A smaller version of compiletest-rs ## Supported magic comment annotations Note that the space after `//`, when it is present, is *not* optional -- it must be exactly one. * `// ignore-XXX` avoids running the test on targets whose triple contains `XXX` * `XXX` can also be one of `64bit`, `32bit` or `16bit` * `// only-XXX` avoids running the test on targets whose triple **does not** contain `XXX` * `XXX` can also be one of `64bit`, `32bit` or `16bit` * `// stderr-per-bitwidth` produces one stderr file per bitwidth, as they may differ significantly sometimes * `// error-pattern: XXX` make sure the stderr output contains `XXX` * `//~ ERROR: XXX` make sure the stderr output contains `XXX` for an error in the line where this comment is written * NOTE: it is not checked at present that it is actually in the line where the error occurred, or that it is truly an ERROR/WARNING/HELP/NOTE, but you should treat it as such until that becomes true. * Also supports `HELP` or `WARN` for different kind of message * if the all caps note is left out, any message is matched * This checks the output *before* normalization, so you can check things that get normalized away, but need to be careful not to accidentally have a pattern that differs between platforms. * `// revisions: XXX YYY` runs the test once for each space separated name in the list * emits one stderr file per revision * `//~` comments can be restricted to specific revisions by adding the revision name before the `~` in square brackets: `//[XXX]~` * `// compile-flags: XXX` appends `XXX` to the command line arguments passed to the rustc driver * `// rustc-env: XXX=YYY` sets the env var `XXX` to `YYY` for the rustc driver execution. * for Miri these env vars are used during compilation via rustc and during the emulation of the program * `// normalize-stderr-test: "REGEX" -> "REPLACEMENT"` replaces all matches of `REGEX` in the stderr with `REPLACEMENT`. The replacement may specify `$1` and similar backreferences to paste captures. ## Significant differences to compiletest-rs * `ignore-*` and `only-*` opereate solely on the triple, instead of supporting things like `macos` * only `//~` comments can be individualized per revision