This removes a bunch of options from the task builder interface that are irrelevant to the new scheduler and were generally unused anyway. It also bumps the stack size of new scheduler tasks so that there's enough room to run rustc and changes the interface to `Thread` to not implicitly join threads on destruction, but instead require an explicit, and mandatory, call to `join`.
1439 lines
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1439 lines
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// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
* The concurrency primitives you know and love.
* Maybe once we have a "core exports x only to std" mechanism, these can be
* in std.
use std::borrow;
use std::comm;
use std::task;
use std::unstable::sync::{Exclusive, UnsafeAtomicRcBox};
use std::unstable::atomics;
use std::util;
* Internals
// Each waiting task receives on one of these.
type WaitEnd = comm::PortOne<()>;
type SignalEnd = comm::ChanOne<()>;
// A doubly-ended queue of waiting tasks.
struct WaitQueue { head: comm::Port<SignalEnd>,
tail: comm::Chan<SignalEnd> }
impl WaitQueue {
fn new() -> WaitQueue {
let (block_head, block_tail) = comm::stream();
WaitQueue { head: block_head, tail: block_tail }
// Signals one live task from the queue.
fn signal(&self) -> bool {
// The peek is mandatory to make sure recv doesn't block.
if self.head.peek() {
// Pop and send a wakeup signal. If the waiter was killed, its port
// will have closed. Keep trying until we get a live task.
if comm::try_send_one(self.head.recv(), ()) {
} else {
} else {
fn broadcast(&self) -> uint {
let mut count = 0;
while self.head.peek() {
if comm::try_send_one(self.head.recv(), ()) {
count += 1;
// The building-block used to make semaphores, mutexes, and rwlocks.
struct SemInner<Q> {
count: int,
waiters: WaitQueue,
// Can be either unit or another waitqueue. Some sems shouldn't come with
// a condition variable attached, others should.
blocked: Q
struct Sem<Q>(Exclusive<SemInner<Q>>);
impl<Q:Send> Sem<Q> {
fn new(count: int, q: Q) -> Sem<Q> {
Sem(Exclusive::new(SemInner {
count: count, waiters: WaitQueue::new(), blocked: q }))
pub fn acquire(&self) {
unsafe {
let mut waiter_nobe = None;
do (**self).with |state| {
state.count -= 1;
if state.count < 0 {
// Create waiter nobe.
let (WaitEnd, SignalEnd) = comm::oneshot();
// Tell outer scope we need to block.
waiter_nobe = Some(WaitEnd);
// Enqueue ourself.
// Uncomment if you wish to test for sem races. Not valgrind-friendly.
/* for 1000.times { task::yield(); } */
// Need to wait outside the exclusive.
if waiter_nobe.is_some() {
let _ = comm::recv_one(waiter_nobe.unwrap());
pub fn release(&self) {
unsafe {
do (**self).with |state| {
state.count += 1;
if state.count <= 0 {
// FIXME(#3154) move both copies of this into Sem<Q>, and unify the 2 structs
impl Sem<()> {
pub fn access<U>(&self, blk: &fn() -> U) -> U {
let mut release = None;
do task::unkillable {
release = Some(SemRelease(self));
impl Sem<~[WaitQueue]> {
fn new_and_signal(count: int, num_condvars: uint)
-> Sem<~[WaitQueue]> {
let mut queues = ~[];
for num_condvars.times {
Sem::new(count, queues)
pub fn access_waitqueue<U>(&self, blk: &fn() -> U) -> U {
let mut release = None;
do task::unkillable {
release = Some(SemAndSignalRelease(self));
// FIXME(#3588) should go inside of access()
type SemRelease<'self> = SemReleaseGeneric<'self, ()>;
type SemAndSignalRelease<'self> = SemReleaseGeneric<'self, ~[WaitQueue]>;
struct SemReleaseGeneric<'self, Q> { sem: &'self Sem<Q> }
impl<'self, Q:Send> Drop for SemReleaseGeneric<'self, Q> {
fn drop(&self) {
fn SemRelease<'r>(sem: &'r Sem<()>) -> SemRelease<'r> {
SemReleaseGeneric {
sem: sem
fn SemAndSignalRelease<'r>(sem: &'r Sem<~[WaitQueue]>)
-> SemAndSignalRelease<'r> {
SemReleaseGeneric {
sem: sem
// FIXME(#3598): Want to use an Option down below, but we need a custom enum
// that's not polymorphic to get around the fact that lifetimes are invariant
// inside of type parameters.
enum ReacquireOrderLock<'self> {
Nothing, // c.c
Just(&'self Semaphore),
/// A mechanism for atomic-unlock-and-deschedule blocking and signalling.
