1196 lines
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1196 lines
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// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use abi::Abi;
use ast::{self, Ident, Generics, Expr, BlockCheckMode, UnOp, PatKind};
use attr;
use syntax_pos::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
use codemap::{dummy_spanned, respan, Spanned};
use ext::base::ExtCtxt;
use ptr::P;
use symbol::{Symbol, keywords};
// Transitional reexports so qquote can find the paths it is looking for
mod syntax {
pub use ext;
pub use parse;
pub trait AstBuilder {
// paths
fn path(&self, span: Span, strs: Vec<ast::Ident> ) -> ast::Path;
fn path_ident(&self, span: Span, id: ast::Ident) -> ast::Path;
fn path_global(&self, span: Span, strs: Vec<ast::Ident> ) -> ast::Path;
fn path_all(&self, sp: Span,
global: bool,
idents: Vec<ast::Ident> ,
lifetimes: Vec<ast::Lifetime>,
types: Vec<P<ast::Ty>>,
bindings: Vec<ast::TypeBinding> )
-> ast::Path;
fn qpath(&self, self_type: P<ast::Ty>,
trait_path: ast::Path,
ident: ast::SpannedIdent)
-> (ast::QSelf, ast::Path);
fn qpath_all(&self, self_type: P<ast::Ty>,
trait_path: ast::Path,
ident: ast::SpannedIdent,
lifetimes: Vec<ast::Lifetime>,
types: Vec<P<ast::Ty>>,
bindings: Vec<ast::TypeBinding>)
-> (ast::QSelf, ast::Path);
// types
fn ty_mt(&self, ty: P<ast::Ty>, mutbl: ast::Mutability) -> ast::MutTy;
fn ty(&self, span: Span, ty: ast::TyKind) -> P<ast::Ty>;
fn ty_path(&self, ast::Path) -> P<ast::Ty>;
fn ty_ident(&self, span: Span, idents: ast::Ident) -> P<ast::Ty>;
fn ty_rptr(&self, span: Span,
ty: P<ast::Ty>,
lifetime: Option<ast::Lifetime>,
mutbl: ast::Mutability) -> P<ast::Ty>;
fn ty_ptr(&self, span: Span,
ty: P<ast::Ty>,
mutbl: ast::Mutability) -> P<ast::Ty>;
fn ty_option(&self, ty: P<ast::Ty>) -> P<ast::Ty>;
fn ty_infer(&self, sp: Span) -> P<ast::Ty>;
fn typaram(&self,
span: Span,
id: ast::Ident,
attrs: Vec<ast::Attribute>,
bounds: ast::TyParamBounds,
default: Option<P<ast::Ty>>) -> ast::TyParam;
fn trait_ref(&self, path: ast::Path) -> ast::TraitRef;
fn poly_trait_ref(&self, span: Span, path: ast::Path) -> ast::PolyTraitRef;
fn typarambound(&self, path: ast::Path) -> ast::TyParamBound;
fn lifetime(&self, span: Span, ident: ast::Name) -> ast::Lifetime;
fn lifetime_def(&self,
span: Span,
name: ast::Name,
attrs: Vec<ast::Attribute>,
bounds: Vec<ast::Lifetime>)
-> ast::LifetimeDef;
// statements
fn stmt_expr(&self, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> ast::Stmt;
fn stmt_semi(&self, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> ast::Stmt;
fn stmt_let(&self, sp: Span, mutbl: bool, ident: ast::Ident, ex: P<ast::Expr>) -> ast::Stmt;
fn stmt_let_typed(&self,
sp: Span,
mutbl: bool,
ident: ast::Ident,
typ: P<ast::Ty>,
ex: P<ast::Expr>)
-> ast::Stmt;
fn stmt_let_type_only(&self, span: Span, ty: P<ast::Ty>) -> ast::Stmt;
fn stmt_item(&self, sp: Span, item: P<ast::Item>) -> ast::Stmt;
// blocks
fn block(&self, span: Span, stmts: Vec<ast::Stmt>) -> P<ast::Block>;
fn block_expr(&self, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Block>;
// expressions
fn expr(&self, span: Span, node: ast::ExprKind) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_path(&self, path: ast::Path) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_qpath(&self, span: Span, qself: ast::QSelf, path: ast::Path) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_ident(&self, span: Span, id: ast::Ident) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_self(&self, span: Span) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_binary(&self, sp: Span, op: ast::BinOpKind,
lhs: P<ast::Expr>, rhs: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_deref(&self, sp: Span, e: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_unary(&self, sp: Span, op: ast::UnOp, e: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_addr_of(&self, sp: Span, e: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_mut_addr_of(&self, sp: Span, e: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_field_access(&self, span: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>, ident: ast::Ident) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_tup_field_access(&self, sp: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>,
