463 lines
18 KiB
463 lines
18 KiB
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry::*;
use rustc_ast::expand::allocator::ALLOCATOR_METHODS;
use rustc_data_structures::fingerprint::Fingerprint;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId, DefIdMap, LocalDefId, CRATE_DEF_INDEX, LOCAL_CRATE};
use rustc_hir::Node;
use rustc_index::vec::IndexVec;
use rustc_middle::middle::codegen_fn_attrs::CodegenFnAttrFlags;
use rustc_middle::middle::exported_symbols::{
metadata_symbol_name, ExportedSymbol, SymbolExportLevel,
use rustc_middle::ty::query::{ExternProviders, Providers};
use rustc_middle::ty::subst::{GenericArgKind, SubstsRef};
use rustc_middle::ty::Instance;
use rustc_middle::ty::{SymbolName, TyCtxt};
use rustc_session::config::CrateType;
use rustc_target::spec::SanitizerSet;
pub fn threshold(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> SymbolExportLevel {
fn crate_export_threshold(crate_type: CrateType) -> SymbolExportLevel {
match crate_type {
CrateType::Executable | CrateType::Staticlib | CrateType::ProcMacro | CrateType::Cdylib => {
CrateType::Rlib | CrateType::Dylib => SymbolExportLevel::Rust,
pub fn crates_export_threshold(crate_types: &[CrateType]) -> SymbolExportLevel {
if crate_types
.any(|&crate_type| crate_export_threshold(crate_type) == SymbolExportLevel::Rust)
} else {
fn reachable_non_generics_provider(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, cnum: CrateNum) -> DefIdMap<SymbolExportLevel> {
assert_eq!(cnum, LOCAL_CRATE);
if !tcx.sess.opts.output_types.should_codegen() {
return Default::default();
// Check to see if this crate is a "special runtime crate". These
// crates, implementation details of the standard library, typically
// have a bunch of `pub extern` and `#[no_mangle]` functions as the
// ABI between them. We don't want their symbols to have a `C`
// export level, however, as they're just implementation details.
// Down below we'll hardwire all of the symbols to the `Rust` export
// level instead.
let special_runtime_crate =
tcx.is_panic_runtime(LOCAL_CRATE) || tcx.is_compiler_builtins(LOCAL_CRATE);
let mut reachable_non_generics: DefIdMap<_> = tcx
.filter_map(|&def_id| {
// We want to ignore some FFI functions that are not exposed from
// this crate. Reachable FFI functions can be lumped into two
// categories:
// 1. Those that are included statically via a static library
// 2. Those included otherwise (e.g., dynamically or via a framework)
// Although our LLVM module is not literally emitting code for the
// statically included symbols, it's an export of our library which
// needs to be passed on to the linker and encoded in the metadata.
// As a result, if this id is an FFI item (foreign item) then we only
// let it through if it's included statically.
match tcx.hir().get(tcx.hir().local_def_id_to_hir_id(def_id)) {
Node::ForeignItem(..) => {
// Only consider nodes that actually have exported symbols.
Node::Item(&hir::Item {
kind: hir::ItemKind::Static(..) | hir::ItemKind::Fn(..),
| Node::ImplItem(&hir::ImplItem { kind: hir::ImplItemKind::Fn(..), .. }) => {
let generics = tcx.generics_of(def_id);
if !generics.requires_monomorphization(tcx)
// Functions marked with #[inline] are codegened with "internal"
// linkage and are not exported unless marked with an extern
// inidicator
&& (!Instance::mono(tcx, def_id.to_def_id()).def.generates_cgu_internal_copy(tcx)
|| tcx.codegen_fn_attrs(def_id.to_def_id()).contains_extern_indicator())
} else {
_ => None,
.map(|def_id| {
let export_level = if special_runtime_crate {
let name = tcx.symbol_name(Instance::mono(tcx, def_id.to_def_id())).name;
// We can probably do better here by just ensuring that
// it has hidden visibility rather than public
// visibility, as this is primarily here to ensure it's
// not stripped during LTO.
// In general though we won't link right if these
// symbols are stripped, and LTO currently strips them.
