2017-03-06 10:05:31 -03:00

613 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright 2013-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::panic::{self, AssertUnwindSafe};
use std::process::Command;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::str;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use testing;
use rustc_lint;
use rustc::dep_graph::DepGraph;
use rustc::hir;
use rustc::hir::intravisit;
use rustc::session::{self, config};
use rustc::session::config::{OutputType, OutputTypes, Externs};
use rustc::session::search_paths::{SearchPaths, PathKind};
use rustc_back::dynamic_lib::DynamicLibrary;
use rustc_back::tempdir::TempDir;
use rustc_driver::{self, driver, Compilation};
use rustc_driver::driver::phase_2_configure_and_expand;
use rustc_metadata::cstore::CStore;
use rustc_resolve::MakeGlobMap;
use rustc_trans::back::link;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap::CodeMap;
use syntax::feature_gate::UnstableFeatures;
use syntax_pos::{BytePos, DUMMY_SP, Pos, Span};
use errors;
use errors::emitter::ColorConfig;
use clean::Attributes;
use html::markdown;
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct TestOptions {
pub no_crate_inject: bool,
pub attrs: Vec<String>,
pub fn run(input: &str,
cfgs: Vec<String>,
libs: SearchPaths,
externs: Externs,
mut test_args: Vec<String>,
crate_name: Option<String>,
maybe_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>)
-> isize {
let input_path = PathBuf::from(input);
let input = config::Input::File(input_path.clone());
let sessopts = config::Options {
maybe_sysroot: maybe_sysroot.clone().or_else(
|| Some(env::current_exe().unwrap().parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap().to_path_buf())),
search_paths: libs.clone(),
crate_types: vec![config::CrateTypeDylib],
externs: externs.clone(),
unstable_features: UnstableFeatures::from_environment(),
actually_rustdoc: true,
let codemap = Rc::new(CodeMap::new());
let handler =
errors::Handler::with_tty_emitter(ColorConfig::Auto, true, false, Some(codemap.clone()));
let dep_graph = DepGraph::new(false);
let _ignore = dep_graph.in_ignore();
let cstore = Rc::new(CStore::new(&dep_graph));
let mut sess = session::build_session_(
sessopts, &dep_graph, Some(input_path.clone()), handler, codemap.clone(), cstore.clone(),
rustc_lint::register_builtins(&mut sess.lint_store.borrow_mut(), Some(&sess));
sess.parse_sess.config =
config::build_configuration(&sess, config::parse_cfgspecs(cfgs.clone()));
let krate = panictry!(driver::phase_1_parse_input(&sess, &input));
let driver::ExpansionResult { defs, mut hir_forest, .. } = {
&sess, &cstore, krate, None, "rustdoc-test", None, MakeGlobMap::No, |_| Ok(())
).expect("phase_2_configure_and_expand aborted in rustdoc!")