idx: usize) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_call(&self, span: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>, args: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_call_ident(&self, span: Span, id: ast::Ident, args: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_call_global(&self, sp: Span, fn_path: Vec<ast::Ident>,
args: Vec<P<ast::Expr>> ) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_method_call(&self, span: Span,
expr: P<ast::Expr>, ident: ast::Ident,
args: Vec<P<ast::Expr>> ) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_block(&self, b: P<ast::Block>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_cast(&self, sp: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>, ty: P<ast::Ty>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn field_imm(&self, span: Span, name: Ident, e: P<ast::Expr>) -> ast::Field;
fn expr_struct(&self, span: Span, path: ast::Path, fields: Vec<ast::Field>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_struct_ident(&self, span: Span, id: ast::Ident,
fields: Vec<ast::Field>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_lit(&self, sp: Span, lit: ast::LitKind) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_usize(&self, span: Span, i: usize) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_isize(&self, sp: Span, i: isize) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_u8(&self, sp: Span, u: u8) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_u32(&self, sp: Span, u: u32) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_bool(&self, sp: Span, value: bool) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_vec(&self, sp: Span, exprs: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_vec_ng(&self, sp: Span) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_vec_slice(&self, sp: Span, exprs: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_str(&self, sp: Span, s: Symbol) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_some(&self, sp: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_none(&self, sp: Span) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_break(&self, sp: Span) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_tuple(&self, sp: Span, exprs: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_fail(&self, span: Span, msg: Symbol) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_unreachable(&self, span: Span) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_ok(&self, span: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_err(&self, span: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_try(&self, span: Span, head: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn pat(&self, span: Span, pat: PatKind) -> P<ast::Pat>;
fn pat_wild(&self, span: Span) -> P<ast::Pat>;
fn pat_lit(&self, span: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Pat>;
fn pat_ident(&self, span: Span, ident: ast::Ident) -> P<ast::Pat>;
fn pat_ident_binding_mode(&self,
span: Span,
ident: ast::Ident,
bm: ast::BindingMode) -> P<ast::Pat>;
fn pat_path(&self, span: Span, path: ast::Path) -> P<ast::Pat>;
fn pat_tuple_struct(&self, span: Span, path: ast::Path,
subpats: Vec<P<ast::Pat>>) -> P<ast::Pat>;
fn pat_struct(&self, span: Span, path: ast::Path,
field_pats: Vec<Spanned<ast::FieldPat>>) -> P<ast::Pat>;
fn pat_tuple(&self, span: Span, pats: Vec<P<ast::Pat>>) -> P<ast::Pat>;
fn pat_some(&self, span: Span, pat: P<ast::Pat>) -> P<ast::Pat>;
fn pat_none(&self, span: Span) -> P<ast::Pat>;
fn pat_ok(&self, span: Span, pat: P<ast::Pat>) -> P<ast::Pat>;
fn pat_err(&self, span: Span, pat: P<ast::Pat>) -> P<ast::Pat>;
fn arm(&self, span: Span, pats: Vec<P<ast::Pat>>, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> ast::Arm;
fn arm_unreachable(&self, span: Span) -> ast::Arm;
fn expr_match(&self, span: Span, arg: P<ast::Expr>, arms: Vec<ast::Arm> ) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_if(&self, span: Span,
cond: P<ast::Expr>, then: P<ast::Expr>, els: Option<P<ast::Expr>>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn expr_loop(&self, span: Span, block: P<ast::Block>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn lambda_fn_decl(&self,
span: Span,
fn_decl: P<ast::FnDecl>,
body: P<ast::Expr>,
fn_decl_span: Span)
-> P<ast::Expr>;
fn lambda(&self, span: Span, ids: Vec<ast::Ident>, body: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn lambda0(&self, span: Span, body: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn lambda1(&self, span: Span, body: P<ast::Expr>, ident: ast::Ident) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn lambda_stmts(&self, span: Span, ids: Vec<ast::Ident>,