pub struct Condvar<'self> {
// The 'Sem' object associated with this condvar. This is the one that's
// atomically-unlocked-and-descheduled upon and reacquired during wakeup.
priv sem: &'self Sem<~[WaitQueue]>,
// This is (can be) an extra semaphore which is held around the reacquire
// operation on the first one. This is only used in cvars associated with
// rwlocks, and is needed to ensure that, when a downgrader is trying to
// hand off the access lock (which would be the first field, here), a 2nd
// writer waking up from a cvar wait can't race with a reader to steal it,
// See the comment in write_cond for more detail.
priv order: ReacquireOrderLock<'self>,
impl<'self> Drop for Condvar<'self> { fn drop(&self) {} }
impl<'self> Condvar<'self> {
* Atomically drop the associated lock, and block until a signal is sent.
* # Failure
* A task which is killed (i.e., by linked failure with another task)
* while waiting on a condition variable will wake up, fail, and unlock
* the associated lock as it unwinds.
pub fn wait(&self) { self.wait_on(0) }
* As wait(), but can specify which of multiple condition variables to
* wait on. Only a signal_on() or broadcast_on() with the same condvar_id
* will wake this thread.
* The associated lock must have been initialised with an appropriate
* number of condvars. The condvar_id must be between 0 and num_condvars-1
* or else this call will fail.
* wait() is equivalent to wait_on(0).
pub fn wait_on(&self, condvar_id: uint) {
// Create waiter nobe.
let (WaitEnd, SignalEnd) = comm::oneshot();
let mut WaitEnd = Some(WaitEnd);
let mut SignalEnd = Some(SignalEnd);
let mut reacquire = None;
let mut out_of_bounds = None;
unsafe {
do task::unkillable {
// Release lock, 'atomically' enqueuing ourselves in so doing.
do (**self.sem).with |state| {
if condvar_id < state.blocked.len() {
// Drop the lock.
state.count += 1;
if state.count <= 0 {
// Enqueue ourself to be woken up by a signaller.
let SignalEnd = SignalEnd.take_unwrap();
} else {
out_of_bounds = Some(state.blocked.len());
// If yield checks start getting inserted anywhere, we can be
// killed before or after enqueueing. Deciding whether to
// unkillably reacquire the lock needs to happen atomically
// wrt enqueuing.
if out_of_bounds.is_none() {
reacquire = Some(CondvarReacquire { sem: self.sem,
order: self.order });
do check_cvar_bounds(out_of_bounds, condvar_id, "cond.wait_on()") {
// Unconditionally "block". (Might not actually block if a
// signaller already sent -- I mean 'unconditionally' in contrast
// with acquire().)
let _ = comm::recv_one(WaitEnd.take_unwrap());
// This is needed for a failing condition variable to reacquire the
// mutex during unwinding. As long as the wrapper (mutex, etc) is
// bounded in when it gets released, this shouldn't hang forever.
struct CondvarReacquire<'self> {
sem: &'self Sem<~[WaitQueue]>,
order: ReacquireOrderLock<'self>,
impl<'self> Drop for CondvarReacquire<'self> {
fn drop(&self) {
// Needs to succeed, instead of itself dying.
do task::unkillable {
match self.order {
Just(lock) => do lock.access {
Nothing => {
/// Wake up a blocked task. Returns false if there was no blocked task.
pub fn signal(&self) -> bool { self.signal_on(0) }
/// As signal, but with a specified condvar_id. See wait_on.
pub fn signal_on(&self, condvar_id: uint) -> bool {
unsafe {
let mut out_of_bounds = None;
let mut result = false;
do (**self.sem).with |state| {
if condvar_id < state.blocked.len() {
result = state.blocked[condvar_id].signal();
} else {
out_of_bounds = Some(state.blocked.len());
do check_cvar_bounds(out_of_bounds, condvar_id, "cond.signal_on()") {
/// Wake up all blocked tasks. Returns the number of tasks woken.
pub fn broadcast(&self) -> uint { self.broadcast_on(0) }
/// As broadcast, but with a specified condvar_id. See wait_on.
pub fn broadcast_on(&self, condvar_id: uint) -> uint {
let mut out_of_bounds = None;
let mut queue = None;
unsafe {
do (**self.sem).with |state| {
if condvar_id < state.blocked.len() {
// To avoid :broadcast_heavy, we make a new waitqueue,
// swap it out with the old one, and broadcast on the
// old one outside of the little-lock.
queue = Some(util::replace(&mut state.blocked[condvar_id],
} else {
out_of_bounds = Some(state.blocked.len());
do check_cvar_bounds(out_of_bounds, condvar_id, "cond.signal_on()") {
let queue = queue.take_unwrap();
// Checks whether a condvar ID was out of bounds, and fails if so, or does
// something else next on success.