let crate_name = crate_name.unwrap_or_else(|| {
link::find_crate_name(None, &hir_forest.krate().attrs, &input)
let opts = scrape_test_config(hir_forest.krate());
let mut collector = Collector::new(crate_name,
let dep_graph = DepGraph::new(false);
let _ignore = dep_graph.in_ignore();
let map = hir::map::map_crate(&mut hir_forest, defs);
let krate = map.krate();
let mut hir_collector = HirCollector {
collector: &mut collector,
map: &map
hir_collector.visit_testable("".to_string(), &krate.attrs, |this| {
intravisit::walk_crate(this, krate);
test_args.insert(0, "rustdoctest".to_string());
// Look for #![doc(test(no_crate_inject))], used by crates in the std facade
fn scrape_test_config(krate: &::rustc::hir::Crate) -> TestOptions {
use syntax::print::pprust;
let mut opts = TestOptions {
no_crate_inject: false,
attrs: Vec::new(),
let attrs = krate.attrs.iter()
.filter(|a| a.check_name("doc"))
.filter_map(|a| a.meta_item_list())
.flat_map(|l| l)
.filter(|a| a.check_name("test"))
.filter_map(|a| a.meta_item_list())
.flat_map(|l| l);
for attr in attrs {
if attr.check_name("no_crate_inject") {
opts.no_crate_inject = true;
if attr.check_name("attr") {
if let Some(l) = attr.meta_item_list() {
for item in l {
fn runtest(test: &str, cratename: &str, cfgs: Vec<String>, libs: SearchPaths,
externs: Externs,
should_panic: bool, no_run: bool, as_test_harness: bool,
compile_fail: bool, mut error_codes: Vec<String>, opts: &TestOptions,
maybe_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>) {
// the test harness wants its own `main` & top level functions, so
// never wrap the test in `fn main() { ... }`
let test = maketest(test, Some(cratename), as_test_harness, opts);
let input = config::Input::Str {
name: driver::anon_src(),
input: test.to_owned(),
let outputs = OutputTypes::new(&[(OutputType::Exe, None)]);
let sessopts = config::Options {
maybe_sysroot: maybe_sysroot.or_else(
|| Some(env::current_exe().unwrap().parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap().to_path_buf())),
search_paths: libs,
crate_types: vec![config::CrateTypeExecutable],
output_types: outputs,
externs: externs,
cg: config::CodegenOptions {
prefer_dynamic: true,
.. config::basic_codegen_options()
test: as_test_harness,
unstable_features: UnstableFeatures::from_environment(),
// Shuffle around a few input and output handles here. We're going to pass
// an explicit handle into rustc to collect output messages, but we also
// want to catch the error message that rustc prints when it fails.
// We take our thread-local stderr (likely set by the test runner) and replace
// it with a sink that is also passed to rustc itself. When this function
// returns the output of the sink is copied onto the output of our own thread.
// The basic idea is to not use a default Handler for rustc, and then also
// not print things by default to the actual stderr.
struct Sink(Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>);
impl Write for Sink {
fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
Write::write(&mut *self.0.lock().unwrap(), data)
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { Ok(()) }
struct Bomb(Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>, Box<Write+Send>);
impl Drop for Bomb {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let _ = self.1.write_all(&self.0.lock().unwrap());
let data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
let codemap = Rc::new(CodeMap::new());
let emitter = errors::emitter::EmitterWriter::new(box Sink(data.clone()),
let old = io::set_panic(Some(box Sink(data.clone())));
let _bomb = Bomb(data.clone(), old.unwrap_or(box io::stdout()));
// Compile the code
let diagnostic_handler = errors::Handler::with_emitter(true, false, box emitter);
let dep_graph = DepGraph::new(false);
let cstore = Rc::new(CStore::new(&dep_graph));
let mut sess = session::build_session_(
sessopts, &dep_graph, None, diagnostic_handler, codemap, cstore.clone(),
rustc_lint::register_builtins(&mut sess.lint_store.borrow_mut(), Some(&sess));
let outdir = Mutex::new(TempDir::new("rustdoctest").ok().expect("rustdoc needs a tempdir"));
let libdir = sess.target_filesearch(PathKind::All).get_lib_path();
let mut control = driver::CompileController::basic();
sess.parse_sess.config =
config::build_configuration(&sess, config::parse_cfgspecs(cfgs.clone()));
let out = Some(outdir.lock().unwrap().path().to_path_buf());
if no_run {
control.after_analysis.stop = Compilation::Stop;
let res = panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
driver::compile_input(&sess, &cstore, &input, &out, &None, None, &control)
match res {
Ok(r) => {
match r {
Err(count) => {
if count > 0 && !compile_fail {
sess.fatal("aborting due to previous error(s)")
} else if count == 0 && compile_fail {
panic!("test compiled while it wasn't supposed to")
if count > 0 && error_codes.len() > 0 {
let out = String::from_utf8(data.lock().unwrap().to_vec()).unwrap();
error_codes.retain(|err| !out.contains(err));
Ok(()) if compile_fail => {
panic!("test compiled while it wasn't supposed to")
_ => {}
Err(_) => {
if !compile_fail {
panic!("couldn't compile the test");
if error_codes.len() > 0 {
let out = String::from_utf8(data.lock().unwrap().to_vec()).unwrap();
error_codes.retain(|err| !out.contains(err));
if error_codes.len() > 0 {
panic!("Some expected error codes were not found: {:?}", error_codes);
if no_run { return }
// Run the code!
