// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. /*! Simple compression */ use libc; use libc::{c_void, size_t, c_int}; use ptr; use rand::RngUtil; use vec; #[cfg(test)] use rand; pub mod rustrt { use libc::{c_int, c_void, size_t}; #[link_name = "rustrt"] pub extern { unsafe fn tdefl_compress_mem_to_heap(psrc_buf: *const c_void, src_buf_len: size_t, pout_len: *size_t, flags: c_int) -> *c_void; unsafe fn tinfl_decompress_mem_to_heap(psrc_buf: *const c_void, src_buf_len: size_t, pout_len: *size_t, flags: c_int) -> *c_void; } } static lz_none : c_int = 0x0; // Huffman-coding only. static lz_fast : c_int = 0x1; // LZ with only one probe static lz_norm : c_int = 0x80; // LZ with 128 probes, "normal" static lz_best : c_int = 0xfff; // LZ with 4095 probes, "best" pub fn deflate_bytes(bytes: &[const u8]) -> ~[u8] { do vec::as_const_buf(bytes) |b, len| { unsafe { let mut outsz : size_t = 0; let res = rustrt::tdefl_compress_mem_to_heap(b as *c_void, len as size_t, ptr::addr_of(&outsz), lz_norm); fail_unless!(res as int != 0); let out = vec::raw::from_buf_raw(res as *u8, outsz as uint); libc::free(res); out } } } pub fn inflate_bytes(bytes: &[const u8]) -> ~[u8] { do vec::as_const_buf(bytes) |b, len| { unsafe { let mut outsz : size_t = 0; let res = rustrt::tinfl_decompress_mem_to_heap(b as *c_void, len as size_t, ptr::addr_of(&outsz), 0); fail_unless!(res as int != 0); let out = vec::raw::from_buf_raw(res as *u8, outsz as uint); libc::free(res); out } } } #[test] #[allow(non_implicitly_copyable_typarams)] fn test_flate_round_trip() { let r = rand::Rng(); let mut words = ~[]; for 20.times { words.push(r.gen_bytes(r.gen_uint_range(1, 10))); } for 20.times { let mut in = ~[]; for 2000.times { in.push_all(r.choose(words)); } debug!("de/inflate of %u bytes of random word-sequences", in.len()); let cmp = deflate_bytes(in); let out = inflate_bytes(cmp); debug!("%u bytes deflated to %u (%.1f%% size)", in.len(), cmp.len(), 100.0 * ((cmp.len() as float) / (in.len() as float))); fail_unless!((in == out)); } }