import std._vec; import std._str; import std.option; import front.ast; import; import pp.abox; import pp.vbox; import pp.end; import pp.wrd; import; import pp.line; import; import foo =; const uint indent_unit = 2u; const int as_prec = 5; impure fn print_ast(ast._mod _mod, out) { auto s = pp.mkstate(out, 80u); for (@ast.view_item vitem in _mod.view_items) {print_view_item(s, vitem);} line(s); for (@ast.item item in _mod.items) {print_item(s, item);} } fn ty_to_str(&@ast.ty ty) -> str { auto writer =; print_type(pp.mkstate(writer.get_writer(), 0u), ty); ret writer.get_str(); } impure fn hbox(ps s) { pp.hbox(s, indent_unit); } impure fn wrd1(ps s, str word) { wrd(s, word); space(s); } impure fn popen(ps s) { wrd(s, "("); abox(s); } impure fn pclose(ps s) { end(s); wrd(s, ")"); } impure fn bopen(ps s) { wrd1(s, "{"); vbox(s, indent_unit); line(s); } impure fn bclose(ps s) { end(s); pp.cwrd(s, "}"); } impure fn commasep[IN](ps s, vec[IN] elts, impure fn (ps, IN) op) { auto first = true; for (IN elt in elts) { if (first) {first = false;} else {wrd1(s, ",");} op(s, elt); } } impure fn print_type(ps s, @ast.ty ty) { hbox(s); alt (ty.node) { case (ast.ty_nil) {wrd(s, "()");} case (ast.ty_bool) {wrd(s, "bool");} case (ast.ty_int) {wrd(s, "int");} case (ast.ty_uint) {wrd(s, "uint");} case (ast.ty_machine(?tm)) {wrd(s, util.common.ty_mach_to_str(tm));} case (ast.ty_char) {wrd(s, "char");} case (ast.ty_str) {wrd(s, "str");} case (ast.ty_box(?t)) {wrd(s, "@"); print_type(s, t);} case (ast.ty_vec(?t)) {wrd(s, "vec["); print_type(s, t); wrd(s, "]");} case (ast.ty_type) {wrd(s, "type");} case (ast.ty_tup(?elts)) { wrd(s, "tup"); popen(s); auto f = print_type; commasep[@ast.ty](s, elts, f); pclose(s); } case (ast.ty_rec(?fields)) { wrd(s, "rec"); popen(s); impure fn print_field(ps s, ast.ty_field f) { hbox(s); print_type(s, f.ty); space(s); wrd(s, f.ident); end(s); } auto f = print_field; commasep[ast.ty_field](s, fields, f); pclose(s); } case (ast.ty_obj(?methods)) { wrd1(s, "obj"); bopen(s); for (ast.ty_method m in methods) { hbox(s); print_ty_fn(s, m.proto, option.some[str](m.ident), m.inputs, m.output); wrd(s, ";"); end(s); line(s); } bclose(s); } case (ast.ty_fn(?proto,?inputs,?output)) { print_ty_fn(s, proto, option.none[str], inputs, output); } case (ast.ty_path(?path,_)) { print_path(s, path); } case (ast.ty_mutable(?t)) { wrd1(s, "mutable"); print_type(s, t); } } end(s); } impure fn print_item(ps s, @ast.item item) { hbox(s); alt (item.node) { case (ast.item_const(?id, ?ty, ?expr, _, _)) { wrd1(s, "const"); print_type(s, ty); space(s); wrd1(s, id); wrd1(s, "="); print_expr(s, expr); wrd(s, ";"); } case (ast.item_fn(?name,?_fn,?typarams,_,_)) { print_fn(s, _fn.decl, name, typarams); space(s); print_block(s, _fn.body); } case (ast.item_mod(?id,?_mod,_)) { wrd1(s, "mod"); wrd1(s, id); bopen(s); for (@ast.item itm in _mod.items) {print_item(s, itm);} bclose(s); } case (ast.item_native_mod(?id,?nmod,_)) { wrd1(s, "native"); alt (nmod.abi) { case (ast.native_abi_rust) {wrd1(s, "\"rust\"");} case (ast.native_abi_cdecl) {wrd1(s, "\"cdecl\"");} } wrd1(s, "mod"); wrd1(s, id); bopen(s); for (@ast.native_item item in nmod.items) { hbox(s); alt (item.node) { case (ast.native_item_ty(?id,_)) { wrd1(s, "type"); wrd(s, id); } case (ast.native_item_fn(?id,?decl,?typarams,_,_)) { print_fn(s, decl, id, typarams); } } wrd(s, ";"); end(s); } bclose(s); } case (ast.item_ty(?id,?ty,?params,_,_)) { wrd1(s, "type"); wrd(s, id); print_type_params(s, params); space(s); wrd1(s, "="); print_type(s, ty); wrd(s, ";"); } case (ast.item_tag(?id,?variants,?params,_)) { wrd1(s, "tag"); wrd(s, id); print_type_params(s, params); space(s); bopen(s); for (ast.variant v in variants) { wrd(s,; if (_vec.len[ast.variant_arg](v.args) > 0u) { popen(s); impure fn print_variant_arg(ps s, ast.variant_arg arg) { print_type(s, arg.ty); } auto f = print_variant_arg; commasep[ast.variant_arg](s, v.args, f); pclose(s); } wrd(s, ";"); line(s); } bclose(s); } case (ast.item_obj(?id,?