fn check_cvar_bounds<U>(out_of_bounds: Option<uint>, id: uint, act: &str,
blk: &fn() -> U) -> U {
match out_of_bounds {
Some(0) =>
fail!("%s with illegal ID %u - this lock has no condvars!", act, id),
Some(length) =>
fail!("%s with illegal ID %u - ID must be less than %u", act, id, length),
None => blk()
impl Sem<~[WaitQueue]> {
// The only other places that condvars get built are rwlock.write_cond()
// and rwlock_write_mode.
pub fn access_cond<U>(&self, blk: &fn(c: &Condvar) -> U) -> U {
do self.access_waitqueue {
blk(&Condvar { sem: self, order: Nothing })
* Semaphores
/// A counting, blocking, bounded-waiting semaphore.
struct Semaphore { priv sem: Sem<()> }
impl Clone for Semaphore {
/// Create a new handle to the semaphore.
fn clone(&self) -> Semaphore {
Semaphore { sem: Sem((*self.sem).clone()) }
impl Semaphore {
/// Create a new semaphore with the specified count.
pub fn new(count: int) -> Semaphore {
Semaphore { sem: Sem::new(count, ()) }
* Acquire a resource represented by the semaphore. Blocks if necessary
* until resource(s) become available.
pub fn acquire(&self) { (&self.sem).acquire() }
* Release a held resource represented by the semaphore. Wakes a blocked
* contending task, if any exist. Won't block the caller.
pub fn release(&self) { (&self.sem).release() }
/// Run a function with ownership of one of the semaphore's resources.
pub fn access<U>(&self, blk: &fn() -> U) -> U { (&self.sem).access(blk) }
* Mutexes
* A blocking, bounded-waiting, mutual exclusion lock with an associated
* FIFO condition variable.
* # Failure
* A task which fails while holding a mutex will unlock the mutex as it
* unwinds.
pub struct Mutex { priv sem: Sem<~[WaitQueue]> }
impl Clone for Mutex {
/// Create a new handle to the mutex.
fn clone(&self) -> Mutex { Mutex { sem: Sem((*self.sem).clone()) } }
impl Mutex {
/// Create a new mutex, with one associated condvar.
pub fn new() -> Mutex { Mutex::new_with_condvars(1) }
* Create a new mutex, with a specified number of associated condvars. This
* will allow calling wait_on/signal_on/broadcast_on with condvar IDs between
* 0 and num_condvars-1. (If num_condvars is 0, lock_cond will be allowed but
* any operations on the condvar will fail.)
pub fn new_with_condvars(num_condvars: uint) -> Mutex {
Mutex { sem: Sem::new_and_signal(1, num_condvars) }
/// Run a function with ownership of the mutex.
pub fn lock<U>(&self, blk: &fn() -> U) -> U {
/// Run a function with ownership of the mutex and a handle to a condvar.
pub fn lock_cond<U>(&self, blk: &fn(c: &Condvar) -> U) -> U {
* Reader-writer locks
// NB: Wikipedia - Readers-writers_problem#The_third_readers-writers_problem
struct RWLockInner {
// You might ask, "Why don't you need to use an atomic for the mode flag?"
// This flag affects the behaviour of readers (for plain readers, they
// assert on it; for downgraders, they use it to decide which mode to
// unlock for). Consider that the flag is only unset when the very last
// reader exits; therefore, it can never be unset during a reader/reader
// (or reader/downgrader) race.
// By the way, if we didn't care about the assert in the read unlock path,
// we could instead store the mode flag in write_downgrade's stack frame,
// and have the downgrade tokens store a borrowed pointer to it.
read_mode: bool,
// The only way the count flag is ever accessed is with xadd. Since it is
// a read-modify-write operation, multiple xadds on different cores will
// always be consistent with respect to each other, so a monotonic/relaxed
// consistency ordering suffices (i.e., no extra barriers are needed).
// FIXME(#6598): The atomics module has no relaxed ordering flag, so I use
// acquire/release orderings superfluously. Change these someday.
read_count: atomics::AtomicUint,
* A blocking, no-starvation, reader-writer lock with an associated condvar.
* # Failure
* A task which fails while holding an rwlock will unlock the rwlock as it
* unwinds.
pub struct RWLock {
priv order_lock: Semaphore,
priv access_lock: Sem<~[WaitQueue]>,
priv state: UnsafeAtomicRcBox<RWLockInner>,
impl RWLock {
/// Create a new rwlock, with one associated condvar.
pub fn new() -> RWLock { RWLock::new_with_condvars(1) }
* Create a new rwlock, with a specified number of associated condvars.
