//! This module contains tests for macro expansion. Effectively, it covers `tt`, //! `mbe`, `proc_macro_api` and `hir_expand` crates. This might seem like a //! wrong architecture at the first glance, but is intentional. //! //! Physically, macro expansion process is intertwined with name resolution. You //! can not expand *just* the syntax. So, to be able to write integration tests //! of the "expand this code please" form, we have to do it after name //! resolution. That is, in this crate. We *could* fake some dependencies and //! write unit-tests (in fact, we used to do that), but that makes tests brittle //! and harder to understand. mod mbe; mod builtin_fn_macro; mod builtin_derive_macro; mod proc_macros; use std::{iter, ops::Range, sync::Arc}; use ::mbe::TokenMap; use base_db::{fixture::WithFixture, ProcMacro, SourceDatabase}; use expect_test::Expect; use hir_expand::{ db::{AstDatabase, TokenExpander}, AstId, InFile, MacroDefId, MacroDefKind, MacroFile, }; use stdx::format_to; use syntax::{ ast::{self, edit::IndentLevel}, AstNode, SyntaxElement, SyntaxKind::{self, COMMENT, EOF, IDENT, LIFETIME_IDENT}, SyntaxNode, TextRange, T, }; use tt::{Subtree, TokenId}; use crate::{ db::DefDatabase, macro_id_to_def_id, nameres::ModuleSource, resolver::HasResolver, src::HasSource, test_db::TestDB, AdtId, AsMacroCall, Lookup, ModuleDefId, }; #[track_caller] fn check(ra_fixture: &str, mut expect: Expect) { let extra_proc_macros = vec![( r#" #[proc_macro_attribute] pub fn identity_when_valid(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { item } "# .into(), ProcMacro { name: "identity_when_valid".into(), kind: base_db::ProcMacroKind::Attr, expander: Arc::new(IdentityWhenValidProcMacroExpander), }, )]; let db = TestDB::with_files_extra_proc_macros(ra_fixture, extra_proc_macros); let krate = db.crate_graph().iter().next().unwrap(); let def_map = db.crate_def_map(krate); let local_id = def_map.root(); let module = def_map.module_id(local_id); let resolver = module.resolver(&db); let source = def_map[local_id].definition_source(&db); let source_file = match source.value { ModuleSource::SourceFile(it) => it, ModuleSource::Module(_) | ModuleSource::BlockExpr(_) => panic!(), }; // What we want to do is to replace all macros (fn-like, derive, attr) with // their expansions. Turns out, we don't actually store enough information // to do this precisely though! Specifically, if a macro expands to nothing, // it leaves zero traces in def-map, so we can't get its expansion after the // fact. // // This is the usual // // resolve/record tension! // // So here we try to do a resolve, which is necessary a heuristic. For macro // calls, we use `as_call_id_with_errors`. For derives, we look at the impls // in the module and assume that, if impls's source is a different // `HirFileId`, than it came from macro expansion. let mut text_edits = Vec::new(); let mut expansions = Vec::new(); for macro_ in source_file.syntax().descendants().filter_map(ast::Macro::cast) { let mut show_token_ids = false; for comment in macro_.syntax().children_with_tokens().filter(|it| it.kind() == COMMENT) { show_token_ids |= comment.to_string().contains("+tokenids"); } if !show_token_ids { continue; } let call_offset = macro_.syntax().text_range().start().into(); let file_ast_id = db.ast_id_map(source.file_id).ast_id(¯o_); let ast_id = AstId::new(source.file_id, file_ast_id.upcast()); let kind = MacroDefKind::Declarative(ast_id); let macro_def = db.macro_def(MacroDefId { krate, kind, local_inner: false }).unwrap(); if let TokenExpander::DeclarativeMacro { mac, def_site_token_map } = &*macro_def { let tt = match ¯o_ { ast::Macro::MacroRules(mac) => mac.token_tree().unwrap(), ast::Macro::MacroDef(_) => unimplemented!