113 lines
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113 lines
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//! Panic support in the standard library.
#![stable(feature = "core_panic_info", since = "1.41.0")]
mod location;
mod panic_info;
mod unwind_safe;
use crate::any::Any;
#[stable(feature = "panic_hooks", since = "1.10.0")]
pub use self::location::Location;
#[stable(feature = "panic_hooks", since = "1.10.0")]
pub use self::panic_info::PanicInfo;
#[stable(feature = "catch_unwind", since = "1.9.0")]
pub use self::unwind_safe::{AssertUnwindSafe, RefUnwindSafe, UnwindSafe};
#[unstable(feature = "edition_panic", issue = "none", reason = "use panic!() instead")]
#[allow_internal_unstable(core_panic, const_format_args)]
#[rustc_diagnostic_item = "core_panic_2015_macro"]
#[rustc_macro_transparency = "semitransparent"]
pub macro panic_2015 {
() => (
$crate::panicking::panic("explicit panic")
($msg:literal $(,)?) => (
// Use `panic_str` instead of `panic_display::<&str>` for non_fmt_panic lint.
($msg:expr $(,)?) => (
// Special-case the single-argument case for const_panic.
("{}", $arg:expr $(,)?) => (
($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => (
$crate::panicking::panic_fmt($crate::const_format_args!($fmt, $($arg)+))
#[unstable(feature = "edition_panic", issue = "none", reason = "use panic!() instead")]
#[allow_internal_unstable(core_panic, const_format_args)]
#[rustc_diagnostic_item = "core_panic_2021_macro"]
#[rustc_macro_transparency = "semitransparent"]
pub macro panic_2021 {
() => (
$crate::panicking::panic("explicit panic")
// Special-case the single-argument case for const_panic.
("{}", $arg:expr $(,)?) => (
($($t:tt)+) => (
#[unstable(feature = "edition_panic", issue = "none", reason = "use unreachable!() instead")]
#[rustc_diagnostic_item = "unreachable_2015_macro"]
#[rustc_macro_transparency = "semitransparent"]
pub macro unreachable_2015 {
() => (
$crate::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code")
// Use of `unreachable_display` for non_fmt_panic lint.
// NOTE: the message ("internal error ...") is embedded directly in unreachable_display
($msg:expr $(,)?) => (
($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => (
$crate::panic!($crate::concat!("internal error: entered unreachable code: ", $fmt), $($arg)*)
#[unstable(feature = "edition_panic", issue = "none", reason = "use unreachable!() instead")]
#[rustc_diagnostic_item = "unreachable_2021_macro"]
#[rustc_macro_transparency = "semitransparent"]
pub macro unreachable_2021 {
() => (
$crate::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code")
($($t:tt)+) => (
$crate::panic!("internal error: entered unreachable code: {}", $crate::format_args!($($t)+))
/// An internal trait used by libstd to pass data from libstd to `panic_unwind`
/// and other panic runtimes. Not intended to be stabilized any time soon, do
/// not use.
#[unstable(feature = "std_internals", issue = "none")]
pub unsafe trait BoxMeUp {
/// Take full ownership of the contents.
/// The return type is actually `Box<dyn Any + Send>`, but we cannot use `Box` in libcore.
/// After this method got called, only some dummy default value is left in `self`.
/// Calling this method twice, or calling `get` after calling this method, is an error.
/// The argument is borrowed because the panic runtime (`__rust_start_panic`) only
/// gets a borrowed `dyn BoxMeUp`.
fn take_box(&mut self) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send);
/// Just borrow the contents.
fn get(&mut self) -> &(dyn Any + Send);