* Similar to mutex_with_condvars.
pub fn new_with_condvars(num_condvars: uint) -> RWLock {
let state = UnsafeAtomicRcBox::new(RWLockInner {
read_mode: false,
read_count: atomics::AtomicUint::new(0),
RWLock { order_lock: Semaphore::new(1),
access_lock: Sem::new_and_signal(1, num_condvars),
state: state, }
/// Create a new handle to the rwlock.
pub fn clone(&self) -> RWLock {
RWLock { order_lock: (&(self.order_lock)).clone(),
access_lock: Sem((*self.access_lock).clone()),
state: self.state.clone() }
* Run a function with the rwlock in read mode. Calls to 'read' from other
* tasks may run concurrently with this one.
pub fn read<U>(&self, blk: &fn() -> U) -> U {
let mut release = None;
unsafe {
do task::unkillable {
do (&self.order_lock).access {
let state = &mut *self.state.get();
let old_count = state.read_count.fetch_add(1, atomics::Acquire);
if old_count == 0 {
state.read_mode = true;
release = Some(RWLockReleaseRead(self));
* Run a function with the rwlock in write mode. No calls to 'read' or
* 'write' from other tasks will run concurrently with this one.
pub fn write<U>(&self, blk: &fn() -> U) -> U {
unsafe {
do task::unkillable {
do (&self.access_lock).access_waitqueue {
do task::rekillable {
* As write(), but also with a handle to a condvar. Waiting on this
* condvar will allow readers and writers alike to take the rwlock before
* the waiting task is signalled. (Note: a writer that waited and then
* was signalled might reacquire the lock before other waiting writers.)
pub fn write_cond<U>(&self, blk: &fn(c: &Condvar) -> U) -> U {
// It's important to thread our order lock into the condvar, so that
// when a cond.wait() wakes up, it uses it while reacquiring the
// access lock. If we permitted a waking-up writer to "cut in line",
// there could arise a subtle race when a downgrader attempts to hand
// off the reader cloud lock to a waiting reader. This race is tested
// in (test_rw_write_cond_downgrade_read_race) and looks like:
// T1 (writer) T2 (downgrader) T3 (reader)
// [in cond.wait()]
// [locks for writing]
// [holds access_lock]
// [is signalled, perhaps by
// downgrader or a 4th thread]
// tries to lock access(!)
// lock order_lock
// xadd read_count[0->1]
// tries to lock access
// [downgrade]
// xadd read_count[1->2]
// unlock access
// Since T1 contended on the access lock before T3 did, it will steal
// the lock handoff. Adding order_lock in the condvar reacquire path
// solves this because T1 will hold order_lock while waiting on access,
// which will cause T3 to have to wait until T1 finishes its write,
// which can't happen until T2 finishes the downgrade-read entirely.
// The astute reader will also note that making waking writers use the
// order_lock is better for not starving readers.
unsafe {
do task::unkillable {
do (&self.access_lock).access_cond |cond| {
do task::rekillable {
let opt_lock = Just(&self.order_lock);
blk(&Condvar { order: opt_lock, ..*cond })
* As write(), but with the ability to atomically 'downgrade' the lock;
* i.e., to become a reader without letting other writers get the lock in
* the meantime (such as unlocking and then re-locking as a reader would
* do). The block takes a "write mode token" argument, which can be
* transformed into a "read mode token" by calling downgrade(). Example:
* # Example
* ~~~ {.rust}
* do lock.write_downgrade |mut write_token| {
* do write_token.write_cond |condvar| {
* ... exclusive access ...
* }
* let read_token = lock.downgrade(write_token);
* do {
* ... shared access ...
* }
* }
* ~~~
pub fn write_downgrade<U>(&self, blk: &fn(v: RWLockWriteMode) -> U) -> U {
// Implementation slightly different from the slicker 'write's above.
// The exit path is conditional on whether the caller downgrades.
let mut _release = None;
do task::unkillable {
_release = Some(RWLockReleaseDowngrade(self));
blk(RWLockWriteMode { lock: self })
/// To be called inside of the write_downgrade block.
pub fn downgrade<'a>(&self, token: RWLockWriteMode<'a>)
-> RWLockReadMode<'a> {
if !borrow::ref_eq(self, token.lock) {
fail!("Can't downgrade() with a different rwlock's write_mode!");
unsafe {
do task::unkillable {
let state = &mut *self.state.get();
state.read_mode = true;
// If a reader attempts to enter at this point, both the
// downgrader and reader will set the mode flag. This is fine.
let old_count = state.read_count.fetch_add(1, atomics::Release);
// If another reader was already blocking, we need to hand-off
// the "reader cloud" access lock to them.
if old_count != 0 {
// Guaranteed not to let another writer in, because
// another reader was holding the order_lock. Hence they
// must be the one to get the access_lock (because all
// access_locks are acquired with order_lock held). See
// the comment in write_cond for more justification.
