(Previously, statically identifiable scopes/regions were solely identified with NodeId's; this refactoring prepares for a future where that 1:1 correspondence does not hold.)
698 lines
23 KiB
698 lines
23 KiB
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// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
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# Standalone Tests for the Inference Module
use driver::diagnostic;
use driver::diagnostic::Emitter;
use driver::driver;
use middle::lang_items;
use middle::region::{mod, CodeExtent};
use middle::resolve;
use middle::resolve_lifetime;
use middle::stability;
use middle::subst;
use middle::subst::Subst;
use middle::ty::{mod, Ty};
use middle::typeck::infer::combine::Combine;
use middle::typeck::infer;
use middle::typeck::infer::lub::Lub;
use middle::typeck::infer::glb::Glb;
use session::{mod,config};
use syntax::{abi, ast, ast_map, ast_util};
use syntax::codemap;
use syntax::codemap::{Span, CodeMap, DUMMY_SP};
use syntax::diagnostic::{Level, RenderSpan, Bug, Fatal, Error, Warning, Note, Help};
use syntax::parse::token;
use util::ppaux::{ty_to_string, Repr, UserString};
use arena::TypedArena;
struct Env<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
infcx: &'a infer::InferCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
struct RH<'a> {
id: ast::NodeId,
sub: &'a [RH<'a>]
static EMPTY_SOURCE_STR: &'static str = "#![no_std]";
struct ExpectErrorEmitter {
messages: Vec<String>
fn remove_message(e: &mut ExpectErrorEmitter, msg: &str, lvl: Level) {
match lvl {
Bug | Fatal | Error => { }
Warning | Note | Help => { return; }
debug!("Error: {}", msg);
match e.messages.iter().position(|m| msg.contains(m.as_slice())) {
Some(i) => {
None => {
panic!("Unexpected error: {} Expected: {}",
msg, e.messages);
impl Emitter for ExpectErrorEmitter {
fn emit(&mut self,
_cmsp: Option<(&codemap::CodeMap, Span)>,
msg: &str,
_: Option<&str>,
lvl: Level)
remove_message(self, msg, lvl);
fn custom_emit(&mut self,
_cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
_sp: RenderSpan,
msg: &str,
lvl: Level)
remove_message(self, msg, lvl);
fn errors(msgs: &[&str]) -> (Box<Emitter+Send>, uint) {
let v = msgs.iter().map(|m| m.to_string()).collect();
(box ExpectErrorEmitter { messages: v } as Box<Emitter+Send>, msgs.len())
fn test_env(source_string: &str,
(emitter, expected_err_count): (Box<Emitter+Send>, uint),
body: |Env|) {
let mut options =
options.debugging_opts |= config::VERBOSE;
let codemap =
let diagnostic_handler =
let span_diagnostic_handler =
diagnostic::mk_span_handler(diagnostic_handler, codemap);
let sess = session::build_session_(options, None, span_diagnostic_handler);
let krate_config = Vec::new();
let input = driver::StrInput(source_string.to_string());
let krate = driver::phase_1_parse_input(&sess, krate_config, &input);
let krate = driver::phase_2_configure_and_expand(&sess, krate, "test", None)
.expect("phase 2 aborted");
let mut forest = ast_map::Forest::new(krate);
let ast_map = driver::assign_node_ids_and_map(&sess, &mut forest);
let krate = ast_map.krate();
// run just enough stuff to build a tcx:
let lang_items = lang_items::collect_language_items(krate, &sess);
let resolve::CrateMap { def_map, freevars, capture_mode_map, .. } =
resolve::resolve_crate(&sess, &lang_items, krate);
let named_region_map = resolve_lifetime::krate(&sess, krate, &def_map);
let region_map = region::resolve_crate(&sess, krate);
let stability_index = stability::Index::build(krate);
