675 lines
22 KiB
675 lines
22 KiB
//! The arena, a fast but limited type of allocator.
//! Arenas are a type of allocator that destroy the objects within, all at
//! once, once the arena itself is destroyed. They do not support deallocation
//! of individual objects while the arena itself is still alive. The benefit
//! of an arena is very fast allocation; just a pointer bump.
//! This crate implements `TypedArena`, a simple arena that can only hold
//! objects of a single type.
html_root_url = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/",
test(no_crate_inject, attr(deny(warnings)))
#![cfg_attr(test, feature(test))]
extern crate alloc;
use rustc_data_structures::cold_path;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::cmp;
use std::intrinsics;
use std::marker::{PhantomData, Send};
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use std::slice;
use alloc::raw_vec::RawVec;
/// An arena that can hold objects of only one type.
pub struct TypedArena<T> {
/// A pointer to the next object to be allocated.
ptr: Cell<*mut T>,
/// A pointer to the end of the allocated area. When this pointer is
/// reached, a new chunk is allocated.
end: Cell<*mut T>,
/// A vector of arena chunks.
chunks: RefCell<Vec<TypedArenaChunk<T>>>,
/// Marker indicating that dropping the arena causes its owned
/// instances of `T` to be dropped.
_own: PhantomData<T>,
struct TypedArenaChunk<T> {
/// The raw storage for the arena chunk.
storage: RawVec<T>,
/// The number of valid entries in the chunk.
entries: usize,
impl<T> TypedArenaChunk<T> {
unsafe fn new(capacity: usize) -> TypedArenaChunk<T> {
TypedArenaChunk { storage: RawVec::with_capacity(capacity), entries: 0 }
/// Destroys this arena chunk.
unsafe fn destroy(&mut self, len: usize) {
// The branch on needs_drop() is an -O1 performance optimization.
// Without the branch, dropping TypedArena<u8> takes linear time.
if mem::needs_drop::<T>() {
let mut start = self.start();
// Destroy all allocated objects.
for _ in 0..len {
start = start.offset(1);
// Returns a pointer to the first allocated object.
fn start(&self) -> *mut T {
// Returns a pointer to the end of the allocated space.
fn end(&self) -> *mut T {
unsafe {
if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
// A pointer as large as possible for zero-sized elements.
!0 as *mut T
} else {
const PAGE: usize = 4096;
impl<T> Default for TypedArena<T> {
/// Creates a new `TypedArena`.
fn default() -> TypedArena<T> {
TypedArena {
// We set both `ptr` and `end` to 0 so that the first call to
// alloc() will trigger a grow().
ptr: Cell::new(ptr::null_mut()),
end: Cell::new(ptr::null_mut()),
chunks: RefCell::new(vec![]),
_own: PhantomData,
impl<T> TypedArena<T> {
/// Allocates an object in the `TypedArena`, returning a reference to it.
pub fn alloc(&self, object: T) -> &mut T {
if self.ptr == self.end {
unsafe {
if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
self.ptr.set(intrinsics::arith_offset(self.ptr.get() as *mut u8, 1) as *mut T);
let ptr = mem::align_of::<T>() as *mut T;
// Don't drop the object. This `write` is equivalent to `forget`.
ptr::write(ptr, object);
&mut *ptr
} else {
let ptr = self.ptr.get();
// Advance the pointer.
// Write into uninitialized memory.
ptr::write(ptr, object);
&mut *ptr
fn can_allocate(&self, len: usize) -> bool {
let available_capacity_bytes = self.end.get() as usize - self.ptr.get() as usize;
let at_least_bytes = len.checked_mul(mem::size_of::<T>()).unwrap();
available_capacity_bytes >= at_least_bytes
/// Ensures there's enough space in the current chunk to fit `len` objects.
fn ensure_capacity(&self, len: usize) {
if !self.can_allocate(len) {
unsafe fn alloc_raw_slice(&self, len: usize) -> *mut T {
assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() != 0);
assert!(len != 0);
let start_ptr = self.ptr.get();
/// Allocates a slice of objects that are copied into the `TypedArena`, returning a mutable
/// reference to it. Will panic if passed a zero-sized types.
