use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, Instant}; use std::convert::TryFrom; use crate::stacked_borrows::Tag; use crate::*; use helpers::{immty_from_int_checked, immty_from_uint_checked}; use thread::Time; /// Returns the time elapsed between the provided time and the unix epoch as a `Duration`. pub fn system_time_to_duration<'tcx>(time: &SystemTime) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Duration> { time.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .map_err(|_| err_unsup_format!("times before the Unix epoch are not supported").into()) } impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriEvalContext<'mir, 'tcx> {} pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> { fn clock_gettime( &mut self, clk_id_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>, tp_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, i32> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); this.assert_target_os("linux", "clock_gettime"); this.check_no_isolation("clock_gettime")?; let clk_id = this.read_scalar(clk_id_op)?.to_i32()?; let tp = this.deref_operand(tp_op)?; let duration = if clk_id == this.eval_libc_i32("CLOCK_REALTIME")? { system_time_to_duration(&SystemTime::now())? } else if clk_id == this.eval_libc_i32("CLOCK_MONOTONIC")? { // Absolute time does not matter, only relative time does, so we can just // use our own time anchor here. Instant::now().duration_since(this.machine.time_anchor) } else { let einval = this.eval_libc("EINVAL")?; this.set_last_error(einval)?; return Ok(-1); }; let tv_sec = duration.as_secs(); let tv_nsec = duration.subsec_nanos(); let imms = [ immty_from_int_checked(tv_sec, this.libc_ty_layout("time_t")?)?, immty_from_int_checked(tv_nsec, this.libc_ty_layout("c_long")?)?, ]; this.write_packed_immediates(tp, &imms)?; Ok(0) } fn gettimeofday( &mut self, tv_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>, tz_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, i32> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); this.assert_target_os("macos", "gettimeofday"); this.check_no_isolation("gettimeofday")?; // Using tz is obsolete and should always be null let tz = this.read_scalar(tz_op)?.check_init()?; if !this.is_null(tz)? { let einval = this.eval_libc("EINVAL")?; this.set_last_error(einval)?; return Ok(-1); } let tv = this.deref_operand(tv_op)?; let duration = system_time_to_duration(&SystemTime::now())?; let tv_sec = duration.as_secs(); let tv_usec = duration.subsec_micros(); let imms = [ immty_from_int_checked(tv_sec, this.libc_ty_layout("time_t")?)?, immty_from_int_checked(tv_usec, this.libc_ty_layout("suseconds_t")?)?, ]; this.write_packed_immediates(tv, &imms)?; Ok(0) } #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&mut self, LPFILETIME_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); this.assert_target_os("windows", "GetSystemTimeAsFileTime"); this.check_no_isolation("GetSystemTimeAsFileTime")?; let NANOS_PER_SEC = this.eval_windows_u64("time", "NANOS_PER_SEC")?; let INTERVALS_PER_SEC = this.eval_windows_u64("time", "INTERVALS_PER_SEC")?; let INTERVALS_TO_UNIX_EPOCH = this.eval_windows_u64("time", "INTERVALS_TO_UNIX_EPOCH")?; let NANOS_PER_INTERVAL = NANOS_PER_SEC / INTERVALS_PER_SEC; let SECONDS_TO_UNIX_EPOCH = INTERVALS_TO_UNIX_EPOCH / INTERVALS_PER_SEC; let duration = system_time_to_duration(&SystemTime::now())? + Duration::from_secs(SECONDS_TO_UNIX_EPOCH); let duration_ticks = u64::try_from(duration.as_nanos() / u128::from(NANOS_PER_INTERVAL)) .map_err(|_| err_unsup_format!("programs running more than 2^64 Windows ticks after the Windows epoch are not supported"))?; let dwLowDateTime = u32::try_from(duration_ticks & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF).unwrap(); let dwHighDateTime = u32::try_from((duration_ticks & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) >> 32).unwrap(); let DWORD_tylayout = this.machine.layouts.u32; let imms = [ immty_from_uint_checked(dwLowDateTime, DWORD_tylayout)?, immty_from_uint_checked(dwHighDateTime, DWORD_tylayout)?, ]; this.write_packed_immediates(this.deref_operand(LPFILETIME_op)?, &imms)?; Ok(()) } #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn QueryPerformanceCounter(&mut self, lpPerformanceCount_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'tcx, i32> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); this.assert_target_os("windows", "QueryPerformanceCounter"); this.check_no_isolation("QueryPerformanceCounter")?; // QueryPerformanceCounter uses a hardware counter as its basis. // Miri will emulate a counter with a resolution of 1 nanosecond. let duration = Instant::now().duration_since(this.machine.time_anchor); let qpc = i64::try_from(duration.as_nanos()) .map_err(|_| err_unsup_format!("programs running longer than 2^63 nanoseconds are not supported"))?; this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_i64(qpc), this.deref_operand(lpPerformanceCount_op)?.into())?; Ok(-1) // return non-zero on success } #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn QueryPerformanceFrequency(&mut self, lpFrequency_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'tcx, i32> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); this.assert_target_os("windows", "QueryPerformanceFrequency"); this.check_no_isolation("QueryPerformanceFrequency")?; // Retrieves the frequency of the hardware performance counter. // The frequency of the performance counter is fixed at system boot and // is consistent across all processors. // Miri emulates a "hardware" performance counter with a resolution of 1ns, // and thus 10^9 counts per second. this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_i64(1_000_000_000), this.deref_operand(lpFrequency_op)?.into())?; Ok(-1) // Return non-zero on success } fn mach_absolute_time(&self) -> InterpResult<'tcx, u64> { let this = self.eval_context_ref(); this.assert_target_os("macos", "mach_absolute_time"); this.check_no_isolation("mach_absolute_time")?; // This returns a u64, with time units determined dynamically by `mach_timebase_info`. // We return plain nanoseconds. let duration = Instant::now().duration_since(this.machine.time_anchor); u64::try_from(duration.as_nanos()) .map_err(|_| err_unsup_format!("programs running longer than 2^64 nanoseconds are not supported").into()) } fn mach_timebase_info(&mut self, info_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'tcx, i32> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); this.assert_target_os("macos", "mach_timebase_info"); this.check_no_isolation("mach_timebase_info")?; let info = this.deref_operand(info_op)?; // Since our emulated ticks in `mach_absolute_time` *are* nanoseconds, // no scaling needs to happen. let (numer, denom) = (1,1); let imms = [ immty_from_int_checked(numer, this.machine.layouts.u32)?, immty_from_int_checked(denom, this.machine.layouts.u32)? ]; this.write_packed_immediates(info, &imms)?; Ok(0) // KERN_SUCCESS } fn nanosleep( &mut self, req_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>, _rem: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, i32> { // Signal handlers are not supported, so rem will never be written to. let this = self.eval_context_mut(); this.check_no_isolation("nanosleep")?; let duration = match this.read_timespec(req_op)? { Some(duration) => duration, None => { let einval = this.eval_libc("EINVAL")?; this.set_last_error(einval)?; return Ok(-1); } }; let timeout_time = Time::Monotonic(Instant::now().checked_add(duration).unwrap()); let active_thread = this.get_active_thread(); this.block_thread(active_thread); this.register_timeout_callback( active_thread, timeout_time, Box::new(move |ecx| { ecx.unblock_thread(active_thread); Ok(()) }), ); Ok(0) } }