let type_arena = TypedArena::new();
let tcx = ty::mk_ctxt(sess,
let infcx = infer::new_infer_ctxt(&tcx);
body(Env { infcx: &infcx });
assert_eq!(tcx.sess.err_count(), expected_err_count);
impl<'a, 'tcx> Env<'a, 'tcx> {
pub fn create_region_hierarchy(&self, rh: &RH) {
for child_rh in rh.sub.iter() {
pub fn create_simple_region_hierarchy(&self) {
// creates a region hierarchy where 1 is root, 10 and 11 are
// children of 1, etc
&RH {id: 1,
sub: &[RH {id: 10,
sub: &[]},
RH {id: 11,
sub: &[]}]});
#[allow(dead_code)] // this seems like it could be useful, even if we don't use it now
pub fn lookup_item(&self, names: &[String]) -> ast::NodeId {
return match search_mod(self, &self.infcx.tcx.map.krate().module, 0, names) {
Some(id) => id,
None => {
panic!("no item found: `{}`", names.connect("::"));
fn search_mod(this: &Env,
m: &ast::Mod,
idx: uint,
names: &[String])
-> Option<ast::NodeId> {
assert!(idx < names.len());
for item in m.items.iter() {
if item.ident.user_string(this.infcx.tcx) == names[idx] {
return search(this, &**item, idx+1, names);
return None;
fn search(this: &Env,
it: &ast::Item,
idx: uint,
names: &[String])
-> Option<ast::NodeId> {
if idx == names.len() {
return Some(it.id);
return match it.node {
ast::ItemConst(..) | ast::ItemStatic(..) | ast::ItemFn(..) |
ast::ItemForeignMod(..) | ast::ItemTy(..) => {
ast::ItemEnum(..) | ast::ItemStruct(..) |
ast::ItemTrait(..) | ast::ItemImpl(..) |
ast::ItemMac(..) => {
ast::ItemMod(ref m) => {
search_mod(this, m, idx, names)
pub fn make_subtype(&self, a: Ty<'tcx>, b: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool {
match infer::mk_subty(self.infcx, true, infer::Misc(DUMMY_SP), a, b) {
Ok(_) => true,
Err(ref e) => panic!("Encountered error: {}",
ty::type_err_to_str(self.infcx.tcx, e))
pub fn is_subtype(&self, a: Ty<'tcx>, b: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool {
match infer::can_mk_subty(self.infcx, a, b) {
Ok(_) => true,
Err(_) => false
pub fn assert_subtype(&self, a: Ty<'tcx>, b: Ty<'tcx>) {
if !self.is_subtype(a, b) {
panic!("{} is not a subtype of {}, but it should be",
pub fn assert_eq(&self, a: Ty<'tcx>, b: Ty<'tcx>) {
self.assert_subtype(a, b);
self.assert_subtype(b, a);
pub fn ty_to_string(&self, a: Ty<'tcx>) -> String {
ty_to_string(self.infcx.tcx, a)
pub fn t_fn(&self,
input_tys: &[Ty<'tcx>],
output_ty: Ty<'tcx>)
-> Ty<'tcx>
ty::mk_ctor_fn(self.infcx.tcx, input_tys, output_ty)
pub fn t_nil(&self) -> Ty<'tcx> {
pub fn t_pair(&self, ty1: Ty<'tcx>, ty2: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
ty::mk_tup(self.infcx.tcx, vec![ty1, ty2])
pub fn t_closure(&self,
input_tys: &[Ty<'tcx>],
output_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
region_bound: ty::Region)
-> Ty<'tcx>
ty::mk_closure(self.infcx.tcx, ty::ClosureTy {
fn_style: ast::NormalFn,
onceness: ast::Many,
store: ty::RegionTraitStore(region_bound, ast::MutMutable),
bounds: ty::region_existential_bound(region_bound),
sig: ty::FnSig {
inputs: input_tys.to_vec(),
output: ty::FnConverging(output_ty),
variadic: false,
abi: abi::Rust,
pub fn t_param(&self, space: subst::ParamSpace, index: uint) -> Ty<'tcx> {
ty::mk_param(self.infcx.tcx, space, index, ast_util::local_def(ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID))
pub fn re_early_bound(&self,
space: subst::ParamSpace,
index: uint,
name: &'static str)
-> ty::Region
let name = token::intern(name);
ty::ReEarlyBound(ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID, space, index, name)
