use Context::*; use rustc_errors::{struct_span_err, Applicability}; use rustc_hir as hir; use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId; use rustc_hir::intravisit::{self, NestedVisitorMap, Visitor}; use rustc_hir::{Destination, Movability, Node}; use rustc_middle::hir::map::Map; use rustc_middle::ty::query::Providers; use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt; use rustc_session::Session; use rustc_span::Span; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] enum Context { Normal, Loop(hir::LoopSource), Closure(Span), AsyncClosure(Span), LabeledBlock, AnonConst, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct CheckLoopVisitor<'a, 'hir> { sess: &'a Session, hir_map: Map<'hir>, cx: Context, } fn check_mod_loops(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, module_def_id: DefId) { tcx.hir().visit_item_likes_in_module( module_def_id, &mut CheckLoopVisitor { sess: &tcx.sess, hir_map: tcx.hir(), cx: Normal }.as_deep_visitor(), ); } pub(crate) fn provide(providers: &mut Providers<'_>) { *providers = Providers { check_mod_loops, ..*providers }; } impl<'a, 'hir> Visitor<'hir> for CheckLoopVisitor<'a, 'hir> { type Map = Map<'hir>; fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> NestedVisitorMap { NestedVisitorMap::OnlyBodies(self.hir_map) } fn visit_anon_const(&mut self, c: &'hir hir::AnonConst) { self.with_context(AnonConst, |v| intravisit::walk_anon_const(v, c)); } fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &'hir hir::Expr<'hir>) { match e.kind { hir::ExprKind::Loop(ref b, _, source) => { self.with_context(Loop(source), |v| v.visit_block(&b)); } hir::ExprKind::Closure(_, ref function_decl, b, span, movability) => { let cx = if let Some(Movability::Static) = movability { AsyncClosure(span) } else { Closure(span) }; self.visit_fn_decl(&function_decl); self.with_context(cx, |v| v.visit_nested_body(b)); } hir::ExprKind::Block(ref b, Some(_label)) => { self.with_context(LabeledBlock, |v| v.visit_block(&b)); } hir::ExprKind::Break(label, ref opt_expr) => { if let Some(e) = opt_expr { self.visit_expr(e); } if self.require_label_in_labeled_block(e.span, &label, "break") { // If we emitted an error about an unlabeled break in a labeled // block, we don't need any further checking for this break any more return; } let loop_id = match label.target_id { Ok(loop_id) => Some(loop_id), Err(hir::LoopIdError::OutsideLoopScope) => None, Err(hir::LoopIdError::UnlabeledCfInWhileCondition) => { self.emit_unlabled_cf_in_while_condition(e.span, "break"); None } Err(hir::LoopIdError::UnresolvedLabel) => None, }; if let Some(loop_id) = loop_id { if let Node::Block(_) = self.hir_map.find(loop_id).unwrap() { return; } } if opt_expr.is_some() { let loop_kind = if let Some(loop_id) = loop_id { Some(match self.hir_map.expect_expr(loop_id).kind { hir::ExprKind::Loop(_, _, source) => source, ref r => { span_bug!(e.span, "break label resolved to a non-loop: {:?}", r) } }) } else { None }; match loop_kind { None | Some(hir::LoopSource::Loop) => (), Some(kind) => { struct_span_err!( self.sess, e.span, E0571, "`break` with value from a `{}` loop", ) .span_label( e.span, "can only break with a value inside \ `loop` or breakable block", ) .span_suggestion( e.span, &format!( "instead, use `break` on its own \ without a value inside this `{}` loop", ), "break".to_string(), Applicability::MaybeIncorrect, ) .emit(); } } } self.require_break_cx("break", e.span); } hir::ExprKind::Continue(destination) => { self.require_label_in_labeled_block(e.span, &destination, "continue"); match destination.target_id { Ok(loop_id) => { if let Node::Block(block) = self.hir_map.find(loop_id).unwrap() { struct_span_err!( self.sess, e.span, E0696, "`continue` pointing to a labeled block" ) .span_label(e.span, "labeled blocks cannot be `continue`'d") .span_label(block.span, "labeled block the `continue` points to") .emit(); } } Err(hir::LoopIdError::UnlabeledCfInWhileCondition) => { self.emit_unlabled_cf_in_while_condition(e.span, "continue"); } Err(_) => {} } self.require_break_cx("continue", e.span) } _ => intravisit::walk_expr(self, e), } } } impl<'a, 'hir> CheckLoopVisitor<'a, 'hir> { fn with_context(&mut self, cx: Context, f: F) where F: FnOnce(&mut CheckLoopVisitor<'a, 'hir>), { let old_cx =; = cx; f(self); = old_cx; } fn require_break_cx(&self, name: &str, span: Span) { let err_inside_of = |article, ty, closure_span| { struct_span_err!(self.sess, span, E0267, "`{}` inside of {} {}", name, article, ty) .span_label(span, format!("cannot `{}` inside of {} {}", name, article, ty)) .span_label(closure_span, &format!("enclosing {}", ty)) .emit(); }; match { LabeledBlock | Loop(_) => {} Closure(closure_span) => err_inside_of("a", "closure", closure_span), AsyncClosure(closure_span) => err_inside_of("an", "`async` block", closure_span), Normal | AnonConst => { struct_span_err!(self.sess, span, E0268, "`{}` outside of a loop", name) .span_label(span, format!("cannot `{}` outside of a loop", name)) .emit(); } } } fn require_label_in_labeled_block( &mut self, span: Span, label: &Destination, cf_type: &str, ) -> bool { if == LabeledBlock { if label.label.is_none() { struct_span_err!( self.sess, span, E0695, "unlabeled `{}` inside of a labeled block", cf_type ) .span_label( span, format!( "`{}` statements that would diverge to or through \ a labeled block need to bear a label", cf_type ), ) .emit(); return true; } } false } fn emit_unlabled_cf_in_while_condition(&mut self, span: Span, cf_type: &str) { struct_span_err!( self.sess, span, E0590, "`break` or `continue` with no label in the condition of a `while` loop" ) .span_label(span, format!("unlabeled `{}` in the condition of a `while` loop", cf_type)) .emit(); } }