620 lines
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620 lines
20 KiB
use crate::ty::needs_ordered_drop;
use crate::{get_enclosing_block, path_to_local_id};
use core::ops::ControlFlow;
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::def::{CtorKind, DefKind, Res};
use rustc_hir::intravisit::{self, walk_block, walk_expr, Visitor};
use rustc_hir::{
Arm, Block, BlockCheckMode, Body, BodyId, Expr, ExprKind, HirId, ItemId, ItemKind, Let, QPath, Stmt, UnOp,
UnsafeSource, Unsafety,
use rustc_lint::LateContext;
use rustc_middle::hir::map::Map;
use rustc_middle::hir::nested_filter;
use rustc_middle::ty::adjustment::Adjust;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty, TypeckResults};
/// Convenience method for creating a `Visitor` with just `visit_expr` overridden and nested
/// bodies (i.e. closures) are visited.
/// If the callback returns `true`, the expr just provided to the callback is walked.
pub fn expr_visitor<'tcx>(cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, f: impl FnMut(&'tcx Expr<'tcx>) -> bool) -> impl Visitor<'tcx> {
struct V<'tcx, F> {
hir: Map<'tcx>,
f: F,
impl<'tcx, F: FnMut(&'tcx Expr<'tcx>) -> bool> Visitor<'tcx> for V<'tcx, F> {
type NestedFilter = nested_filter::OnlyBodies;
fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> Self::Map {
fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>) {
if (self.f)(expr) {
walk_expr(self, expr);
V { hir: cx.tcx.hir(), f }
/// Convenience method for creating a `Visitor` with just `visit_expr` overridden and nested
/// bodies (i.e. closures) are not visited.
/// If the callback returns `true`, the expr just provided to the callback is walked.
pub fn expr_visitor_no_bodies<'tcx>(f: impl FnMut(&'tcx Expr<'tcx>) -> bool) -> impl Visitor<'tcx> {
struct V<F>(F);
impl<'tcx, F: FnMut(&'tcx Expr<'tcx>) -> bool> Visitor<'tcx> for V<F> {
fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &'tcx Expr<'_>) {
if (self.0)(e) {
walk_expr(self, e);
/// returns `true` if expr contains match expr desugared from try
fn contains_try(expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) -> bool {
let mut found = false;
expr_visitor_no_bodies(|e| {
if !found {
found = matches!(e.kind, hir::ExprKind::Match(_, _, hir::MatchSource::TryDesugar));
pub fn find_all_ret_expressions<'hir, F>(_cx: &LateContext<'_>, expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'hir>, callback: F) -> bool
F: FnMut(&'hir hir::Expr<'hir>) -> bool,
struct RetFinder<F> {
in_stmt: bool,
failed: bool,
cb: F,
struct WithStmtGuarg<'a, F> {
val: &'a mut RetFinder<F>,
prev_in_stmt: bool,
impl<F> RetFinder<F> {
fn inside_stmt(&mut self, in_stmt: bool) -> WithStmtGuarg<'_, F> {
let prev_in_stmt = std::mem::replace(&mut self.in_stmt, in_stmt);
WithStmtGuarg {
val: self,
impl<F> std::ops::Deref for WithStmtGuarg<'_, F> {
type Target = RetFinder<F>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<F> std::ops::DerefMut for WithStmtGuarg<'_, F> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
impl<F> Drop for WithStmtGuarg<'_, F> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.val.in_stmt = self.prev_in_stmt;
impl<'hir, F: FnMut(&'hir hir::Expr<'hir>) -> bool> intravisit::Visitor<'hir> for RetFinder<F> {
fn visit_stmt(&mut self, stmt: &'hir hir::Stmt<'_>) {
intravisit::walk_stmt(&mut *self.inside_stmt(true), stmt);
fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'_>) {
if self.failed {
if self.in_stmt {
match expr.kind {
hir::ExprKind::Ret(Some(expr)) => self.inside_stmt(false).visit_expr(expr),
_ => intravisit::walk_expr(self, expr),
} else {
match expr.kind {
hir::ExprKind::If(cond, then, else_opt) => {
if let Some(el) = else_opt {
hir::ExprKind::Match(cond, arms, _) => {
for arm in arms {
hir::ExprKind::Block(..) => intravisit::walk_expr(self, expr),
hir::ExprKind::Ret(Some(expr)) => self.visit_expr(expr),
_ => self.failed |= !(self.cb)(expr),
!contains_try(expr) && {
let mut ret_finder = RetFinder {
in_stmt: false,
failed: false,
cb: callback,
/// A type which can be visited.
pub trait Visitable<'tcx> {
/// Calls the corresponding `visit_*` function on the visitor.
fn visit<V: Visitor<'tcx>>(self, visitor: &mut V);
macro_rules! visitable_ref {
($t:ident, $f:ident) => {
impl<'tcx> Visitable<'tcx> for &'tcx $t<'tcx> {
fn visit<V: Visitor<'tcx>>(self, visitor: &mut V) {
visitable_ref!(Arm, visit_arm);
visitable_ref!(Block, visit_block);
visitable_ref!(Body, visit_body);
visitable_ref!(Expr, visit_expr);
visitable_ref!(Stmt, visit_stmt);
// impl<'tcx, I: IntoIterator> Visitable<'tcx> for I
// where
// I::Item: Visitable<'tcx>,
// {
// fn visit<V: Visitor<'tcx>>(self, visitor: &mut V) {
// for x in self {
// x.visit(visitor);
// }
// }
// }
/// Checks if the given resolved path is used in the given body.
pub fn is_res_used(cx: &LateContext<'_>, res: Res, body: BodyId) -> bool {
let mut found = false;
expr_visitor(cx, |e| {
if found {
return false;
if let ExprKind::Path(p) = &e.kind {
if cx.qpath_res(p, e.hir_id) == res {
found = true;
/// Checks if the given local is used.
pub fn is_local_used<'tcx>(cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, visitable: impl Visitable<'tcx>, id: HirId) -> bool {
let mut is_used = false;
let mut visitor = expr_visitor(cx, |expr| {
if !is_used {
is_used = path_to_local_id(expr, id);
visitable.visit(&mut visitor);
/// Checks if the given expression is a constant.
pub fn is_const_evaluatable<'tcx>(cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, e: &'tcx Expr<'_>) -> bool {
struct V<'a, 'tcx> {
cx: &'a LateContext<'tcx>,
is_const: bool,
impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for V<'_, 'tcx> {
type NestedFilter = nested_filter::OnlyBodies;
fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> Self::Map {
fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &'tcx Expr<'_>) {
if !self.is_const {
match e.kind {
ExprKind::ConstBlock(_) => return,
&Expr {
kind: ExprKind::Path(ref p),
) if self
.qpath_res(p, hir_id)
.map_or(false, |id| self.cx.tcx.is_const_fn_raw(id)) => {},
if self
.map_or(false, |id| self.cx.tcx.is_const_fn_raw(id)) => {},
ExprKind::Binary(_, lhs, rhs)
if self.cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(lhs).peel_refs().is_primitive_ty()
&& self.cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(rhs).peel_refs().is_primitive_ty() => {},
ExprKind::Unary(UnOp::Deref, e) if self.cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(e).is_ref() => (),
ExprKind::Unary(_, e) if self.cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(e).peel_refs().is_primitive_ty() => (),
ExprKind::Index(base, _)
if matches!(
ty::Slice(_) | ty::Array(..)
) => {},
ExprKind::Path(ref p)
if matches!(
self.cx.qpath_res(p, e.hir_id),
| DefKind::AssocConst
| DefKind::AnonConst
| DefKind::ConstParam
| DefKind::Ctor(..)
| DefKind::Fn
| DefKind::AssocFn,
) | Res::SelfCtor(_)
) => {},
| ExprKind::Array(_)
| ExprKind::Block(..)
| ExprKind::Cast(..)
| ExprKind::DropTemps(_)
| ExprKind::Field(..)
| ExprKind::If(..)
| ExprKind::Let(..)
| ExprKind::Lit(_)
| ExprKind::Match(..)
| ExprKind::Repeat(..)
| ExprKind::Struct(..)
| ExprKind::Tup(_)
| ExprKind::Type(..) => (),
_ => {
self.is_const = false;
walk_expr(self, e);
let mut v = V { cx, is_const: true };
/// Checks if the given expression performs an unsafe operation outside of an unsafe block.
