import option::none; import option::some; // A very naive implementation of union-find with unsigned integer nodes. // Maintains the invariant that the root of a node is always equal to or less // than the node itself. type node = option::t[uint]; type ufind = rec(mutable node[mutable] nodes); fn make() -> ufind { ret rec(mutable nodes=~[mutable]); } fn make_set(&ufind ufnd) -> uint { auto idx = ivec::len(ufnd.nodes); ufnd.nodes += ~[mutable none[uint]]; ret idx; } /// Creates sets as necessary to ensure that least `n` sets are present in the /// data structure. fn grow(&ufind ufnd, uint n) { while (set_count(ufnd) < n) { make_set(ufnd); } } fn find(&ufind ufnd, uint n) -> uint { alt (ufnd.nodes.(n)) { case (none) { ret n; } case (some(?m)) { auto m_ = m; be find(ufnd, m_); } } } fn union(&ufind ufnd, uint m, uint n) { auto m_root = find(ufnd, m); auto n_root = find(ufnd, n); if (m_root < n_root) { ufnd.nodes.(n_root) = some[uint](m_root); } else if (m_root > n_root) { ufnd.nodes.(m_root) = some[uint](n_root); } } fn set_count(&ufind ufnd) -> uint { ret ivec::len[node](ufnd.nodes); } // Removes all sets with IDs greater than or equal to the given value. fn prune(&ufind ufnd, uint n) { // TODO: Use "slice" once we get rid of "mutable?" auto len = ivec::len[node](ufnd.nodes); while (len != n) { ivec::pop[node](ufnd.nodes); len -= 1u; } }