(""), }; let tt_start = tt.syntax().text_range().start(); tt.syntax().descendants_with_tokens().filter_map(SyntaxElement::into_token).for_each( |token| { let range = token.text_range().checked_sub(tt_start).unwrap(); if let Some(id) = def_site_token_map.token_by_range(range) { let offset = (range.end() + tt_start).into(); text_edits.push((offset..offset, format!("#{}", id.0))); } }, ); text_edits.push(( call_offset..call_offset, format!("// call ids will be shifted by {:?}\n", mac.shift()), )); } } for macro_call in source_file.syntax().descendants().filter_map(ast::MacroCall::cast) { let macro_call = InFile::new(source.file_id, ¯o_call); let mut error = None; let macro_call_id = macro_call .as_call_id_with_errors( &db, krate, |path| { resolver.resolve_path_as_macro(&db, &path).map(|it| macro_id_to_def_id(&db, it)) }, &mut |err| error = Some(err), ) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let macro_file = MacroFile { macro_call_id }; let mut expansion_result = db.parse_macro_expansion(macro_file); expansion_result.err = expansion_result.err.or(error); expansions.push((macro_call.value.clone(), expansion_result, db.macro_arg(macro_call_id))); } for (call, exp, arg) in expansions.into_iter().rev() { let mut tree = false; let mut expect_errors = false; let mut show_token_ids = false; for comment in call.syntax().children_with_tokens().filter(|it| it.kind() == COMMENT) { tree |= comment.to_string().contains("+tree"); expect_errors |= comment.to_string().contains("+errors"); show_token_ids |= comment.to_string().contains("+tokenids"); } let mut expn_text = String::new(); if let Some(err) = exp.err { format_to!(expn_text, "/* error: {} */", err); } if let Some((parse, token_map)) = exp.value { if expect_errors { assert!(!parse.errors().is_empty(), "no parse errors in expansion"); for e in parse.errors() { format_to!(expn_text, "/* parse error: {} */\n", e); } } else { assert!( parse.errors().is_empty(), "parse errors in expansion: \n{:#?}", parse.errors() ); } let pp = pretty_print_macro_expansion( parse.syntax_node(), show_token_ids.then(|| &*token_map), ); let indent = IndentLevel::from_node(call.syntax()); let pp = reindent(indent, pp); format_to!(expn_text, "{}", pp); if tree { let tree = format!("{:#?}", parse.syntax_node()) .split_inclusive("\n") .map(|line| format!("// {}", line)) .collect::(); format_to!(expn_text, "\n{}", tree) } } let range = call.syntax().text_range(); let range: Range = range.into(); if show_token_ids { if let Some((tree, map, _)) = arg.as_deref() { let tt_range = call.token_tree().unwrap().syntax().text_range(); let mut ranges = Vec::new(); extract_id_ranges(&mut ranges, &map, &tree); for (range, id) in ranges { let idx = (tt_range.start() + range.end()).into(); text_edits.push((idx..idx, format!("#{}", id.0))); } } text_edits.push((range.start..range.start, "// ".into())); call.to_string().match_indices('\n').for_each(|(offset, _)| { let offset = offset + 1 + range.start; text_edits.push((offset..offset, "// ".into())); }); text_edits.push((range.end..range.end, "\n".into())); text_edits.push((range.end..range.end, expn_text)); } else { text_edits.push((range, expn_text)); } } text_edits.sort_by_key(|(range, _)| range.start); text_edits.reverse(); let mut expanded_text = source_file.to_string(); for (range, text) in text_edits { expanded_text.replace_range(range, &text); } for decl_id in def_map[local_id].scope.declarations() { // FIXME: I'm sure there's already better way to do this let src = match decl_id { ModuleDefId::AdtId(AdtId::StructId(struct_id)) => { Some(struct_id.lookup(&db).source(&db).syntax().cloned()) } ModuleDefId::FunctionId(function_id) => { Some(function_id.lookup(&db).source(&db).syntax().cloned()) } _ => None, }; if let Some(src) = src { if src.file_id.is_attr_macro(&db) || src.file_id.is_custom_derive(&db) { let pp = pretty_print_macro_expansion(src.value, None); format_to!