import run::spawn_process; import io::{ReaderUtil, WriterUtil}; import libc::{c_int, pid_t}; import pipes::chan; export run; #[cfg(target_os = "win32")] fn target_env(lib_path: ~str, prog: ~str) -> ~[(~str,~str)] { let mut env = os::env(); // Make sure we include the aux directory in the path assert prog.ends_with(~".exe"); let aux_path = prog.slice(0u, prog.len() - 4u) + ~".libaux"; env = do vec::map(env) |pair| { let (k,v) = pair; if k == ~"PATH" { (~"PATH", v + ~";" + lib_path + ~";" + aux_path) } else { (k,v) } }; if str::ends_with(prog, ~"rustc.exe") { vec::push(env, (~"RUST_THREADS", ~"1")); } return env; } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")] fn target_env(_lib_path: ~str, _prog: ~str) -> ~[(~str,~str)] { ~[] } // FIXME (#2659): This code is duplicated in core::run::program_output fn run(lib_path: ~str, prog: ~str, args: ~[~str], env: ~[(~str, ~str)], input: Option<~str>) -> {status: int, out: ~str, err: ~str} { let pipe_in = os::pipe(); let pipe_out = os::pipe(); let pipe_err = os::pipe(); let pid = spawn_process(prog, args, &Some(env + target_env(lib_path, prog)), &None,, pipe_out.out, pipe_err.out); os::close(; os::close(pipe_out.out); os::close(pipe_err.out); if pid == -1i32 { os::close(pipe_in.out); os::close(; os::close(; fail; } writeclose(pipe_in.out, input); let p = pipes::PortSet(); let ch = p.chan(); do task::spawn_sched(task::SingleThreaded) { let errput = readclose(; ch.send((2, errput)); } let ch = p.chan(); do task::spawn_sched(task::SingleThreaded) { let output = readclose(; ch.send((1, output)); } let status = run::waitpid(pid); let mut errs = ~""; let mut outs = ~""; let mut count = 2; while count > 0 { match p.recv() { (1, s) => { outs = s; } (2, s) => { errs = s; } _ => { fail } }; count -= 1; }; return {status: status, out: outs, err: errs}; } fn writeclose(fd: c_int, s: Option<~str>) { if option::is_some(s) { let writer = io::fd_writer(fd, false); writer.write_str(option::get(s)); } os::close(fd); } fn readclose(fd: c_int) -> ~str { // Copied from run::program_output let file = os::fdopen(fd); let reader = io::FILE_reader(file, false); let mut buf = ~""; while !reader.eof() { let bytes = reader.read_bytes(4096u); str::push_str(buf, str::from_bytes(bytes)); } os::fclose(file); return buf; }