/// Panics:
/// - Zero-sized types
/// - Zero-length slices
pub fn alloc_slice(&self, slice: &[T]) -> &mut [T]
T: Copy,
unsafe {
let len = slice.len();
let start_ptr = self.alloc_raw_slice(len);
slice.as_ptr().copy_to_nonoverlapping(start_ptr, len);
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(start_ptr, len)
pub fn alloc_from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(&self, iter: I) -> &mut [T] {
assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() != 0);
let mut vec: SmallVec<[_; 8]> = iter.into_iter().collect();
if vec.is_empty() {
return &mut [];
// Move the content to the arena by copying it and then forgetting
// the content of the SmallVec
unsafe {
let len = vec.len();
let start_ptr = self.alloc_raw_slice(len);
vec.as_ptr().copy_to_nonoverlapping(start_ptr, len);
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(start_ptr, len)
/// Grows the arena.
fn grow(&self, n: usize) {
unsafe {
let mut chunks = self.chunks.borrow_mut();
let (chunk, mut new_capacity);
if let Some(last_chunk) = chunks.last_mut() {
let used_bytes = self.ptr.get() as usize - last_chunk.start() as usize;
let currently_used_cap = used_bytes / mem::size_of::<T>();
last_chunk.entries = currently_used_cap;
if last_chunk.storage.reserve_in_place(currently_used_cap, n) {
} else {
new_capacity = last_chunk.storage.capacity();
loop {
new_capacity = new_capacity.checked_mul(2).unwrap();
if new_capacity >= currently_used_cap + n {
} else {
let elem_size = cmp::max(1, mem::size_of::<T>());
new_capacity = cmp::max(n, PAGE / elem_size);
chunk = TypedArenaChunk::<T>::new(new_capacity);
/// Clears the arena. Deallocates all but the longest chunk which may be reused.
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
unsafe {
// Clear the last chunk, which is partially filled.
let mut chunks_borrow = self.chunks.borrow_mut();
if let Some(mut last_chunk) = chunks_borrow.last_mut() {
self.clear_last_chunk(&mut last_chunk);
let len = chunks_borrow.len();
// If `T` is ZST, code below has no effect.
for mut chunk in chunks_borrow.drain(..len - 1) {
// Drops the contents of the last chunk. The last chunk is partially empty, unlike all other
// chunks.
fn clear_last_chunk(&self, last_chunk: &mut TypedArenaChunk<T>) {
// Determine how much was filled.
let start = last_chunk.start() as usize;
// We obtain the value of the pointer to the first uninitialized element.
let end = self.ptr.get() as usize;
// We then calculate the number of elements to be dropped in the last chunk,
// which is the filled area's length.
let diff = if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
// `T` is ZST. It can't have a drop flag, so the value here doesn't matter. We get
// the number of zero-sized values in the last and only chunk, just out of caution.
// Recall that `end` was incremented for each allocated value.
end - start
} else {
(end - start) / mem::size_of::<T>()
// Pass that to the `destroy` method.
unsafe {
// Reset the chunk.
unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] T> Drop for TypedArena<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
// Determine how much was filled.
let mut chunks_borrow = self.chunks.borrow_mut();
if let Some(mut last_chunk) = chunks_borrow.pop() {
// Drop the contents of the last chunk.
self.clear_last_chunk(&mut last_chunk);
// The last chunk will be dropped. Destroy all other chunks.
for chunk in chunks_borrow.iter_mut() {
// RawVec handles deallocation of `last_chunk` and `self.chunks`.
unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for TypedArena<T> {}
pub struct DroplessArena {
/// A pointer to the next object to be allocated.
ptr: Cell<*mut u8>,
/// A pointer to the end of the allocated area. When this pointer is
/// reached, a new chunk is allocated.
end: Cell<*mut u8>,
/// A vector of arena chunks.
