#[doc = "Pulls type information out of the AST and attaches it to the document"]; import rustc::syntax::ast; import rustc::syntax::print::pprust; import rustc::middle::ast_map; export mk_pass; fn mk_pass() -> pass { run } fn run( srv: astsrv::srv, doc: doc::cratedoc ) -> doc::cratedoc { let fold = fold::fold({ fold_fn: fn~( f: fold::fold, d: doc::fndoc ) -> doc::fndoc { fold_fn(f, d) } with *fold::default_seq_fold(srv) }); fold.fold_crate(fold, doc) } fn fold_fn( fold: fold::fold, doc: doc::fndoc ) -> doc::fndoc { let srv = fold.ctxt; let ret_ty = get_ret_ty(srv, doc.id); ~{ return: merge_ret_ty(doc.return, ret_ty) with *doc } } fn get_ret_ty(srv: astsrv::srv, id: doc::ast_id) -> str { astsrv::exec(srv) {|ctxt| alt ctxt.map.get(id) { ast_map::node_item(@{ node: ast::item_fn(decl, _, _), _ }) { pprust::ty_to_str(decl.output) } } } } fn merge_ret_ty( doc: option, tystr: str ) -> option { alt doc { some(doc) { fail "unimplemented"; } none. { some({ desc: none, ty: some(tystr) }) } } } #[test] fn should_add_fn_ret_types() { let source = "fn a() -> int { }"; let srv = astsrv::mk_srv_from_str(source); let doc = extract::from_srv(srv, ""); let doc = run(srv, doc); assert option::get(doc.topmod.fns[0].return).ty == some("int"); }