match name {
| "rust_eh_register_frames"
| "rust_eh_unregister_frames" =>
_ => SymbolExportLevel::Rust,
} else {
symbol_export_level(tcx, def_id.to_def_id())
"EXPORTED SYMBOL (local): {} ({:?})",
tcx.symbol_name(Instance::mono(tcx, def_id.to_def_id())),
(def_id.to_def_id(), export_level)
if let Some(id) = tcx.proc_macro_decls_static(()) {
reachable_non_generics.insert(id.to_def_id(), SymbolExportLevel::C);
fn is_reachable_non_generic_provider_local(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, def_id: DefId) -> bool {
let export_threshold = threshold(tcx);
if let Some(&level) = tcx.reachable_non_generics(def_id.krate).get(&def_id) {
} else {
fn is_reachable_non_generic_provider_extern(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, def_id: DefId) -> bool {
fn exported_symbols_provider_local(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
cnum: CrateNum,
) -> &'tcx [(ExportedSymbol<'tcx>, SymbolExportLevel)] {
assert_eq!(cnum, LOCAL_CRATE);
if !tcx.sess.opts.output_types.should_codegen() {
return &[];
let mut symbols: Vec<_> = tcx
.map(|(&def_id, &level)| (ExportedSymbol::NonGeneric(def_id), level))
if tcx.entry_fn(()).is_some() {
let exported_symbol = ExportedSymbol::NoDefId(SymbolName::new(tcx, "main"));
symbols.push((exported_symbol, SymbolExportLevel::C));
if tcx.allocator_kind(()).is_some() {
for method in ALLOCATOR_METHODS {
let symbol_name = format!("__rust_{}", method.name);
let exported_symbol = ExportedSymbol::NoDefId(SymbolName::new(tcx, &symbol_name));
symbols.push((exported_symbol, SymbolExportLevel::Rust));
if tcx.sess.instrument_coverage() || tcx.sess.opts.cg.profile_generate.enabled() {
// These are weak symbols that point to the profile version and the
// profile name, which need to be treated as exported so LTO doesn't nix
// them.
const PROFILER_WEAK_SYMBOLS: [&str; 2] =
["__llvm_profile_raw_version", "__llvm_profile_filename"];
symbols.extend(PROFILER_WEAK_SYMBOLS.iter().map(|sym| {
let exported_symbol = ExportedSymbol::NoDefId(SymbolName::new(tcx, sym));
(exported_symbol, SymbolExportLevel::C)
if tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.sanitizer.contains(SanitizerSet::MEMORY) {
// Similar to profiling, preserve weak msan symbol during LTO.
const MSAN_WEAK_SYMBOLS: [&str; 2] = ["__msan_track_origins", "__msan_keep_going"];
symbols.extend(MSAN_WEAK_SYMBOLS.iter().map(|sym| {
let exported_symbol = ExportedSymbol::NoDefId(SymbolName::new(tcx, sym));
(exported_symbol, SymbolExportLevel::C)
if tcx.sess.crate_types().contains(&CrateType::Dylib) {
let symbol_name = metadata_symbol_name(tcx);
let exported_symbol = ExportedSymbol::NoDefId(SymbolName::new(tcx, &symbol_name));
symbols.push((exported_symbol, SymbolExportLevel::Rust));
if tcx.sess.opts.share_generics() && tcx.local_crate_exports_generics() {
use rustc_middle::mir::mono::{Linkage, MonoItem, Visibility};
use rustc_middle::ty::InstanceDef;
// Normally, we require that shared monomorphizations are not hidden,
// because if we want to re-use a monomorphization from a Rust dylib, it
// needs to be exported.
// However, on platforms that don't allow for Rust dylibs, having
// external linkage is enough for monomorphization to be linked to.
let need_visibility = tcx.sess.target.dynamic_linking && !tcx.sess.target.only_cdylib;
let (_, cgus) = tcx.collect_and_partition_mono_items(());
for (mono_item, &(linkage, visibility)) in cgus.iter().flat_map(|cgu| cgu.items().iter()) {
if linkage != Linkage::External {
// We can only re-use things with external linkage, otherwise
// we'll get a linker error
if need_visibility && visibility == Visibility::Hidden {
// If we potentially share things from Rust dylibs, they must
// not be hidden
match *mono_item {
MonoItem::Fn(Instance { def: InstanceDef::Item(def), substs }) => {
if substs.non_erasable_generics().next().is_some() {
let symbol = ExportedSymbol::Generic(def.did, substs);
symbols.push((symbol, SymbolExportLevel::Rust));
MonoItem::Fn(Instance { def: InstanceDef::DropGlue(_, Some(ty)), substs }) => {
// A little sanity-check
symbols.push((ExportedSymbol::DropGlue(ty), SymbolExportLevel::Rust));
_ => {
// Any other symbols don't qualify for sharing
// Sort so we get a stable incr. comp. hash.
symbols.sort_by_cached_key(|s| s.0.symbol_name_for_local_instance(tcx));
fn upstream_monomorphizations_provider(
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
(): (),
) -> DefIdMap<FxHashMap<SubstsRef<'_>, CrateNum>> {
let cnums = tcx.crates(());
let mut instances: DefIdMap<FxHashMap<_, _>> = Default::default();
let cnum_stable_ids: IndexVec<CrateNum, Fingerprint> = {
let mut cnum_stable_ids = IndexVec::from_elem_n(Fingerprint::ZERO, cnums.len() + 1);
for &cnum in cnums.iter() {
cnum_stable_ids[cnum] =
tcx.def_path_hash(DefId { krate: cnum, index: CRATE_DEF_INDEX }).0;
let drop_in_place_fn_def_id = tcx.lang_items().drop_in_place_fn();
for &cnum in cnums.iter() {
for (exported_symbol, _) in tcx.exported_symbols(cnum).iter() {
let (def_id, substs) = match *exported_symbol {
ExportedSymbol::Generic(def_id, substs) => (def_id, substs),
ExportedSymbol::DropGlue(ty) => {
if let Some(drop_in_place_fn_def_id) = drop_in_place_fn_def_id {
(drop_in_place_fn_def_id, tcx.intern_substs(&[ty.into()]))
} else {
// `drop_in_place` in place does not exist, don't try
// to use it.
