2014-01-02 12:55:20 -08:00

454 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
#[crate_id = "rustc#0.9"];
#[comment = "The Rust compiler"];
#[license = "MIT/ASL2"];
#[crate_type = "dylib"];
#[crate_type = "rlib"];
#[feature(macro_rules, globs, struct_variant, managed_boxes)];
extern mod extra;
extern mod syntax;
use back::link;
use driver::session;
use middle::lint;
use d = driver::driver;
use std::cast;
use std::comm;
use std::io;
use std::io::Reader;
use std::num;
use std::os;
use std::result;
use std::str;
use std::task;
use std::vec;
use extra::getopts::groups;
use extra::getopts;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::attr;
use syntax::codemap;
use syntax::diagnostic::Emitter;
use syntax::diagnostic;
use syntax::parse;
pub mod middle {
pub mod trans;
pub mod ty;
pub mod ty_fold;
pub mod subst;
pub mod resolve;
pub mod resolve_lifetime;
pub mod typeck;
pub mod check_loop;
pub mod check_match;
pub mod check_const;
pub mod lint;
pub mod borrowck;
pub mod dataflow;
pub mod mem_categorization;
pub mod liveness;
pub mod kind;
pub mod freevars;
pub mod pat_util;
pub mod region;
pub mod const_eval;
pub mod astencode;
pub mod lang_items;
pub mod privacy;
pub mod moves;
pub mod entry;
pub mod effect;
pub mod reachable;
pub mod graph;
pub mod cfg;
pub mod dead;
pub mod front {
pub mod config;
pub mod test;
pub mod std_inject;
pub mod assign_node_ids;
pub mod feature_gate;
pub mod back {
pub mod archive;
pub mod link;
pub mod abi;
pub mod arm;
pub mod mips;
pub mod x86;
pub mod x86_64;
pub mod rpath;
pub mod target_strs;
pub mod lto;
pub mod metadata;
pub mod driver;
pub mod util {
pub mod common;
pub mod ppaux;
pub mod sha2;
pub mod lib {
pub mod llvm;
pub mod llvmdeps;
// A curious inner module that allows ::std::foo to be available in here for
// macros.
mod std {
pub use std::clone;
pub use std::cmp;
pub use std::os;
pub use std::str;
pub use std::sys;
pub use std::to_bytes;
pub use std::unstable;
pub use extra::serialize;
pub fn version(argv0: &str) {
let vers = match option_env!("CFG_VERSION") {
Some(vers) => vers,
None => "unknown version"
println!("{} {}", argv0, vers);
println!("host: {}", d::host_triple());
pub fn usage(argv0: &str) {
let message = format!("Usage: {} [OPTIONS] INPUT", argv0);
Additional help:
-W help Print 'lint' options and default settings
-Z help Print internal options for debugging rustc\n",
groups::usage(message, d::optgroups()));
pub fn describe_warnings() {
Available lint options:
-W <foo> Warn about <foo>
-A <foo> Allow <foo>
-D <foo> Deny <foo>
-F <foo> Forbid <foo> (deny, and deny all overrides)
let lint_dict = lint::get_lint_dict();
let mut lint_dict = lint_dict.move_iter()
.map(|(k, v)| (v, k))
.collect::<~[(lint::LintSpec, &'static str)]>();
let mut max_key = 0;
for &(_, name) in lint_dict.iter() {
max_key = num::max(name.len(), max_key);
fn padded(max: uint, s: &str) -> ~str {
" ".repeat(max - s.len()) + s
println("\nAvailable lint checks:\n");
println!(" {} {:7.7s} {}",
padded(max_key, "name"), "default", "meaning");
println!(" {} {:7.7s} {}\n",
padded(max_key, "----"), "-------", "-------");
for (spec, name) in lint_dict.move_iter() {
let name = name.replace("_", "-");
println!(" {} {:7.7s} {}",
padded(max_key, name),
pub fn describe_debug_flags() {
println("\nAvailable debug options:\n");
let r = session::debugging_opts_map();
for tuple in r.iter() {
match *tuple {
(ref name, ref desc, _) => {
println!(" -Z {:>20s} -- {}", *name, *desc);
pub fn run_compiler(args: &[~str], demitter: @diagnostic::Emitter) {
let mut args = args.to_owned();
let binary = args.shift();
if args.is_empty() { usage(binary); return; }
let matches =
&match getopts::groups::getopts(args, d::optgroups()) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => {
d::early_error(demitter, f.to_err_msg());
if matches.opt_present("h") || matches.opt_present("help") {
// Display the available lint options if "-W help" or only "-W" is given.
