//@aux-build: proc_macros.rs #![warn(clippy::unnecessary_lazy_evaluations)] #![allow(clippy::redundant_closure)] #![allow(clippy::bind_instead_of_map)] #![allow(clippy::map_identity)] #![allow(clippy::needless_borrow)] #![allow(clippy::unnecessary_literal_unwrap)] #![allow(clippy::unit_arg)] #![allow(arithmetic_overflow)] #![allow(unconditional_panic)] use std::ops::Deref; extern crate proc_macros; use proc_macros::with_span; struct Deep(Option<usize>); #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct SomeStruct { some_field: usize, } impl SomeStruct { fn return_some_field(&self) -> usize { self.some_field } } fn some_call<T: Default>() -> T { T::default() } struct Issue9427(i32); impl Drop for Issue9427 { fn drop(&mut self) { println!("{}", self.0); } } struct Issue9427FollowUp; impl Drop for Issue9427FollowUp { fn drop(&mut self) { panic!("side effect drop"); } } struct Issue9427Followup2 { ptr: *const (), } impl Issue9427Followup2 { fn from_owned(ptr: *const ()) -> Option<Self> { (!ptr.is_null()).then(|| Self { ptr }) } } impl Drop for Issue9427Followup2 { fn drop(&mut self) {} } struct Issue10437; impl Deref for Issue10437 { type Target = u32; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { println!("side effect deref"); &0 } } fn main() { let astronomers_pi = 10; let ext_arr: [usize; 1] = [2]; let ext_str = SomeStruct { some_field: 10 }; let mut opt = Some(42); let ext_opt = Some(42); let nested_opt = Some(Some(42)); let nested_tuple_opt = Some(Some((42, 43))); let cond = true; // Should lint - Option let _ = opt.unwrap_or_else(|| 2); let _ = opt.unwrap_or_else(|| astronomers_pi); let _ = opt.unwrap_or_else(|| ext_str.some_field); let _ = opt.unwrap_or_else(|| ext_arr[0]); let _ = opt.and_then(|_| ext_opt); let _ = opt.or_else(|| ext_opt); let _ = opt.or_else(|| None); let _ = opt.get_or_insert_with(|| 2); let _ = opt.ok_or_else(|| 2); let _ = nested_tuple_opt.unwrap_or_else(|| Some((1, 2))); let _ = cond.then(|| astronomers_pi); let _ = true.then(|| -> _ {}); let _ = true.then(|| {}); // Should lint - Builtin deref let r = &1; let _ = Some(1).unwrap_or_else(|| *r); let b = Box::new(1); let _ = Some(1).unwrap_or_else(|| *b); // Should lint - Builtin deref through autoderef let _ = Some(1).as_ref().unwrap_or_else(|| &r); let _ = Some(1).as_ref().unwrap_or_else(|| &b); // Cases when unwrap is not called on a simple variable let _ = Some(10).unwrap_or_else(|| 2); let _ = Some(10).and_then(|_| ext_opt); let _: Option<usize> = None.or_else(|| ext_opt); let _ = None.get_or_insert_with(|| 2); let _: Result<usize, usize> = None.ok_or_else(|| 2); let _: Option<usize> = None.or_else(|| None); let mut deep = Deep(Some(42)); let _ = deep.0.unwrap_or_else(|| 2); let _ = deep.0.and_then(|_| ext_opt); let _ = deep.0.or_else(|| None); let _ = deep.0.get_or_insert_with(|| 2); let _ = deep.0.ok_or_else(|| 2); // Should not lint - Option let _ = opt.unwrap_or_else(|| ext_str.return_some_field()); let _ = nested_opt.unwrap_or_else(|| Some(some_call())); let _ = nested_tuple_opt.unwrap_or_else(|| Some((some_call(), some_call()))); let _ = opt.or_else(some_call); let _ = opt.or_else(|| some_call()); let _: Result<usize, usize> = opt.ok_or_else(|| some_call()); let _: Result<usize, usize> = opt.ok_or_else(some_call); let _ = deep.0.get_or_insert_with(|| some_call()); let _ = deep.0.or_else(some_call); let _ = deep.0.or_else(|| some_call()); let _ = opt.ok_or_else(|| ext_arr[0]); let _ = Some(1).unwrap_or_else(|| *Issue10437); // Issue10437 has a deref impl let _ = Some(1).unwrap_or(*Issue10437); let _ = Some(1).as_ref().unwrap_or_else(|| &Issue10437); let _ = Some(1).as_ref().unwrap_or(&Issue10437); // Should not lint - bool let _ = (0 == 1).then(|| Issue9427(0)); // Issue9427 has a significant drop let _ = false.then(|| Issue9427FollowUp); // Issue9427FollowUp has a significant drop let _ = false.then(|| Issue9427Followup2 { ptr: std::ptr::null() }); // should not lint, bind_instead_of_map takes priority let _ = Some(10).and_then(|idx| Some(ext_arr[idx])); let _ = Some(10).and_then(|idx| Some(idx)); // should lint, bind_instead_of_map doesn't apply let _: Option<usize> = None.or_else(|| Some(3)); let _ = deep.0.or_else(|| Some(3)); let _ = opt.or_else(|| Some(3)); // Should lint - Result let res: Result<usize, usize> = Err(5); let res2: Result<usize, SomeStruct> = Err(SomeStruct { some_field: 5 }); let _ = res2.unwrap_or_else(|_| 2); let _ = res2.unwrap_or_else(|_| astronomers_pi); let _ = res2.unwrap_or_else(|_| ext_str.some_field); // Should