blk: Vec<ast::Stmt>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn lambda_stmts_0(&self, span: Span, stmts: Vec<ast::Stmt>) -> P<ast::Expr>;
fn lambda_stmts_1(&self, span: Span, stmts: Vec<ast::Stmt>,
ident: ast::Ident) -> P<ast::Expr>;
// items
fn item(&self, span: Span,
name: Ident, attrs: Vec<ast::Attribute> , node: ast::ItemKind) -> P<ast::Item>;
fn arg(&self, span: Span, name: Ident, ty: P<ast::Ty>) -> ast::Arg;
// FIXME unused self
fn fn_decl(&self, inputs: Vec<ast::Arg> , output: P<ast::Ty>) -> P<ast::FnDecl>;
fn item_fn_poly(&self,
span: Span,
name: Ident,
inputs: Vec<ast::Arg> ,
output: P<ast::Ty>,
generics: Generics,
body: P<ast::Block>) -> P<ast::Item>;
fn item_fn(&self,
span: Span,
name: Ident,
inputs: Vec<ast::Arg> ,
output: P<ast::Ty>,
body: P<ast::Block>) -> P<ast::Item>;
fn variant(&self, span: Span, name: Ident, tys: Vec<P<ast::Ty>> ) -> ast::Variant;
fn item_enum_poly(&self,
span: Span,
name: Ident,
enum_definition: ast::EnumDef,
generics: Generics) -> P<ast::Item>;
fn item_enum(&self, span: Span, name: Ident, enum_def: ast::EnumDef) -> P<ast::Item>;
fn item_struct_poly(&self,
span: Span,
name: Ident,
struct_def: ast::VariantData,
generics: Generics) -> P<ast::Item>;
fn item_struct(&self, span: Span, name: Ident, struct_def: ast::VariantData) -> P<ast::Item>;
fn item_mod(&self, span: Span, inner_span: Span,
name: Ident, attrs: Vec<ast::Attribute>,
items: Vec<P<ast::Item>>) -> P<ast::Item>;
fn item_static(&self,
span: Span,
name: Ident,
ty: P<ast::Ty>,
mutbl: ast::Mutability,
expr: P<ast::Expr>)
-> P<ast::Item>;
fn item_const(&self,
span: Span,
name: Ident,
ty: P<ast::Ty>,
expr: P<ast::Expr>)
-> P<ast::Item>;
fn item_ty_poly(&self,
span: Span,
name: Ident,
ty: P<ast::Ty>,
generics: Generics) -> P<ast::Item>;
fn item_ty(&self, span: Span, name: Ident, ty: P<ast::Ty>) -> P<ast::Item>;
fn attribute(&self, sp: Span, mi: ast::MetaItem) -> ast::Attribute;
fn meta_word(&self, sp: Span, w: ast::Name) -> ast::MetaItem;
fn meta_list_item_word(&self, sp: Span, w: ast::Name) -> ast::NestedMetaItem;
fn meta_list(&self,
sp: Span,
name: ast::Name,
mis: Vec<ast::NestedMetaItem> )
-> ast::MetaItem;
fn meta_name_value(&self,
sp: Span,
name: ast::Name,
value: ast::LitKind)
-> ast::MetaItem;
fn item_use(&self, sp: Span,
vis: ast::Visibility, vp: P<ast::ViewPath>) -> P<ast::Item>;
fn item_use_simple(&self, sp: Span, vis: ast::Visibility, path: ast::Path) -> P<ast::Item>;
fn item_use_simple_(&self, sp: Span, vis: ast::Visibility,
ident: ast::Ident, path: ast::Path) -> P<ast::Item>;
fn item_use_list(&self, sp: Span, vis: ast::Visibility,
path: Vec<ast::Ident>, imports: &[ast::Ident]) -> P<ast::Item>;
fn item_use_glob(&self, sp: Span,
vis: ast::Visibility, path: Vec<ast::Ident>) -> P<ast::Item>;
impl<'a> AstBuilder for ExtCtxt<'a> {
fn path(&self, span: Span, strs: Vec<ast::Ident> ) -> ast::Path {
self.path_all(span, false, strs, Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new())
fn path_ident(&self, span: Span, id: ast::Ident) -> ast::Path {
self.path(span, vec![id])
fn path_global(&self, span: Span, strs: Vec<ast::Ident> ) -> ast::Path {
self.path_all(span, true, strs, Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new())
fn path_all(&self,
sp: Span,
global: bool,
mut idents: Vec<ast::Ident> ,
lifetimes: Vec<ast::Lifetime>,
types: Vec<P<ast::Ty>>,
bindings: Vec<ast::TypeBinding> )
-> ast::Path {
let last_identifier = idents.pop().unwrap();
let mut segments: Vec<ast::PathSegment> = Vec::new();
if global {
segments.extend(idents.into_iter().map(|i| ast::PathSegment::from_ident(i, sp)));
let parameters = if lifetimes.is_empty() && types.is_empty() && bindings.is_empty() {
} else {
Some(P(ast::PathParameters::AngleBracketed(ast::AngleBracketedParameterData {
lifetimes: lifetimes,
types: types,
bindings: bindings,
segments.push(ast::PathSegment {
identifier: last_identifier,
span: sp,
parameters: parameters
ast::Path {
span: sp,
segments: segments,
/// Constructs a qualified path.
/// Constructs a path like `<self_type as trait_path>::ident`.
fn qpath(&self,
self_type: P<ast::Ty>,
trait_path: ast::Path,
ident: ast::SpannedIdent)
-> (ast::QSelf, ast::Path) {
self.qpath_all(self_type, trait_path, ident, vec![], vec![], vec![])
/// Constructs a qualified path.
