#[link(name = "std", vers = "0.4", uuid = "122bed0b-c19b-4b82-b0b7-7ae8aead7297", url = "https://github.com/mozilla/rust/tree/master/src/libstd")]; #[comment = "The Rust standard library"]; #[license = "MIT"]; #[crate_type = "lib"]; //! The Rust standard library #[no_core]; #[allow(vecs_implicitly_copyable)]; #[deny(non_camel_case_types)]; use core(vers = "0.4"); use core::*; export net, net_tcp, net_ip, net_url; export uv, uv_ll, uv_iotask, uv_global_loop; export c_vec, timer; export sync, arc, comm; export bitv, deque, fun_treemap, list, map; export smallintmap, sort, treemap; export rope, arena, par; export ebml, dbg, getopts, json, rand, sha1, term, time, prettyprint; export test, tempfile, serialization; export cmp; export base64; export cell; // General io and system-services modules mod net; mod net_ip; mod net_tcp; mod net_url; // libuv modules mod uv; mod uv_ll; mod uv_iotask; mod uv_global_loop; // Utility modules mod c_vec; mod timer; mod cell; // Concurrency mod sync; mod arc; mod comm; // Collections mod bitv; mod deque; mod fun_treemap; mod list; mod map; mod rope; mod smallintmap; mod sort; mod treemap; // And ... other stuff mod ebml; mod dbg; mod getopts; mod json; mod sha1; mod md4; mod tempfile; mod term; mod time; mod prettyprint; mod arena; mod par; mod cmp; mod base64; #[cfg(unicode)] mod unicode; // Compiler support modules mod test; mod serialization; // Local Variables: // mode: rust; // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // End: