_id, &body[expr_id])?;
let res = self.missing_fields(db, substs, variant, missing_fields);
pub(crate) fn record_pattern_missing_fields(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
pattern: &ast::RecordPat,
) -> Option<Vec<(Field, Type)>> {
let body = self.body()?;
let infer = self.infer.as_ref()?;
let pat_id = self.pat_id(&pattern.clone().into())?;
let substs = infer.type_of_pat[pat_id].as_adt()?.1;
let (variant, missing_fields, _exhaustive) =
record_pattern_missing_fields(db, infer, pat_id, &body[pat_id])?;
let res = self.missing_fields(db, substs, variant, missing_fields);
fn missing_fields(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
substs: &Substitution,
variant: VariantId,
missing_fields: Vec<LocalFieldId>,
) -> Vec<(Field, Type)> {
let field_types = db.field_types(variant);
.map(|local_id| {
let field = FieldId { parent: variant, local_id };
let ty = field_types[local_id].clone().substitute(Interner, substs);
(field.into(), Type::new_with_resolver_inner(db, &self.resolver, ty))
pub(crate) fn expand(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
macro_call: InFile<&ast::MacroCall>,
) -> Option<HirFileId> {
let krate = self.resolver.krate();
let macro_call_id = macro_call.as_call_id(db.upcast(), krate, |path| {
.resolve_path_as_macro(db.upcast(), &path)
.map(|it| macro_id_to_def_id(db.upcast(), it))
Some(macro_call_id.as_file()).filter(|it| it.expansion_level(db.upcast()) < 64)
pub(crate) fn resolve_variant(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
record_lit: ast::RecordExpr,
) -> Option<VariantId> {
let infer = self.infer.as_ref()?;
let expr_id = self.expr_id(db, &record_lit.into())?;
pub(crate) fn is_unsafe_macro_call(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
macro_call: InFile<&ast::MacroCall>,
) -> bool {
// check for asm/global_asm
if let Some(mac) = self.resolve_macro_call(db, macro_call) {
let ex = match mac.id {
hir_def::MacroId::Macro2Id(it) => it.lookup(db.upcast()).expander,
hir_def::MacroId::MacroRulesId(it) => it.lookup(db.upcast()).expander,
_ => hir_def::MacroExpander::Declarative,
match ex {
if e == BuiltinFnLikeExpander::Asm || e == BuiltinFnLikeExpander::GlobalAsm =>
return true
_ => (),
let macro_expr = match macro_call
.map(|it| it.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::MacroExpr::cast))
Some(it) => it,
None => return false,
if let (Some((def, body, sm)), Some(infer)) = (&self.def, &self.infer) {
if let Some(expanded_expr) = sm.macro_expansion_expr(macro_expr.as_ref()) {
let mut is_unsafe = false;
&mut |UnsafeExpr { inside_unsafe_block, .. }| is_unsafe |= !inside_unsafe_block,
return is_unsafe;
fn resolve_impl_method(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
func: FunctionId,
substs: &Substitution,
) -> Option<FunctionId> {
let impled_trait = match func.lookup(db.upcast()).container {
ItemContainerId::TraitId(trait_id) => trait_id,
_ => return None,
if substs.is_empty(Interner) {
return None;
let self_ty = substs.at(Interner, 0).ty(Interner)?;
let krate = self.resolver.krate();
let trait_env = self.resolver.body_owner()?.as_generic_def_id().map_or_else(
|| Arc::new(hir_ty::TraitEnvironment::empty(krate)),
|d| db.trait_environment(d),
let fun_data = db.function_data(func);
method_resolution::lookup_impl_method(self_ty, db, trait_env, impled_trait, &fun_data.name)
fn resolve_impl_method_or_trait_def(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
func: FunctionId,
substs: &Substitution,
) -> FunctionId {
self.resolve_impl_method(db, func, substs).unwrap_or(func)
fn lang_trait_fn(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
lang_trait: &Name,
method_name: &Name,
) -> Option<FunctionId> {
db.trait_data(db.lang_item(self.resolver.krate(), lang_trait.to_smol_str())?.as_trait()?)
fn ty_of_expr(&self, db: &dyn HirDatabase, expr: &ast::Expr) -> Option<&Ty> {
self.infer.as_ref()?.type_of_expr.get(self.expr_id(db, &expr)?)
fn scope_for(
scopes: &ExprScopes,
source_map: &BodySourceMap,
node: InFile<&SyntaxNode>,
) -> Option<ScopeId> {
.filter_map(|it| source_map.node_expr(InFile::new(node.file_id, &it)))
.find_map(|it| scopes.scope_for(it))
fn scope_for_offset(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
scopes: &ExprScopes,
source_map: &BodySourceMap,
from_file: HirFileId,
offset: TextSize,
) -> Option<ScopeId> {
.filter_map(|(id, scope)| {
let InFile { file_id, value } = source_map.expr_syntax(*id).ok()?;
if from_file == file_id {
return Some((value.text_range(), scope));
// FIXME handle attribute expansion
let source = iter::successors(file_id.call_node(db.upcast()), |it| {
.find(|it| it.file_id == from_file)
.filter(|it| it.value.kind() == SyntaxKind::MACRO_CALL)?;
Some((source.value.text_range(), scope))
.filter(|(expr_range, _scope)| expr_range.start() <= offset && offset <= expr_range.end())
// find containing scope
.min_by_key(|(expr_range, _scope)| expr_range.len())
.map(|(expr_range, scope)| {
adjust(db, scopes, source_map, expr_range, from_file, offset).unwrap_or(*scope)
// XXX: during completion, cursor might be outside of any particular
// expression. Try to figure out the correct scope...