RWLockReadMode { lock: token.lock }
// FIXME(#3588) should go inside of read()
struct RWLockReleaseRead<'self> {
lock: &'self RWLock,
impl<'self> Drop for RWLockReleaseRead<'self> {
fn drop(&self) {
unsafe {
do task::unkillable {
let state = &mut *self.lock.state.get();
let old_count = state.read_count.fetch_sub(1, atomics::Release);
assert!(old_count > 0);
if old_count == 1 {
state.read_mode = false;
// Note: this release used to be outside of a locked access
// to exclusive-protected state. If this code is ever
// converted back to such (instead of using atomic ops),
// this access MUST NOT go inside the exclusive access.
fn RWLockReleaseRead<'r>(lock: &'r RWLock) -> RWLockReleaseRead<'r> {
RWLockReleaseRead {
lock: lock
// FIXME(#3588) should go inside of downgrade()
struct RWLockReleaseDowngrade<'self> {
lock: &'self RWLock,
impl<'self> Drop for RWLockReleaseDowngrade<'self> {
fn drop(&self) {
unsafe {
do task::unkillable {
let writer_or_last_reader;
// Check if we're releasing from read mode or from write mode.
let state = &mut *self.lock.state.get();
if state.read_mode {
// Releasing from read mode.
let old_count = state.read_count.fetch_sub(1, atomics::Release);
assert!(old_count > 0);
// Check if other readers remain.
if old_count == 1 {
// Case 1: Writer downgraded & was the last reader
writer_or_last_reader = true;
state.read_mode = false;
} else {
// Case 2: Writer downgraded & was not the last reader
writer_or_last_reader = false;
} else {
// Case 3: Writer did not downgrade
writer_or_last_reader = true;
if writer_or_last_reader {
// Nobody left inside; release the "reader cloud" lock.
fn RWLockReleaseDowngrade<'r>(lock: &'r RWLock)
-> RWLockReleaseDowngrade<'r> {
RWLockReleaseDowngrade {
lock: lock
/// The "write permission" token used for rwlock.write_downgrade().
pub struct RWLockWriteMode<'self> { priv lock: &'self RWLock }
impl<'self> Drop for RWLockWriteMode<'self> { fn drop(&self) {} }
/// The "read permission" token used for rwlock.write_downgrade().
pub struct RWLockReadMode<'self> { priv lock: &'self RWLock }
impl<'self> Drop for RWLockReadMode<'self> { fn drop(&self) {} }
impl<'self> RWLockWriteMode<'self> {
/// Access the pre-downgrade rwlock in write mode.
pub fn write<U>(&self, blk: &fn() -> U) -> U { blk() }
/// Access the pre-downgrade rwlock in write mode with a condvar.
pub fn write_cond<U>(&self, blk: &fn(c: &Condvar) -> U) -> U {
// Need to make the condvar use the order lock when reacquiring the
// access lock. See comment in RWLock::write_cond for why.
blk(&Condvar { sem: &self.lock.access_lock,
order: Just(&self.lock.order_lock), })
impl<'self> RWLockReadMode<'self> {
/// Access the post-downgrade rwlock in read mode.
pub fn read<U>(&self, blk: &fn() -> U) -> U { blk() }
* Tests
mod tests {
use sync::*;
use std::cast;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::comm;
use std::result;
use std::task;
* Semaphore tests
fn test_sem_acquire_release() {
let s = ~Semaphore::new(1);
fn test_sem_basic() {
let s = ~Semaphore::new(1);
do s.access { }
fn test_sem_as_mutex() {
let s = ~Semaphore::new(1);
let s2 = ~s.clone();
do task::spawn || {
do s2.access {
for 5.times { task::yield(); }
do s.access {
for 5.times { task::yield(); }
fn test_sem_as_cvar() {
/* Child waits and parent signals */
let (p,c) = comm::stream();
let s = ~Semaphore::new(0);
let s2 = ~s.clone();
do task::spawn || {
for 5.times { task::yield(); }
let _ = p.recv();
/* Parent waits and child signals */
let (p,c) = comm::stream();
let s = ~Semaphore::new(0);
let s2 = ~s.clone();
do task::spawn || {
for 5.times { task::yield(); }
let _ = p.recv();
fn test_sem_multi_resource() {
// Parent and child both get in the critical section at the same
// time, and shake hands.
let s = ~Semaphore::new(2);
let s2 = ~s.clone();
let (p1,c1) = comm::stream();
let (p2,c2) = comm::stream();
do task::spawn || {
do s2.access {
let _ = p2.recv();
do s.access {
let _ = p1.recv();
fn test_sem_runtime_friendly_blocking() {
// Force the runtime to schedule two threads on the same sched_loop.
