// Rust JSON serialization library // Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. import float; import map; import core::option; import option::{some, none}; import str; import vec; export json; export to_str; export from_str; export num; export string; export boolean; export list; export dict; /* Tag: json Represents a json value. */ tag json { /* Variant: num */ num(float); /* Variant: string */ string(str); /* Variant: boolean */ boolean(bool); /* Variant: list */ list(@[json]); /* Variant: dict */ dict(map::hashmap); } /* Function: to_str Serializes a json value into a string. */ fn to_str(j: json) -> str { alt j { num(f) { float::to_str(f, 6u) } string(s) { #fmt["\"%s\"", s] } // XXX: escape boolean(true) { "true" } boolean(false) { "false" } list(@js) { str::concat(["[", str::connect( vec::map::({ |e| to_str(e) }, js), ", "), "]"]) } dict(m) { let parts = []; m.items({ |k, v| vec::grow(parts, 1u, str::concat(["\"", k, "\": ", to_str(v)]) ) }); str::concat(["{ ", str::connect(parts, ", "), " }"]) } } } fn rest(s: str) -> str { assert(str::char_len(s) >= 1u); str::char_slice(s, 1u, str::char_len(s)) } fn from_str_str(s: str) -> (option::t, str) { let pos = 0u; let len = str::byte_len(s); let escape = false; let res = ""; alt str::char_at(s, 0u) { '"' { pos = 1u; } _ { ret (none, s); } } while (pos < len) { let chr = str::char_range_at(s, pos); let c = chr.ch; pos = chr.next; if (escape) { res = res + str::from_char(c); escape = false; cont; } if (c == '\\') { escape = true; cont; } else if (c == '"') { ret (some(string(res)), str::char_slice(s, pos, str::char_len(s))); } res = res + str::from_char(c); } ret (none, s); } fn from_str_list(s: str) -> (option::t, str) { if str::char_at(s, 0u) != '[' { ret (none, s); } let s0 = str::trim_left(rest(s)); let vals = []; if str::is_empty(s0) { ret (none, s0); } if str::char_at(s0, 0u) == ']' { ret (some(list(@[])), rest(s0)); } while str::is_not_empty(s0) { s0 = str::trim_left(s0); let (next, s1) = from_str_helper(s0); s0 = s1; alt next { some(j) { vec::grow(vals, 1u, j); } none { ret (none, s0); } } s0 = str::trim_left(s0); if str::is_empty(s0) { ret (none, s0); } alt str::char_at(s0, 0u) { ',' { } ']' { ret (some(list(@vals)), rest(s0)); } _ { ret (none, s0); } } s0 = rest(s0); } ret (none, s0); } fn from_str_dict(s: str) -> (option::t, str) { if str::char_at(s, 0u) != '{' { ret (none, s); } let s0 = str::trim_left(rest(s)); let vals = map::new_str_hash::(); if str::is_empty(s0) { ret (none, s0); } if str::char_at(s0, 0u) == '}' { ret (some(dict(vals)), rest(s0)); } while str::is_not_empty(s0) { s0 = str::trim_left(s0); let (next, s1) = from_str_helper(s0); // key let key = ""; s0 = s1; alt next { some(string(k)) { key = k; } _ { ret (none, s0); } } s0 = str::trim_left(s0); if str::is_empty(s0) { ret (none, s0); } if str::char_at(s0, 0u) != ':' { ret (none, s0); } s0 = str::trim_left(rest(s0)); let (next, s1) = from_str_helper(s0); // value s0 = s1; alt next { some(j) { vals.insert(key, j); } _ { ret (none, s0); } } s0 = str::trim_left(s0); if str::is_empty(s0) { ret (none, s0); } alt str::char_at(s0, 0u) { ',' { } '}' { ret (some(dict(vals)), rest(s0)); } _ { ret (none, s0); } } s0 = str::trim_left(rest(s0)); } (none, s) } fn from_str_float(s: str) -> (option::t, str) { let pos = 0u; let len = str::byte_len(s); let res = 0f; let neg = 1.f; alt str::char_at(s, 0u) { '-' { neg = -1.f; pos = 1u; } '+' { pos = 1u; } '0' to '9' | '.' { } _ { ret (none, s); } } while (pos < len) { let opos = pos; let chr = str::char_range_at(s, pos); let c = chr.ch; pos = chr.next; alt c { '0' to '9' { res = res * 10f; res += ((c as int) - ('0' as int)) as float; } '.' { break; } _ { ret (some(num(neg * res)), str::char_slice(s, opos, str::char_len(s))); } } } if pos == len { ret (some(num(neg * res)), str::char_slice(s, pos, str::char_len(s))); } let dec = 1.f; while (pos < len) { let opos = pos; let chr = str::char_range_at(s, pos); let c = chr.ch; pos = chr.next; alt c { '0' to '9' { dec /= 10.f; res += (((c as int) - ('0' as int)) as float) * dec; } _ { ret (some(num(neg * res)), str::char_slice(s, opos, str::char_len(s))); } } } ret (some(num(neg * res)), str::char_slice(s, pos, str::char_len(s))); } fn from_str_bool(s: str) -> (option::t, str) { if (str::starts_with(s, "true")) { (some(boolean(true)), str::slice(s, 4u, str::byte_len(s))) } else if (str::starts_with(s, "false")) { (some(boolean(false)), str::slice(s, 5u, str::byte_len(s))) } else { (none, s) } } fn from_str_helper(s: str) -> (option::t, str) { let s = str::trim_left(s); if str::is_empty(s) { ret (none, s); } let start = str::char_at(s, 0u); alt start { '"' { from_str_str(s) } '[' { from_str_list(s) } '{' { from_str_dict(s) } '0' to '9' | '-' | '+' | '.' { from_str_float(s) } 't' | 'f' { from_str_bool(s) } _ { ret (none, s); } } } /* Function: from_str Deserializes a json value from a string. */ fn from_str(s: str) -> option::t { let (j, _) = from_str_helper(s); j }