(expanded_text, "\n{}", pp) } } } for impl_id in def_map[local_id].scope.impls() { let src = impl_id.lookup(&db).source(&db); if src.file_id.is_builtin_derive(&db).is_some() { let pp = pretty_print_macro_expansion(src.value.syntax().clone(), None); format_to!(expanded_text, "\n{}", pp) } } expect.indent(false); expect.assert_eq(&expanded_text); } fn extract_id_ranges(ranges: &mut Vec<(TextRange, TokenId)>, map: &TokenMap, tree: &Subtree) { tree.token_trees.iter().for_each(|tree| match tree { tt::TokenTree::Leaf(leaf) => { let id = match leaf { tt::Leaf::Literal(it) => it.id, tt::Leaf::Punct(it) => it.id, tt::Leaf::Ident(it) => it.id, }; ranges.extend(map.ranges_by_token(id, SyntaxKind::ERROR).map(|range| (range, id))); } tt::TokenTree::Subtree(tree) => extract_id_ranges(ranges, map, tree), }); } fn reindent(indent: IndentLevel, pp: String) -> String { if !pp.contains('\n') { return pp; } let mut lines = pp.split_inclusive('\n'); let mut res = lines.next().unwrap().to_string(); for line in lines { if line.trim().is_empty() { res.push_str(&line) } else { format_to!(res, "{}{}", indent, line) } } res } fn pretty_print_macro_expansion(expn: SyntaxNode, map: Option<&TokenMap>) -> String { let mut res = String::new(); let mut prev_kind = EOF; let mut indent_level = 0; for token in iter::successors(expn.first_token(), |t| t.next_token()) { let curr_kind = token.kind(); let space = match (prev_kind, curr_kind) { _ if prev_kind.is_trivia() || curr_kind.is_trivia() => "", (T!['{'], T!['}']) => "", (T![=], _) | (_, T![=]) => " ", (_, T!['{']) => " ", (T![;] | T!['{'] | T!['}'], _) => "\n", (_, T!['}']) => "\n", (IDENT | LIFETIME_IDENT, IDENT | LIFETIME_IDENT) => " ", _ if prev_kind.is_keyword() && curr_kind.is_keyword() => " ", (IDENT, _) if curr_kind.is_keyword() => " ", (_, IDENT) if prev_kind.is_keyword() => " ", (T![>], IDENT) => " ", (T![>], _) if curr_kind.is_keyword() => " ", (T![->], _) | (_, T![->]) => " ", (T![&&], _) | (_, T![&&]) => " ", (T![,], _) => " ", (T![:], IDENT | T!['(']) => " ", (T![:], _) if curr_kind.is_keyword() => " ", (T![fn], T!['(']) => "", (T![']'], _) if curr_kind.is_keyword() => " ", (T![']'], T![#]) => "\n", (T![Self], T![::]) => "", _ if prev_kind.is_keyword() => " ", _ => "", }; match prev_kind { T!['{'] => indent_level += 1, T!['}'] => indent_level -= 1, _ => (), } res.push_str(space); if space == "\n" { let level = if curr_kind == T!['}'] { indent_level - 1 } else { indent_level }; res.push_str(&" ".repeat(level)); } prev_kind = curr_kind; format_to!(res, "{}", token); if let Some(map) = map { if let Some(id) = map.token_by_range(token.text_range()) { format_to!(res, "#{}", id.0); } } } res } // Identity mapping, but only works when the input is syntactically valid. This // simulates common proc macros that unnecessarily parse their input and return // compile errors. #[derive(Debug)] struct IdentityWhenValidProcMacroExpander; impl base_db::ProcMacroExpander for IdentityWhenValidProcMacroExpander { fn expand( &self, subtree: &Subtree, _: Option<&Subtree>, _: &base_db::Env, ) -> Result { let (parse, _) = ::mbe::token_tree_to_syntax_node(subtree, ::mbe::TopEntryPoint::MacroItems); if parse.errors().is_empty() { Ok(subtree.clone()) } else { panic!("got invalid macro input: {:?}", parse.errors()); } } }