// Code that generates a test runner to run all the tests in a crate use syntax::{ast, ast_util}; use syntax::ast_util::*; //import syntax::ast_util::dummy_sp; use syntax::fold; use syntax::print::pprust; use syntax::codemap::span; use driver::session; use session::session; use syntax::attr; use dvec::DVec; export modify_for_testing; type node_id_gen = fn@() -> ast::node_id; type test = {span: span, path: ~[ast::ident], ignore: bool, should_fail: bool}; type test_ctxt = @{sess: session::session, crate: @ast::crate, mut path: ~[ast::ident], testfns: DVec}; // Traverse the crate, collecting all the test functions, eliding any // existing main functions, and synthesizing a main test harness fn modify_for_testing(sess: session::session, crate: @ast::crate) -> @ast::crate { if sess.opts.test { generate_test_harness(sess, crate) } else { strip_test_functions(crate) } } fn generate_test_harness(sess: session::session, crate: @ast::crate) -> @ast::crate { let cx: test_ctxt = @{sess: sess, crate: crate, mut path: ~[], testfns: DVec()}; let precursor = @{fold_crate: fold::wrap(|a,b| fold_crate(cx, a, b) ), fold_item: |a,b| fold_item(cx, a, b), fold_mod: |a,b| fold_mod(cx, a, b),.. *fold::default_ast_fold()}; let fold = fold::make_fold(precursor); let res = @fold.fold_crate(*crate); return res; } fn strip_test_functions(crate: @ast::crate) -> @ast::crate { // When not compiling with --test we should not compile the // #[test] functions do config::strip_items(crate) |attrs| { !attr::contains_name(attr::attr_metas(attrs), ~"test") } } fn fold_mod(cx: test_ctxt, m: ast::_mod, fld: fold::ast_fold) -> ast::_mod { // Remove any defined main function from the AST so it doesn't clash with // the one we're going to add. // FIXME (#2403): This is sloppy. Instead we should have some mechanism to // indicate to the translation pass which function we want to be main. fn nomain(cx: test_ctxt, item: @ast::item) -> Option<@ast::item> { match item.node { ast::item_fn(*) => { if item.ident == cx.sess.ident_of(~"main") { option::None } else { option::Some(item) } } _ => option::Some(item) } } let mod_nomain = {view_items: m.view_items, items: vec::filter_map(m.items, |i| nomain(cx, *i))}; return fold::noop_fold_mod(mod_nomain, fld); } fn fold_crate(cx: test_ctxt, c: ast::crate_, fld: fold::ast_fold) -> ast::crate_ { let folded = fold::noop_fold_crate(c, fld); // Add a special __test module to the crate that will contain code // generated for the test harness return {module: add_test_module(cx, folded.module),.. folded}; } fn fold_item(cx: test_ctxt, &&i: @ast::item, fld: fold::ast_fold) -> Option<@ast::item> { cx.path.push(i.ident); debug!("current path: %s", ast_util::path_name_i(cx.path, cx.sess.parse_sess.interner)); if is_test_fn(i) { match i.node { ast::item_fn(_, purity, _, _) if purity == ast::unsafe_fn => { cx.sess.span_fatal( i.span, ~"unsafe functions cannot be used for tests"); } _ => { debug!("this is a test function"); let test = {span: i.span, path: cx.path, ignore: is_ignored(cx, i), should_fail: should_fail(i)}; cx.testfns.push(test); debug!("have %u test functions", cx.testfns.len()); } } } let res = fold::noop_fold_item(i, fld); cx.path.pop(); return res; } fn is_test_fn(i: @ast::item) -> bool { let has_test_attr = vec::len(attr::find_attrs_by_name(i.attrs, ~"test")) > 0u; fn has_test_signature(i: @ast::item) -> bool { match i.node { ast::item_fn(decl, _, tps, _) => { let input_cnt = vec::len(decl.inputs); let no_output = match decl.output.node { ast::ty_nil => true, _ => false }; let tparm_cnt = vec::len(tps); input_cnt == 0u && no_output && tparm_cnt == 0u } _ => false } } return has_test_attr && has_test_signature(i); } fn is_ignored(cx: test_ctxt, i: @ast::item) -> bool { let ignoreattrs = attr::find_attrs_by_name(i.attrs, ~"ignore"); let ignoreitems = attr::attr_metas(ignoreattrs); let cfg_metas = vec::concat(vec::filter_map(ignoreitems, |i| attr::get_meta_item_list(*i))); return if vec::is_not_empty(ignoreitems) { config::metas_in_cfg(cx.crate.node.config, cfg_metas) } else { false } } fn should_fail(i: @ast::item) -> bool { vec::len(attr::find_attrs_by_name(i.attrs, ~"should_fail")) > 0u } fn add_test_module(cx: test_ctxt, m: ast::_mod) -> ast::_mod { let testmod = mk_test_module(cx); return {items: vec::append_one(m.items, testmod),.. m}; } /* We're going to be building a module that looks more or less like: mod __test { #[legacy_exports]; fn main(args: ~[str]) -> int { std::test::test_main(args, tests()) } fn tests() -> ~[std::test::test_desc] { ... the list of tests in the crate ... } } */ fn