pub fn re_late_bound_with_debruijn(&self, id: uint, debruijn: ty::DebruijnIndex) -> ty::Region {
ty::ReLateBound(debruijn, ty::BrAnon(id))
pub fn t_rptr(&self, r: ty::Region) -> Ty<'tcx> {
ty::mk_imm_rptr(self.infcx.tcx, r, ty::mk_int())
pub fn t_rptr_late_bound(&self, id: uint) -> Ty<'tcx> {
self.re_late_bound_with_debruijn(id, ty::DebruijnIndex::new(1)),
pub fn t_rptr_late_bound_with_debruijn(&self,
id: uint,
debruijn: ty::DebruijnIndex)
-> Ty<'tcx> {
self.re_late_bound_with_debruijn(id, debruijn),
pub fn t_rptr_scope(&self, id: ast::NodeId) -> Ty<'tcx> {
ty::mk_imm_rptr(self.infcx.tcx, ty::ReScope(CodeExtent::from_node_id(id)), ty::mk_int())
pub fn re_free(&self, nid: ast::NodeId, id: uint) -> ty::Region {
ty::ReFree(ty::FreeRegion { scope: CodeExtent::from_node_id(nid),
bound_region: ty::BrAnon(id)})
pub fn t_rptr_free(&self, nid: ast::NodeId, id: uint) -> Ty<'tcx> {
ty::mk_imm_rptr(self.infcx.tcx, self.re_free(nid, id), ty::mk_int())
pub fn t_rptr_static(&self) -> Ty<'tcx> {
ty::mk_imm_rptr(self.infcx.tcx, ty::ReStatic, ty::mk_int())
pub fn dummy_type_trace(&self) -> infer::TypeTrace<'tcx> {
pub fn lub(&self) -> Lub<'a, 'tcx> {
let trace = self.dummy_type_trace();
Lub(self.infcx.combine_fields(true, trace))
pub fn glb(&self) -> Glb<'a, 'tcx> {
let trace = self.dummy_type_trace();
Glb(self.infcx.combine_fields(true, trace))
pub fn make_lub_ty(&self, t1: Ty<'tcx>, t2: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
match self.lub().tys(t1, t2) {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(ref e) => panic!("unexpected error computing LUB: {}",
ty::type_err_to_str(self.infcx.tcx, e))
/// Checks that `LUB(t1,t2) == t_lub`
pub fn check_lub(&self, t1: Ty<'tcx>, t2: Ty<'tcx>, t_lub: Ty<'tcx>) {
match self.lub().tys(t1, t2) {
Ok(t) => {
self.assert_eq(t, t_lub);
Err(ref e) => {
panic!("unexpected error in LUB: {}",
ty::type_err_to_str(self.infcx.tcx, e))
/// Checks that `GLB(t1,t2) == t_glb`
pub fn check_glb(&self, t1: Ty<'tcx>, t2: Ty<'tcx>, t_glb: Ty<'tcx>) {
debug!("check_glb(t1={}, t2={}, t_glb={})",
match self.glb().tys(t1, t2) {
Err(e) => {
panic!("unexpected error computing LUB: {}", e)
Ok(t) => {
self.assert_eq(t, t_glb);
// sanity check for good measure:
self.assert_subtype(t, t1);
self.assert_subtype(t, t2);
fn contravariant_region_ptr_ok() {
test_env(EMPTY_SOURCE_STR, errors(&[]), |env| {
let t_rptr1 = env.t_rptr_scope(1);
let t_rptr10 = env.t_rptr_scope(10);
env.assert_eq(t_rptr1, t_rptr1);
env.assert_eq(t_rptr10, t_rptr10);
env.make_subtype(t_rptr1, t_rptr10);
fn contravariant_region_ptr_err() {
errors(&["lifetime mismatch"]),
|env| {
let t_rptr1 = env.t_rptr_scope(1);
let t_rptr10 = env.t_rptr_scope(10);
env.assert_eq(t_rptr1, t_rptr1);
env.assert_eq(t_rptr10, t_rptr10);
// will cause an error when regions are resolved
env.make_subtype(t_rptr10, t_rptr1);
fn lub_bound_bound() {
test_env(EMPTY_SOURCE_STR, errors(&[]), |env| {
let t_rptr_bound1 = env.t_rptr_late_bound(1);
let t_rptr_bound2 = env.t_rptr_late_bound(2);
env.check_lub(env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound1], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound2], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound1], ty::mk_int()));
fn lub_bound_free() {
test_env(EMPTY_SOURCE_STR, errors(&[]), |env| {
let t_rptr_bound1 = env.t_rptr_late_bound(1);
let t_rptr_free1 = env.t_rptr_free(0, 1);
