2015-02-01 10:34:16 +00:00

404 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use lint;
use metadata::cstore::CStore;
use metadata::filesearch;
use session::search_paths::PathKind;
use util::nodemap::NodeMap;
use syntax::ast::NodeId;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::diagnostic::{self, Emitter};
use syntax::diagnostics;
use syntax::feature_gate;
use syntax::parse;
use syntax::parse::token;
use syntax::parse::ParseSess;
use syntax::{ast, codemap};
use rustc_back::target::Target;
use std::os;
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
pub mod config;
pub mod search_paths;
// Represents the data associated with a compilation
// session for a single crate.
pub struct Session {
pub target: config::Config,
pub host: Target,
pub opts: config::Options,
pub cstore: CStore,
pub parse_sess: ParseSess,
// For a library crate, this is always none
pub entry_fn: RefCell<Option<(NodeId, codemap::Span)>>,
pub entry_type: Cell<Option<config::EntryFnType>>,
pub plugin_registrar_fn: Cell<Option<ast::NodeId>>,
pub default_sysroot: Option<Path>,
// The name of the root source file of the crate, in the local file system. The path is always
// expected to be absolute. `None` means that there is no source file.
pub local_crate_source_file: Option<Path>,
pub working_dir: Path,
pub lint_store: RefCell<lint::LintStore>,
pub lints: RefCell<NodeMap<Vec<(lint::LintId, codemap::Span, String)>>>,
pub crate_types: RefCell<Vec<config::CrateType>>,
pub crate_metadata: RefCell<Vec<String>>,
pub features: RefCell<feature_gate::Features>,
/// The maximum recursion limit for potentially infinitely recursive
/// operations such as auto-dereference and monomorphization.
pub recursion_limit: Cell<uint>,
pub can_print_warnings: bool
impl Session {
pub fn span_fatal(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! {
self.diagnostic().span_fatal(sp, msg)
pub fn span_fatal_with_code(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str, code: &str) -> ! {
self.diagnostic().span_fatal_with_code(sp, msg, code)
pub fn fatal(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
pub fn span_err(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
match split_msg_into_multilines(msg) {
Some(msg) => self.diagnostic().span_err(sp, &msg[]),
None => self.diagnostic().span_err(sp, msg)
pub fn span_err_with_code(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str, code: &str) {
match split_msg_into_multilines(msg) {
Some(msg) => self.diagnostic().span_err_with_code(sp, &msg[], code),
None => self.diagnostic().span_err_with_code(sp, msg, code)
pub fn err(&self, msg: &str) {
pub fn err_count(&self) -> uint {
pub fn has_errors(&self) -> bool {
pub fn abort_if_errors(&self) {
pub fn span_warn(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
if self.can_print_warnings {
self.diagnostic().span_warn(sp, msg)
pub fn span_warn_with_code(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str, code: &str) {
if self.can_print_warnings {
self.diagnostic().span_warn_with_code(sp, msg, code)
pub fn warn(&self, msg: &str) {
if self.can_print_warnings {
pub fn opt_span_warn(&self, opt_sp: Option<Span>, msg: &str) {
match opt_sp {
Some(sp) => self.span_warn(sp, msg),
None => self.warn(msg),
pub fn span_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
self.diagnostic().span_note(sp, msg)
pub fn span_end_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
self.diagnostic().span_end_note(sp, msg)
pub fn span_help(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
self.diagnostic().span_help(sp, msg)
pub fn fileline_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
self.diagnostic().fileline_note(sp, msg)
pub fn fileline_help(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
self.diagnostic().fileline_help(sp, msg)
pub fn note(&self, msg: &str) {
pub fn help(&self, msg: &str) {
pub fn opt_span_bug(&self, opt_sp: Option<Span>, msg: &str) -> ! {
match opt_sp {
Some(sp) => self.span_bug(sp, msg),
None => self.bug(msg),
pub fn span_bug(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! {
self.diagnostic().span_bug(sp, msg)
pub fn bug(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
pub fn span_unimpl(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! {
self.diagnostic().span_unimpl(sp, msg)
pub fn unimpl(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
pub fn add_lint(&self,
lint: &'static lint::Lint,
id: ast::NodeId,
sp: Span,
msg: String) {
let lint_id = lint::LintId::of(lint);
let mut lints = self.lints.borrow_mut();
match lints.get_mut(&id) {
Some(arr) => { arr.push((lint_id, sp, msg)); return; }
None => {}
lints.insert(id, vec!((lint_id, sp, msg)));
pub fn next_node_id(&self) -> ast::NodeId {
pub fn reserve_node_ids(&self, count: ast::NodeId) -> ast::NodeId {
pub fn diagnostic<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a diagnostic::SpanHandler {
pub fn codemap<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a codemap::CodeMap {
// This exists to help with refactoring to eliminate impossible
// cases later on
pub fn impossible_case(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! {
&format!("impossible case reached: {}", msg)[]);
pub fn verbose(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.verbose }
pub fn time_passes(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.time_passes }
pub fn count_llvm_insns(&self) -> bool {
pub fn count_type_sizes(&self) -> bool {
pub fn time_llvm_passes(&self) -> bool {
pub fn trans_stats(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.trans_stats }
pub fn meta_stats(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.meta_stats }
pub fn asm_comments(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.asm_comments }
pub fn no_verify(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.no_verify }
pub fn borrowck_stats(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.borrowck_stats }
pub fn print_llvm_passes(&self) -> bool {
pub fn lto(&self) -> bool {
pub fn no_landing_pads(&self) -> bool {
pub fn unstable_options(&self) -> bool {
pub fn print_enum_sizes(&self) -> bool {
pub fn sysroot<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Path {
match self.opts.maybe_sysroot {
Some (ref sysroot) => sysroot,
None => self.default_sysroot.as_ref()
.expect("missing sysroot and default_sysroot in Session")
pub fn target_filesearch(&self, kind: PathKind) -> filesearch::FileSearch {
pub fn host_filesearch(&self, kind: PathKind) -> filesearch::FileSearch {
fn split_msg_into_multilines(msg: &str) -> Option<String> {
// Conditions for enabling multi-line errors:
if !msg.contains("mismatched types") &&
!msg.contains("type mismatch resolving") &&
!msg.contains("if and else have incompatible types") &&
!msg.contains("if may be missing an else clause") &&
!msg.contains("match arms have incompatible types") &&
!msg.contains("structure constructor specifies a structure of type") {
return None
let first = msg.match_indices("expected").filter(|s| {
s.0 > 0 && (msg.char_at_reverse(s.0) == ' ' ||
msg.char_at_reverse(s.0) == '(')
}).map(|(a, b)| (a - 1, b));
let second = msg.match_indices("found").filter(|s| {
msg.char_at_reverse(s.0) == ' '
}).map(|(a, b)| (a - 1, b));
let mut new_msg = String::new();
let mut head = 0;
// Insert `\n` before expected and found.