pub fn is_expr_unsafe<'tcx>(cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, e: &'tcx Expr<'_>) -> bool {
struct V<'a, 'tcx> {
cx: &'a LateContext<'tcx>,
is_unsafe: bool,
impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for V<'_, 'tcx> {
type NestedFilter = nested_filter::OnlyBodies;
fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> Self::Map {
fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &'tcx Expr<'_>) {
if self.is_unsafe {
match e.kind {
ExprKind::Unary(UnOp::Deref, e) if self.cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(e).is_unsafe_ptr() => {
self.is_unsafe = true;
if self
.map_or(false, |id| self.cx.tcx.fn_sig(id).unsafety() == Unsafety::Unsafe) =>
self.is_unsafe = true;
ExprKind::Call(func, _) => match *self.cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(func).peel_refs().kind() {
ty::FnDef(id, _) if self.cx.tcx.fn_sig(id).unsafety() == Unsafety::Unsafe => self.is_unsafe = true,
ty::FnPtr(sig) if sig.unsafety() == Unsafety::Unsafe => self.is_unsafe = true,
_ => walk_expr(self, e),
ExprKind::Path(ref p)
if self
.qpath_res(p, e.hir_id)
.map_or(false, |id| self.cx.tcx.is_mutable_static(id)) =>
self.is_unsafe = true;
_ => walk_expr(self, e),
fn visit_block(&mut self, b: &'tcx Block<'_>) {
if !matches!(b.rules, BlockCheckMode::UnsafeBlock(_)) {
walk_block(self, b);
fn visit_nested_item(&mut self, id: ItemId) {
if let ItemKind::Impl(i) = &self.cx.tcx.hir().item(id).kind {
self.is_unsafe = i.unsafety == Unsafety::Unsafe;
let mut v = V { cx, is_unsafe: false };
/// Checks if the given expression contains an unsafe block
pub fn contains_unsafe_block<'tcx>(cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, e: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>) -> bool {
struct V<'cx, 'tcx> {
cx: &'cx LateContext<'tcx>,
found_unsafe: bool,
impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for V<'_, 'tcx> {
type NestedFilter = nested_filter::OnlyBodies;
fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> Self::Map {
fn visit_block(&mut self, b: &'tcx Block<'_>) {
if self.found_unsafe {
if b.rules == BlockCheckMode::UnsafeBlock(UnsafeSource::UserProvided) {
self.found_unsafe = true;
walk_block(self, b);
let mut v = V {
found_unsafe: false,
/// Runs the given function for each sub-expression producing the final value consumed by the parent
/// of the give expression.
/// e.g. for the following expression
/// ```rust,ignore
/// if foo {
/// f(0)
/// } else {
/// 1 + 1
/// }
/// ```
/// this will pass both `f(0)` and `1+1` to the given function.
pub fn for_each_value_source<'tcx, B>(
e: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>,
f: &mut impl FnMut(&'tcx Expr<'tcx>) -> ControlFlow<B>,
) -> ControlFlow<B> {
match e.kind {
ExprKind::Block(Block { expr: Some(e), .. }, _) => for_each_value_source(e, f),
ExprKind::Match(_, arms, _) => {
for arm in arms {
for_each_value_source(arm.body, f)?;
ExprKind::If(_, if_expr, Some(else_expr)) => {
for_each_value_source(if_expr, f)?;
for_each_value_source(else_expr, f)
ExprKind::DropTemps(e) => for_each_value_source(e, f),
_ => f(e),
/// Runs the given function for each path expression referencing the given local which occur after
/// the given expression.
pub fn for_each_local_use_after_expr<'tcx, B>(
cx: &LateContext<'tcx>,
local_id: HirId,
expr_id: HirId,
f: impl FnMut(&'tcx Expr<'tcx>) -> ControlFlow<B>,
) -> ControlFlow<B> {
struct V<'cx, 'tcx, F, B> {
cx: &'cx LateContext<'tcx>,
local_id: HirId,
expr_id: HirId,
found: bool,
res: ControlFlow<B>,
f: F,
impl<'cx, 'tcx, F: FnMut(&'tcx Expr<'tcx>) -> ControlFlow<B>, B> Visitor<'tcx> for V<'cx, 'tcx, F, B> {
type NestedFilter = nested_filter::OnlyBodies;
fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> Self::Map {
fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>) {
if !self.found {
if e.hir_id == self.expr_id {
self.found = true;
} else {
walk_expr(self, e);
if self.res.is_break() {
if path_to_local_id(e, self.local_id) {
self.res = (self.f)(e);
} else {
walk_expr(self, e);
if let Some(b) = get_enclosing_block(cx, local_id) {
let mut v = V {
found: false,
res: ControlFlow::Continue(()),
} else {
// Calls the given function for every unconsumed temporary created by the expression. Note the
// function is only guaranteed to be called for types which need to be dropped, but it may be called
// for other types.
