ignore wait-forked-but-failed-child.rs as there is no command 'ps' on vxWorks ignore process-sigpipe.rs as there is no 'sh' on vxWorks ignore core-run-destroy.rs as there is no 'cat' and 'sleep' on vxWorks
64 lines
1.7 KiB
64 lines
1.7 KiB
// run-pass
// ignore-cloudabi no processes
// ignore-emscripten no processes
// ignore-sgx no processes
// ignore-vxworks no 'ps'
extern crate libc;
use std::process::Command;
// The output from "ps -A -o pid,ppid,args" should look like this:
// 1 0 /sbin/init
// 2 0 [kthreadd]
// ...
// 6076 9064 /bin/zsh
// ...
// 7164 6076 ./spawn-failure
// 7165 7164 [spawn-failure] <defunct>
// 7166 7164 [spawn-failure] <defunct>
// ...
// 7197 7164 [spawn-failure] <defunct>
// 7198 7164 ps -A -o pid,ppid,command
// ...
fn find_zombies() {
let my_pid = unsafe { libc::getpid() };
// http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/ps.html
let ps_cmd_output = Command::new("ps").args(&["-A", "-o", "pid,ppid,args"]).output().unwrap();
let ps_output = String::from_utf8_lossy(&ps_cmd_output.stdout);
for (line_no, line) in ps_output.split('\n').enumerate() {
if 0 < line_no && 0 < line.len() &&
my_pid == line.split(' ').filter(|w| 0 < w.len()).nth(1)
.expect("1st column should be PPID")
.expect("PPID string into integer") &&
line.contains("defunct") {
panic!("Zombie child {}", line);
fn find_zombies() { }
fn main() {
let too_long = format!("/NoSuchCommand{:0300}", 0u8);
let _failures = (0..100).map(|_| {
let mut cmd = Command::new(&too_long);
let failed = cmd.spawn();
assert!(failed.is_err(), "Make sure the command fails to spawn(): {:?}", cmd);
// then _failures goes out of scope