for (pos1, pos2) in first.zip(second) {
new_msg = new_msg +
// A `(` may be preceded by a space and it should be trimmed
msg[head..pos1.0].trim_right() + // prefix
"\n" + // insert before first
&msg[pos1.0..pos1.1] + // insert what first matched
&msg[pos1.1..pos2.0] + // between matches
"\n " + // insert before second
// 123
// `expected` is 3 char longer than `found`. To align the types,
// `found` gets 3 spaces prepended.
&msg[pos2.0..pos2.1]; // insert what second matched
head = pos2.1;
let mut tail = &msg[head..];
let third = tail.find_str("(values differ")
.or(tail.find_str("(cyclic type of infinite size"));
// Insert `\n` before any remaining messages which match.
if let Some(pos) = third {
// The end of the message may just be wrapped in `()` without
// `expected`/`found`. Push this also to a new line and add the
// final tail after.
new_msg = new_msg +
// `(` is usually preceded by a space and should be trimmed.
tail[..pos].trim_right() + // prefix
"\n" + // insert before paren
&tail[pos..]; // append the tail
tail = "";
return Some(new_msg);
pub fn build_session(sopts: config::Options,
local_crate_source_file: Option<Path>,
registry: diagnostics::registry::Registry)
-> Session {
// FIXME: This is not general enough to make the warning lint completely override
// normal diagnostic warnings, since the warning lint can also be denied and changed
// later via the source code.
let can_print_warnings = sopts.lint_opts
.filter(|&&(ref key, _)| *key == "warnings")
.map(|&(_, ref level)| *level != lint::Allow)
let codemap = codemap::CodeMap::new();
let diagnostic_handler =
diagnostic::default_handler(sopts.color, Some(registry), can_print_warnings);
let span_diagnostic_handler =
diagnostic::mk_span_handler(diagnostic_handler, codemap);
build_session_(sopts, local_crate_source_file, span_diagnostic_handler)
pub fn build_session_(sopts: config::Options,
local_crate_source_file: Option<Path>,
span_diagnostic: diagnostic::SpanHandler)
-> Session {
let host = match Target::search(config::host_triple()) {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(e) => {
.fatal((format!("Error loading host specification: {}", e)).as_slice());
let target_cfg = config::build_target_config(&sopts, &span_diagnostic);
let p_s = parse::new_parse_sess_special_handler(span_diagnostic);
let default_sysroot = match sopts.maybe_sysroot {
Some(_) => None,
None => Some(filesearch::get_or_default_sysroot())
// Make the path absolute, if necessary
let local_crate_source_file = local_crate_source_file.map(|path|
if path.is_absolute() {
} else {
let can_print_warnings = sopts.lint_opts
.filter(|&&(ref key, _)| *key == "warnings")
.map(|&(_, ref level)| *level != lint::Allow)
let sess = Session {
target: target_cfg,
host: host,
opts: sopts,
cstore: CStore::new(token::get_ident_interner()),
parse_sess: p_s,
// For a library crate, this is always none
entry_fn: RefCell::new(None),
entry_type: Cell::new(None),
plugin_registrar_fn: Cell::new(None),
default_sysroot: default_sysroot,
local_crate_source_file: local_crate_source_file,
working_dir: os::getcwd().unwrap(),
lint_store: RefCell::new(lint::LintStore::new()),
lints: RefCell::new(NodeMap()),
crate_types: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
crate_metadata: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
features: RefCell::new(feature_gate::Features::new()),
recursion_limit: Cell::new(64),
can_print_warnings: can_print_warnings
// Seems out of place, but it uses session, so I'm putting it here
pub fn expect<T, M>(sess: &Session, opt: Option<T>, msg: M) -> T where
M: FnOnce() -> String,
diagnostic::expect(sess.diagnostic(), opt, msg)
pub fn early_error(msg: &str) -> ! {
let mut emitter = diagnostic::EmitterWriter::stderr(diagnostic::Auto, None);
emitter.emit(None, msg, None, diagnostic::Fatal);
pub fn early_warn(msg: &str) {
let mut emitter = diagnostic::EmitterWriter::stderr(diagnostic::Auto, None);
emitter.emit(None, msg, None, diagnostic::Warning);