They are now created by the resolve pass, which is the only pass that needs them, and kept internal to that pass.
438 lines
13 KiB
438 lines
13 KiB
import std.Vec;
import std.Str;
import std.Option;
import std.Option.some;
import std.Option.none;
import std.Map.hashmap;
import driver.session;
import ast.ident;
import front.parser.parser;
import front.parser.spanned;
import front.parser.new_parser;
import front.parser.parse_mod_items;
import util.common;
import util.common.filename;
import util.common.span;
import util.common.new_str_hash;
// Simple dynamic-typed value type for eval_expr.
tag val {
tag eval_mode {
type env = vec[tup(ident, val)];
type ctx = @rec(parser p,
eval_mode mode,
mutable vec[str] deps,
session.session sess,
mutable uint chpos);
fn mk_env() -> env {
let env e = vec();
ret e;
fn val_is_bool(val v) -> bool {
alt (v) {
case (val_bool(_)) { ret true; }
case (_) { }
ret false;
fn val_is_int(val v) -> bool {
alt (v) {
case (val_int(_)) { ret true; }
case (_) { }
ret false;
fn val_is_str(val v) -> bool {
alt (v) {
case (val_str(_)) { ret true; }
case (_) { }
ret false;
fn val_as_bool(val v) -> bool {
alt (v) {
case (val_bool(?b)) { ret b; }
case (_) { }
fn val_as_int(val v) -> int {
alt (v) {
case (val_int(?i)) { ret i; }
case (_) { }
fn val_as_str(val v) -> str {
alt (v) {
case (val_str(?s)) { ret s; }
case (_) { }
fn lookup(session.session sess, env e, span sp, ident i) -> val {
for (tup(ident, val) pair in e) {
if (Str.eq(i, pair._0)) {
ret pair._1;
sess.span_err(sp, "unknown variable: " + i);
fn eval_lit(ctx cx, span sp, @ast.lit lit) -> val {
alt (lit.node) {
case (ast.lit_bool(?b)) { ret val_bool(b); }
case (ast.lit_int(?i)) { ret val_int(i); }
case (ast.lit_str(?s)) { ret val_str(s); }
case (_) {
cx.sess.span_err(sp, "evaluating unsupported literal");
fn eval_expr(ctx cx, env e, @ast.expr x) -> val {
alt (x.node) {
case (ast.expr_path(?pth, _, _)) {
if (Vec.len[ident](pth.node.idents) == 1u &&
Vec.len[@ast.ty](pth.node.types) == 0u) {
ret lookup(cx.sess, e, x.span, pth.node.idents.(0));
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "evaluating structured path-name");
case (ast.expr_lit(?lit, _)) {
ret eval_lit(cx, x.span, lit);
case (ast.expr_unary(?op, ?a, _)) {
auto av = eval_expr(cx, e, a);
alt (op) {
case (ast.not) {
if (val_is_bool(av)) {
ret val_bool(!val_as_bool(av));
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "bad types in '!' expression");
case (_) {
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "evaluating unsupported unop");
case (ast.expr_binary(?op, ?a, ?b, _)) {
auto av = eval_expr(cx, e, a);
auto bv = eval_expr(cx, e, b);
alt (op) {
case (ast.add) {
if (val_is_int(av) && val_is_int(bv)) {
ret val_int(val_as_int(av) + val_as_int(bv));
if (val_is_str(av) && val_is_str(bv)) {
ret val_str(val_as_str(av) + val_as_str(bv));
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "bad types in '+' expression");
case (ast.sub) {
if (val_is_int(av) && val_is_int(bv)) {
ret val_int(val_as_int(av) - val_as_int(bv));
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "bad types in '-' expression");
case (ast.mul) {
if (val_is_int(av) && val_is_int(bv)) {
ret val_int(val_as_int(av) * val_as_int(bv));
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "bad types in '*' expression");
case (ast.div) {
if (val_is_int(av) && val_is_int(bv)) {
ret val_int(val_as_int(av) / val_as_int(bv));
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "bad types in '/' expression");
case (ast.rem) {
if (val_is_int(av) && val_is_int(bv)) {
ret val_int(val_as_int(av) % val_as_int(bv));
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "bad types in '%' expression");
case (ast.and) {
if (val_is_bool(av) && val_is_bool(bv)) {
ret val_bool(val_as_bool(av) && val_as_bool(bv));
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "bad types in '&&' expression");
case (ast.or) {
if (val_is_bool(av) && val_is_bool(bv)) {
ret val_bool(val_as_bool(av) || val_as_bool(bv));
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "bad types in '||' expression");
case (ast.eq) {
ret val_bool(val_eq(cx.sess, x.span, av, bv));
case ( {
ret val_bool(! val_eq(cx.sess, x.span, av, bv));
case (_) {
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "evaluating unsupported binop");
case (_) {