// When one blocks, it should schedule the other one.
do task::spawn_sched(task::SingleThreaded) {
let s = ~Semaphore::new(1);
let s2 = ~s.clone();
let (p,c) = comm::stream();
let child_data = Cell::new((s2, c));
do s.access {
let (s2, c) = child_data.take();
do task::spawn || {
do s2.access { }
let _ = p.recv(); // wait for child to come alive
for 5.times { task::yield(); } // let the child contend
let _ = p.recv(); // wait for child to be done
* Mutex tests
fn test_mutex_lock() {
// Unsafely achieve shared state, and do the textbook
// "load tmp = move ptr; inc tmp; store ptr <- tmp" dance.
let (p,c) = comm::stream();
let m = ~Mutex::new();
let m2 = m.clone();
let mut sharedstate = ~0;
let ptr: *int = &*sharedstate;
do task::spawn || {
let sharedstate: &mut int =
unsafe { cast::transmute(ptr) };
access_shared(sharedstate, m2, 10);
access_shared(sharedstate, m, 10);
let _ = p.recv();
assert_eq!(*sharedstate, 20);
fn access_shared(sharedstate: &mut int, m: &Mutex, n: uint) {
for n.times {
do m.lock {
let oldval = *sharedstate;
*sharedstate = oldval + 1;
fn test_mutex_cond_wait() {
let m = ~Mutex::new();
// Child wakes up parent
do m.lock_cond |cond| {
let m2 = ~m.clone();
do task::spawn || {
do m2.lock_cond |cond| {
let woken = cond.signal();
// Parent wakes up child
let (port,chan) = comm::stream();
let m3 = ~m.clone();
do task::spawn || {
do m3.lock_cond |cond| {
let _ = port.recv(); // Wait until child gets in the mutex
do m.lock_cond |cond| {
let woken = cond.signal();
let _ = port.recv(); // Wait until child wakes up
fn test_mutex_cond_broadcast_helper(num_waiters: uint) {
let m = ~Mutex::new();
let mut ports = ~[];
for num_waiters.times {
let mi = ~m.clone();
let (port, chan) = comm::stream();
do task::spawn || {
do mi.lock_cond |cond| {
// wait until all children get in the mutex
for ports.iter().advance |port| { let _ = port.recv(); }
do m.lock_cond |cond| {
let num_woken = cond.broadcast();
assert_eq!(num_woken, num_waiters);
// wait until all children wake up
for ports.iter().advance |port| { let _ = port.recv(); }
fn test_mutex_cond_broadcast() {
fn test_mutex_cond_broadcast_none() {
fn test_mutex_cond_no_waiter() {
let m = ~Mutex::new();
let m2 = ~m.clone();
do task::try || {
do m.lock_cond |_x| { }
do m2.lock_cond |cond| {
#[test] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_mutex_killed_simple() {
// Mutex must get automatically unlocked if failed/killed within.
let m = ~Mutex::new();
let m2 = ~m.clone();
let result: result::Result<(),()> = do task::try || {
do m2.lock {
// child task must have finished by the time try returns
do m.lock { }
#[test] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_mutex_killed_cond() {
// Getting killed during cond wait must not corrupt the mutex while
// unwinding (e.g. double unlock).
let m = ~Mutex::new();
let m2 = ~m.clone();
let result: result::Result<(),()> = do task::try || {
let (p,c) = comm::stream();
do task::spawn || { // linked
let _ = p.recv(); // wait for sibling to get in the mutex
do m2.lock_cond |cond| {
c.send(()); // tell sibling go ahead
cond.wait(); // block forever
// child task must have finished by the time try returns
do m.lock_cond |cond| {
let woken = cond.signal();
#[test] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_mutex_killed_broadcast() {
let m = ~Mutex::new();
let m2 = ~m.clone();
let (p,c) = comm::stream();
let result: result::Result<(),()> = do task::try || {
let mut sibling_convos = ~[];
for 2.times {
let (p,c) = comm::stream();
let c = Cell::new(c);
let mi = ~m2.clone();
// spawn sibling task
do task::spawn { // linked
do mi.lock_cond |cond| {
let c = c.take();
c.send(()); // tell sibling to go ahead
let _z = SendOnFailure(c);
cond.wait(); // block forever
for sibling_convos.iter().advance |p| {
let _ = p.recv(); // wait for sibling to get in the mutex
do m2.lock { }
c.send(sibling_convos); // let parent wait on all children
// child task must have finished by the time try returns
let r = p.recv();
for r.iter().advance |p| { p.recv(); } // wait on all its siblings
do m.lock_cond |cond| {
let woken = cond.broadcast();
assert_eq!(woken, 0);
struct SendOnFailure {
c: comm::Chan<()>,
impl Drop for SendOnFailure {
fn drop(&self) {
fn SendOnFailure(c: comm::Chan<()>) -> SendOnFailure {
SendOnFailure {
c: c
fn test_mutex_cond_signal_on_0() {
// Tests that signal_on(0) is equivalent to signal().