/// Constructs a path like `<self_type as trait_path>::ident<'a, T, A=Bar>`.
fn qpath_all(&self,
self_type: P<ast::Ty>,
trait_path: ast::Path,
ident: ast::SpannedIdent,
lifetimes: Vec<ast::Lifetime>,
types: Vec<P<ast::Ty>>,
bindings: Vec<ast::TypeBinding>)
-> (ast::QSelf, ast::Path) {
let mut path = trait_path;
let parameters = ast::AngleBracketedParameterData {
lifetimes: lifetimes,
types: types,
bindings: bindings,
path.segments.push(ast::PathSegment {
identifier: ident.node,
span: ident.span,
parameters: Some(P(ast::PathParameters::AngleBracketed(parameters))),
(ast::QSelf {
ty: self_type,
position: path.segments.len() - 1
}, path)
fn ty_mt(&self, ty: P<ast::Ty>, mutbl: ast::Mutability) -> ast::MutTy {
ast::MutTy {
ty: ty,
mutbl: mutbl
fn ty(&self, span: Span, ty: ast::TyKind) -> P<ast::Ty> {
P(ast::Ty {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
span: span,
node: ty
fn ty_path(&self, path: ast::Path) -> P<ast::Ty> {
self.ty(path.span, ast::TyKind::Path(None, path))
// Might need to take bounds as an argument in the future, if you ever want
// to generate a bounded existential trait type.
fn ty_ident(&self, span: Span, ident: ast::Ident)
-> P<ast::Ty> {
self.ty_path(self.path_ident(span, ident))
fn ty_rptr(&self,
span: Span,
ty: P<ast::Ty>,
lifetime: Option<ast::Lifetime>,
mutbl: ast::Mutability)
-> P<ast::Ty> {
ast::TyKind::Rptr(lifetime, self.ty_mt(ty, mutbl)))
fn ty_ptr(&self,
span: Span,
ty: P<ast::Ty>,
mutbl: ast::Mutability)
-> P<ast::Ty> {
ast::TyKind::Ptr(self.ty_mt(ty, mutbl)))
fn ty_option(&self, ty: P<ast::Ty>) -> P<ast::Ty> {
self.std_path(&["option", "Option"]),
vec![ ty ],
fn ty_infer(&self, span: Span) -> P<ast::Ty> {
self.ty(span, ast::TyKind::Infer)
fn typaram(&self,
span: Span,
id: ast::Ident,
attrs: Vec<ast::Attribute>,
bounds: ast::TyParamBounds,
default: Option<P<ast::Ty>>) -> ast::TyParam {
ast::TyParam {
ident: id,
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
attrs: attrs.into(),
bounds: bounds,
default: default,
span: span
fn trait_ref(&self, path: ast::Path) -> ast::TraitRef {
ast::TraitRef {
path: path,
ref_id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
fn poly_trait_ref(&self, span: Span, path: ast::Path) -> ast::PolyTraitRef {
ast::PolyTraitRef {
bound_lifetimes: Vec::new(),
trait_ref: self.trait_ref(path),
span: span,
fn typarambound(&self, path: ast::Path) -> ast::TyParamBound {
ast::TraitTyParamBound(self.poly_trait_ref(path.span, path), ast::TraitBoundModifier::None)
fn lifetime(&self, span: Span, name: ast::Name) -> ast::Lifetime {
ast::Lifetime { id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID, span: span, name: name }
fn lifetime_def(&self,
span: Span,
name: ast::Name,
attrs: Vec<ast::Attribute>,
bounds: Vec<ast::Lifetime>)
-> ast::LifetimeDef {
ast::LifetimeDef {
attrs: attrs.into(),
lifetime: self.lifetime(span, name),
bounds: bounds
fn stmt_expr(&self, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> ast::Stmt {
ast::Stmt {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
span: expr.span,
node: ast::StmtKind::Expr(expr),
fn stmt_semi(&self, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> ast::Stmt {
ast::Stmt {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
span: expr.span,
node: ast::StmtKind::Semi(expr),
fn stmt_let(&self, sp: Span, mutbl: bool, ident: ast::Ident,
ex: P<ast::Expr>) -> ast::Stmt {
let pat = if mutbl {
let binding_mode = ast::BindingMode::ByValue(ast::Mutability::Mutable);
self.pat_ident_binding_mode(sp, ident, binding_mode)
} else {
self.pat_ident(sp, ident)
let local = P(ast::Local {
pat: pat,
ty: None,
init: Some(ex),
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
span: sp,
attrs: ast::ThinVec::new(),
ast::Stmt {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
node: ast::StmtKind::Local(local),
span: sp,
fn stmt_let_typed(&self,
sp: Span,
mutbl: bool,
ident: ast::Ident,
typ: P<ast::Ty>,
ex: P<ast::Expr>)
-> ast::Stmt {
let pat = if mutbl {
let binding_mode = ast::BindingMode::ByValue(ast::Mutability::Mutable);
self.pat_ident_binding_mode(sp, ident, binding_mode)
} else {
self.pat_ident(sp, ident)
let local = P(ast::Local {
pat: pat,
ty: Some(typ),
init: Some(ex),
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
span: sp,
attrs: ast::ThinVec::new(),
ast::Stmt {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
node: ast::StmtKind::Local(local),
span: sp,
// Generate `let _: Type;`, usually used for type assertions.