mk_test_module(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::item { // A function that generates a vector of test descriptors to feed to the // test runner let testsfn = mk_tests(cx); // The synthesized main function which will call the console test runner // with our list of tests let mainfn = mk_main(cx); let testmod: ast::_mod = {view_items: ~[], items: ~[mainfn, testsfn]}; let item_ = ast::item_mod(testmod); // This attribute tells resolve to let us call unexported functions let resolve_unexported_attr = attr::mk_attr(attr::mk_word_item(~"!resolve_unexported")); let item: ast::item = {ident: cx.sess.ident_of(~"__test"), attrs: ~[resolve_unexported_attr], id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: item_, vis: ast::public, span: dummy_sp()}; debug!("Synthetic test module:\n%s\n", pprust::item_to_str(@item, cx.sess.intr())); return @item; } fn nospan(t: T) -> ast::spanned { return {node: t, span: dummy_sp()}; } fn path_node(ids: ~[ast::ident]) -> @ast::path { @{span: dummy_sp(), global: false, idents: ids, rp: None, types: ~[]} } fn mk_tests(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::item { let ret_ty = mk_test_desc_vec_ty(cx); let decl: ast::fn_decl = {inputs: ~[], output: ret_ty, cf: ast::return_val}; // The vector of test_descs for this crate let test_descs = mk_test_desc_vec(cx); let body_: ast::blk_ = default_block(~[], option::Some(test_descs), cx.sess.next_node_id()); let body = nospan(body_); let item_ = ast::item_fn(decl, ast::impure_fn, ~[], body); let item: ast::item = {ident: cx.sess.ident_of(~"tests"), attrs: ~[], id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: item_, vis: ast::public, span: dummy_sp()}; return @item; } fn mk_path(cx: test_ctxt, path: ~[ast::ident]) -> ~[ast::ident] { // For tests that are inside of std we don't want to prefix // the paths with std:: let is_std = { let items = attr::find_linkage_metas(cx.crate.node.attrs); match attr::last_meta_item_value_str_by_name(items, ~"name") { Some(~"std") => true, _ => false } }; if is_std { path } else { vec::append(~[cx.sess.ident_of(~"std")], path) } } // The ast::ty of ~[std::test::test_desc] fn mk_test_desc_vec_ty(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::ty { let test_desc_ty_path = path_node(mk_path(cx, ~[cx.sess.ident_of(~"test"), cx.sess.ident_of(~"TestDesc")])); let test_desc_ty: ast::ty = {id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::ty_path(test_desc_ty_path, cx.sess.next_node_id()), span: dummy_sp()}; let vec_mt: ast::mt = {ty: @test_desc_ty, mutbl: ast::m_imm}; let inner_ty = @{id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::ty_vec(vec_mt), span: dummy_sp()}; return @{id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::ty_uniq({ty: inner_ty, mutbl: ast::m_imm}), span: dummy_sp()}; } fn mk_test_desc_vec(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::expr { debug!("building test vector from %u tests", cx.testfns.len()); let mut descs = ~[]; for cx.testfns.each |test| { descs.push(mk_test_desc_rec(cx, *test)); } let inner_expr = @{id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::expr_vec(descs, ast::m_imm), span: dummy_sp()}; return @{id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::expr_vstore(inner_expr, ast::expr_vstore_uniq), span: dummy_sp()}; } fn mk_test_desc_rec(cx: test_ctxt, test: test) -> @ast::expr { let span = test.span; let path = test.path; debug!("encoding %s", ast_util::path_name_i(path, cx.sess.parse_sess.interner)); let name_lit: ast::lit = nospan(ast::lit_str(@ast_util::path_name_i(path, cx.sess.parse_sess .interner))); let name_expr_inner: @ast::expr = @{id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::expr_lit(@name_lit), span: span}; let name_expr = {id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::expr_vstore(name_expr_inner, ast::expr_vstore_uniq), span: dummy_sp()}; let name_field: ast::field = nospan({mutbl: ast::m_imm, ident: cx.sess.ident_of(~"name"), expr: @name_expr}); let fn_path = path_node(path); let fn_expr: ast::expr = {id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::expr_path(fn_path), span: span}; let fn_wrapper_expr = mk_test_wrapper(cx, fn_expr, span); let fn_field: ast::field = nospan({mutbl: ast::m_imm, ident: cx.sess.ident_of(~"testfn"), expr: fn_wrapper_expr}); let ignore_lit: ast::lit = nospan(ast::lit_bool(test.ignore)); let ignore_expr: ast::expr = {id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::expr_lit(@ignore_lit), span: span}; let ignore_field: ast::field = nospan({mutbl: ast::m_imm, ident: cx.sess.ident_of(~"ignore"), expr: @ignore_expr}); let fail_lit: ast::lit = nospan(ast::lit_bool(test.should_fail)); let fail_expr: ast::expr = {id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::expr_lit(@fail_lit), span: span}; let fail_field: ast::field = nospan({mutbl: ast::m_imm, ident: cx.sess.ident_of(~"should_fail"), expr: @fail_expr}); let desc_rec_: ast::expr_ = ast::expr_rec(~[name_field, fn_field, ignore_field, fail_field], option::None); let desc_rec: ast::expr = {id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: desc_rec_, span: span}; return @desc_rec; } // Produces a bare function that wraps the test function // FIXME (#1281): This can go away once fn is the type of bare function. fn mk_test_wrapper(cx: test_ctxt, fn_path_expr: ast::expr, span: span) -> @ast::expr { let call_expr: ast::expr = { id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::expr_call(@fn_path_expr, ~[], false), span: span }; let call_stmt: ast::stmt = nospan( ast::stmt_semi(@call_expr, cx.sess.next_node_id())); let wrapper_decl: ast::fn_decl = { inputs: ~[], output: @{id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::ty_nil, span: span}, cf: ast::return_val }; let wrapper_body: ast::blk = nospan({ view_items: ~[], stmts: ~[@call_stmt], expr: option::None, id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), rules: ast::default_blk }); let wrapper_expr: ast::expr = { id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::expr_fn(ast::proto_bare, wrapper_decl, wrapper_body, @~[]), span: span }; return @wrapper_expr; } fn mk_main(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::item { let str_pt = path_node(~[cx.sess.ident_of(~"str")]); let str_ty_inner = @{id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::ty_path(str_pt, cx.sess.next_node_id()), span: dummy_sp()}; let str_ty = @{id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::ty_uniq({ty: str_ty_inner, mutbl: ast::m_imm}), span: dummy_sp()}; let args_mt = {ty: str_ty, mutbl: ast::m_imm}; let args_ty_inner = @{id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::ty_vec(args_mt), span: dummy_sp()}; let args_ty = {id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::ty_uniq({ty: args_ty_inner, mutbl: ast::m_imm}), span: dummy_sp()}; let args_arg: ast::arg = {mode: ast::expl(ast::by_val), ty: @args_ty, ident: cx.sess.ident_of(~"args"), id: cx.sess.next_node_id()}; let ret_ty = {id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::ty_nil, span: dummy_sp()}; let decl: ast::fn_decl = {inputs: ~[args_arg], output: @ret_ty, cf: ast::return_val}; let test_main_call_expr = mk_test_main_call(cx); let body_: ast::blk_ = default_block(~[], option::Some(test_main_call_expr), cx.sess.next_node_id()); let body = {node: body_, span: dummy_sp()}; let item_ = ast::item_fn(decl, ast::impure_fn, ~[], body); let item: ast::item = {ident: cx.sess.ident_of(~"main"), attrs: ~[], id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: item_, vis: ast::public, span: dummy_sp()}; return @item; } fn mk_test_main_call(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::expr { // Get the args passed to main so we can pass the to test_main let args_path = path_node(~[cx.sess.ident_of(~"args")]); let args_path_expr_: ast::expr_ = ast::expr_path(args_path); let args_path_expr: ast::expr = {id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: args_path_expr_, span: dummy_sp()}; // Call __test::test to generate the vector of test_descs let test_path = path_node(~[cx.sess.ident_of(~"tests")]); let test_path_expr_: ast::expr_ = ast::expr_path(test_path); let test_path_expr: ast::expr = {id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: test_path_expr_, span: dummy_sp()}; let test_call_expr_ = ast::expr_call(@test_path_expr, ~[], false); let test_call_expr: ast::expr = {id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: test_call_expr_, span: dummy_sp()}; // Call std::test::test_main let test_main_path = path_node( mk_path(cx, ~[cx.sess.ident_of(~"test"), cx.sess.ident_of(~"test_main")])); let test_main_path_expr_: ast::expr_ = ast::expr_path(test_main_path); let test_main_path_expr: ast::expr = {id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: test_main_path_expr_, span: dummy_sp()}; let test_main_call_expr_: ast::expr_ = ast::expr_call(@test_main_path_expr, ~[@args_path_expr, @test_call_expr], false); let test_main_call_expr: ast::expr = {id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), callee_id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: test_main_call_expr_, span: dummy_sp()}; return @test_main_call_expr; } // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // End: