2015-09-28 10:34:10 +05:30

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use rustc::lint::*;
use rustc_front::hir::*;
use reexport::*;
use syntax::codemap::{ExpnInfo, Span, ExpnFormat};
use rustc::front::map::Node::*;
use rustc::middle::def_id::DefId;
use rustc::middle::ty;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use syntax::ast::Lit_::*;
// module DefPaths for certain structs/enums we check for
pub const OPTION_PATH: [&'static str; 3] = ["core", "option", "Option"];
pub const RESULT_PATH: [&'static str; 3] = ["core", "result", "Result"];
pub const STRING_PATH: [&'static str; 3] = ["collections", "string", "String"];
pub const VEC_PATH: [&'static str; 3] = ["collections", "vec", "Vec"];
pub const LL_PATH: [&'static str; 3] = ["collections", "linked_list", "LinkedList"];
/// returns true this expn_info was expanded by any macro
pub fn in_macro(cx: &LateContext, span: Span) -> bool {
|info| info.map_or(false, |i| {
match i.callee.format {
ExpnFormat::CompilerExpansion(..) => false,
_ => true,
/// returns true if the macro that expanded the crate was outside of
/// the current crate or was a compiler plugin
pub fn in_external_macro<T: LintContext>(cx: &T, span: Span) -> bool {
/// invokes in_macro with the expansion info of the given span
/// slightly heavy, try to use this after other checks have already happened
fn in_macro_ext<T: LintContext>(cx: &T, opt_info: Option<&ExpnInfo>) -> bool {
// no ExpnInfo = no macro
opt_info.map_or(false, |info| {
match info.callee.format {
ExpnFormat::CompilerExpansion(..) => {
if == "closure expansion" {
return false;
ExpnFormat::MacroAttribute(..) => {
// these are all plugins
return true;
_ => (),
// no span for the callee = external macro
info.callee.span.map_or(true, |span| {
// no snippet = external macro or compiler-builtin expansion
cx.sess().codemap().span_to_snippet(span).ok().map_or(true, |code|
// macro doesn't start with "macro_rules"
// = compiler plugin
|info| in_macro_ext(cx, info))
/// check if a DefId's path matches the given absolute type path
/// usage e.g. with
/// `match_def_path(cx, id, &["core", "option", "Option"])`
pub fn match_def_path(cx: &LateContext, def_id: DefId, path: &[&str]) -> bool {
cx.tcx.with_path(def_id, |iter|
.all(|(nm, p)| == *p))
/// check if type is struct or enum type with given def path
pub fn match_type(cx: &LateContext, ty: ty::Ty, path: &[&str]) -> bool {
match ty.sty {
ty::TyEnum(ref adt, _) | ty::TyStruct(ref adt, _) => {
match_def_path(cx, adt.did, path)
_ => {
/// check if method call given in "expr" belongs to given trait
pub fn match_trait_method(cx: &LateContext, expr: &Expr, path: &[&str]) -> bool {
let method_call = ty::MethodCall::expr(;
let trt_id = cx.tcx.tables
.and_then(|callee| cx.tcx.trait_of_item(callee.def_id));
if let Some(trt_id) = trt_id {
match_def_path(cx, trt_id, path)
} else {
/// match a Path against a slice of segment string literals, e.g.
/// `match_path(path, &["std", "rt", "begin_unwind"])`
pub fn match_path(path: &Path, segments: &[&str]) -> bool {
|(a, b)| == *b)
/// get the name of the item the expression is in, if available
pub fn get_item_name(cx: &LateContext, expr: &Expr) -> Option<Name> {
let parent_id =;
match {
Some(NodeItem(&Item{ ref name, .. })) |
Some(NodeTraitItem(&TraitItem{ id: _, ref name, .. })) |
Some(NodeImplItem(&ImplItem{ id: _, ref name, .. })) => {
_ => None,
/// convert a span to a code snippet if available, otherwise use default, e.g.
/// `snippet(cx, expr.span, "..")`
pub fn snippet<'a, T: LintContext>(cx: &T, span: Span, default: &'a str) -> Cow<'a, str> {
/// convert a span (from a block) to a code snippet if available, otherwise use default, e.g.
