Tim Chevalier b18320446e Move over to calling ptr::addr_of
Everything should now call ptr::addr_of instead of
ptr::p2::addr_of. Only the pipes macro code when compiled
by stage0 will call ptr::p2::addr_of. Needs a snapshot to get
rid of that.
2012-10-01 15:12:09 -07:00

64 lines
1.6 KiB

// xfail-test - this isn't really a test.
// select!
macro_rules! select_if (
} => {
$port:path => [
$(type_this $message:path$(($(x $x: ident),+))dont_type_this*
-> $next:ident => { $e:expr }),+
$(, $ports:path => [
$(type_this $messages:path$(($(x $xs: ident),+))dont_type_this*
-> $nexts:ident => { $es:expr }),+
] )*
} => {
if $index == $count {
match move pipes::try_recv($port) {
$(Some($message($($(ref $x,)+)* ref next)) => {
// FIXME (#2329) we really want move out of enum here.
let $next = unsafe { let x <- *ptr::addr_of(&(*next)); x };
_ => fail
} else {
$count + 1
$(, $ports => [
$(type_this $messages$(($(x $xs),+))dont_type_this*
-> $nexts => { $es }),+
macro_rules! select (
$( $port:path => {
$($message:path$(($($x: ident),+))dont_type_this*
-> $next:ident $e:expr),+
} )+
} => {
let index = pipes::selecti([$(($port).header()),+]/_);
select_if!(index, 0 $(, $port => [
$(type_this $message$(($(x $x),+))dont_type_this* -> $next => { $e }),+