fn adjust(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
scopes: &ExprScopes,
source_map: &BodySourceMap,
expr_range: TextRange,
from_file: HirFileId,
offset: TextSize,
) -> Option<ScopeId> {
let child_scopes = scopes
.filter_map(|(id, scope)| {
let source = source_map.expr_syntax(*id).ok()?;
// FIXME: correctly handle macro expansion
if source.file_id != from_file {
return None;
let root = source.file_syntax(db.upcast());
let node = source.value.to_node(&root);
Some((node.syntax().text_range(), scope))
.filter(|&(range, _)| {
range.start() <= offset && expr_range.contains_range(range) && range != expr_range
.max_by(|&(r1, _), &(r2, _)| {
if r1.contains_range(r2) {
} else if r2.contains_range(r1) {
} else {
.map(|(_ptr, scope)| *scope)
pub(crate) fn resolve_hir_path(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
resolver: &Resolver,
path: &Path,
) -> Option<PathResolution> {
resolve_hir_path_(db, resolver, path, false)
pub(crate) fn resolve_hir_path_as_macro(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
resolver: &Resolver,
path: &Path,
) -> Option<Macro> {
resolver.resolve_path_as_macro(db.upcast(), path.mod_path()).map(Into::into)
fn resolve_hir_path_(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
resolver: &Resolver,
path: &Path,
prefer_value_ns: bool,
) -> Option<PathResolution> {
let types = || {
let (ty, unresolved) = match path.type_anchor() {
Some(type_ref) => {
let (_, res) = TyLoweringContext::new(db, resolver).lower_ty_ext(type_ref);
res.map(|ty_ns| (ty_ns, path.segments().first()))
None => {
let (ty, remaining) =
resolver.resolve_path_in_type_ns(db.upcast(), path.mod_path())?;
match remaining {
Some(remaining) if remaining > 1 => {
if remaining + 1 == path.segments().len() {
Some((ty, path.segments().last()))
} else {
_ => Some((ty, path.segments().get(1))),
// If we are in a TypeNs for a Trait, and we have an unresolved name, try to resolve it as a type
// within the trait's associated types.
if let (Some(unresolved), &TypeNs::TraitId(trait_id)) = (&unresolved, &ty) {
if let Some(type_alias_id) =
return Some(PathResolution::Def(ModuleDefId::from(type_alias_id).into()));
let res = match ty {
TypeNs::SelfType(it) => PathResolution::SelfType(it.into()),
TypeNs::GenericParam(id) => PathResolution::TypeParam(id.into()),
TypeNs::AdtSelfType(it) | TypeNs::AdtId(it) => {
TypeNs::EnumVariantId(it) => PathResolution::Def(Variant::from(it).into()),
TypeNs::TypeAliasId(it) => PathResolution::Def(TypeAlias::from(it).into()),
TypeNs::BuiltinType(it) => PathResolution::Def(BuiltinType::from(it).into()),
TypeNs::TraitId(it) => PathResolution::Def(Trait::from(it).into()),
match unresolved {
Some(unresolved) => resolver
.and_then(|def| {
|name, _, id| (name == unresolved.name).then(|| id),
None => Some(res),
let body_owner = resolver.body_owner();
let values = || {
resolver.resolve_path_in_value_ns_fully(db.upcast(), path.mod_path()).and_then(|val| {
let res = match val {
ValueNs::LocalBinding(pat_id) => {
let var = Local { parent: body_owner?, pat_id };
ValueNs::FunctionId(it) => PathResolution::Def(Function::from(it).into()),
ValueNs::ConstId(it) => PathResolution::Def(Const::from(it).into()),
ValueNs::StaticId(it) => PathResolution::Def(Static::from(it).into()),
ValueNs::StructId(it) => PathResolution::Def(Struct::from(it).into()),
ValueNs::EnumVariantId(it) => PathResolution::Def(Variant::from(it).into()),
ValueNs::ImplSelf(impl_id) => PathResolution::SelfType(impl_id.into()),
ValueNs::GenericParam(id) => PathResolution::ConstParam(id.into()),
let items = || {
.resolve_module_path_in_items(db.upcast(), path.mod_path())
.map(|it| PathResolution::Def(it.into()))
let macros = || {
.resolve_path_as_macro(db.upcast(), path.mod_path())
.map(|def| PathResolution::Def(ModuleDef::Macro(def.into())))
if prefer_value_ns { values().or_else(types) } else { types().or_else(values) }
/// Resolves a path where we know it is a qualifier of another path.
/// For example, if we have:
/// ```
/// mod my {
/// pub mod foo {
/// struct Bar;
/// }
/// pub fn foo() {}
/// }
/// ```
/// then we know that `foo` in `my::foo::Bar` refers to the module, not the function.
fn resolve_hir_path_qualifier(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
resolver: &Resolver,
path: &Path,
) -> Option<PathResolution> {
.resolve_path_in_type_ns_fully(db.upcast(), path.mod_path())
.map(|ty| match ty {
TypeNs::SelfType(it) => PathResolution::SelfType(it.into()),
TypeNs::GenericParam(id) => PathResolution::TypeParam(id.into()),
TypeNs::AdtSelfType(it) | TypeNs::AdtId(it) => {
TypeNs::EnumVariantId(it) => PathResolution::Def(Variant::from(it).into()),
TypeNs::TypeAliasId(it) => PathResolution::Def(TypeAlias::from(it).into()),
TypeNs::BuiltinType(it) => PathResolution::Def(BuiltinType::from(it).into()),
TypeNs::TraitId(it) => PathResolution::Def(Trait::from(it).into()),
.or_else(|| {
.resolve_module_path_in_items(db.upcast(), path.mod_path())
.map(|it| PathResolution::Def(it.into()))