use crate::base::ExtCtxt; use pm::bridge::{ server, DelimSpan, Diagnostic, ExpnGlobals, Group, Ident, LitKind, Literal, Punct, TokenTree, }; use pm::{Delimiter, Level, LineColumn}; use rustc_ast as ast; use rustc_ast::token; use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{self, Spacing::*, TokenStream}; use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust; use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap; use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc; use rustc_errors::{MultiSpan, PResult}; use rustc_parse::lexer::nfc_normalize; use rustc_parse::parse_stream_from_source_str; use rustc_session::parse::ParseSess; use rustc_span::def_id::CrateNum; use rustc_span::symbol::{self, sym, Symbol}; use rustc_span::{BytePos, FileName, Pos, SourceFile, Span}; use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec}; use std::ops::Bound; trait FromInternal { fn from_internal(x: T) -> Self; } trait ToInternal { fn to_internal(self) -> T; } impl FromInternal for Delimiter { fn from_internal(delim: token::Delimiter) -> Delimiter { match delim { token::Delimiter::Parenthesis => Delimiter::Parenthesis, token::Delimiter::Brace => Delimiter::Brace, token::Delimiter::Bracket => Delimiter::Bracket, token::Delimiter::Invisible => Delimiter::None, } } } impl ToInternal for Delimiter { fn to_internal(self) -> token::Delimiter { match self { Delimiter::Parenthesis => token::Delimiter::Parenthesis, Delimiter::Brace => token::Delimiter::Brace, Delimiter::Bracket => token::Delimiter::Bracket, Delimiter::None => token::Delimiter::Invisible, } } } impl FromInternal for LitKind { fn from_internal(kind: token::LitKind) -> Self { match kind { token::Byte => LitKind::Byte, token::Char => LitKind::Char, token::Integer => LitKind::Integer, token::Float => LitKind::Float, token::Str => LitKind::Str, token::StrRaw(n) => LitKind::StrRaw(n), token::ByteStr => LitKind::ByteStr, token::ByteStrRaw(n) => LitKind::ByteStrRaw(n), token::Err => LitKind::Err, token::Bool => unreachable!(), } } } impl ToInternal for LitKind { fn to_internal(self) -> token::LitKind { match self { LitKind::Byte => token::Byte, LitKind::Char => token::Char, LitKind::Integer => token::Integer, LitKind::Float => token::Float, LitKind::Str => token::Str, LitKind::StrRaw(n) => token::StrRaw(n), LitKind::ByteStr => token::ByteStr, LitKind::ByteStrRaw(n) => token::ByteStrRaw(n), LitKind::Err => token::Err, } } } impl FromInternal<(TokenStream, &mut Rustc<'_, '_>)> for Vec> { fn from_internal((stream, rustc): (TokenStream, &mut Rustc<'_, '_>)) -> Self { use rustc_ast::token::*; // Estimate the capacity as `stream.len()` rounded up to the next power // of two to limit the number of required reallocations. let mut trees = Vec::with_capacity(stream.len().next_power_of_two()); let mut cursor = stream.into_trees(); while let Some(tree) = { let (Token { kind, span }, joint) = match tree { tokenstream::TokenTree::Delimited(span, delim, tts) => { let delimiter = pm::Delimiter::from_internal(delim); trees.push(TokenTree::Group(Group { delimiter, stream: Some(tts), span: DelimSpan { open:, close: span.close, entire: span.entire(), }, })); continue; } tokenstream::TokenTree::Token(token, spacing) => (token, spacing == Joint), }; // Split the operator into one or more `Punct`s, one per character. // The final one inherits the jointness of the original token. Any // before that get `joint = true`. let mut op = |s: &str| { assert!(s.is_ascii()); trees.extend(s.bytes().enumerate().map(|(i, ch)| { let is_final = i == s.len() - 1; // Split the token span into single chars. Unless the span // is an unusual one, e.g. due to proc macro expansion. We // determine this by assuming any span with a length that // matches the operator length is a normal one, and any // span with a different length is an unusual one. let span = if (span.hi() - span.lo()).to_usize() == s.len() { let lo = span.lo() + BytePos::from_usize(i); let hi = lo + BytePos::from_usize(1); span.with_lo(lo).with_hi(hi) } else { span }; TokenTree::Punct(Punct { ch, joint: if is_final { joint } else { true }, span }) })); }; match kind { Eq => op("="), Lt => op("<"), Le => op("<="), EqEq => op("=="), Ne => op("!