fn stmt_let_type_only(&self, span: Span, ty: P<ast::Ty>) -> ast::Stmt {
let local = P(ast::Local {
pat: self.pat_wild(span),
ty: Some(ty),
init: None,
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
span: span,
attrs: ast::ThinVec::new(),
ast::Stmt {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
node: ast::StmtKind::Local(local),
span: span,
fn stmt_item(&self, sp: Span, item: P<ast::Item>) -> ast::Stmt {
ast::Stmt {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
node: ast::StmtKind::Item(item),
span: sp,
fn block_expr(&self, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Block> {
self.block(expr.span, vec![ast::Stmt {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
span: expr.span,
node: ast::StmtKind::Expr(expr),
fn block(&self, span: Span, stmts: Vec<ast::Stmt>) -> P<ast::Block> {
P(ast::Block {
stmts: stmts,
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
rules: BlockCheckMode::Default,
span: span,
fn expr(&self, span: Span, node: ast::ExprKind) -> P<ast::Expr> {
P(ast::Expr {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
node: node,
span: span,
attrs: ast::ThinVec::new(),
fn expr_path(&self, path: ast::Path) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(path.span, ast::ExprKind::Path(None, path))
/// Constructs a QPath expression.
fn expr_qpath(&self, span: Span, qself: ast::QSelf, path: ast::Path) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(span, ast::ExprKind::Path(Some(qself), path))
fn expr_ident(&self, span: Span, id: ast::Ident) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr_path(self.path_ident(span, id))
fn expr_self(&self, span: Span) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr_ident(span, keywords::SelfValue.ident())
fn expr_binary(&self, sp: Span, op: ast::BinOpKind,
lhs: P<ast::Expr>, rhs: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::Binary(Spanned { node: op, span: sp }, lhs, rhs))
fn expr_deref(&self, sp: Span, e: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr_unary(sp, UnOp::Deref, e)
fn expr_unary(&self, sp: Span, op: ast::UnOp, e: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::Unary(op, e))
fn expr_field_access(&self, sp: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>, ident: ast::Ident) -> P<ast::Expr> {
let id = Spanned { node: ident, span: sp };
self.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::Field(expr, id))
fn expr_tup_field_access(&self, sp: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>, idx: usize) -> P<ast::Expr> {
let id = Spanned { node: idx, span: sp };
self.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::TupField(expr, id))
fn expr_addr_of(&self, sp: Span, e: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(ast::Mutability::Immutable, e))
fn expr_mut_addr_of(&self, sp: Span, e: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(ast::Mutability::Mutable, e))
fn expr_call(&self, span: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>, args: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(span, ast::ExprKind::Call(expr, args))
fn expr_call_ident(&self, span: Span, id: ast::Ident,
args: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(span, ast::ExprKind::Call(self.expr_ident(span, id), args))
fn expr_call_global(&self, sp: Span, fn_path: Vec<ast::Ident> ,
args: Vec<P<ast::Expr>> ) -> P<ast::Expr> {
let pathexpr = self.expr_path(self.path_global(sp, fn_path));
self.expr_call(sp, pathexpr, args)
fn expr_method_call(&self, span: Span,
expr: P<ast::Expr>,
ident: ast::Ident,
mut args: Vec<P<ast::Expr>> ) -> P<ast::Expr> {
let id = Spanned { node: ident, span: span };
args.insert(0, expr);
self.expr(span, ast::ExprKind::MethodCall(id, Vec::new(), args))
fn expr_block(&self, b: P<ast::Block>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(b.span, ast::ExprKind::Block(b))
fn field_imm(&self, span: Span, name: Ident, e: P<ast::Expr>) -> ast::Field {
ast::Field {
ident: respan(span, name),
expr: e,
span: span,
is_shorthand: false,
attrs: ast::ThinVec::new(),
fn expr_struct(&self, span: Span, path: ast::Path, fields: Vec<ast::Field>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(span, ast::ExprKind::Struct(path, fields, None))
fn expr_struct_ident(&self, span: Span,
id: ast::Ident, fields: Vec<ast::Field>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr_struct(span, self.path_ident(span, id), fields)
fn expr_lit(&self, sp: Span, lit: ast::LitKind) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::Lit(P(respan(sp, lit))))