let m = ~Mutex::new();
do m.lock_cond |cond| {
let m2 = ~m.clone();
do task::spawn || {
do m2.lock_cond |cond| {
#[test] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_mutex_different_conds() {
let result = do task::try {
let m = ~Mutex::new_with_condvars(2);
let m2 = ~m.clone();
let (p,c) = comm::stream();
do task::spawn || {
do m2.lock_cond |cond| {
let _ = p.recv();
do m.lock_cond |cond| {
if !cond.signal_on(0) {
fail!(); // success; punt sibling awake.
#[test] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_mutex_no_condvars() {
let result = do task::try {
let m = ~Mutex::new_with_condvars(0);
do m.lock_cond |cond| { cond.wait(); }
let result = do task::try {
let m = ~Mutex::new_with_condvars(0);
do m.lock_cond |cond| { cond.signal(); }
let result = do task::try {
let m = ~Mutex::new_with_condvars(0);
do m.lock_cond |cond| { cond.broadcast(); }
* Reader/writer lock tests
pub enum RWLockMode { Read, Write, Downgrade, DowngradeRead }
fn lock_rwlock_in_mode(x: &RWLock, mode: RWLockMode, blk: &fn()) {
match mode {
Read =>,
Write => x.write(blk),
Downgrade =>
do x.write_downgrade |mode| {
do mode.write { blk() };
DowngradeRead =>
do x.write_downgrade |mode| {
let mode = x.downgrade(mode);
do { blk() };
fn test_rwlock_exclusion(x: ~RWLock,
mode1: RWLockMode,
mode2: RWLockMode) {
// Test mutual exclusion between readers and writers. Just like the
// mutex mutual exclusion test, a ways above.
let (p,c) = comm::stream();
let x2 = (*x).clone();
let mut sharedstate = ~0;
let ptr: *int = &*sharedstate;
do task::spawn || {
let sharedstate: &mut int =
unsafe { cast::transmute(ptr) };
access_shared(sharedstate, &x2, mode1, 10);
access_shared(sharedstate, x, mode2, 10);
let _ = p.recv();
assert_eq!(*sharedstate, 20);
fn access_shared(sharedstate: &mut int, x: &RWLock, mode: RWLockMode,
n: uint) {
for n.times {
do lock_rwlock_in_mode(x, mode) {
let oldval = *sharedstate;
*sharedstate = oldval + 1;
fn test_rwlock_readers_wont_modify_the_data() {
test_rwlock_exclusion(~RWLock::new(), Read, Write);
test_rwlock_exclusion(~RWLock::new(), Write, Read);
test_rwlock_exclusion(~RWLock::new(), Read, Downgrade);
test_rwlock_exclusion(~RWLock::new(), Downgrade, Read);
fn test_rwlock_writers_and_writers() {
test_rwlock_exclusion(~RWLock::new(), Write, Write);
test_rwlock_exclusion(~RWLock::new(), Write, Downgrade);
test_rwlock_exclusion(~RWLock::new(), Downgrade, Write);
test_rwlock_exclusion(~RWLock::new(), Downgrade, Downgrade);
fn test_rwlock_handshake(x: ~RWLock,
mode1: RWLockMode,
mode2: RWLockMode,
make_mode2_go_first: bool) {
// Much like sem_multi_resource.
let x2 = (*x).clone();
let (p1,c1) = comm::stream();
let (p2,c2) = comm::stream();
do task::spawn || {
if !make_mode2_go_first {
let _ = p2.recv(); // parent sends to us once it locks, or ...
do lock_rwlock_in_mode(&x2, mode2) {
if make_mode2_go_first {
c1.send(()); // ... we send to it once we lock
let _ = p2.recv();
if make_mode2_go_first {
let _ = p1.recv(); // child sends to us once it locks, or ...
do lock_rwlock_in_mode(x, mode1) {
if !make_mode2_go_first {
c2.send(()); // ... we send to it once we lock
let _ = p1.recv();
fn test_rwlock_readers_and_readers() {
test_rwlock_handshake(~RWLock::new(), Read, Read, false);
// The downgrader needs to get in before the reader gets in, otherwise
// they cannot end up reading at the same time.
test_rwlock_handshake(~RWLock::new(), DowngradeRead, Read, false);
test_rwlock_handshake(~RWLock::new(), Read, DowngradeRead, true);
// Two downgrade_reads can never both end up reading at the same time.