ExportedSymbol::NonGeneric(..) | ExportedSymbol::NoDefId(..) => {
// These are no monomorphizations
let substs_map = instances.entry(def_id).or_default();
match substs_map.entry(substs) {
Occupied(mut e) => {
// If there are multiple monomorphizations available,
// we select one deterministically.
let other_cnum = *e.get();
if cnum_stable_ids[other_cnum] > cnum_stable_ids[cnum] {
Vacant(e) => {
fn upstream_monomorphizations_for_provider(
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
def_id: DefId,
) -> Option<&FxHashMap<SubstsRef<'_>, CrateNum>> {
fn upstream_drop_glue_for_provider<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
substs: SubstsRef<'tcx>,
) -> Option<CrateNum> {
if let Some(def_id) = tcx.lang_items().drop_in_place_fn() {
tcx.upstream_monomorphizations_for(def_id).and_then(|monos| monos.get(&substs).cloned())
} else {
fn is_unreachable_local_definition_provider(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, def_id: LocalDefId) -> bool {
pub fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) {
providers.reachable_non_generics = reachable_non_generics_provider;
providers.is_reachable_non_generic = is_reachable_non_generic_provider_local;
providers.exported_symbols = exported_symbols_provider_local;
providers.upstream_monomorphizations = upstream_monomorphizations_provider;
providers.is_unreachable_local_definition = is_unreachable_local_definition_provider;
providers.upstream_drop_glue_for = upstream_drop_glue_for_provider;
providers.wasm_import_module_map = wasm_import_module_map;
pub fn provide_extern(providers: &mut ExternProviders) {
providers.is_reachable_non_generic = is_reachable_non_generic_provider_extern;
providers.upstream_monomorphizations_for = upstream_monomorphizations_for_provider;
fn symbol_export_level(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, sym_def_id: DefId) -> SymbolExportLevel {
// We export anything that's not mangled at the "C" layer as it probably has
// to do with ABI concerns. We do not, however, apply such treatment to
// special symbols in the standard library for various plumbing between
// core/std/allocators/etc. For example symbols used to hook up allocation
// are not considered for export
let codegen_fn_attrs = tcx.codegen_fn_attrs(sym_def_id);
let is_extern = codegen_fn_attrs.contains_extern_indicator();
let std_internal =
if is_extern && !std_internal {
let target = &tcx.sess.target.llvm_target;
// WebAssembly cannot export data symbols, so reduce their export level
if target.contains("emscripten") {
if let Some(Node::Item(&hir::Item { kind: hir::ItemKind::Static(..), .. })) =
return SymbolExportLevel::Rust;
} else {
/// This is the symbol name of the given instance instantiated in a specific crate.
pub fn symbol_name_for_instance_in_crate<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
symbol: ExportedSymbol<'tcx>,
instantiating_crate: CrateNum,
) -> String {
// If this is something instantiated in the local crate then we might
// already have cached the name as a query result.
if instantiating_crate == LOCAL_CRATE {
return symbol.symbol_name_for_local_instance(tcx).to_string();
// This is something instantiated in an upstream crate, so we have to use
// the slower (because uncached) version of computing the symbol name.
match symbol {
ExportedSymbol::NonGeneric(def_id) => {
Instance::mono(tcx, def_id),
ExportedSymbol::Generic(def_id, substs) => {
Instance::new(def_id, substs),
ExportedSymbol::DropGlue(ty) => rustc_symbol_mangling::symbol_name_for_instance_in_crate(
Instance::resolve_drop_in_place(tcx, ty),
ExportedSymbol::NoDefId(symbol_name) => symbol_name.to_string(),
fn wasm_import_module_map(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, cnum: CrateNum) -> FxHashMap<DefId, String> {
// Build up a map from DefId to a `NativeLib` structure, where
// `NativeLib` internally contains information about
// `#[link(wasm_import_module = "...")]` for example.
let native_libs = tcx.native_libraries(cnum);
let def_id_to_native_lib = native_libs
.filter_map(|lib| lib.foreign_module.map(|id| (id, lib)))
.collect::<FxHashMap<_, _>>();
let mut ret = FxHashMap::default();
for (def_id, lib) in tcx.foreign_modules(cnum).iter() {
let module = def_id_to_native_lib.get(&def_id).and_then(|s| s.wasm_import_module);
let module = match module {
Some(s) => s,
None => continue,
ret.extend(lib.foreign_items.iter().map(|id| {
assert_eq!(id.krate, cnum);
(*id, module.to_string())