fn expr_usize(&self, span: Span, i: usize) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr_lit(span, ast::LitKind::Int(i as u128,
fn expr_isize(&self, sp: Span, i: isize) -> P<ast::Expr> {
if i < 0 {
let i = (-i) as u128;
let lit_ty = ast::LitIntType::Signed(ast::IntTy::Is);
let lit = self.expr_lit(sp, ast::LitKind::Int(i, lit_ty));
self.expr_unary(sp, ast::UnOp::Neg, lit)
} else {
self.expr_lit(sp, ast::LitKind::Int(i as u128,
fn expr_u32(&self, sp: Span, u: u32) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr_lit(sp, ast::LitKind::Int(u as u128,
fn expr_u8(&self, sp: Span, u: u8) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr_lit(sp, ast::LitKind::Int(u as u128, ast::LitIntType::Unsigned(ast::UintTy::U8)))
fn expr_bool(&self, sp: Span, value: bool) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr_lit(sp, ast::LitKind::Bool(value))
fn expr_vec(&self, sp: Span, exprs: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::Array(exprs))
fn expr_vec_ng(&self, sp: Span) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr_call_global(sp, self.std_path(&["vec", "Vec", "new"]),
fn expr_vec_slice(&self, sp: Span, exprs: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr_addr_of(sp, self.expr_vec(sp, exprs))
fn expr_str(&self, sp: Span, s: Symbol) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr_lit(sp, ast::LitKind::Str(s, ast::StrStyle::Cooked))
fn expr_cast(&self, sp: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>, ty: P<ast::Ty>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::Cast(expr, ty))
fn expr_some(&self, sp: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
let some = self.std_path(&["option", "Option", "Some"]);
self.expr_call_global(sp, some, vec![expr])
fn expr_none(&self, sp: Span) -> P<ast::Expr> {
let none = self.std_path(&["option", "Option", "None"]);
let none = self.path_global(sp, none);
fn expr_break(&self, sp: Span) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::Break(None, None))
fn expr_tuple(&self, sp: Span, exprs: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::Tup(exprs))
fn expr_fail(&self, span: Span, msg: Symbol) -> P<ast::Expr> {
let loc = self.codemap().lookup_char_pos(span.lo);
let expr_file = self.expr_str(span, Symbol::intern(&loc.file.name));
let expr_line = self.expr_u32(span, loc.line as u32);
let expr_file_line_tuple = self.expr_tuple(span, vec![expr_file, expr_line]);
let expr_file_line_ptr = self.expr_addr_of(span, expr_file_line_tuple);
self.std_path(&["rt", "begin_panic"]),
self.expr_str(span, msg),
fn expr_unreachable(&self, span: Span) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr_fail(span, Symbol::intern("internal error: entered unreachable code"))
fn expr_ok(&self, sp: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
let ok = self.std_path(&["result", "Result", "Ok"]);
self.expr_call_global(sp, ok, vec![expr])
fn expr_err(&self, sp: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
let err = self.std_path(&["result", "Result", "Err"]);
self.expr_call_global(sp, err, vec![expr])
fn expr_try(&self, sp: Span, head: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
let ok = self.std_path(&["result", "Result", "Ok"]);
let ok_path = self.path_global(sp, ok);
let err = self.std_path(&["result", "Result", "Err"]);
let err_path = self.path_global(sp, err);
let binding_variable = self.ident_of("__try_var");
let binding_pat = self.pat_ident(sp, binding_variable);
let binding_expr = self.expr_ident(sp, binding_variable);
// Ok(__try_var) pattern
let ok_pat = self.pat_tuple_struct(sp, ok_path, vec![binding_pat.clone()]);
// Err(__try_var) (pattern and expression resp.)
let err_pat = self.pat_tuple_struct(sp, err_path.clone(), vec![binding_pat]);
let err_inner_expr = self.expr_call(sp, self.expr_path(err_path),
// return Err(__try_var)
let err_expr = self.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::Ret(Some(err_inner_expr)));
// Ok(__try_var) => __try_var
let ok_arm = self.arm(sp, vec![ok_pat], binding_expr);
// Err(__try_var) => return Err(__try_var)
let err_arm = self.arm(sp, vec![err_pat], err_expr);
// match head { Ok() => ..., Err() => ... }
self.expr_match(sp, head, vec![ok_arm, err_arm])
fn pat(&self, span: Span, pat: PatKind) -> P<ast::Pat> {
P(ast::Pat { id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID, node: pat, span: span })
fn pat_wild(&self, span: Span) -> P<ast::Pat> {
self.pat(span, PatKind::Wild)
fn pat_lit(&self, span: Span, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Pat> {
