// Require a gdb that can read DW_TAG_variant_part. //@ min-gdb-version: 8.2 //@ min-lldb-version: 1800 // LLDB (18.1+) now supports DW_TAG_variant_part, but there is some bug in either compiler or LLDB // with memory layout of discriminant for this particular enum // ensure that LLDB won't crash at least (like #57822). //@ compile-flags:-g // === GDB TESTS =================================================================================== // gdb-command:run // gdb-command:print b // gdb-check:$1 = coroutine_objects::main::{coroutine_env#0}::Unresumed{_ref__a: 0x[...]} // gdb-command:continue // gdb-command:print b // gdb-check:$2 = coroutine_objects::main::{coroutine_env#0}::Suspend0{c: 6, d: 7, _ref__a: 0x[...]} // gdb-command:continue // gdb-command:print b // gdb-check:$3 = coroutine_objects::main::{coroutine_env#0}::Suspend1{c: 7, d: 8, _ref__a: 0x[...]} // gdb-command:continue // gdb-command:print b // gdb-check:$4 = coroutine_objects::main::{coroutine_env#0}::Returned{_ref__a: 0x[...]} // === LLDB TESTS ================================================================================== // lldb-command:run // lldb-command:v b // lldb-check:(coroutine_objects::main::{coroutine_env#0}) b = { value = { _ref__a = 0x[...] } $discr$ = [...] } // === CDB TESTS =================================================================================== // cdb-command: g // cdb-command: dx b // cdb-check: b : Unresumed [Type: enum2$<coroutine_objects::main::coroutine_env$0>] // cdb-check: [+0x[...]] _ref__a : 0x[...] : 5 [Type: int *] // cdb-command: g // cdb-command: dx b // cdb-check: b : Suspend0 [Type: enum2$<coroutine_objects::main::coroutine_env$0>] // cdb-check: [+0x[...]] c : 6 [Type: int] // cdb-check: [+0x[...]] d : 7 [Type: int] // cdb-check: [+0x[...]] _ref__a : 0x[...] : 5 [Type: int *] // cdb-command: g // cdb-command: dx b // cdb-check: b : Suspend1 [Type: enum2$<coroutine_objects::main::coroutine_env$0>] // cdb-check: [+0x[...]] c : 7 [Type: int] // cdb-check: [+0x[...]] d : 8 [Type: int] // cdb-check: [+0x[...]] _ref__a : 0x[...] : 6 [Type: int *] // cdb-command: g // cdb-command: dx b // cdb-check: b : Returned [Type: enum2$<coroutine_objects::main::coroutine_env$0>] // cdb-check: [+0x[...]] _ref__a : 0x[...] : 6 [Type: int *] #![feature(omit_gdb_pretty_printer_section, coroutines, coroutine_trait, stmt_expr_attributes)] #![omit_gdb_pretty_printer_section] use std::ops::Coroutine; use std::pin::Pin; fn main() { let mut a = 5; let mut b = #[coroutine] || { let mut c = 6; let mut d = 7; yield; a += 1; c += 1; d += 1; yield; println!("{} {} {}", a, c, d); }; _zzz(); // #break Pin::new(&mut b).resume(()); _zzz(); // #break Pin::new(&mut b).resume(()); _zzz(); // #break Pin::new(&mut b).resume(()); _zzz(); // #break } #[inline(never)] fn _zzz() { () }