chunks: RefCell<Vec<TypedArenaChunk<u8>>>,
unsafe impl Send for DroplessArena {}
impl Default for DroplessArena {
fn default() -> DroplessArena {
DroplessArena {
ptr: Cell::new(ptr::null_mut()),
end: Cell::new(ptr::null_mut()),
chunks: Default::default(),
impl DroplessArena {
fn align(&self, align: usize) {
let final_address = ((self.ptr.get() as usize) + align - 1) & !(align - 1);
self.ptr.set(final_address as *mut u8);
assert!(self.ptr <= self.end);
fn grow(&self, needed_bytes: usize) {
unsafe {
let mut chunks = self.chunks.borrow_mut();
let (chunk, mut new_capacity);
if let Some(last_chunk) = chunks.last_mut() {
let used_bytes = self.ptr.get() as usize - last_chunk.start() as usize;
if last_chunk.storage.reserve_in_place(used_bytes, needed_bytes) {
} else {
new_capacity = last_chunk.storage.capacity();
loop {
new_capacity = new_capacity.checked_mul(2).unwrap();
if new_capacity >= used_bytes + needed_bytes {
} else {
new_capacity = cmp::max(needed_bytes, PAGE);
chunk = TypedArenaChunk::<u8>::new(new_capacity);
pub fn alloc_raw(&self, bytes: usize, align: usize) -> &mut [u8] {
unsafe {
assert!(bytes != 0);
let future_end = intrinsics::arith_offset(self.ptr.get(), bytes as isize);
if (future_end as *mut u8) >= self.end.get() {
let ptr = self.ptr.get();
// Set the pointer past ourselves
self.ptr.set(intrinsics::arith_offset(self.ptr.get(), bytes as isize) as *mut u8);
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, bytes)
pub fn alloc<T>(&self, object: T) -> &mut T {
let mem = self.alloc_raw(mem::size_of::<T>(), mem::align_of::<T>()) as *mut _ as *mut T;
unsafe {
// Write into uninitialized memory.
ptr::write(mem, object);
&mut *mem
/// Allocates a slice of objects that are copied into the `DroplessArena`, returning a mutable
/// reference to it. Will panic if passed a zero-sized type.
/// Panics:
/// - Zero-sized types
/// - Zero-length slices
pub fn alloc_slice<T>(&self, slice: &[T]) -> &mut [T]
T: Copy,
assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() != 0);
let mem = self.alloc_raw(slice.len() * mem::size_of::<T>(), mem::align_of::<T>()) as *mut _
as *mut T;
unsafe {
let arena_slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(mem, slice.len());
unsafe fn write_from_iter<T, I: Iterator<Item = T>>(
mut iter: I,
len: usize,
mem: *mut T,
) -> &mut [T] {
let mut i = 0;
// Use a manual loop since LLVM manages to optimize it better for
// slice iterators
loop {
let value = iter.next();
if i >= len || value.is_none() {
// We only return as many items as the iterator gave us, even
// though it was supposed to give us `len`
return slice::from_raw_parts_mut(mem, i);
ptr::write(mem.add(i), value.unwrap());
i += 1;
pub fn alloc_from_iter<T, I: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(&self, iter: I) -> &mut [T] {
let iter = iter.into_iter();
assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() != 0);
let size_hint = iter.size_hint();
match size_hint {
(min, Some(max)) if min == max => {
// We know the exact number of elements the iterator will produce here
let len = min;
if len == 0 {
return &mut [];
let size = len.checked_mul(mem::size_of::<T>()).unwrap();
let mem = self.alloc_raw(size, mem::align_of::<T>()) as *mut _ as *mut T;
unsafe { self.write_from_iter(iter, len, mem) }
(_, _) => {
cold_path(move || -> &mut [T] {
let mut vec: SmallVec<[_; 8]> = iter.collect();
if vec.is_empty() {
return &mut [];
// Move the content to the arena by copying it and then forgetting
// the content of the SmallVec
unsafe {
let len = vec.len();
let start_ptr = self
.alloc_raw(len * mem::size_of::<T>(), mem::align_of::<T>())
as *mut _ as *mut T;
vec.as_ptr().copy_to_nonoverlapping(start_ptr, len);
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(start_ptr, len)
/// Calls the destructor for an object when dropped.
struct DropType {
drop_fn: unsafe fn(*mut u8),
obj: *mut u8,
unsafe fn drop_for_type<T>(to_drop: *mut u8) {
std::ptr::drop_in_place(to_drop as *mut T)
impl Drop for DropType {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { (self.drop_fn)(self.obj) }
/// An arena which can be used to allocate any type.
/// Allocating in this arena is unsafe since the type system
/// doesn't know which types it contains. In order to
/// allocate safely, you must store a PhantomData<T>
/// alongside this arena for each type T you allocate.
pub struct DropArena {
/// A list of destructors to run when the arena drops.
/// Ordered so `destructors` gets dropped before the arena
/// since its destructor can reference memory in the arena.
destructors: RefCell<Vec<DropType>>,
arena: DroplessArena,
impl DropArena {
pub unsafe fn alloc<T>(&self, object: T) -> &mut T {
let mem =
self.arena.alloc_raw(mem::size_of::<T>(), mem::align_of::<T>()) as *mut _ as *mut T;
// Write into uninitialized memory.
ptr::write(mem, object);
let result = &mut *mem;
// Record the destructor after doing the allocation as that may panic
// and would cause `object`'s destuctor to run twice if it was recorded before
.push(DropType { drop_fn: drop_for_type::<T>, obj: result as *mut T as *mut u8 });
pub unsafe fn alloc_from_iter<T, I: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(&self, iter: I) -> &mut [T] {
let mut vec: SmallVec<[_; 8]> = iter.into_iter().collect();
if vec.is_empty() {
return &mut [];
let len = vec.len();
let start_ptr = self
.alloc_raw(len.checked_mul(mem::size_of::<T>()).unwrap(), mem::align_of::<T>())
as *mut _ as *mut T;
let mut destructors = self.destructors.borrow_mut();
// Reserve space for the destructors so we can't panic while adding them
// Move the content to the arena by copying it and then forgetting
// the content of the SmallVec
vec.as_ptr().copy_to_nonoverlapping(start_ptr, len);
// Record the destructors after doing the allocation as that may panic
// and would cause `object`'s destuctor to run twice if it was recorded before
for i in 0..len {
destructors.push(DropType {
drop_fn: drop_for_type::<T>,
obj: start_ptr.offset(i as isize) as *mut u8,
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(start_ptr, len)
macro_rules! arena_for_type {
([][$ty:ty]) => {
([few $(, $attrs:ident)*][$ty:ty]) => {
([$ignore:ident $(, $attrs:ident)*]$args:tt) => {
macro_rules! which_arena_for_type {
([][$arena:expr]) => {
([few$(, $attrs:ident)*][$arena:expr]) => {
([$ignore:ident$(, $attrs:ident)*]$args:tt) => {
macro_rules! declare_arena {
([], [$($a:tt $name:ident: $ty:ty,)*], $tcx:lifetime) => {
pub struct Arena<$tcx> {
pub dropless: $crate::DroplessArena,
drop: $crate::DropArena,
$($name: $crate::arena_for_type!($a[$ty]),)*
pub trait ArenaAllocatable {}
impl<T: Copy> ArenaAllocatable for T {}
unsafe trait ArenaField<'tcx>: Sized {
/// Returns a specific arena to allocate from.
/// If `None` is returned, the `DropArena` will be used.
fn arena<'a>(arena: &'a Arena<'tcx>) -> Option<&'a $crate::TypedArena<Self>>;
unsafe impl<'tcx, T> ArenaField<'tcx> for T {
default fn arena<'a>(_: &'a Arena<'tcx>) -> Option<&'a $crate::TypedArena<Self>> {
impl<$tcx> ArenaAllocatable for $ty {}
unsafe impl<$tcx> ArenaField<$tcx> for $ty {
fn arena<'a>(_arena: &'a Arena<$tcx>) -> Option<&'a $crate::TypedArena<Self>> {
impl<'tcx> Arena<'tcx> {
pub fn alloc<T: ArenaAllocatable>(&self, value: T) -> &mut T {
if !::std::mem::needs_drop::<T>() {
return self.dropless.alloc(value);
match <T as ArenaField<'tcx>>::arena(self) {
::std::option::Option::Some(arena) => arena.alloc(value),
::std::option::Option::None => unsafe { self.drop.alloc(value) },
pub fn alloc_slice<T: ::std::marker::Copy>(&self, value: &[T]) -> &mut [T] {
if value.is_empty() {
return &mut [];
pub fn alloc_from_iter<'a, T: ArenaAllocatable>(
&'a self,
iter: impl ::std::iter::IntoIterator<Item = T>,
) -> &'a mut [T] {
if !::std::mem::needs_drop::<T>() {
return self.dropless.alloc_from_iter(iter);
match <T as ArenaField<'tcx>>::arena(self) {
::std::option::Option::Some(arena) => arena.alloc_from_iter(iter),
::std::option::Option::None => unsafe { self.drop.alloc_from_iter(iter) },
mod tests;