self.pat(span, PatKind::Lit(expr))
fn pat_ident(&self, span: Span, ident: ast::Ident) -> P<ast::Pat> {
let binding_mode = ast::BindingMode::ByValue(ast::Mutability::Immutable);
self.pat_ident_binding_mode(span, ident, binding_mode)
fn pat_ident_binding_mode(&self,
span: Span,
ident: ast::Ident,
bm: ast::BindingMode) -> P<ast::Pat> {
let pat = PatKind::Ident(bm, Spanned{span: span, node: ident}, None);
self.pat(span, pat)
fn pat_path(&self, span: Span, path: ast::Path) -> P<ast::Pat> {
self.pat(span, PatKind::Path(None, path))
fn pat_tuple_struct(&self, span: Span, path: ast::Path,
subpats: Vec<P<ast::Pat>>) -> P<ast::Pat> {
self.pat(span, PatKind::TupleStruct(path, subpats, None))
fn pat_struct(&self, span: Span, path: ast::Path,
field_pats: Vec<Spanned<ast::FieldPat>>) -> P<ast::Pat> {
self.pat(span, PatKind::Struct(path, field_pats, false))
fn pat_tuple(&self, span: Span, pats: Vec<P<ast::Pat>>) -> P<ast::Pat> {
self.pat(span, PatKind::Tuple(pats, None))
fn pat_some(&self, span: Span, pat: P<ast::Pat>) -> P<ast::Pat> {
let some = self.std_path(&["option", "Option", "Some"]);
let path = self.path_global(span, some);
self.pat_tuple_struct(span, path, vec![pat])
fn pat_none(&self, span: Span) -> P<ast::Pat> {
let some = self.std_path(&["option", "Option", "None"]);
let path = self.path_global(span, some);
self.pat_path(span, path)
fn pat_ok(&self, span: Span, pat: P<ast::Pat>) -> P<ast::Pat> {
let some = self.std_path(&["result", "Result", "Ok"]);
let path = self.path_global(span, some);
self.pat_tuple_struct(span, path, vec![pat])
fn pat_err(&self, span: Span, pat: P<ast::Pat>) -> P<ast::Pat> {
let some = self.std_path(&["result", "Result", "Err"]);
let path = self.path_global(span, some);
self.pat_tuple_struct(span, path, vec![pat])
fn arm(&self, _span: Span, pats: Vec<P<ast::Pat>>, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> ast::Arm {
ast::Arm {
attrs: vec![],
pats: pats,
guard: None,
body: expr
fn arm_unreachable(&self, span: Span) -> ast::Arm {
self.arm(span, vec![self.pat_wild(span)], self.expr_unreachable(span))
fn expr_match(&self, span: Span, arg: P<ast::Expr>, arms: Vec<ast::Arm>) -> P<Expr> {
self.expr(span, ast::ExprKind::Match(arg, arms))
fn expr_if(&self, span: Span, cond: P<ast::Expr>,
then: P<ast::Expr>, els: Option<P<ast::Expr>>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
let els = els.map(|x| self.expr_block(self.block_expr(x)));
self.expr(span, ast::ExprKind::If(cond, self.block_expr(then), els))
fn expr_loop(&self, span: Span, block: P<ast::Block>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(span, ast::ExprKind::Loop(block, None))
fn lambda_fn_decl(&self,
span: Span,
fn_decl: P<ast::FnDecl>,
body: P<ast::Expr>,
fn_decl_span: Span) // span of the `|...|` part
-> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr(span, ast::ExprKind::Closure(ast::CaptureBy::Ref,
fn lambda(&self,
span: Span,
ids: Vec<ast::Ident>,
body: P<ast::Expr>)
-> P<ast::Expr> {
let fn_decl = self.fn_decl(
ids.iter().map(|id| self.arg(span, *id, self.ty_infer(span))).collect(),
// FIXME -- We are using `span` as the span of the `|...|`
// part of the lambda, but it probably (maybe?) corresponds to
// the entire lambda body. Probably we should extend the API
// here, but that's not entirely clear.
self.expr(span, ast::ExprKind::Closure(ast::CaptureBy::Ref, fn_decl, body, span))
fn lambda0(&self, span: Span, body: P<ast::Expr>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.lambda(span, Vec::new(), body)
fn lambda1(&self, span: Span, body: P<ast::Expr>, ident: ast::Ident) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.lambda(span, vec![ident], body)
fn lambda_stmts(&self,
span: Span,
ids: Vec<ast::Ident>,
stmts: Vec<ast::Stmt>)
-> P<ast::Expr> {
self.lambda(span, ids, self.expr_block(self.block(span, stmts)))
fn lambda_stmts_0(&self, span: Span, stmts: Vec<ast::Stmt>) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.lambda0(span, self.expr_block(self.block(span, stmts)))
fn lambda_stmts_1(&self, span: Span, stmts: Vec<ast::Stmt>,
ident: ast::Ident) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.lambda1(span, self.expr_block(self.block(span, stmts)), ident)
fn arg(&self, span: Span, ident: ast::Ident, ty: P<ast::Ty>) -> ast::Arg {
let arg_pat = self.pat_ident(span, ident);
ast::Arg {
ty: ty,
pat: arg_pat,
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID
// FIXME unused self
fn fn_decl(&self, inputs: Vec<ast::Arg>, output: P<ast::Ty>) -> P<ast::FnDecl> {
P(ast::FnDecl {
inputs: inputs,