not lint - Result let _ = res.unwrap_or_else(|err| err); let _ = res.unwrap_or_else(|err| ext_arr[err]); let _ = res2.unwrap_or_else(|err| err.some_field); let _ = res2.unwrap_or_else(|err| err.return_some_field()); let _ = res2.unwrap_or_else(|_| ext_str.return_some_field()); // should not lint, bind_instead_of_map takes priority let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.and_then(|x| Ok(x)); let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.or_else(|err| Err(err)); let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.and_then(|_| Ok(2)); let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.and_then(|_| Ok(astronomers_pi)); let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.and_then(|_| Ok(ext_str.some_field)); let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.or_else(|_| Err(2)); let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.or_else(|_| Err(astronomers_pi)); let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.or_else(|_| Err(ext_str.some_field)); // should lint, bind_instead_of_map doesn't apply let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.and_then(|_| Err(2)); let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.and_then(|_| Err(astronomers_pi)); let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.and_then(|_| Err(ext_str.some_field)); let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.or_else(|_| Ok(2)); let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.or_else(|_| Ok(astronomers_pi)); let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.or_else(|_| Ok(ext_str.some_field)); let _: Result<usize, usize> = res. // some lines // some lines // some lines // some lines // some lines // some lines or_else(|_| Ok(ext_str.some_field)); // neither bind_instead_of_map nor unnecessary_lazy_eval applies here let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.and_then(|x| Err(x)); let _: Result<usize, usize> = res.or_else(|err| Ok(err)); } #[allow(unused)] fn issue9485() { // should not lint, is in proc macro with_span!(span Some(42).unwrap_or_else(|| 2);); } fn issue9422(x: usize) -> Option<usize> { (x >= 5).then(|| x - 5) // (x >= 5).then_some(x - 5) // clippy suggestion panics } fn panicky_arithmetic_ops(x: usize, y: isize) { #![allow(clippy::identity_op, clippy::eq_op)] // See comments in `eager_or_lazy.rs` for the rules that this is meant to follow let _x = false.then(|| i32::MAX + 1); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| i32::MAX * 2); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| i32::MAX - 1); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| i32::MIN - 1); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| (1 + 2 * 3 - 2 / 3 + 9) << 2); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| 255u8 << 7); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| 255u8 << 8); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| 255u8 >> 8); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| 255u8 >> x); let _x = false.then(|| i32::MAX + -1); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| -i32::MAX); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| -i32::MIN); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| -y); let _x = false.then(|| 255 >> -7); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| 255 << -1); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| 1 / 0); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| x << -1); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| x << 2); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| x + x); let _x = false.then(|| x * x); let _x = false.then(|| x - x); let _x = false.then(|| x / x); let _x = false.then(|| x % x); let _x = false.then(|| x + 1); let _x = false.then(|| 1 + x); let _x = false.then(|| x / 0); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| x % 0); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| y / -1); let _x = false.then(|| 1 / -1); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| i32::MIN / -1); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| i32::MIN / x as i32); let _x = false.then(|| i32::MIN / 0); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| 4 / 2); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` let _x = false.then(|| 1 / x); // const eval doesn't read variables, but floating point math never panics, so we can still emit a // warning let f1 = 1.0; let f2 = 2.0; let _x = false.then(|| f1 + f2); //~^ ERROR: unnecessary closure used with `bool::then` }