fn test_rwlock_downgrade_unlock() {
// Tests that downgrade can unlock the lock in both modes
let x = ~RWLock::new();
do lock_rwlock_in_mode(x, Downgrade) { }
test_rwlock_handshake(x, Read, Read, false);
let y = ~RWLock::new();
do lock_rwlock_in_mode(y, DowngradeRead) { }
test_rwlock_exclusion(y, Write, Write);
fn test_rwlock_read_recursive() {
let x = ~RWLock::new();
do { do { } }
fn test_rwlock_cond_wait() {
// As test_mutex_cond_wait above.
let x = ~RWLock::new();
// Child wakes up parent
do x.write_cond |cond| {
let x2 = (*x).clone();
do task::spawn || {
do x2.write_cond |cond| {
let woken = cond.signal();
// Parent wakes up child
let (port,chan) = comm::stream();
let x3 = (*x).clone();
do task::spawn || {
do x3.write_cond |cond| {
let _ = port.recv(); // Wait until child gets in the rwlock
do { } // Must be able to get in as a reader in the meantime
do x.write_cond |cond| { // Or as another writer
let woken = cond.signal();
let _ = port.recv(); // Wait until child wakes up
do { } // Just for good measure
fn test_rwlock_cond_broadcast_helper(num_waiters: uint,
dg1: bool,
dg2: bool) {
// Much like the mutex broadcast test. Downgrade-enabled.
fn lock_cond(x: &RWLock, downgrade: bool, blk: &fn(c: &Condvar)) {
if downgrade {
do x.write_downgrade |mode| {
do mode.write_cond |c| { blk(c) }
} else {
do x.write_cond |c| { blk(c) }
let x = ~RWLock::new();
let mut ports = ~[];
for num_waiters.times {
let xi = (*x).clone();
let (port, chan) = comm::stream();
do task::spawn || {
do lock_cond(&xi, dg1) |cond| {
// wait until all children get in the mutex
for ports.iter().advance |port| { let _ = port.recv(); }
do lock_cond(x, dg2) |cond| {
let num_woken = cond.broadcast();
assert_eq!(num_woken, num_waiters);
// wait until all children wake up
for ports.iter().advance |port| { let _ = port.recv(); }
fn test_rwlock_cond_broadcast() {
test_rwlock_cond_broadcast_helper(0, true, true);
test_rwlock_cond_broadcast_helper(0, true, false);
test_rwlock_cond_broadcast_helper(0, false, true);
test_rwlock_cond_broadcast_helper(0, false, false);
test_rwlock_cond_broadcast_helper(12, true, true);
test_rwlock_cond_broadcast_helper(12, true, false);
test_rwlock_cond_broadcast_helper(12, false, true);
test_rwlock_cond_broadcast_helper(12, false, false);
#[cfg(test)] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn rwlock_kill_helper(mode1: RWLockMode, mode2: RWLockMode) {
// Mutex must get automatically unlocked if failed/killed within.
let x = ~RWLock::new();
let x2 = (*x).clone();
let result: result::Result<(),()> = do task::try || {
do lock_rwlock_in_mode(&x2, mode1) {
// child task must have finished by the time try returns
do lock_rwlock_in_mode(x, mode2) { }
#[test] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_rwlock_reader_killed_writer() {
rwlock_kill_helper(Read, Write);
#[test] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_rwlock_writer_killed_reader() {
rwlock_kill_helper(Write,Read );
#[test] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_rwlock_reader_killed_reader() {
rwlock_kill_helper(Read, Read );
#[test] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_rwlock_writer_killed_writer() {
#[test] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_rwlock_kill_downgrader() {
rwlock_kill_helper(Downgrade, Read);
rwlock_kill_helper(Read, Downgrade);
rwlock_kill_helper(Downgrade, Write);
rwlock_kill_helper(Write, Downgrade);
rwlock_kill_helper(DowngradeRead, Read);
rwlock_kill_helper(Read, DowngradeRead);
rwlock_kill_helper(DowngradeRead, Write);
rwlock_kill_helper(Write, DowngradeRead);
rwlock_kill_helper(DowngradeRead, Downgrade);
rwlock_kill_helper(DowngradeRead, Downgrade);
rwlock_kill_helper(Downgrade, DowngradeRead);
rwlock_kill_helper(Downgrade, DowngradeRead);
#[test] #[should_fail] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_rwlock_downgrade_cant_swap() {
// Tests that you can't downgrade with a different rwlock's token.
let x = ~RWLock::new();
let y = ~RWLock::new();
do x.write_downgrade |xwrite| {
let mut xopt = Some(xwrite);
do y.write_downgrade |_ywrite| {
error!("oops, y.downgrade(x) should have failed!");