env.check_lub(env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound1], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_free1], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_free1], ty::mk_int()));
fn lub_bound_static() {
test_env(EMPTY_SOURCE_STR, errors(&[]), |env| {
let t_rptr_bound1 = env.t_rptr_late_bound(1);
let t_rptr_static = env.t_rptr_static();
env.check_lub(env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound1], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_static], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_static], ty::mk_int()));
fn lub_bound_bound_inverse_order() {
test_env(EMPTY_SOURCE_STR, errors(&[]), |env| {
let t_rptr_bound1 = env.t_rptr_late_bound(1);
let t_rptr_bound2 = env.t_rptr_late_bound(2);
env.check_lub(env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound1, t_rptr_bound2], t_rptr_bound1),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound2, t_rptr_bound1], t_rptr_bound1),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound1, t_rptr_bound1], t_rptr_bound1));
fn lub_free_free() {
test_env(EMPTY_SOURCE_STR, errors(&[]), |env| {
let t_rptr_free1 = env.t_rptr_free(0, 1);
let t_rptr_free2 = env.t_rptr_free(0, 2);
let t_rptr_static = env.t_rptr_static();
env.check_lub(env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_free1], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_free2], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_static], ty::mk_int()));
fn lub_returning_scope() {
errors(&["cannot infer an appropriate lifetime"]), |env| {
let t_rptr_scope10 = env.t_rptr_scope(10);
let t_rptr_scope11 = env.t_rptr_scope(11);
// this should generate an error when regions are resolved
env.make_lub_ty(env.t_fn(&[], t_rptr_scope10),
env.t_fn(&[], t_rptr_scope11));
fn glb_free_free_with_common_scope() {
test_env(EMPTY_SOURCE_STR, errors(&[]), |env| {
let t_rptr_free1 = env.t_rptr_free(0, 1);
let t_rptr_free2 = env.t_rptr_free(0, 2);
let t_rptr_scope = env.t_rptr_scope(0);
env.check_glb(env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_free1], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_free2], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_scope], ty::mk_int()));
fn glb_bound_bound() {
test_env(EMPTY_SOURCE_STR, errors(&[]), |env| {
let t_rptr_bound1 = env.t_rptr_late_bound(1);
let t_rptr_bound2 = env.t_rptr_late_bound(2);
env.check_glb(env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound1], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound2], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound1], ty::mk_int()));
fn glb_bound_free() {
test_env(EMPTY_SOURCE_STR, errors(&[]), |env| {
let t_rptr_bound1 = env.t_rptr_late_bound(1);
let t_rptr_free1 = env.t_rptr_free(0, 1);
env.check_glb(env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound1], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_free1], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound1], ty::mk_int()));
fn glb_bound_static() {
test_env(EMPTY_SOURCE_STR, errors(&[]), |env| {
let t_rptr_bound1 = env.t_rptr_late_bound(1);
let t_rptr_static = env.t_rptr_static();
env.check_glb(env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound1], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_static], ty::mk_int()),
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound1], ty::mk_int()));
fn subst_ty_renumber_bound() {
* Test substituting a bound region into a function, which introduces another
* level of binding. This requires adjusting the Debruijn index.
