// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. #![feature(catch_panic)] extern crate rustfmt; extern crate diff; extern crate regex; extern crate term; use std::collections::{VecDeque, HashMap}; use std::fs; use std::io::{self, Read, BufRead, BufReader}; use std::thread; use rustfmt::*; use rustfmt::config::Config; static DIFF_CONTEXT_SIZE: usize = 3; fn get_path_string(dir_entry: io::Result) -> String { let path = dir_entry.ok().expect("Couldn't get DirEntry.").path(); path.to_str().expect("Couldn't stringify path.").to_owned() } // Integration tests. The files in the tests/source are formatted and compared // to their equivalent in tests/target. The target file and config can be // overriden by annotations in the source file. The input and output must match // exactly. // FIXME(#28) would be good to check for error messages and fail on them, or at // least report. #[test] fn system_tests() { // Get all files in the tests/source directory let files = fs::read_dir("tests/source").ok().expect("Couldn't read source dir."); // turn a DirEntry into a String that represents the relative path to the file let files = files.map(get_path_string); let (count, fails) = check_files(files); // Display results println!("Ran {} system tests.", count); assert!(fails == 0, "{} system tests failed", fails); } // Idempotence tests. Files in tests/target are checked to be unaltered by // rustfmt. #[test] fn idempotence_tests() { // Get all files in the tests/target directory let files = fs::read_dir("tests/target").ok().expect("Couldn't read target dir."); let files = files.chain(fs::read_dir("tests").ok().expect("Couldn't read tests dir.")); let files = files.chain(fs::read_dir("src/bin").ok().expect("Couldn't read src dir.")); // turn a DirEntry into a String that represents the relative path to the file let files = files.map(get_path_string); // hack because there's no `IntoIterator` impl for `[T; N]` let files = files.chain(Some("src/lib.rs".to_owned()).into_iter()); let (count, fails) = check_files(files); // Display results println!("Ran {} idempotent tests.", count); assert!(fails == 0, "{} idempotent tests failed", fails); } // For each file, run rustfmt and collect the output. // Returns the number of files checked and the number of failures. fn check_files(files: I) -> (u32, u32) where I: Iterator { let mut count = 0; let mut fails = 0; for file_name in files.filter(|f| f.ends_with(".rs")) { println!("Testing '{}'...", file_name); if let Err(msg) = idempotent_check(file_name) { print_mismatches(msg); fails += 1; } count += 1; } (count, fails) } fn print_mismatches(result: HashMap>) { let mut t = term::stdout().unwrap(); for (file_name, diff) in result { for mismatch in diff { t.fg(term::color::BRIGHT_WHITE).unwrap(); writeln!(t, "\nMismatch at {}:{}:", file_name, mismatch.line_number).unwrap(); for line in mismatch.lines { match line { DiffLine::Context(ref str) => { t.fg(term::color::WHITE).unwrap(); writeln!(t, " {}⏎", str).unwrap(); } DiffLine::Expected(ref str) => { t.fg(term::color::GREEN).unwrap(); writeln!(t, "+{}⏎", str).unwrap(); } DiffLine::Resulting(ref str) => { t.fg(term::color::RED).unwrap(); writeln!(t, "-{}⏎", str).unwrap(); } } } } } assert!(t.reset().unwrap()); } // Ick, just needed to get a &'static to handle_result. static HANDLE_RESULT: &'static Fn(HashMap) = &handle_result; pub fn idempotent_check(filename: String) -> Result<(), HashMap>> { let sig_comments = read_significant_comments(&filename); let mut config = get_config(sig_comments.get("config").map(|x| &(*x)[..])); let args = vec!["rustfmt".to_owned(), filename]; for (key, val) in sig_comments { if key != "target" && key != "config" { config.override_value(&key, &val); } } // this thread is not used for concurrency, but rather to workaround the issue that the passed // function handle needs to have static lifetime. Instead of using a global RefCell, we use // panic to return a result in case of failure. This has the advantage of smoothing the road to // multithreaded rustfmt thread::catch_panic(move || { run(args, WriteMode::Return(HANDLE_RESULT), config); }).map_err(|any| *any.downcast().ok().expect("Downcast failed.") ) } // Reads test config file from comments and reads its contents. fn get_config(config_file: Option<&str>) -> Box { let config_file_name = match config_file { None => return Box::new(Default::default()), Some(file_name) => { let mut full_path = "tests/config/".to_owned(); full_path.push_str(&file_name); full_path } }; let mut def_config_file = fs::File::open(config_file_name).ok().expect("Couldn't open config."); let mut def_config = String::new(); def_config_file.read_to_string(&mut def_config).ok().expect("Couldn't read config."); Box::new(Config::from_toml(&def_config)) } // Reads significant comments of the form: // rustfmt-key: value // into a hash map. fn read_significant_comments(file_name: &str) -> HashMap { let file = fs::File::open(file_name).ok().expect(&format!