use std::mem; use rustc_ast::attr; use rustc_ast::ptr::P; use rustc_ast::visit::{self, Visitor}; use rustc_ast::{self as ast, NodeId}; use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust; use rustc_expand::base::{parse_macro_name_and_helper_attrs, ExtCtxt, ResolverExpand}; use rustc_expand::expand::{AstFragment, ExpansionConfig}; use rustc_session::Session; use rustc_span::hygiene::AstPass; use rustc_span::source_map::SourceMap; use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, sym, Ident, Symbol}; use rustc_span::{Span, DUMMY_SP}; use smallvec::smallvec; struct ProcMacroDerive { id: NodeId, trait_name: Symbol, function_name: Ident, span: Span, attrs: Vec, } enum ProcMacroDefType { Attr, Bang, } struct ProcMacroDef { id: NodeId, function_name: Ident, span: Span, def_type: ProcMacroDefType, } enum ProcMacro { Derive(ProcMacroDerive), Def(ProcMacroDef), } struct CollectProcMacros<'a> { sess: &'a Session, macros: Vec, in_root: bool, handler: &'a rustc_errors::Handler, source_map: &'a SourceMap, is_proc_macro_crate: bool, is_test_crate: bool, } pub fn inject( sess: &Session, resolver: &mut dyn ResolverExpand, mut krate: ast::Crate, is_proc_macro_crate: bool, has_proc_macro_decls: bool, is_test_crate: bool, num_crate_types: usize, handler: &rustc_errors::Handler, ) -> ast::Crate { let ecfg = ExpansionConfig::default("proc_macro".to_string()); let mut cx = ExtCtxt::new(sess, ecfg, resolver, None); let mut collect = CollectProcMacros { sess, macros: Vec::new(), in_root: true, handler, source_map: sess.source_map(), is_proc_macro_crate, is_test_crate, }; if has_proc_macro_decls || is_proc_macro_crate { visit::walk_crate(&mut collect, &krate); } let macros = collect.macros; if !is_proc_macro_crate { return krate; } if num_crate_types > 1 { handler.err("cannot mix `proc-macro` crate type with others"); } if is_test_crate { return krate; } let decls = mk_decls(&mut cx, ¯os); krate.items.push(decls); krate } impl<'a> CollectProcMacros<'a> { fn check_not_pub_in_root(&self, vis: &ast::Visibility, sp: Span) { if self.is_proc_macro_crate && self.in_root && vis.kind.is_pub() { self.handler.span_err( sp, "`proc-macro` crate types currently cannot export any items other \ than functions tagged with `#[proc_macro]`, `#[proc_macro_derive]`, \ or `#[proc_macro_attribute]`", ); } } fn collect_custom_derive(&mut self, item: &'a ast::Item, attr: &'a ast::Attribute) { let (trait_name, proc_attrs) = match parse_macro_name_and_helper_attrs(self.handler, attr, "derive") { Some(name_and_attrs) => name_and_attrs, None => return, }; if self.in_root && item.vis.kind.is_pub() { self.macros.push(ProcMacro::Derive(ProcMacroDerive { id:, span: item.span, trait_name, function_name: item.ident, attrs: proc_attrs, })); } else { let msg = if !self.in_root { "functions tagged with `#[proc_macro_derive]` must \ currently reside in the root of the crate" } else { "functions tagged with `#[proc_macro_derive]` must be `pub`" }; self.handler.span_err(self.source_map.guess_head_span(item.span), msg); } } fn collect_attr_proc_macro(&mut self, item: &'a ast::Item) { if self.in_root && item.vis.kind.is_pub() { self.macros.push(ProcMacro::Def(ProcMacroDef { id:, span: item.span, function_name: item.ident, def_type: ProcMacroDefType::Attr, })); } else { let msg = if !self.in_root { "functions tagged with `#[proc_macro_attribute]` must \ currently reside in the root of the crate" } else { "functions tagged with `#[proc_macro_attribute]` must be `pub`" }; self.handler.span_err(self.source_map.guess_head_span(item.span), msg); } } fn collect_bang_proc_macro(&mut self, item: &'a ast::Item) { if self.in_root && item.vis.kind.is_pub() { self.macros.push(ProcMacro::Def(ProcMacroDef { id:, span: item.span, function_name: item.ident, def_type: ProcMacroDefType::Bang, })); } else { let msg = if !self.in_root { "functions tagged with `#[proc_macro]` must \ currently reside in the root of the crate" } else { "functions tagged with `#[proc_macro]` must be `pub`" }; self.handler.span_err(self.source_map.guess_head_span(item.span), msg); } } } impl<'a> Visitor<'a> for CollectProcMacros<'a> { fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &'a ast::Item) { if let ast::ItemKind::MacroDef(..) = item.kind { if self.is_proc_macro_crate && self.sess.contains_name(&item.attrs, sym::macro_export) { let msg = "cannot export macro_rules! macros from a `proc-macro` crate type currently"; self.handler.span_err(self.source_map.guess_head_span(item.span), msg); } } // First up, make sure we're checking a bare function. If we're not then // we're just not interested in this item. // // If we find one, try to locate a `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute on it. let is_fn = matches!(item.kind, ast::ItemKind::Fn(..)); let mut found_attr: Option<&'a ast::Attribute> = None; for attr in &item.attrs { if self.sess.is_proc_macro_attr(&attr) { if let Some(prev_attr) = found_attr { let prev_item = prev_attr.get_normal_item(); let item = attr.get_normal_item(); let path_str = pprust::path_to_string(&item.path); let msg = if item.path.segments[0] == prev_item.path.segments[0] { format!( "only one `#[{}]` attribute is allowed on any given function", path_str, ) } else { format!( "`#[{}]` and `#[{}]` attributes cannot both be applied to the same function", path_str, pprust::path_to_string(&prev_item.path), ) }; self.handler .struct_span_err(attr.span, &msg) .span_label(prev_attr.span, "previous attribute here") .emit(); return; } found_attr = Some(attr); } } let attr = match found_attr { None => { self.check_not_pub_in_root(&item.vis, self.source_map.guess_head_span(item.span)); let prev_in_root = mem::replace(&mut self.in_root, false); visit::walk_item(self, item); self.in_root = prev_in_root; return; } Some(attr) => attr, }; if !is_fn { let msg = format!( "the `#[{}]` attribute may only be used on bare functions", pprust::path_to_string(&attr.get_normal_item().path), ); self.handler.span_err(attr.span, &msg); return; } if self.is_test_crate { return; } if !self.is_proc_macro_crate { let msg = format!( "the `#[{}]` attribute is only usable with crates of the `proc-macro` crate type", pprust::path_to_string(&attr.get_normal_item().path), ); self.handler.span_err(attr.span, &msg); return; } if attr.has_name(sym::proc_macro_derive) { self.collect_custom_derive(item, attr); } else if attr.has_name(sym::proc_macro_attribute) { self.collect_attr_proc_macro(item); } else if attr.has_name(sym::proc_macro) { self.collect_bang_proc_macro(item); }; let prev_in_root = mem::replace(&mut self.in_root, false); visit::walk_item(self, item); self.in_root = prev_in_root; } } // Creates a new module which looks like: // // const _: () = { // extern crate proc_macro; // // use proc_macro::bridge::client::ProcMacro; // // #[rustc_proc_macro_decls] // #[allow(deprecated)] // static DECLS: &[ProcMacro] = &[ // ProcMacro::custom_derive($name_trait1, &[], ::$name1); // ProcMacro::custom_derive($name_trait2, &["attribute_name"], ::$name2); // // ... // ]; // } fn mk_decls(cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>, macros: &[ProcMacro]) -> P { let expn_id = cx.resolver.expansion_for_ast_pass( DUMMY_SP, AstPass::ProcMacroHarness, &[sym::rustc_attrs, sym::proc_macro_internals], None, ); let span = DUMMY_SP.with_def_site_ctxt(expn_id.to_expn_id()); let proc_macro = Ident::new(sym::proc_macro, span); let krate = cx.item(span, proc_macro, Vec::new(), ast::ItemKind::ExternCrate(None)); let bridge = Ident::new(sym::bridge, span); let client = Ident::new(sym::client, span); let proc_macro_ty = Ident::new(sym::ProcMacro, span); let custom_derive = Ident::new(sym::custom_derive, span); let attr = Ident::new(sym::attr, span); let bang = Ident::new(sym::bang, span); // We add NodeIds to 'resolver.proc_macros' in the order // that we generate expressions. The position of each NodeId // in the 'proc_macros' Vec corresponds to its position // in the static array that will be generated let decls = { let local_path = |cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, sp: Span, name| { cx.expr_path(cx.path(sp.with_ctxt(span.ctxt()), vec![name])) }; let proc_macro_ty_method_path = |cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, method| { cx.expr_path(cx.path(span, vec![proc_macro, bridge, client, proc_macro_ty, method])) }; macros .iter() .map(|m| match m { ProcMacro::Derive(cd) => { cx.resolver.declare_proc_macro(; cx.expr_call( span, proc_macro_ty_method_path(cx, custom_derive), vec![ cx.expr_str(cd.span, cd.trait_name), cx.expr_vec_slice( span, cd.attrs .iter() .map(|&s| cx.expr_str(cd.span, s)) .collect::>(), ), local_path(cx, cd.span, cd.function_name), ], ) } ProcMacro::Def(ca) => { cx.resolver.declare_proc_macro(; let ident = match ca.def_type { ProcMacroDefType::Attr => attr, ProcMacroDefType::Bang => bang, }; cx.expr_call( span, proc_macro_ty_method_path(cx, ident), vec![ cx.expr_str(ca.span,, local_path(cx, ca.span, ca.function_name), ], ) } }) .collect() }; let decls_static = cx .item_static( span, Ident::new(sym::_DECLS, span), cx.ty_rptr( span, cx.ty( span, ast::TyKind::Slice( cx.ty_path(cx.path(span, vec![proc_macro, bridge, client, proc_macro_ty])), ), ), None, ast::Mutability::Not, ), ast::Mutability::Not, cx.expr_vec_slice(span, decls), ) .map(|mut i| { let attr = cx.meta_word(span, sym::rustc_proc_macro_decls); i.attrs.push(cx.attribute(attr)); let deprecated_attr = attr::mk_nested_word_item(Ident::new(sym::deprecated, span)); let allow_deprecated_attr = attr::mk_list_item(Ident::new(sym::allow, span), vec![deprecated_attr]); i.attrs.push(cx.attribute(allow_deprecated_attr)); i }); let block = cx.expr_block( cx.block(span, vec![cx.stmt_item(span, krate), cx.stmt_item(span, decls_static)]), ); let anon_constant = cx.item_const( span, Ident::new(kw::Underscore, span), cx.ty(span, ast::TyKind::Tup(Vec::new())), block, ); // Integrate the new item into existing module structures. let items = AstFragment::Items(smallvec![anon_constant]); cx.monotonic_expander().fully_expand_fragment(items).make_items().pop().unwrap() }