test_env(EMPTY_SOURCE_STR, errors(&[]), |env| {
// Situation:
// Theta = [A -> &'a foo]
let t_rptr_bound1 = env.t_rptr_late_bound(1);
// t_source = fn(A)
let t_source = {
let t_param = env.t_param(subst::TypeSpace, 0);
env.t_fn(&[t_param], env.t_nil())
let substs = subst::Substs::new_type(vec![t_rptr_bound1], vec![]);
let t_substituted = t_source.subst(env.infcx.tcx, &substs);
// t_expected = fn(&'a int)
let t_expected = {
let t_ptr_bound2 = env.t_rptr_late_bound_with_debruijn(1, ty::DebruijnIndex::new(2));
env.t_fn(&[t_ptr_bound2], env.t_nil())
debug!("subst_bound: t_source={} substs={} t_substituted={} t_expected={}",
assert_eq!(t_substituted, t_expected);
fn subst_ty_renumber_some_bounds() {
* Test substituting a bound region into a function, which introduces another
* level of binding. This requires adjusting the Debruijn index.
test_env(EMPTY_SOURCE_STR, errors(&[]), |env| {
// Situation:
// Theta = [A -> &'a foo]
let t_rptr_bound1 = env.t_rptr_late_bound(1);
// t_source = (A, fn(A))
let t_source = {
let t_param = env.t_param(subst::TypeSpace, 0);
env.t_pair(t_param, env.t_fn(&[t_param], env.t_nil()))
let substs = subst::Substs::new_type(vec![t_rptr_bound1], vec![]);
let t_substituted = t_source.subst(env.infcx.tcx, &substs);
// t_expected = (&'a int, fn(&'a int))
// but not that the Debruijn index is different in the different cases.
let t_expected = {
let t_rptr_bound2 = env.t_rptr_late_bound_with_debruijn(1, ty::DebruijnIndex::new(2));
env.t_pair(t_rptr_bound1, env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound2], env.t_nil()))
debug!("subst_bound: t_source={} substs={} t_substituted={} t_expected={}",
assert_eq!(t_substituted, t_expected);
fn escaping() {
* Test that we correctly compute whether a type has escaping
* regions or not.
test_env(EMPTY_SOURCE_STR, errors(&[]), |env| {
// Situation:
// Theta = [A -> &'a foo]
let t_rptr_free1 = env.t_rptr_free(0, 1);
let t_rptr_bound1 = env.t_rptr_late_bound_with_debruijn(1, ty::DebruijnIndex::new(1));
let t_rptr_bound2 = env.t_rptr_late_bound_with_debruijn(1, ty::DebruijnIndex::new(2));
// t_fn = fn(A)
let t_param = env.t_param(subst::TypeSpace, 0);
let t_fn = env.t_fn(&[t_param], env.t_nil());
// t_fn = |&int|+'a
let t_fn = env.t_closure(&[t_rptr_bound1], env.t_nil(), env.re_free(0, 1));
// t_fn = |&int|+'a (where &int has depth 2)
let t_fn = env.t_closure(&[t_rptr_bound2], env.t_nil(), env.re_free(0, 1));
// t_fn = |&int|+&int
let t_fn = env.t_closure(&[t_rptr_bound1], env.t_nil(),
env.re_late_bound_with_debruijn(1, ty::DebruijnIndex::new(1)));
fn subst_region_renumber_region() {
* Test applying a substitution where the value being substituted
* for an early-bound region is a late-bound region.
test_env(EMPTY_SOURCE_STR, errors(&[]), |env| {
let re_bound1 = env.re_late_bound_with_debruijn(1, ty::DebruijnIndex::new(1));
// type t_source<'a> = fn(&'a int)
let t_source = {
let re_early = env.re_early_bound(subst::TypeSpace, 0, "'a");
env.t_fn(&[env.t_rptr(re_early)], env.t_nil())
let substs = subst::Substs::new_type(vec![], vec![re_bound1]);
let t_substituted = t_source.subst(env.infcx.tcx, &substs);
// t_expected = fn(&'a int)
// but not that the Debruijn index is different in the different cases.
let t_expected = {
let t_rptr_bound2 = env.t_rptr_late_bound_with_debruijn(1, ty::DebruijnIndex::new(2));
env.t_fn(&[t_rptr_bound2], env.t_nil())
debug!("subst_bound: t_source={} substs={} t_substituted={} t_expected={}",
assert_eq!(t_substituted, t_expected);