let lint_flags = vec::append(matches.opt_strs("W"),
let show_lint_options = lint_flags.iter().any(|x| x == &~"help") ||
(matches.opt_present("W") && lint_flags.is_empty());
if show_lint_options {
let r = matches.opt_strs("Z");
if r.iter().any(|x| x == &~"help") {
if matches.opt_str("passes") == Some(~"list") {
unsafe { lib::llvm::llvm::LLVMRustPrintPasses(); }
if matches.opt_present("v") || matches.opt_present("version") {
let input = match {
0u => d::early_error(demitter, "no input filename given"),
1u => {
let ifile =[0].as_slice();
if "-" == ifile {
let src = str::from_utf8_owned(io::stdin().read_to_end());
} else {
_ => d::early_error(demitter, "multiple input filenames provided")
let sopts = d::build_session_options(binary, matches, demitter);
let sess = d::build_session(sopts, demitter);
let odir = matches.opt_str("out-dir").map(|o| Path::new(o));
let ofile = matches.opt_str("o").map(|o| Path::new(o));
let cfg = d::build_configuration(sess);
let pretty = matches.opt_default("pretty", "normal").map(|a| {
d::parse_pretty(sess, a)
match pretty {
Some::<d::PpMode>(ppm) => {
d::pretty_print_input(sess, cfg, &input, ppm);
None::<d::PpMode> => {/* continue */ }
let ls = matches.opt_present("ls");
if ls {
match input {
d::file_input(ref ifile) => {
let mut stdout = io::stdout();
d::list_metadata(sess, &(*ifile),
&mut stdout as &mut io::Writer);
d::str_input(_) => {
d::early_error(demitter, "can not list metadata for stdin");
let (crate_id, crate_name, crate_file_name) = sopts.print_metas;
// these nasty nested conditions are to avoid doing extra work
if crate_id || crate_name || crate_file_name {
let attrs = parse_crate_attrs(sess, &input);
let t_outputs = d::build_output_filenames(&input, &odir, &ofile,
attrs, sess);
if crate_id || crate_name {
let crateid = match attr::find_crateid(attrs) {
Some(crateid) => crateid,
None => {
sess.fatal("No crate_id and --crate-id or \
--crate-name requested")
if crate_id {
if crate_name {
if crate_file_name {
let lm = link::build_link_meta(sess, attrs, &t_outputs.obj_filename,
&mut ::util::sha2::Sha256::new());
let outputs = session::collect_outputs(sopts, attrs);
for &style in outputs.iter() {
let fname = link::filename_for_input(&sess, style, &lm,
println!("{}", fname.filename_display());
d::compile_input(sess, cfg, &input, &odir, &ofile);
fn parse_crate_attrs(sess: session::Session,
input: &d::input) -> ~[ast::Attribute] {
match *input {
d::file_input(ref ifile) => {
parse::parse_crate_attrs_from_file(ifile, ~[], sess.parse_sess)
d::str_input(src) => {
d::anon_src(), src, ~[], sess.parse_sess)
pub enum monitor_msg {
struct RustcEmitter {
ch_capture: comm::SharedChan<monitor_msg>
impl diagnostic::Emitter for RustcEmitter {
fn emit(&self,
cmsp: Option<(&codemap::CodeMap, codemap::Span)>,
msg: &str,
lvl: diagnostic::level) {
if lvl == diagnostic::fatal {
let this = unsafe { cast::transmute_mut(self) };
diagnostic::DefaultEmitter.emit(cmsp, msg, lvl)
This is a sanity check that any failure of the compiler is performed
through the diagnostic module and reported properly - we shouldn't be calling
plain-old-fail on any execution path that might be taken. Since we have
console logging off by default, hitting a plain fail statement would make the
compiler silently exit, which would be terrible.
This method wraps the compiler in a subtask and injects a function into the
diagnostic emitter which records when we hit a fatal error. If the task
fails without recording a fatal error then we've encountered a compiler
bug and need to present an error.
pub fn monitor(f: proc(@diagnostic::Emitter)) {
use std::comm::*;
// XXX: This is a hack for newsched since it doesn't support split stacks.
// rustc needs a lot of stack! When optimizations are disabled, it needs
// even *more* stack than usual as well.
static STACK_SIZE: uint = 6000000; // 6MB
static STACK_SIZE: uint = 20000000; // 20MB
let (p, ch) = SharedChan::new();
let ch_capture = ch.clone();
let mut task_builder = task::task();"rustc");
// XXX: Hacks on hacks. If the env is trying to override the stack size
// then *don't* set it explicitly.
if os::getenv("RUST_MIN_STACK").is_none() {
task_builder.opts.stack_size = Some(STACK_SIZE);
match task_builder.try(proc() {
let ch = ch_capture.clone();
// The 'diagnostics emitter'. Every error, warning, etc. should
// go through this function.
let demitter = @RustcEmitter {
ch_capture: ch.clone(),
} as @diagnostic::Emitter;
struct finally {
ch: SharedChan<monitor_msg>,
impl Drop for finally {
fn drop(&mut self) {; }
let _finally = finally { ch: ch };
}) {
result::Ok(_) => { /* fallthrough */ }
result::Err(_) => {
// Task failed without emitting a fatal diagnostic
if p.recv() == done {
diagnostic::ice_msg("unexpected failure"),
let xs = [
~"the compiler hit an unexpected failure path. \
this is a bug",
~"try running with RUST_LOG=rustc=1 \
to get further details and report the results \
for note in xs.iter() {
// Fail so the process returns a failure code
pub fn main() {
pub fn main_args(args: &[~str]) -> int {
let owned_args = args.to_owned();
monitor(proc(demitter) run_compiler(owned_args, demitter));