("Couldn't read file {}.", file_name)); let reader = BufReader::new(file); let pattern = r"^\s*//\s*rustfmt-([^:]+):\s*(\S+)"; let regex = regex::Regex::new(&pattern).ok().expect("Failed creating pattern 1."); // Matches lines containing significant comments or whitespace. let line_regex = regex::Regex::new(r"(^\s*$)|(^\s*//\s*rustfmt-[^:]+:\s*\S+)") .ok().expect("Failed creating pattern 2."); reader.lines() .map(|line| line.ok().expect("Failed getting line.")) .take_while(|line| line_regex.is_match(&line)) .filter_map(|line| { regex.captures_iter(&line).next().map(|capture| { (capture.at(1).expect("Couldn't unwrap capture.").to_owned(), capture.at(2).expect("Couldn't unwrap capture.").to_owned()) }) }) .collect() } // Compare output to input. // TODO: needs a better name, more explanation. fn handle_result(result: HashMap) { let mut failures = HashMap::new(); for (file_name, fmt_text) in result { // FIXME: reading significant comments again. Is there a way we can just // pass the target to this function? let sig_comments = read_significant_comments(&file_name); // If file is in tests/source, compare to file with same name in tests/target. let target = get_target(&file_name, sig_comments.get("target").map(|x| &(*x)[..])); let mut f = fs::File::open(&target).ok().expect("Couldn't open target."); let mut text = String::new(); // TODO: speedup by running through bytes iterator f.read_to_string(&mut text).ok().expect("Failed reading target."); if fmt_text != text { let diff = make_diff(&fmt_text, &text, DIFF_CONTEXT_SIZE); failures.insert(file_name, diff); } } if !failures.is_empty() { panic!(failures); } } // Map source file paths to their target paths. fn get_target(file_name: &str, target: Option<&str>) -> String { if file_name.starts_with("tests/source/") { let base = target.unwrap_or(file_name.trim_left_matches("tests/source/")); format!("tests/target/{}", base) } else { file_name.to_owned() } } pub enum DiffLine { Context(String), Expected(String), Resulting(String), } pub struct Mismatch { line_number: u32, pub lines: Vec, } impl Mismatch { fn new(line_number: u32) -> Mismatch { Mismatch { line_number: line_number, lines: Vec::new() } } } // Produces a diff between the expected output and actual output of rustfmt. fn make_diff(expected: &str, actual: &str, context_size: usize) -> Vec { let mut line_number = 1; let mut context_queue: VecDeque<&str> = VecDeque::with_capacity(context_size); let mut lines_since_mismatch = context_size + 1; let mut results = Vec::new(); let mut mismatch = Mismatch::new(0); for result in diff::lines(expected, actual) { match result { diff::Result::Left(str) => { if lines_since_mismatch >= context_size { results.push(mismatch); mismatch = Mismatch::new(line_number - context_queue.len() as u32); } while let Some(line) = context_queue.pop_front() { mismatch.lines.push(DiffLine::Context(line.to_owned())); } mismatch.lines.push(DiffLine::Resulting(str.to_owned())); lines_since_mismatch = 0; } diff::Result::Right(str) => { if lines_since_mismatch >= context_size { results.push(mismatch); mismatch = Mismatch::new(line_number - context_queue.len() as u32); } while let Some(line) = context_queue.pop_front() { mismatch.lines.push(DiffLine::Context(line.to_owned())); } mismatch.lines.push(DiffLine::Expected(str.to_owned())); line_number += 1; lines_since_mismatch = 0; } diff::Result::Both(str, _) => { if context_queue.len() >= context_size { let _ = context_queue.pop_front(); } if lines_since_mismatch < context_size { mismatch.lines.push(DiffLine::Context(str.to_owned())); } else { context_queue.push_back(str); } line_number += 1; lines_since_mismatch += 1; } } } results.push(mismatch); results.remove(0); results }