/// `snippet(cx, expr.span, "..")`
/// This trims the code of indentation, except for the first line
/// Use it for blocks or block-like things which need to be printed as such
pub fn snippet_block<'a, T: LintContext>(cx: &T, span: Span, default: &'a str) -> Cow<'a, str> {
let snip = snippet(cx, span, default);
trim_multiline(snip, true)
/// Like snippet_block, but add braces if the expr is not an ExprBlock
pub fn expr_block<'a, T: LintContext>(cx: &T, expr: &Expr, default: &'a str) -> Cow<'a, str> {
let code = snippet_block(cx, expr.span, default);
if let ExprBlock(_) = expr.node {
} else {
Cow::Owned(format!("{{ {} }}", code))
/// Trim indentation from a multiline string
/// with possibility of ignoring the first line
pub fn trim_multiline(s: Cow<str>, ignore_first: bool) -> Cow<str> {
let s_space = trim_multiline_inner(s, ignore_first, ' ');
let s_tab = trim_multiline_inner(s_space, ignore_first, '\t');
trim_multiline_inner(s_tab, ignore_first, ' ')
fn trim_multiline_inner(s: Cow<str>, ignore_first: bool, ch: char) -> Cow<str> {
let x = s.lines().skip(ignore_first as usize)
.filter_map(|l| { if l.len() > 0 { // ignore empty lines
.find(|&(_,x)| x != ch)
.unwrap_or((l.len(), ch)).0)
} else {None}})
if x > 0 {
Cow::Owned(s.lines().enumerate().map(|(i,l)| if (ignore_first && i == 0) ||
l.len() == 0 {
} else {
} else {
/// get a parent expr if any this is useful to constrain a lint
pub fn get_parent_expr<'c>(cx: &'c LateContext, e: &Expr) -> Option<&'c Expr> {
let map = &;
let node_id : NodeId =;
let parent_id : NodeId = map.get_parent_node(node_id);
if node_id == parent_id { return None; }
if let NodeExpr(parent) = node { Some(parent) } else { None } )
pub fn span_lint<T: LintContext>(cx: &T, lint: &'static Lint, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
cx.span_lint(lint, sp, msg);
if cx.current_level(lint) != Level::Allow {
cx.sess().fileline_help(sp, &format!("for further information visit \{}",
pub fn span_lint<T: LintContext>(cx: &T, lint: &'static Lint, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
// / lint.desc is can give details of the lint
// cx.sess().codemap() has all these nice functions for line/column/snippet details
cx.span_lint(lint, sp, msg);
if cx.current_level(lint) != Level::Allow {
cx.sess().fileline_help(sp, &format!("for further information visit \{}",
pub fn span_help_and_lint<T: LintContext>(cx: &T, lint: &'static Lint, span: Span,
msg: &str, help: &str) {
cx.span_lint(lint, span, msg);
if cx.current_level(lint) != Level::Allow {
cx.sess().fileline_help(span, &format!("{}\nfor further information \
help, lint.name_lower()))
pub fn span_note_and_lint<T: LintContext>(cx: &T, lint: &'static Lint, span: Span,
msg: &str, note_span: Span, note: &str) {
cx.span_lint(lint, span, msg);
if cx.current_level(lint) != Level::Allow {
if note_span == span {
cx.sess().fileline_note(note_span, note)
} else {
cx.sess().span_note(note_span, note)
cx.sess().fileline_help(span, &format!("for further information visit \{}",
/// return the base type for references and raw pointers
pub fn walk_ptrs_ty(ty: ty::Ty) -> ty::Ty {
match ty.sty {
ty::TyRef(_, ref tm) | ty::TyRawPtr(ref tm) => walk_ptrs_ty(tm.ty),
_ => ty
/// return the base type for references and raw pointers, and count reference depth
pub fn walk_ptrs_ty_depth(ty: ty::Ty) -> (ty::Ty, usize) {
fn inner(ty: ty::Ty, depth: usize) -> (ty::Ty, usize) {
match ty.sty {
ty::TyRef(_, ref tm) | ty::TyRawPtr(ref tm) => inner(tm.ty, depth + 1),
_ => (ty, depth)
inner(ty, 0)
pub fn is_integer_literal(expr: &Expr, value: u64) -> bool
// FIXME: use constant folding
if let ExprLit(ref spanned) = expr.node {
if let LitInt(v, _) = spanned.node {
return v == value;
/// Produce a nested chain of if-lets and ifs from the patterns:
/// if_let_chain! {
/// [
/// Some(y) = x,
/// y.len() == 2,
/// Some(z) = y,
/// ],
/// {
/// block
/// }
/// }
/// becomes
/// if let Some(y) = x {
/// if y.len() == 2 {
/// if let Some(z) = y {
/// block
/// }
/// }
/// }
macro_rules! if_let_chain {
([let $pat:pat = $expr:expr, $($tt:tt)+], $block:block) => {
if let $pat = $expr {
if_let_chain!{ [$($tt)+], $block }
([let $pat:pat = $expr:expr], $block:block) => {
if let $pat = $expr {
([$expr:expr, $($tt:tt)+], $block:block) => {
if $expr {
if_let_chain!{ [$($tt)+], $block }
([$expr:expr], $block:block) => {
if $expr {