#[macro_export] macro_rules! bug { () => ( $crate::bug!("impossible case reached") ); ($msg:expr) => ({ $crate::util::bug::bug_fmt(::std::format_args!($msg)) }); ($msg:expr,) => ({ $crate::bug!($msg) }); ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => ({ $crate::util::bug::bug_fmt(::std::format_args!($fmt, $($arg)+)) }); } #[macro_export] macro_rules! span_bug { ($span:expr, $msg:expr) => ({ $crate::util::bug::span_bug_fmt($span, ::std::format_args!($msg)) }); ($span:expr, $msg:expr,) => ({ $crate::span_bug!($span, $msg) }); ($span:expr, $fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => ({ $crate::util::bug::span_bug_fmt($span, ::std::format_args!($fmt, $($arg)+)) }); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Lift and TypeFoldable macros // // When possible, use one of these (relatively) convenient macros to write // the impls for you. #[macro_export] macro_rules! CloneLiftImpls { (for <$tcx:lifetime> { $($ty:ty,)+ }) => { $( impl<$tcx> $crate::ty::Lift<$tcx> for $ty { type Lifted = Self; fn lift_to_tcx(self, _: $crate::ty::TyCtxt<$tcx>) -> Option { Some(self) } } )+ }; ($($ty:ty,)+) => { CloneLiftImpls! { for <'tcx> { $($ty,)+ } } }; } /// Used for types that are `Copy` and which **do not care arena /// allocated data** (i.e., don't need to be folded). #[macro_export] macro_rules! TrivialTypeFoldableImpls { (for <$tcx:lifetime> { $($ty:ty,)+ }) => { $( impl<$tcx> $crate::ty::fold::TypeFoldable<$tcx> for $ty { fn try_fold_with>( self, _: &mut F ) -> ::std::result::Result<$ty, F::Error> { Ok(self) } fn visit_with>( &self, _: &mut F) -> ::std::ops::ControlFlow { ::std::ops::ControlFlow::CONTINUE } } )+ }; ($($ty:ty,)+) => { TrivialTypeFoldableImpls! { for <'tcx> { $($ty,)+ } } }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! TrivialTypeFoldableAndLiftImpls { ($($t:tt)*) => { TrivialTypeFoldableImpls! { $($t)* } CloneLiftImpls! { $($t)* } } } #[macro_export] macro_rules! EnumTypeFoldableImpl { (impl<$($p:tt),*> TypeFoldable<$tcx:tt> for $s:path { $($variants:tt)* } $(where $($wc:tt)*)*) => { impl<$($p),*> $crate::ty::fold::TypeFoldable<$tcx> for $s $(where $($wc)*)* { fn try_fold_with>( self, folder: &mut V, ) -> ::std::result::Result { EnumTypeFoldableImpl!(@FoldVariants(self, folder) input($($variants)*) output()) } fn visit_with>( &self, visitor: &mut V, ) -> ::std::ops::ControlFlow { EnumTypeFoldableImpl!(@VisitVariants(self, visitor) input($($variants)*) output()) } } }; (@FoldVariants($this:expr, $folder:expr) input() output($($output:tt)*)) => { Ok(match $this { $($output)* }) }; (@FoldVariants($this:expr, $folder:expr) input( ($variant:path) ( $($variant_arg:ident),* ) , $($input:tt)*) output( $($output:tt)*) ) => { EnumTypeFoldableImpl!( @FoldVariants($this, $folder) input($($input)*) output( $variant ( $($variant_arg),* ) => { $variant ( $($crate::ty::fold::TypeFoldable::try_fold_with($variant_arg, $folder)?),* ) } $($output)* ) ) }; (@FoldVariants($this:expr, $folder:expr) input( ($variant:path) { $($variant_arg:ident),* $(,)? } , $($input:tt)*) output( $($output:tt)*) ) => { EnumTypeFoldableImpl!( @FoldVariants($this, $folder) input($($input)*) output( $variant { $($variant_arg),* } => { $variant { $($variant_arg: $crate::ty::fold::TypeFoldable::fold_with( $variant_arg, $folder )?),* } } $($output)* ) ) }; (@FoldVariants($this:expr, $folder:expr) input( ($variant:path), $($input:tt)*) output( $($output:tt)*) ) => { EnumTypeFoldableImpl!( @FoldVariants($this, $folder) input($($input)*) output( $variant => { $variant } $($output)* ) ) }; (@VisitVariants($this:expr, $visitor:expr) input() output($($output:tt)*)) => { match $this { $($output)* } }; (@VisitVariants($this:expr, $visitor:expr) input( ($variant:path) ( $($variant_arg:ident),* ) , $($input:tt)*) output( $($output:tt)*) ) => { EnumTypeFoldableImpl!( @VisitVariants($this, $visitor) input($($input)*) output( $variant ( $($variant_arg),* ) => { $($crate::ty::fold::TypeFoldable::visit_with( $variant_arg, $visitor )?;)* ::std::ops::ControlFlow::CONTINUE } $($output)* ) ) }; (@VisitVariants($this:expr, $visitor:expr) input( ($variant:path) { $($variant_arg:ident),* $(,)? } , $($input:tt)*) output( $($output:tt)*) ) => { EnumTypeFoldableImpl!( @VisitVariants($this, $visitor) input($($input)*) output( $variant { $($variant_arg),* } => { $($crate::ty::fold::TypeFoldable::visit_with( $variant_arg, $visitor )?;)* ::std::ops::ControlFlow::CONTINUE } $($output)* ) ) }; (@VisitVariants($this:expr, $visitor:expr) input( ($variant:path), $($input:tt)*) output( $($output:tt)*) ) => { EnumTypeFoldableImpl!( @VisitVariants($this, $visitor) input($($input)*) output( $variant => { ::std::ops::ControlFlow::CONTINUE } $($output)* ) ) }; }