_obj,?params,_,_)) { wrd1(s, "obj"); wrd(s, id); print_type_params(s, params); popen(s); impure fn print_field(ps s, ast.obj_field field) { hbox(s); print_type(s, field.ty); space(s); wrd(s, field.ident); end(s); } auto f = print_field; commasep[ast.obj_field](s, _obj.fields, f); pclose(s); space(s); bopen(s); for (@ast.method meth in _obj.methods) { hbox(s); let vec[ast.ty_param] typarams = vec(); print_fn(s, meth.node.meth.decl, meth.node.ident, typarams); space(s); print_block(s, meth.node.meth.body); end(s); line(s); } alt (_obj.dtor) { case (option.some[ast.block](?dtor)) { hbox(s); wrd1(s, "close"); print_block(s, dtor); end(s); line(s); } case (_) {} } bclose(s); } } end(s); line(s); line(s); } impure fn print_block(ps s, ast.block blk) { bopen(s); for (@ast.stmt st in blk.node.stmts) { alt (st.node) { case (ast.stmt_decl(?decl)) {print_decl(s, decl);} case (ast.stmt_expr(?expr)) {print_expr(s, expr);} } if (front.parser.stmt_ends_with_semi(st)) {wrd(s, ";");} line(s); } alt (blk.node.expr) { case (option.some[@ast.expr](?expr)) { print_expr(s, expr); line(s); } case (_) {} } bclose(s); } impure fn print_literal(ps s, @ast.lit lit) { alt (lit.node) { case (ast.lit_str(?st)) {print_string(s, st);} case (ast.lit_char(?ch)) { wrd(s, "'" + escape_str(_str.from_bytes(vec(ch as u8)), '\'') + "'"); } case (ast.lit_int(?val)) { wrd(s, util.common.istr(val)); } case (ast.lit_uint(?val)) { // TODO clipping? uistr? wrd(s, util.common.istr(val as int) + "u"); } case (ast.lit_mach_int(?mach,?val)) { wrd(s, util.common.istr(val as int)); wrd(s, util.common.ty_mach_to_str(mach)); } case (ast.lit_nil) {wrd(s, "()");} case (ast.lit_bool(?val)) { if (val) {wrd(s, "true");} else {wrd(s, "false");} } } } impure fn print_expr(ps s, @ast.expr expr) { auto pe = print_expr; hbox(s); alt (expr.node) { case (ast.expr_vec(?exprs,_)) { wrd(s, "vec"); popen(s); commasep[@ast.expr](s, exprs, pe); pclose(s); } case (ast.expr_tup(?exprs,_)) { impure fn printElt(ps s, ast.elt elt) { hbox(s); if (elt.mut == ast.mut) {wrd1(s, "mutable");} print_expr(s, elt.expr); end(s); } wrd(s, "tup"); popen(s); auto f = printElt; commasep[ast.elt](s, exprs, f); pclose(s); } case (ast.expr_rec(?fields,_,_)) { impure fn print_field(ps s, ast.field field) { hbox(s); if (field.mut == ast.mut) {wrd1(s, "mutable");} wrd(s, field.ident); wrd(s, "="); print_expr(s, field.expr); end(s); } wrd(s, "rec"); popen(s); auto f = print_field; commasep[ast.field](s, fields, f); pclose(s); } case (ast.expr_call(?func,?args,_)) { print_expr(s, func); popen(s); commasep[@ast.expr](s, args, pe); pclose(s); } case (ast.expr_bind(?func,?args,_)) { impure fn print_opt(ps s, option.t[@ast.expr] expr) { alt (expr) { case (option.some[@ast.expr](?expr)) { print_expr(s, expr); } case (_) {wrd(s, "_");} } } wrd1(s, "bind"); print_expr(s, func); popen(s); auto f = print_opt; commasep[option.t[@ast.expr]](s, args, f); pclose(s); } case (ast.expr_binary(?op,?lhs,?rhs,_)) { auto prec = operator_prec(op); print_maybe_parens(s, lhs, prec); space(s); wrd1(s, ast.binop_to_str(op)); print_maybe_parens(s, rhs, prec + 1); } case (ast.expr_unary(?op,?expr,_)) { wrd(s, ast.unop_to_str(op)); if (op == ast._mutable) {space(s);} print_expr(s, expr); } case (ast.expr_lit(?lit,_)) { print_literal(s, lit); } case (ast.expr_cast(?expr,?ty,_)) { print_maybe_parens(s, expr, as_prec); space(s); wrd1(s, "as"); print_type(s, ty); } case (ast.expr_if(?test,?block,?clauses,?_else,_)) { impure fn print_clause(ps s, @ast.expr test, ast.block blk) { wrd1(s, "if"); popen(s); print_expr(s, test); pclose(s); space(s); print_block(s, blk); } print_clause(s, test, block); for (tup(@ast.expr, ast.block) clause in clauses) { space(s); wrd1(s, "else"); print_clause(s, clause._0, clause._1); } alt (_else) { case (option.some[ast.block](?blk)) { space(s); wrd1(s, "else"); print_block(s, blk); } case (_) { /* fall through */ } } } case (ast.expr_while(?test,?block,_)) { wrd1(s, "while"); popen(s); print_expr(s, test); pclose(s); space(s); print_block(s, block); } case (ast.expr_for(?decl,?expr,?block,_)) { wrd1(s, "for"); popen(s); print_decl(s, decl); space(s); wrd1(s, "in"); print_expr(s, expr); pclose(s); space(s); print_block(s, block); } case (ast.expr_for_each(?decl,?expr,?block,_)) { wrd1(s, "for each"); popen(s); print_decl(s, decl); space(s); wrd1(s, "in"); print_expr(s, expr); space(s); print_block(s, block); } case (ast.expr_do_while(?block,?expr,_)) { wrd1(s, "do"); space(s); print_block(s, block); space(s); wrd1(s, "while"); popen(s); print_expr(s, expr); pclose(s); } case (ast.expr_alt(?expr,?arms,_)) { wrd1(s, "alt"); popen(s); print_expr(s, expr); pclose(s); space(s); bopen(s); for (ast.arm arm in arms) { hbox(s); wrd1(s, "case"); popen(s); print_pat(s, arm.pat); pclose(s); space(s); print_block(s, arm.block); end(s); line(s); } bclose(s); } case (ast.expr_block(?block,_)) { print_block(s, block); } case (ast.expr_assign(?lhs,?rhs,_)) { print_expr(s, lhs); space(s); wrd1(s, "="); print_expr(s, rhs); } case (ast.expr_assign_op(?op,?lhs,?rhs,_)) { print_expr(s, lhs); space(s); wrd(s, ast.binop_to_str(op)); wrd1(s, "="); print_expr(s, rhs); } case (ast.expr_field(?expr,?id,_)) { print_expr(s, expr); wrd(s, "."); wrd(s, id); } case (ast.expr_index(?expr,?index,_)) { print_expr(s, expr); wrd(s, "."); popen(s); print_expr(s, index); pclose(s); } case (ast.expr_path(?path,_,_)) { print_path(s, path); } case (ast.expr_fail) { wrd(s, "fail"); } case (ast.expr_ret(?result)) { wrd(s, "ret"); alt (result) { case (option.some[@ast.expr](?expr)) { space(s); print_expr(s, expr); } case (_) {} } } case (ast.expr_put(?result)) { wrd(s, "put"); alt (result) { case (option.some[@ast.expr](?expr)) { space(s); print_expr(s, expr); } case (_) {} } } case (ast.expr_be(?result)) { wrd1(s, "be"); print_expr(s, result); } case (ast.expr_log(?expr)) { wrd1(s, "log"); print_expr(s, expr); } case (ast.expr_check_expr(?expr)) { wrd1(s, "check"); print_expr(s, expr); } case (ast.expr_ext(?path, ?args, ?body, _, _)) { wrd(s, "#"); print_path(s, path); if (_vec.len[@ast.expr](args) > 0u) { popen(s); commasep[@ast.expr](s, args, pe); pclose(s); } // TODO: extension 'body' } } end(s); } impure fn print_decl(ps s, @ast.decl decl) { hbox(s); alt (decl.node) { case (ast.decl_local(?loc)) { alt (loc.ty) { case (option.some[@ast.ty](?ty)) { wrd1(s, "let"); print_type(s, ty); space(s); } case (_) { wrd1(s, "auto"); } } wrd(s, loc.ident); alt (loc.init) { case (option.some[@ast.expr](?init)) { space(s); wrd1(s, "="); print_expr(s, init); } case (_) {} } } case (ast.decl_item(?item)) { print_item(s, item); } } end(s); } impure fn print_path(ps s, ast.path path) { auto first = true; for (str id in path.node.idents) { if (first) {first = false;} else {wrd(s, ".");} wrd(s, id); } if (_vec.len[@ast.ty](path.node.types) > 0u) { wrd(s, "["); auto f = print_type; commasep[@ast.ty](s, path.node.types, f); wrd(s, "]"); } } impure fn print_pat(ps s, @ast.pat pat) { alt (pat.node) { case (ast.pat_wild(_)) {wrd(s, "_");} case (ast.pat_bind(?id,_,_)) {wrd(s, "?" + id);} case (ast.pat_lit(?lit,_)) {print_literal(s, lit);} case (ast.pat_tag(?path,?args,_,_)) { print_path(s, path); if (_vec.len[@ast.pat](args) > 0u) { popen(s); auto f = print_pat; commasep[@ast.pat](s, args, f); pclose(s); } } } } impure fn print_fn(ps s, ast.fn_decl decl, str name, vec[ast.ty_param] typarams) { alt (decl.effect) { case (ast.eff_impure) {wrd1(s, "impure");} case (ast.eff_unsafe) {wrd1(s, "unsafe");} case (_) {} } wrd1(s, "fn"); wrd(s, name); print_type_params(s, typarams); popen(s); impure fn print_arg(ps s, ast.arg x) { hbox(s); print_type(s, x.ty); space(s); wrd(s, x.ident); end(s); } auto f = print_arg; commasep[ast.arg](s, decl.inputs, f); pclose(s); if (decl.output.node != ast.ty_nil) { space(s); hbox(s); wrd1(s, "->"); print_type(s, decl.output); end(s); } } impure fn print_type_params(ps s, vec[ast.ty_param] params) { if (_vec.len[ast.ty_param](params) > 0u) { wrd(s, "["); impure fn printParam(ps s, ast.ty_param param) {wrd(s, param.ident);} auto f = printParam; commasep[ast.ty_param](s, params, f); wrd(s, "]"); } } impure fn print_view_item(ps s, @ast.view_item item) { hbox(s); alt (item.node) { case (ast.view_item_use(?id,?mta,_)) { wrd1(s, "use"); wrd(s, id); if (_vec.len[@ast.meta_item](mta) > 0u) { popen(s); impure fn print_meta(ps s, @ast.meta_item item) { hbox(s); wrd1(s,; wrd1(s, "="); print_string(s, item.node.value); end(s); } auto f = print_meta; commasep[@ast.meta_item](s, mta, f); pclose(s); } } case (ast.view_item_import(?id,?ids,_,_)) { wrd1(s, "import"); if (!_str.eq(id, ids.(_vec.len[str](ids)-1u))) { wrd1(s, id); wrd1(s, "="); } auto first = true; for (str elt in ids) { if (first) {first = false;} else {wrd(s, ".");} wrd(s, elt); } } case (ast.view_item_export(?id)) { wrd1(s, "export"); wrd(s, id); } } end(s); wrd(s, ";"); line(s); } // FIXME: The fact that this builds up the table anew for every call is // not good. Eventually, table should be a const. fn operator_prec(ast.binop op) -> int { for (front.parser.op_spec spec in front.parser.prec_table()) { if (spec.op == op) {ret spec.prec;} } fail; } impure fn print_maybe_parens(ps s, @ast.expr expr, int outer_prec) { auto add_them; alt (expr.node) { case (ast.expr_binary(?op,_,_,_)) { add_them = operator_prec(op) < outer_prec; } case (ast.expr_cast(_,_,_)) { add_them = as_prec < outer_prec; } case (_) { add_them = false; } } if (add_them) {popen(s);} print_expr(s, expr); if (add_them) {pclose(s);} } // TODO non-ascii fn escape_str(str st, char to_escape) -> str { let str out = ""; auto len = _str.byte_len(st); auto i = 0u; while (i < len) { alt (st.(i) as char) { case ('\n') {out += "\\n";} case ('\t') {out += "\\t";} case ('\r') {out += "\\r";} case ('\\') {out += "\\\\";} case (?cur) { if (cur == to_escape) {out += "\\";} out += cur as u8; } } i += 1u; } ret out; } impure fn print_string(ps s, str st) { wrd(s, "\""); wrd(s, escape_str(st, '"')); wrd(s, "\""); } impure fn print_ty_fn(ps s, ast.proto proto, option.t[str] id, vec[ast.ty_arg] inputs, @ast.ty output) { if (proto == ast.proto_fn) {wrd(s, "fn");} else {wrd(s, "iter");} alt (id) { case (option.some[str](?id)) {space(s); wrd(s, id);} case (_) {} } popen(s); impure fn print_arg(ps s, ast.ty_arg input) { if (middle.ty.mode_is_alias(input.mode)) {wrd(s, "&");} print_type(s, input.ty); } auto f = print_arg; commasep[ast.ty_arg](s, inputs, f); pclose(s); if (output.node != ast.ty_nil) { space(s); hbox(s); wrd1(s, "->"); print_type(s, output); end(s); } }