pub fn for_each_unconsumed_temporary<'tcx, B>(
cx: &LateContext<'tcx>,
e: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>,
mut f: impl FnMut(Ty<'tcx>) -> ControlFlow<B>,
) -> ControlFlow<B> {
// Todo: Handle partially consumed values.
fn helper<'tcx, B>(
typeck: &'tcx TypeckResults<'tcx>,
consume: bool,
e: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>,
f: &mut impl FnMut(Ty<'tcx>) -> ControlFlow<B>,
) -> ControlFlow<B> {
if !consume
|| matches!(
[adjust, ..] if matches!(adjust.kind, Adjust::Borrow(_) | Adjust::Deref(_))
match e.kind {
ExprKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(None, p))
if matches!(p.res, Res::Def(DefKind::Ctor(_, CtorKind::Const), _)) =>
| ExprKind::Unary(UnOp::Deref, _)
| ExprKind::Index(..)
| ExprKind::Field(..)
| ExprKind::AddrOf(..) => (),
_ => f(typeck.expr_ty(e))?,
match e.kind {
ExprKind::AddrOf(_, _, e)
| ExprKind::Field(e, _)
| ExprKind::Unary(UnOp::Deref, e)
| ExprKind::Match(e, ..)
| ExprKind::Let(&Let { init: e, .. }) => {
helper(typeck, false, e, f)?;
ExprKind::Block(&Block { expr: Some(e), .. }, _)
| ExprKind::Box(e)
| ExprKind::Cast(e, _)
| ExprKind::Unary(_, e) => {
helper(typeck, true, e, f)?;
ExprKind::Call(callee, args) => {
helper(typeck, true, callee, f)?;
for arg in args {
helper(typeck, true, arg, f)?;
ExprKind::MethodCall(_, args, _) | ExprKind::Tup(args) | ExprKind::Array(args) => {
for arg in args {
helper(typeck, true, arg, f)?;
ExprKind::Index(borrowed, consumed)
| ExprKind::Assign(borrowed, consumed, _)
| ExprKind::AssignOp(_, borrowed, consumed) => {
helper(typeck, false, borrowed, f)?;
helper(typeck, true, consumed, f)?;
ExprKind::Binary(_, lhs, rhs) => {
helper(typeck, true, lhs, f)?;
helper(typeck, true, rhs, f)?;
ExprKind::Struct(_, fields, default) => {
for field in fields {
helper(typeck, true, field.expr, f)?;
if let Some(default) = default {
helper(typeck, false, default, f)?;
ExprKind::If(cond, then, else_expr) => {
helper(typeck, true, cond, f)?;
helper(typeck, true, then, f)?;
if let Some(else_expr) = else_expr {
helper(typeck, true, else_expr, f)?;
ExprKind::Type(e, _) => {
helper(typeck, consume, e, f)?;
// Either drops temporaries, jumps out of the current expression, or has no sub expression.
| ExprKind::Ret(_)
| ExprKind::Break(..)
| ExprKind::Yield(..)
| ExprKind::Block(..)
| ExprKind::Loop(..)
| ExprKind::Repeat(..)
| ExprKind::Lit(_)
| ExprKind::ConstBlock(_)
| ExprKind::Closure { .. }
| ExprKind::Path(_)
| ExprKind::Continue(_)
| ExprKind::InlineAsm(_)
| ExprKind::Err => (),
helper(cx.typeck_results(), true, e, &mut f)
pub fn any_temporaries_need_ordered_drop<'tcx>(cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, e: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>) -> bool {
for_each_unconsumed_temporary(cx, e, |ty| {
if needs_ordered_drop(cx, ty) {
} else {