// We're careful to prepend the *target* dylib search path to the child's
// environment to ensure that the target loads the right libraries at
// runtime. It would be a sad day if the *host* libraries were loaded as a
// mistake.
let mut cmd = Command::new(&outdir.lock().unwrap().path().join("rust_out"));
let var = DynamicLibrary::envvar();
let newpath = {
let path = env::var_os(var).unwrap_or(OsString::new());
let mut path = env::split_paths(&path).collect::<Vec<_>>();
path.insert(0, libdir.clone());
cmd.env(var, &newpath);
match cmd.output() {
Err(e) => panic!("couldn't run the test: {}{}", e,
if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied {
" - maybe your tempdir is mounted with noexec?"
} else { "" }),
Ok(out) => {
if should_panic && out.status.success() {
panic!("test executable succeeded when it should have failed");
} else if !should_panic && !out.status.success() {
panic!("test executable failed:\n{}\n{}\n",
pub fn maketest(s: &str, cratename: Option<&str>, dont_insert_main: bool,
opts: &TestOptions) -> String {
let (crate_attrs, everything_else) = partition_source(s);
let mut prog = String::new();
// First push any outer attributes from the example, assuming they
// are intended to be crate attributes.
// Next, any attributes for other aspects such as lints.
for attr in &opts.attrs {
prog.push_str(&format!("#![{}]\n", attr));
// Don't inject `extern crate std` because it's already injected by the
// compiler.
if !s.contains("extern crate") && !opts.no_crate_inject && cratename != Some("std") {
if let Some(cratename) = cratename {
if s.contains(cratename) {
prog.push_str(&format!("extern crate {};\n", cratename));
if dont_insert_main || s.contains("fn main") {
} else {
prog.push_str("fn main() {\n");
prog = prog.trim().into();
info!("final test program: {}", prog);
// FIXME(aburka): use a real parser to deal with multiline attributes
fn partition_source(s: &str) -> (String, String) {
use std_unicode::str::UnicodeStr;
let mut after_header = false;
let mut before = String::new();
let mut after = String::new();
for line in s.lines() {
let trimline = line.trim();
let header = trimline.is_whitespace() ||
if !header || after_header {
after_header = true;
} else {
(before, after)
pub struct Collector {
pub tests: Vec<testing::TestDescAndFn>,
names: Vec<String>,
cfgs: Vec<String>,
libs: SearchPaths,
externs: Externs,
cnt: usize,
use_headers: bool,
current_header: Option<String>,
cratename: String,
opts: TestOptions,
maybe_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>,
position: Span,
codemap: Option<Rc<CodeMap>>,
filename: Option<String>,
impl Collector {
pub fn new(cratename: String, cfgs: Vec<String>, libs: SearchPaths, externs: Externs,
use_headers: bool, opts: TestOptions, maybe_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>,
codemap: Option<Rc<CodeMap>>, filename: Option<String>) -> Collector {
Collector {
tests: Vec::new(),
names: Vec::new(),
cfgs: cfgs,
libs: libs,
externs: externs,
cnt: 0,
use_headers: use_headers,
current_header: None,
cratename: cratename,
opts: opts,
maybe_sysroot: maybe_sysroot,
position: DUMMY_SP,
codemap: codemap,
filename: filename,
pub fn add_test(&mut self, test: String,
should_panic: bool, no_run: bool, should_ignore: bool,
as_test_harness: bool, compile_fail: bool, error_codes: Vec<String>,
line: usize, filename: String) {
let name = if self.use_headers {
if let Some(ref header) = self.current_header {
format!("{} - {} (line {})", filename, header, line)
} else {
format!("{} - (line {})", filename, line)
} else {