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "evaluating unsupported expression");
fn val_eq(session.session sess, span sp, val av, val bv) -> bool {
if (val_is_bool(av) && val_is_bool(bv)) {
ret val_as_bool(av) == val_as_bool(bv);
if (val_is_int(av) && val_is_int(bv)) {
ret val_as_int(av) == val_as_int(bv);
if (val_is_str(av) && val_is_str(bv)) {
ret Str.eq(val_as_str(av),
sess.span_err(sp, "bad types in comparison");
fn eval_crate_directives(ctx cx,
env e,
vec[@ast.crate_directive] cdirs,
str prefix,
&mutable vec[@ast.view_item] view_items,
&mutable vec[@ast.item] items) {
for (@ast.crate_directive sub_cdir in cdirs) {
eval_crate_directive(cx, e, sub_cdir, prefix,
view_items, items);
fn eval_crate_directives_to_mod(ctx cx, env e,
vec[@ast.crate_directive] cdirs,
str prefix) -> ast._mod {
let vec[@ast.view_item] view_items = vec();
let vec[@ast.item] items = vec();
eval_crate_directives(cx, e, cdirs, prefix,
view_items, items);
ret rec(view_items=view_items, items=items);
fn eval_crate_directive_block(ctx cx,
env e,
&ast.block blk,
str prefix,
&mutable vec[@ast.view_item] view_items,
&mutable vec[@ast.item] items) {
for (@ast.stmt s in blk.node.stmts) {
alt (s.node) {
case (ast.stmt_crate_directive(?cdir)) {
eval_crate_directive(cx, e, cdir, prefix,
view_items, items);
case (_) {
"unsupported stmt in crate-directive block");
fn eval_crate_directive_expr(ctx cx,
env e,
@ast.expr x,
str prefix,
&mutable vec[@ast.view_item] view_items,
&mutable vec[@ast.item] items) {
alt (x.node) {
case (ast.expr_if(?cond, ?thn, ?elopt, _)) {
auto cv = eval_expr(cx, e, cond);
if (!val_is_bool(cv)) {
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "bad cond type in 'if'");
if (val_as_bool(cv)) {
ret eval_crate_directive_block(cx, e, thn, prefix,
view_items, items);
alt (elopt) {
case (some[@ast.expr](?els)) {
ret eval_crate_directive_expr(cx, e, els, prefix,
view_items, items);
case (_) {
// Absent-else is ok.
case (ast.expr_alt(?v, ?arms, _)) {
auto vv = eval_expr(cx, e, v);
for (ast.arm arm in arms) {
alt (arm.pat.node) {
case (ast.pat_lit(?lit, _)) {
auto pv = eval_lit(cx, arm.pat.span, lit);
if (val_eq(cx.sess, arm.pat.span, vv, pv)) {
ret eval_crate_directive_block
(cx, e, arm.block, prefix, view_items, items);
case (ast.pat_wild(_)) {
ret eval_crate_directive_block
(cx, e, arm.block, prefix,
view_items, items);
case (_) {
"bad pattern type in 'alt'");
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "no cases matched in 'alt'");
case (ast.expr_block(?block, _)) {
ret eval_crate_directive_block(cx, e, block, prefix,
view_items, items);
case (_) {
cx.sess.span_err(x.span, "unsupported expr type");
fn eval_crate_directive(ctx cx,
env e,
@ast.crate_directive cdir,
str prefix,
&mutable vec[@ast.view_item] view_items,
&mutable vec[@ast.item] items) {
alt (cdir.node) {
case (ast.cdir_let(?id, ?x, ?cdirs)) {
auto v = eval_expr(cx, e, x);
auto e0 = vec(tup(id, v)) + e;
eval_crate_directives(cx, e0, cdirs, prefix,
view_items, items);
case (ast.cdir_expr(?x)) {
eval_crate_directive_expr(cx, e, x, prefix,
view_items, items);
case (ast.cdir_src_mod(?id, ?file_opt)) {
auto file_path = id + ".rs";
alt (file_opt) {
case (some[filename](?f)) {
file_path = f;
case (none[filename]) {}
auto full_path = prefix + std.FS.path_sep() + file_path;
if (cx.mode == mode_depend) {
cx.deps += vec(full_path);
auto start_id = cx.p.next_def_id();
auto p0 = new_parser(cx.sess, e, start_id, full_path, cx.chpos);
auto m0 = parse_mod_items(p0, token.EOF);
auto next_id = p0.next_def_id();
// Thread defids and chpos through the parsers
cx.chpos = p0.get_chpos();
auto im = ast.item_mod(id, m0, next_id);
auto i = @spanned(cdir.span.lo, cdir.span.hi, im);
Vec.push[@ast.item](items, i);
case (ast.cdir_dir_mod(?id, ?dir_opt, ?cdirs)) {
auto path = id;
alt (dir_opt) {
case (some[filename](?d)) {
path = d;
case (none[filename]) {}
auto full_path = prefix + std.FS.path_sep() + path;
auto m0 = eval_crate_directives_to_mod(cx, e, cdirs, full_path);
auto im = ast.item_mod(id, m0, cx.p.next_def_id());
auto i = @spanned(cdir.span.lo, cdir.span.hi, im);
Vec.push[@ast.item](items, i);
case (ast.cdir_view_item(?vi)) {
Vec.push[@ast.view_item](view_items, vi);
case (ast.cdir_meta(?mi)) {
case (ast.cdir_syntax(?pth)) {}
case (ast.cdir_auth(?pth, ?eff)) {}
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End: