//! utils used in proc-macro tests use crate::dylib; use crate::ProcMacroSrv; use expect_test::Expect; use std::str::FromStr; pub mod fixtures { pub fn proc_macro_test_dylib_path() -> std::path::PathBuf { proc_macro_test::PROC_MACRO_TEST_LOCATION.into() } } fn parse_string(code: &str) -> Option { // This is a bit strange. We need to parse a string into a token stream into // order to create a tt::SubTree from it in fixtures. `into_subtree` is // implemented by all the ABIs we have so we arbitrarily choose one ABI to // write a `parse_string` function for and use that. The tests don't really // care which ABI we're using as the `into_subtree` function isn't part of // the ABI and shouldn't change between ABI versions. crate::abis::TestTokenStream::from_str(code).ok() } pub fn assert_expand(macro_name: &str, ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { assert_expand_impl(macro_name, ra_fixture, None, expect); } pub fn assert_expand_attr(macro_name: &str, ra_fixture: &str, attr_args: &str, expect: Expect) { assert_expand_impl(macro_name, ra_fixture, Some(attr_args), expect); } fn assert_expand_impl(macro_name: &str, input: &str, attr: Option<&str>, expect: Expect) { let path = fixtures::proc_macro_test_dylib_path(); let expander = dylib::Expander::new(&path).unwrap(); let fixture = parse_string(input).unwrap(); let attr = attr.map(|attr| parse_string(attr).unwrap().into_subtree()); let res = expander.expand(macro_name, &fixture.into_subtree(), attr.as_ref()).unwrap(); expect.assert_eq(&format!("{:?}", res)); } pub(crate) fn list() -> Vec { let dylib_path = fixtures::proc_macro_test_dylib_path(); let mut srv = ProcMacroSrv::default(); let res = srv.list_macros(&dylib_path).unwrap(); res.into_iter().map(|(name, kind)| format!("{} [{:?}]", name, kind)).collect() }