format!("{} - {} (line {})", filename, self.names.join("::"), line)
let cfgs = self.cfgs.clone();
let libs = self.libs.clone();
let externs = self.externs.clone();
let cratename = self.cratename.to_string();
let opts = self.opts.clone();
let maybe_sysroot = self.maybe_sysroot.clone();
debug!("Creating test {}: {}", name, test);
self.tests.push(testing::TestDescAndFn {
desc: testing::TestDesc {
name: testing::DynTestName(name),
ignore: should_ignore,
// compiler failures are test failures
should_panic: testing::ShouldPanic::No,
testfn: testing::DynTestFn(box move |()| {
let panic = io::set_panic(None);
let print = io::set_print(None);
match {
rustc_driver::in_rustc_thread(move || {
} {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(err) => panic::resume_unwind(err),
pub fn get_line(&self) -> usize {
if let Some(ref codemap) = self.codemap {
let line = self.position.lo.to_usize();
let line = codemap.lookup_char_pos(BytePos(line as u32)).line;
if line > 0 { line - 1 } else { line }
} else {
pub fn set_position(&mut self, position: Span) {
self.position = position;
pub fn get_filename(&self) -> String {
if let Some(ref codemap) = self.codemap {
let filename = codemap.span_to_filename(self.position);
if let Ok(cur_dir) = env::current_dir() {
if let Ok(path) = Path::new(&filename).strip_prefix(&cur_dir) {
if let Some(path) = path.to_str() {
return path.to_owned();
} else if let Some(ref filename) = self.filename {
} else {
pub fn register_header(&mut self, name: &str, level: u32) {
if self.use_headers && level == 1 {
// we use these headings as test names, so it's good if
// they're valid identifiers.
let name = name.chars().enumerate().map(|(i, c)| {
if (i == 0 && c.is_xid_start()) ||
(i != 0 && c.is_xid_continue()) {
} else {
// new header => reset count.
self.cnt = 0;
self.current_header = Some(name);
struct HirCollector<'a, 'hir: 'a> {
collector: &'a mut Collector,
map: &'a hir::map::Map<'hir>
impl<'a, 'hir> HirCollector<'a, 'hir> {
fn visit_testable<F: FnOnce(&mut Self)>(&mut self,
name: String,
attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
nested: F) {
let has_name = !name.is_empty();
if has_name {
let mut attrs = Attributes::from_ast(attrs);
if let Some(doc) = attrs.doc_value() {
self.collector.cnt = 0;
markdown::find_testable_code(doc, self.collector,
if has_name {
impl<'a, 'hir> intravisit::Visitor<'hir> for HirCollector<'a, 'hir> {
fn nested_visit_map<'this>(&'this mut self) -> intravisit::NestedVisitorMap<'this, 'hir> {
fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &'hir hir::Item) {
let name = if let hir::ItemImpl(.., ref ty, _) = item.node {
} else {
self.visit_testable(name, &item.attrs, |this| {
intravisit::walk_item(this, item);
fn visit_trait_item(&mut self, item: &'hir hir::TraitItem) {
self.visit_testable(, &item.attrs, |this| {
intravisit::walk_trait_item(this, item);
fn visit_impl_item(&mut self, item: &'hir hir::ImplItem) {
self.visit_testable(, &item.attrs, |this| {
intravisit::walk_impl_item(this, item);
fn visit_foreign_item(&mut self, item: &'hir hir::ForeignItem) {
self.visit_testable(, &item.attrs, |this| {
intravisit::walk_foreign_item(this, item);
fn visit_variant(&mut self,
v: &'hir hir::Variant,
g: &'hir hir::Generics,
item_id: ast::NodeId) {
self.visit_testable(, &v.node.attrs, |this| {
intravisit::walk_variant(this, v, g, item_id);
fn visit_struct_field(&mut self, f: &'hir hir::StructField) {
self.visit_testable(, &f.attrs, |this| {
intravisit::walk_struct_field(this, f);
fn visit_macro_def(&mut self, macro_def: &'hir hir::MacroDef) {
self.visit_testable(, &macro_def.attrs, |_| ());