output: ast::FunctionRetTy::Ty(output),
variadic: false
fn item(&self, span: Span, name: Ident,
attrs: Vec<ast::Attribute>, node: ast::ItemKind) -> P<ast::Item> {
// FIXME: Would be nice if our generated code didn't violate
// Rust coding conventions
P(ast::Item {
ident: name,
attrs: attrs,
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
node: node,
vis: ast::Visibility::Inherited,
span: span
fn item_fn_poly(&self,
span: Span,
name: Ident,
inputs: Vec<ast::Arg> ,
output: P<ast::Ty>,
generics: Generics,
body: P<ast::Block>) -> P<ast::Item> {
ast::ItemKind::Fn(self.fn_decl(inputs, output),
fn item_fn(&self,
span: Span,
name: Ident,
inputs: Vec<ast::Arg> ,
output: P<ast::Ty>,
body: P<ast::Block>
) -> P<ast::Item> {
fn variant(&self, span: Span, name: Ident, tys: Vec<P<ast::Ty>> ) -> ast::Variant {
let fields: Vec<_> = tys.into_iter().map(|ty| {
ast::StructField {
span: ty.span,
ty: ty,
ident: None,
vis: ast::Visibility::Inherited,
attrs: Vec::new(),
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
let vdata = if fields.is_empty() {
} else {
ast::VariantData::Tuple(fields, ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID)
ast::Variant_ {
name: name,
attrs: Vec::new(),
data: vdata,
disr_expr: None,
fn item_enum_poly(&self, span: Span, name: Ident,
enum_definition: ast::EnumDef,
generics: Generics) -> P<ast::Item> {
self.item(span, name, Vec::new(), ast::ItemKind::Enum(enum_definition, generics))
fn item_enum(&self, span: Span, name: Ident,
enum_definition: ast::EnumDef) -> P<ast::Item> {
self.item_enum_poly(span, name, enum_definition,
fn item_struct(&self, span: Span, name: Ident,
struct_def: ast::VariantData) -> P<ast::Item> {
fn item_struct_poly(&self, span: Span, name: Ident,
struct_def: ast::VariantData, generics: Generics) -> P<ast::Item> {
self.item(span, name, Vec::new(), ast::ItemKind::Struct(struct_def, generics))
fn item_mod(&self, span: Span, inner_span: Span, name: Ident,
attrs: Vec<ast::Attribute>,
items: Vec<P<ast::Item>>) -> P<ast::Item> {
ast::ItemKind::Mod(ast::Mod {
inner: inner_span,
items: items,
fn item_static(&self,
span: Span,
name: Ident,
ty: P<ast::Ty>,
mutbl: ast::Mutability,
expr: P<ast::Expr>)
-> P<ast::Item> {
self.item(span, name, Vec::new(), ast::ItemKind::Static(ty, mutbl, expr))
fn item_const(&self,
span: Span,
name: Ident,
ty: P<ast::Ty>,
expr: P<ast::Expr>)
-> P<ast::Item> {
self.item(span, name, Vec::new(), ast::ItemKind::Const(ty, expr))
fn item_ty_poly(&self, span: Span, name: Ident, ty: P<ast::Ty>,
generics: Generics) -> P<ast::Item> {
self.item(span, name, Vec::new(), ast::ItemKind::Ty(ty, generics))
fn item_ty(&self, span: Span, name: Ident, ty: P<ast::Ty>) -> P<ast::Item> {
self.item_ty_poly(span, name, ty, Generics::default())
fn attribute(&self, sp: Span, mi: ast::MetaItem) -> ast::Attribute {
attr::mk_spanned_attr_outer(sp, attr::mk_attr_id(), mi)
fn meta_word(&self, sp: Span, w: ast::Name) -> ast::MetaItem {
attr::mk_spanned_word_item(sp, w)
fn meta_list_item_word(&self, sp: Span, w: ast::Name) -> ast::NestedMetaItem {
respan(sp, ast::NestedMetaItemKind::MetaItem(attr::mk_spanned_word_item(sp, w)))
fn meta_list(&self, sp: Span, name: ast::Name, mis: Vec<ast::NestedMetaItem>)
-> ast::MetaItem {
attr::mk_spanned_list_item(sp, name, mis)
fn meta_name_value(&self, sp: Span, name: ast::Name, value: ast::LitKind)
-> ast::MetaItem {
attr::mk_spanned_name_value_item(sp, name, respan(sp, value))
fn item_use(&self, sp: Span,
vis: ast::Visibility, vp: P<ast::ViewPath>) -> P<ast::Item> {
P(ast::Item {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
ident: keywords::Invalid.ident(),
attrs: vec![],
node: ast::ItemKind::Use(vp),
vis: vis,
span: sp
fn item_use_simple(&self, sp: Span, vis: ast::Visibility, path: ast::Path) -> P<ast::Item> {
let last = path.segments.last().unwrap().identifier;
self.item_use_simple_(sp, vis, last, path)
fn item_use_simple_(&self, sp: Span, vis: ast::Visibility,
ident: ast::Ident, path: ast::Path) -> P<ast::Item> {
self.item_use(sp, vis,
fn item_use_list(&self, sp: Span, vis: ast::Visibility,
path: Vec<ast::Ident>, imports: &[ast::Ident]) -> P<ast::Item> {
let imports = imports.iter().map(|id| {
let item = ast::PathListItem_ {
name: *id,
rename: None,
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
respan(sp, item)
self.item_use(sp, vis,
ast::ViewPathList(self.path(sp, path),
fn item_use_glob(&self, sp: Span,
vis: ast::Visibility, path: Vec<ast::Ident>) -> P<ast::Item> {
self.item_use(sp, vis,
ast::ViewPathGlob(self.path(sp, path)))))