use std::{convert::TryFrom, iter::FromIterator}; use crate::parenthesized::Parenthesized; use heck::ToUpperCamelCase; use proc_macro::TokenStream; use proc_macro2::Span; use quote::ToTokens; use syn::{ parse_macro_input, parse_quote, spanned::Spanned, Attribute, Error, FnArg, Ident, ItemTrait, ReturnType, TraitItem, Type, }; /// Implementation for `[salsa::query_group]` decorator. pub(crate) fn query_group(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let group_struct = parse_macro_input!(args as Ident); let input: ItemTrait = parse_macro_input!(input as ItemTrait); // println!("args: {:#?}", args); // println!("input: {:#?}", input); let input_span = input.span(); let (trait_attrs, salsa_attrs) = filter_attrs(input.attrs); if !salsa_attrs.is_empty() { return Error::new( input_span, format!("unsupported attributes: {:?}", salsa_attrs), ) .to_compile_error() .into(); } let trait_vis = input.vis; let trait_name = input.ident; let _generics = input.generics.clone(); let dyn_db = quote! { dyn #trait_name }; // Decompose the trait into the corresponding queries. let mut queries = vec![]; for item in input.items { if let TraitItem::Fn(method) = item { let query_name = method.sig.ident.to_string(); let mut storage = QueryStorage::Memoized; let mut cycle = None; let mut invoke = None; let mut query_type = format_ident!("{}Query", query_name.to_string().to_upper_camel_case()); let mut num_storages = 0; // Extract attributes. let (attrs, salsa_attrs) = filter_attrs(method.attrs); for SalsaAttr { name, tts, span } in salsa_attrs { match name.as_str() { "memoized" => { storage = QueryStorage::Memoized; num_storages += 1; } "dependencies" => { storage = QueryStorage::Dependencies; num_storages += 1; } "input" => { storage = QueryStorage::Input; num_storages += 1; } "interned" => { storage = QueryStorage::Interned; num_storages += 1; } "cycle" => { cycle = Some(parse_macro_input!(tts as Parenthesized).0); } "invoke" => { invoke = Some(parse_macro_input!(tts as Parenthesized).0); } "query_type" => { query_type = parse_macro_input!(tts as Parenthesized).0; } "transparent" => { storage = QueryStorage::Transparent; num_storages += 1; } _ => { return Error::new(span, format!("unknown salsa attribute `{}`", name)) .to_compile_error() .into(); } } } let sig_span = method.sig.span(); // Check attribute combinations. if num_storages > 1 { return Error::new(sig_span, "multiple storage attributes specified") .to_compile_error() .into(); } match &invoke { Some(invoke) if storage == QueryStorage::Input => { return Error::new( invoke.span(), "#[salsa::invoke] cannot be set on #[salsa::input] queries", ) .to_compile_error() .into(); } _ => {} } // Extract keys. let mut iter = method.sig.inputs.iter(); let self_receiver = match { Some(FnArg::Receiver(sr)) if sr.mutability.is_none() => sr, _ => { return Error::new( sig_span, format!("first argument of query `{}` must be `&self`", query_name), ) .to_compile_error() .into(); } }; let mut keys: Vec<(Ident, Type)> = vec![]; for (idx, arg) in iter.enumerate() { match arg { FnArg::Typed(syn::PatType { pat, ty, .. }) => keys.push(( match pat.as_ref() { syn::Pat::Ident(ident_pat) => ident_pat.ident.clone(), _ => format_ident!("key{}", idx), }, Type::clone(ty), )), arg => { return Error::new( arg.span(), format!("unsupported argument `{:?}` of `{}`", arg, query_name,), ) .to_compile_error() .into(); } } } // Extract value. let value = match method.sig.output { ReturnType::Type(_, ref ty) => ty.as_ref().clone(), ref ret => { return Error::new( ret.span(), format!("unsupported return type `{:?}` of `{}`", ret, query_name), ) .to_compile_error() .into(); } }; // For `#[salsa::interned]` keys, we create a "lookup key" automatically. // // For a query like: // // fn foo(&self, x: Key1, y: Key2) -> u32 // // we would create // // fn lookup_foo(&self, x: u32) -> (Key1, Key2) let lookup_query = if let QueryStorage::Interned = storage { let lookup_query_type = format_ident!("{}LookupQuery", query_name.to_string().to_upper_camel_case()); let lookup_fn_name = format_ident!("lookup_{}", query_name); let keys = keys.iter().map(|(_, ty)| ty); let lookup_value: Type = parse_quote!((#(#keys),*)); let lookup_keys = vec![(parse_quote! { key }, value.clone())]; Some(Query { query_type: lookup_query_type, query_name: format!("{}", lookup_fn_name), fn_name: lookup_fn_name, receiver: self_receiver.clone(), attrs: vec![], // FIXME -- some automatically generated docs on this method? storage: QueryStorage::InternedLookup { intern_query_type: query_type.clone(), }, keys: lookup_keys, value: lookup_value, invoke: None, cycle: cycle.clone(), }) } else { None }; queries.push(Query { query_type, query_name, fn_name: method.sig.ident, receiver: self_receiver.clone(), attrs, storage, keys, value, invoke, cycle, }); queries.extend(lookup_query); } } let group_storage = format_ident!("{}GroupStorage__", trait_name, span = Span::call_site()); let mut query_fn_declarations = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); let mut query_fn_definitions = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); let mut storage_fields = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); let mut queries_with_storage = vec![]; for query in &queries { #[allow(clippy::map_identity)] // clippy is incorrect here, this is not the identity function due to match ergonomics let (key_names, keys): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = query.keys.iter().map(|(a, b)| (a, b)).unzip(); let value = &query.value; let fn_name = &query.fn_name; let qt = &query.query_type; let attrs = &query.attrs; let self_receiver = &query.receiver; query_fn_declarations.extend(quote! { #(#attrs)* fn #fn_name(#self_receiver, #(#key_names: #keys),*) -> #value; }); // Special case: transparent queries don't create actual storage, // just inline the definition if let QueryStorage::Transparent = { let invoke = query.invoke_tt(); query_fn_definitions.extend(quote! { fn #fn_name(&self, #(#key_names: #keys),*) -> #value { #invoke(self, #(#key_names),*) } }); continue; } queries_with_storage.push(fn_name); query_fn_definitions.extend(quote! { fn #fn_name(&self, #(#key_names: #keys),*) -> #value { // Create a shim to force the code to be monomorphized in the // query crate. Our experiments revealed that this makes a big // difference in total compilation time in rust-analyzer, though // it's not totally obvious why that should be. fn __shim(db: &(dyn #trait_name + '_), #(#key_names: #keys),*) -> #value { salsa::plumbing::get_query_table::<#qt>(db).get((#(#key_names),*)) } __shim(self, #(#key_names),*) } }); // For input queries, we need `set_foo` etc if let QueryStorage::Input = { let set_fn_name = format_ident!("set_{}", fn_name); let set_with_durability_fn_name = format_ident!("set_{}_with_durability", fn_name); let set_fn_docs = format!( " Set the value of the `{fn_name}` input. See `{fn_name}` for details. *Note:* Setting values will trigger cancellation of any ongoing queries; this method blocks until those queries have been cancelled. ", fn_name = fn_name ); let set_constant_fn_docs = format!( " Set the value of the `{fn_name}` input with a specific durability instead of the default of `Durability::LOW`. You can use `Durability::MAX` to promise that its value will never change again. See `{fn_name}` for details. *Note:* Setting values will trigger cancellation of any ongoing queries; this method blocks until those queries have been cancelled. ", fn_name = fn_name ); query_fn_declarations.extend(quote! { # [doc = #set_fn_docs] fn #set_fn_name(&mut self, #(#key_names: #keys,)* value__: #value); # [doc = #set_constant_fn_docs] fn #set_with_durability_fn_name(&mut self, #(#key_names: #keys,)* value__: #value, durability__: salsa::Durability); }); query_fn_definitions.extend(quote! { fn #set_fn_name(&mut self, #(#key_names: #keys,)* value__: #value) { fn __shim(db: &mut dyn #trait_name, #(#key_names: #keys,)* value__: #value) { salsa::plumbing::get_query_table_mut::<#qt>(db).set((#(#key_names),*), value__) } __shim(self, #(#key_names,)* value__) } fn #set_with_durability_fn_name(&mut self, #(#key_names: #keys,)* value__: #value, durability__: salsa::Durability) { fn __shim(db: &mut dyn #trait_name, #(#key_names: #keys,)* value__: #value, durability__: salsa::Durability) { salsa::plumbing::get_query_table_mut::<#qt>(db).set_with_durability((#(#key_names),*), value__, durability__) } __shim(self, #(#key_names,)* value__ ,durability__) } }); } // A field for the storage struct storage_fields.extend(quote! { #fn_name: std::sync::Arc<<#qt as salsa::Query>::Storage>, }); } // Emit the trait itself. let mut output = { let bounds = &input.supertraits; quote! { #(#trait_attrs)* #trait_vis trait #trait_name : salsa::Database + salsa::plumbing::HasQueryGroup<#group_struct> + #bounds { #query_fn_declarations } } }; // Emit the query group struct and impl of `QueryGroup`. output.extend(quote! { /// Representative struct for the query group. #trait_vis struct #group_struct { } impl salsa::plumbing::QueryGroup for #group_struct { type DynDb = #dyn_db; type GroupStorage = #group_storage; } }); // Emit an impl of the trait output.extend({ let bounds = input.supertraits; quote! { impl #trait_name for DB where DB: #bounds, DB: salsa::Database, DB: salsa::plumbing::HasQueryGroup<#group_struct>, { #query_fn_definitions } } }); let non_transparent_queries = || { queries .iter() .filter(|q| !matches!(, QueryStorage::Transparent)) }; // Emit the query types. for (query, query_index) in non_transparent_queries().zip(0_u16..) { let fn_name = &query.fn_name; let qt = &query.query_type; let storage = match & { QueryStorage::Memoized => quote!(salsa::plumbing::MemoizedStorage), QueryStorage::Dependencies => { quote!(salsa::plumbing::DependencyStorage) } QueryStorage::Input => quote!(salsa::plumbing::InputStorage), QueryStorage::Interned => quote!(salsa::plumbing::InternedStorage), QueryStorage::InternedLookup { intern_query_type } => { quote!(salsa::plumbing::LookupInternedStorage) } QueryStorage::Transparent => panic!("should have been filtered"), }; let keys = query.keys.iter().map(|(_, ty)| ty); let value = &query.value; let query_name = &query.query_name; // Emit the query struct and implement the Query trait on it. output.extend(quote! { #[derive(Default, Debug)] #trait_vis struct #qt; }); output.extend(quote! { impl #qt { /// Get access to extra methods pertaining to this query. /// You can also use it to invoke this query. #trait_vis fn in_db(self, db: &#dyn_db) -> salsa::QueryTable<'_, Self> { salsa::plumbing::get_query_table::<#qt>(db) } } }); output.extend(quote! { impl #qt { /// Like `in_db`, but gives access to methods for setting the /// value of an input. Not applicable to derived queries. /// /// # Threads, cancellation, and blocking /// /// Mutating the value of a query cannot be done while there are /// still other queries executing. If you are using your database /// within a single thread, this is not a problem: you only have /// `&self` access to the database, but this method requires `&mut /// self`. /// /// However, if you have used `snapshot` to create other threads, /// then attempts to `set` will **block the current thread** until /// those snapshots are dropped (usually when those threads /// complete). This also implies that if you create a snapshot but /// do not send it to another thread, then invoking `set` will /// deadlock. /// /// Before blocking, the thread that is attempting to `set` will /// also set a cancellation flag. This will cause any query /// invocations in other threads to unwind with a `Cancelled` /// sentinel value and eventually let the `set` succeed once all /// threads have unwound past the salsa invocation. /// /// If your query implementations are performing expensive /// operations without invoking another query, you can also use /// the `Runtime::unwind_if_cancelled` method to check for an /// ongoing cancellation and bring those operations to a close, /// thus allowing the `set` to succeed. Otherwise, long-running /// computations may lead to "starvation", meaning that the /// thread attempting to `set` has to wait a long, long time. =) #trait_vis fn in_db_mut(self, db: &mut #dyn_db) -> salsa::QueryTableMut<'_, Self> { salsa::plumbing::get_query_table_mut::<#qt>(db) } } impl<'d> salsa::QueryDb<'d> for #qt { type DynDb = #dyn_db + 'd; type Group = #group_struct; type GroupStorage = #group_storage; } // ANCHOR:Query_impl impl salsa::Query for #qt { type Key = (#(#keys),*); type Value = #value; type Storage = #storage; const QUERY_INDEX: u16 = #query_index; const QUERY_NAME: &'static str = #query_name; fn query_storage<'a>( group_storage: &'a >::GroupStorage, ) -> &'a std::sync::Arc { &group_storage.#fn_name } fn query_storage_mut<'a>( group_storage: &'a >::GroupStorage, ) -> &'a std::sync::Arc { &group_storage.#fn_name } } // ANCHOR_END:Query_impl }); // Implement the QueryFunction trait for queries which need it. if { let span = query.fn_name.span(); let key_names: Vec<_> = query.keys.iter().map(|(pat, _)| pat).collect(); let key_pattern = if query.keys.len() == 1 { quote! { #(#key_names),* } } else { quote! { (#(#key_names),*) } }; let invoke = query.invoke_tt(); let recover = if let Some(cycle_recovery_fn) = &query.cycle { quote! { const CYCLE_STRATEGY: salsa::plumbing::CycleRecoveryStrategy = salsa::plumbing::CycleRecoveryStrategy::Fallback; fn cycle_fallback(db: &>::DynDb, cycle: &salsa::Cycle, #key_pattern: &::Key) -> ::Value { #cycle_recovery_fn( db, cycle, #(#key_names),* ) } } } else { quote! { const CYCLE_STRATEGY: salsa::plumbing::CycleRecoveryStrategy = salsa::plumbing::CycleRecoveryStrategy::Panic; } }; output.extend(quote_spanned! {span=> // ANCHOR:QueryFunction_impl impl salsa::plumbing::QueryFunction for #qt { fn execute(db: &>::DynDb, #key_pattern: ::Key) -> ::Value { #invoke(db, #(#key_names),*) } #recover } // ANCHOR_END:QueryFunction_impl }); } } let mut fmt_ops = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); for (Query { fn_name, .. }, query_index) in non_transparent_queries().zip(0_u16..) { fmt_ops.extend(quote! { #query_index => { salsa::plumbing::QueryStorageOps::fmt_index( &*self.#fn_name, db, input, fmt, ) } }); } let mut maybe_changed_ops = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); for (Query { fn_name, .. }, query_index) in non_transparent_queries().zip(0_u16..) { maybe_changed_ops.extend(quote! { #query_index => { salsa::plumbing::QueryStorageOps::maybe_changed_after( &*self.#fn_name, db, input, revision ) } }); } let mut cycle_recovery_strategy_ops = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); for (Query { fn_name, .. }, query_index) in non_transparent_queries().zip(0_u16..) { cycle_recovery_strategy_ops.extend(quote! { #query_index => { salsa::plumbing::QueryStorageOps::cycle_recovery_strategy( &*self.#fn_name ) } }); } let mut for_each_ops = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); for Query { fn_name, .. } in non_transparent_queries() { for_each_ops.extend(quote! { op(&*self.#fn_name); }); } // Emit query group storage struct output.extend(quote! { #trait_vis struct #group_storage { #storage_fields } // ANCHOR:group_storage_new impl #group_storage { #trait_vis fn new(group_index: u16) -> Self { #group_storage { #( #queries_with_storage: std::sync::Arc::new(salsa::plumbing::QueryStorageOps::new(group_index)), )* } } } // ANCHOR_END:group_storage_new // ANCHOR:group_storage_methods impl #group_storage { #trait_vis fn fmt_index( &self, db: &(#dyn_db + '_), input: salsa::DatabaseKeyIndex, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>, ) -> std::fmt::Result { match input.query_index() { #fmt_ops i => panic!("salsa: impossible query index {}", i), } } #trait_vis fn maybe_changed_after( &self, db: &(#dyn_db + '_), input: salsa::DatabaseKeyIndex, revision: salsa::Revision, ) -> bool { match input.query_index() { #maybe_changed_ops i => panic!("salsa: impossible query index {}", i), } } #trait_vis fn cycle_recovery_strategy( &self, db: &(#dyn_db + '_), input: salsa::DatabaseKeyIndex, ) -> salsa::plumbing::CycleRecoveryStrategy { match input.query_index() { #cycle_recovery_strategy_ops i => panic!("salsa: impossible query index {}", i), } } #trait_vis fn for_each_query( &self, _runtime: &salsa::Runtime, mut op: &mut dyn FnMut(&dyn salsa::plumbing::QueryStorageMassOps), ) { #for_each_ops } } // ANCHOR_END:group_storage_methods }); if std::env::var("SALSA_DUMP").is_ok() { println!("~~~ query_group"); println!("{}", output); println!("~~~ query_group"); } output.into() } struct SalsaAttr { name: String, tts: TokenStream, span: Span, } impl std::fmt::Debug for SalsaAttr { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(fmt, "{:?}", } } impl TryFrom for SalsaAttr { type Error = syn::Attribute; fn try_from(attr: syn::Attribute) -> Result { if is_not_salsa_attr_path(attr.path()) { return Err(attr); } let span = attr.span(); let name = attr.path().segments[1].ident.to_string(); let tts = match attr.meta { syn::Meta::Path(path) => path.into_token_stream(), syn::Meta::List(ref list) => { let tts = list .into_token_stream() .into_iter() .skip(attr.path().to_token_stream().into_iter().count()); proc_macro2::TokenStream::from_iter(tts) } syn::Meta::NameValue(nv) => nv.into_token_stream(), } .into(); Ok(SalsaAttr { name, tts, span }) } } fn is_not_salsa_attr_path(path: &syn::Path) -> bool { path.segments .first() .map(|s| s.ident != "salsa") .unwrap_or(true) || path.segments.len() != 2 } fn filter_attrs(attrs: Vec) -> (Vec, Vec) { let mut other = vec![]; let mut salsa = vec![]; // Leave non-salsa attributes untouched. These are // attributes that don't start with `salsa::` or don't have // exactly two segments in their path. // Keep the salsa attributes around. for attr in attrs { match SalsaAttr::try_from(attr) { Ok(it) => salsa.push(it), Err(it) => other.push(it), } } (other, salsa) } #[derive(Debug)] struct Query { fn_name: Ident, receiver: syn::Receiver, query_name: String, attrs: Vec, query_type: Ident, storage: QueryStorage, keys: Vec<(Ident, syn::Type)>, value: syn::Type, invoke: Option, cycle: Option, } impl Query { fn invoke_tt(&self) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { match &self.invoke { Some(i) => i.into_token_stream(), None => self.fn_name.clone().into_token_stream(), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] enum QueryStorage { Memoized, Dependencies, Input, Interned, InternedLookup { intern_query_type: Ident }, Transparent, } impl QueryStorage { /// Do we need a `QueryFunction` impl for this type of query? fn needs_query_function(&self) -> bool { match self { QueryStorage::Input | QueryStorage::Interned | QueryStorage::InternedLookup { .. } | QueryStorage::Transparent => false, QueryStorage::Memoized | QueryStorage::Dependencies => true, } } }