="), Ge => op(">="), Gt => op(">"), AndAnd => op("&&"), OrOr => op("||"), Not => op("!"), Tilde => op("~"), BinOp(Plus) => op("+"), BinOp(Minus) => op("-"), BinOp(Star) => op("*"), BinOp(Slash) => op("/"), BinOp(Percent) => op("%"), BinOp(Caret) => op("^"), BinOp(And) => op("&"), BinOp(Or) => op("|"), BinOp(Shl) => op("<<"), BinOp(Shr) => op(">>"), BinOpEq(Plus) => op("+="), BinOpEq(Minus) => op("-="), BinOpEq(Star) => op("*="), BinOpEq(Slash) => op("/="), BinOpEq(Percent) => op("%="), BinOpEq(Caret) => op("^="), BinOpEq(And) => op("&="), BinOpEq(Or) => op("|="), BinOpEq(Shl) => op("<<="), BinOpEq(Shr) => op(">>="), At => op("@"), Dot => op("."), DotDot => op(".."), DotDotDot => op("..."), DotDotEq => op("..="), Comma => op(","), Semi => op(";"), Colon => op(":"), ModSep => op("::"), RArrow => op("->"), LArrow => op("<-"), FatArrow => op("=>"), Pound => op("#"), Dollar => op("$"), Question => op("?"), SingleQuote => op("'"), Ident(sym, is_raw) => trees.push(TokenTree::Ident(Ident { sym, is_raw, span })), Lifetime(name) => { let ident = symbol::Ident::new(name, span).without_first_quote(); trees.extend([ TokenTree::Punct(Punct { ch: b'\'', joint: true, span }), TokenTree::Ident(Ident { sym:, is_raw: false, span }), ]); } Literal(token::Lit { kind, symbol, suffix }) => { trees.push(TokenTree::Literal(self::Literal { kind: FromInternal::from_internal(kind), symbol, suffix, span, })); } DocComment(_, attr_style, data) => { let mut escaped = String::new(); for ch in data.as_str().chars() { escaped.extend(ch.escape_debug()); } let stream = [ Ident(sym::doc, false), Eq, TokenKind::lit(token::Str, Symbol::intern(&escaped), None), ] .into_iter() .map(|kind| tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(kind, span)) .collect(); trees.push(TokenTree::Punct(Punct { ch: b'#', joint: false, span })); if attr_style == ast::AttrStyle::Inner { trees.push(TokenTree::Punct(Punct { ch: b'!', joint: false, span })); } trees.push(TokenTree::Group(Group { delimiter: pm::Delimiter::Bracket, stream: Some(stream), span: DelimSpan::from_single(span), })); } Interpolated(nt) if let NtIdent(ident, is_raw) = *nt => { trees.push(TokenTree::Ident(Ident { sym:, is_raw, span: ident.span })) } Interpolated(nt) => { let stream = TokenStream::from_nonterminal_ast(&nt); // A hack used to pass AST fragments to attribute and derive // macros as a single nonterminal token instead of a token // stream. Such token needs to be "unwrapped" and not // represented as a delimited group. // FIXME: It needs to be removed, but there are some // compatibility issues (see #73345). if crate::base::nt_pretty_printing_compatibility_hack(&nt, rustc.sess()) { trees.extend(Self::from_internal((stream, rustc))); } else { trees.push(TokenTree::Group(Group { delimiter: pm::Delimiter::None, stream: Some(stream), span: DelimSpan::from_single(span), })) } } OpenDelim(..) | CloseDelim(..) => unreachable!(), Eof => unreachable!(), } } trees } } // We use a `SmallVec` because the output size is always one or two `TokenTree`s. impl ToInternal> for (TokenTree, &mut Rustc<'_, '_>) { fn to_internal(self) -> SmallVec<[tokenstream::TokenTree; 2]> { use rustc_ast::token::*; let (tree, rustc) = self; match tree { TokenTree::Punct(Punct { ch, joint, span }) => { let kind = match ch { b'=' => Eq, b'<' => Lt, b'>' => Gt, b'!' => Not, b'~' => Tilde, b'+' => BinOp(Plus), b'-' => BinOp(Minus), b'*' => BinOp(Star), b'/' => BinOp(Slash), b'%' => BinOp(Percent), b'^' => BinOp(Caret), b'&' => BinOp(And), b'|' => BinOp(Or), b'@' => At, b'.' => Dot, b',' => Comma, b';' => Semi, b':' => Colon, b'#' => Pound, b'$' => Dollar, b'?' => Question, b'\'' => SingleQuote, _ => unreachable!(), }; smallvec![if joint { tokenstream::TokenTree::token_joint(kind, span) } else { tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(kind, span) }] } TokenTree::Group(Group { delimiter, stream, span: DelimSpan { open, close, .. } }) => { smallvec![tokenstream::TokenTree::Delimited( tokenstream::DelimSpan { open, close }, delimiter.to_internal(), stream.unwrap_or_default(), )] } TokenTree::Ident(self::Ident { sym, is_raw, span }) => { rustc.sess().symbol_gallery.insert(sym, span); smallvec![tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(Ident(sym, is_raw), span)] } TokenTree::Literal(self::Literal { kind: self::LitKind::Integer, symbol, suffix, span, }) if symbol.as_str().starts_with('-') => { let minus = BinOp(BinOpToken::Minus); let symbol = Symbol::intern(&symbol.as_str()[1..]); let integer = TokenKind::lit(token::Integer, symbol, suffix); let a = tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(minus, span); let b = tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(integer, span); smallvec![a, b] } TokenTree::Literal(self::Literal { kind: self::LitKind::Float, symbol, suffix, span, }) if symbol.as_str().starts_with('-') => { let minus = BinOp(BinOpToken::Minus); let symbol = Symbol::intern(&symbol.as_str()[1..]); let float = TokenKind::lit(token::Float, symbol, suffix); let a = tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(minus, span); let b = tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(float, span); smallvec![a, b] } TokenTree::Literal(self::Literal { kind, symbol, suffix, span }) => { smallvec![tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone( TokenKind::lit(kind.to_internal(), symbol, suffix), span, )] } } } } impl ToInternal for Level { fn to_internal(self) -> rustc_errors::Level { match self { Level::Error => rustc_errors::Level::Error { lint: false }, Level::Warning => rustc_errors::Level::Warning(None), Level::Note => rustc_errors::Level::Note, Level::Help => rustc_errors::Level::Help, _ => unreachable!("unknown proc_macro::Level variant: {:?}", self), } } } pub struct FreeFunctions; pub(crate) struct Rustc<'a, 'b> { ecx: &'a mut ExtCtxt<'b>, def_site: Span, call_site: Span, mixed_site: Span, krate: CrateNum, rebased_spans: FxHashMap, } impl<'a, 'b> Rustc<'a, 'b> { pub fn new(ecx: &'a mut ExtCtxt<'b>) -> Self { let expn_data =; Rustc { def_site: ecx.with_def_site_ctxt(expn_data.def_site), call_site: ecx.with_call_site_ctxt(expn_data.call_site), mixed_site: ecx.with_mixed_site_ctxt(expn_data.call_site), krate: expn_data.macro_def_id.unwrap().krate, rebased_spans: FxHashMap::default(), ecx, } } fn sess(&self) -> &ParseSess { self.ecx.parse_sess() } } impl server::Types for Rustc<'_, '_> { type FreeFunctions = FreeFunctions; type TokenStream = TokenStream; type SourceFile = Lrc; type Span = Span; type Symbol = Symbol; } impl server::FreeFunctions for Rustc<'_, '_> { fn track_env_var(&mut self, var: &str, value: Option<&str>) { self.sess() .env_depinfo .borrow_mut() .insert((Symbol::intern(var),; } fn track_path(&mut self, path: &str) { self.sess().file_depinfo.borrow_mut().insert(Symbol::intern(path)); } fn literal_from_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result, ()> { let name = FileName::proc_macro_source_code(s); let mut parser = rustc_parse::new_parser_from_source_str(self.sess(), name, s.to_owned()); let first_span =; let minus_present =; let lit_span =; let token::Literal(mut lit) = parser.token.kind else { return Err(()); }; // Check no comment or whitespace surrounding the (possibly negative) // literal, or more tokens after it. if (lit_span.hi.0 - first_span.lo.0) as usize != s.len() { return Err(()); } if minus_present { // If minus is present, check no comment or whitespace in between it // and the literal token. if first_span.hi.0 != lit_span.lo.0 { return Err(()); } // Check literal is a kind we allow to be negated in a proc macro token. match lit.kind { token::LitKind::Bool | token::LitKind::Byte | token::LitKind::Char | token::LitKind::Str | token::LitKind::StrRaw(_) | token::LitKind::ByteStr | token::LitKind::ByteStrRaw(_) | token::LitKind::Err => return Err(()), token::LitKind::Integer | token::LitKind::Float => {} } // Synthesize a new symbol that includes the minus sign. let symbol = Symbol::intern(&s[..1 + lit.symbol.as_str().len()]); lit = token::Lit::new(lit.kind, symbol, lit.suffix); } let token::Lit { kind, symbol, suffix } = lit; Ok(Literal { kind: FromInternal::from_internal(kind), symbol, suffix, span: self.call_site, }) } fn emit_diagnostic(&mut self, diagnostic: Diagnostic) { let mut diag = rustc_errors::Diagnostic::new(diagnostic.level.to_internal(), diagnostic.message); diag.set_span(MultiSpan::from_spans(diagnostic.spans)); for child in diagnostic.children { diag.sub( child.level.to_internal(), child.message, MultiSpan::from_spans(child.spans), None, ); } self.sess().span_diagnostic.emit_diagnostic(&mut diag); } } impl server::TokenStream for Rustc<'_, '_> { fn is_empty(&mut self, stream: &Self::TokenStream) -> bool { stream.is_empty() } fn from_str(&mut self, src: &str) -> Self::TokenStream { parse_stream_from_source_str( FileName::proc_macro_source_code(src), src.to_string(), self.sess(), Some(self.call_site), ) } fn to_string(&mut self, stream: &Self::TokenStream) -> String { pprust::tts_to_string(stream) } fn expand_expr(&mut self, stream: &Self::TokenStream) -> Result { // Parse the expression from our tokenstream. let expr: PResult<'_, _> = try { let mut p = rustc_parse::stream_to_parser( self.sess(), stream.clone(), Some("proc_macro expand expr"), ); let expr = p.parse_expr()?; if p.token != token::Eof { p.unexpected()?; } expr }; let expr = expr.map_err(|mut err| { err.emit(); })?; // Perform eager expansion on the expression. let expr = self .ecx .expander() .fully_expand_fragment(crate::expand::AstFragment::Expr(expr)) .make_expr(); // NOTE: For now, limit `expand_expr` to exclusively expand to literals. // This may be relaxed in the future. // We don't use `TokenStream::from_ast` as the tokenstream currently cannot // be recovered in the general case. match &expr.kind { ast::ExprKind::Lit(l) if l.token_lit.kind == token::Bool => { Ok(tokenstream::TokenStream::token_alone( token::Ident(l.token_lit.symbol, false), l.span, )) } ast::ExprKind::Lit(l) => { Ok(tokenstream::TokenStream::token_alone(token::Literal(l.token_lit), l.span)) } ast::ExprKind::Unary(ast::UnOp::Neg, e) => match &e.kind { ast::ExprKind::Lit(l) => match l.token_lit { token::Lit { kind: token::Integer | token::Float, .. } => { Ok(Self::TokenStream::from_iter([ // FIXME: The span of the `-` token is lost when // parsing, so we cannot faithfully recover it here. tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(token::BinOp(token::Minus), e.span), tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone( token::Literal(l.token_lit), l.span, ), ])) } _ => Err(()), }, _ => Err(()), }, _ => Err(()), } } fn from_token_tree( &mut self, tree: TokenTree, ) -> Self::TokenStream { Self::TokenStream::new((tree, &mut *self).to_internal().into_iter().collect::>()) } fn concat_trees( &mut self, base: Option, trees: Vec>, ) -> Self::TokenStream { let mut stream = if let Some(base) = base { base } else { tokenstream::TokenStream::default() }; for tree in trees { for tt in (tree, &mut *self).to_internal() { stream.push_tree(tt); } } stream } fn concat_streams( &mut self, base: Option, streams: Vec, ) -> Self::TokenStream { let mut stream = if let Some(base) = base { base } else { tokenstream::TokenStream::default() }; for s in streams { stream.push_stream(s); } stream } fn into_trees( &mut self, stream: Self::TokenStream, ) -> Vec> { FromInternal::from_internal((stream, self)) } } impl server::SourceFile for Rustc<'_, '_> { fn eq(&mut self, file1: &Self::SourceFile, file2: &Self::SourceFile) -> bool { Lrc::ptr_eq(file1, file2) } fn path(&mut self, file: &Self::SourceFile) -> String { match { FileName::Real(ref name) => name .local_path() .expect("attempting to get a file path in an imported file in `proc_macro::SourceFile::path`") .to_str() .expect("non-UTF8 file path in `proc_macro::SourceFile::path`") .to_string(), _ =>, } } fn is_real(&mut self, file: &Self::SourceFile) -> bool { file.is_real_file() } } impl server::Span for Rustc<'_, '_> { fn debug(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> String { if self.ecx.ecfg.span_debug { format!("{:?}", span) } else { format!("{:?} bytes({}..{})", span.ctxt(), span.lo().0, span.hi().0) } } fn source_file(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> Self::SourceFile { self.sess().source_map().lookup_char_pos(span.lo()).file } fn parent(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> Option { span.parent_callsite() } fn source(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> Self::Span { span.source_callsite() } fn start(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> LineColumn { let loc = self.sess().source_map().lookup_char_pos(span.lo()); LineColumn { line: loc.line, column: loc.col.to_usize() } } fn end(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> LineColumn { let loc = self.sess().source_map().lookup_char_pos(span.hi()); LineColumn { line: loc.line, column: loc.col.to_usize() } } fn before(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> Self::Span { span.shrink_to_lo() } fn after(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> Self::Span { span.shrink_to_hi() } fn join(&mut self, first: Self::Span, second: Self::Span) -> Option { let self_loc = self.sess().source_map().lookup_char_pos(first.lo()); let other_loc = self.sess().source_map().lookup_char_pos(second.lo()); if != { return None; } Some( } fn subspan( &mut self, span: Self::Span, start: Bound, end: Bound, ) -> Option { let length = span.hi().to_usize() - span.lo().to_usize(); let start = match start { Bound::Included(lo) => lo, Bound::Excluded(lo) => lo.checked_add(1)?, Bound::Unbounded => 0, }; let end = match end { Bound::Included(hi) => hi.checked_add(1)?, Bound::Excluded(hi) => hi, Bound::Unbounded => length, }; // Bounds check the values, preventing addition overflow and OOB spans. if start > u32::MAX as usize || end > u32::MAX as usize || (u32::MAX - start as u32) < span.lo().to_u32() || (u32::MAX - end as u32) < span.lo().to_u32() || start >= end || end > length { return None; } let new_lo = span.lo() + BytePos::from_usize(start); let new_hi = span.lo() + BytePos::from_usize(end); Some(span.with_lo(new_lo).with_hi(new_hi)) } fn resolved_at(&mut self, span: Self::Span, at: Self::Span) -> Self::Span { span.with_ctxt(at.ctxt()) } fn source_text(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> Option { self.sess().source_map().span_to_snippet(span).ok() } /// Saves the provided span into the metadata of /// *the crate we are currently compiling*, which must /// be a proc-macro crate. This id can be passed to /// `recover_proc_macro_span` when our current crate /// is *run* as a proc-macro. /// /// Let's suppose that we have two crates - `my_client` /// and `my_proc_macro`. The `my_proc_macro` crate /// contains a procedural macro `my_macro`, which /// is implemented as: `quote! { "hello" }` /// /// When we *compile* `my_proc_macro`, we will execute /// the `quote` proc-macro. This will save the span of /// "hello" into the metadata of `my_proc_macro`. As a result, /// the body of `my_proc_macro` (after expansion) will end /// up containing a call that looks like this: /// `proc_macro::Ident::new("hello", proc_macro::Span::recover_proc_macro_span(0))` /// /// where `0` is the id returned by this function. /// When `my_proc_macro` *executes* (during the compilation of `my_client`), /// the call to `recover_proc_macro_span` will load the corresponding /// span from the metadata of `my_proc_macro` (which we have access to, /// since we've loaded `my_proc_macro` from disk in order to execute it). /// In this way, we have obtained a span pointing into `my_proc_macro` fn save_span(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> usize { self.sess().save_proc_macro_span(span) } fn recover_proc_macro_span(&mut self, id: usize) -> Self::Span { let (resolver, krate, def_site) = (&*self.ecx.resolver, self.krate, self.def_site); *self.rebased_spans.entry(id).or_insert_with(|| { // FIXME: `SyntaxContext` for spans from proc macro crates is lost during encoding, // replace it with a def-site context until we are encoding it properly. resolver.get_proc_macro_quoted_span(krate, id).with_ctxt(def_site.ctxt()) }) } } impl server::Symbol for Rustc<'_, '_> { fn normalize_and_validate_ident(&mut self, string: &str) -> Result { let sym = nfc_normalize(string); if rustc_lexer::is_ident(sym.as_str()) { Ok(sym) } else { Err(()) } } } impl server::Server for Rustc<'_, '_> { fn globals(&mut self) -> ExpnGlobals { ExpnGlobals { def_site: self.def_site, call_site: self.call_site, mixed_site: self.mixed_site, } } fn intern_symbol(string: &str) -> Self::Symbol { Symbol::intern(string) } fn with_symbol_string(symbol: &Self::Symbol, f: impl FnOnce(&str)) { f(&symbol.as_str()) } }