use std::fmt::Debug; use std::iter::{self, FromIterator}; use std::slice; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut, Range, RangeBounds}; use std::fmt; use std::hash::Hash; use std::vec; use std::u32; use rustc_serialize as serialize; /// Represents some newtyped `usize` wrapper. /// /// Purpose: avoid mixing indexes for different bitvector domains. pub trait Idx: Copy + 'static + Ord + Debug + Hash { fn new(idx: usize) -> Self; fn index(self) -> usize; fn increment_by(&mut self, amount: usize) { let v = self.index() + amount; *self = Self::new(v); } } impl Idx for usize { #[inline] fn new(idx: usize) -> Self { idx } #[inline] fn index(self) -> usize { self } } impl Idx for u32 { #[inline] fn new(idx: usize) -> Self { assert!(idx <= u32::MAX as usize); idx as u32 } #[inline] fn index(self) -> usize { self as usize } } /// Creates a struct type `S` that can be used as an index with /// `IndexVec` and so on. /// /// There are two ways of interacting with these indices: /// /// - The `From` impls are the preferred way. So you can do /// `S::from(v)` with a `usize` or `u32`. And you can convert back /// to an integer with `u32::from(s)`. /// /// - Alternatively, you can use the methods `S::new(v)` and `s.index()` /// to create/return a value. /// /// Internally, the index uses a u32, so the index must not exceed /// `u32::MAX`. You can also customize things like the `Debug` impl, /// what traits are derived, and so forth via the macro. #[macro_export] macro_rules! newtype_index { // ---- public rules ---- // Use default constants ($(#[$attrs:meta])* $v:vis struct $name:ident { .. }) => ( newtype_index!( // Leave out derives marker so we can use its absence to ensure it comes first @attrs [$(#[$attrs])*] @type [$name] // shave off 256 indices at the end to allow space for packing these indices into enums @max [0xFFFF_FF00] @vis [$v] @debug_format ["{}"]); ); // Define any constants ($(#[$attrs:meta])* $v:vis struct $name:ident { $($tokens:tt)+ }) => ( newtype_index!( // Leave out derives marker so we can use its absence to ensure it comes first @attrs [$(#[$attrs])*] @type [$name] // shave off 256 indices at the end to allow space for packing these indices into enums @max [0xFFFF_FF00] @vis [$v] @debug_format ["{}"] $($tokens)+); ); // ---- private rules ---- // Base case, user-defined constants (if any) have already been defined (@derives [$($derives:ident,)*] @attrs [$(#[$attrs:meta])*] @type [$type:ident] @max [$max:expr] @vis [$v:vis] @debug_format [$debug_format:tt]) => ( $(#[$attrs])* #[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, $($derives),*)] #[rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_end($max)] $v struct $type { private: u32 } impl Clone for $type { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } impl $type { $v const MAX_AS_U32: u32 = $max; $v const MAX: $type = $type::from_u32_const($max); #[inline] $v fn from_usize(value: usize) -> Self { assert!(value <= ($max as usize)); unsafe { $type::from_u32_unchecked(value as u32) } } #[inline] $v fn from_u32(value: u32) -> Self { assert!(value <= $max); unsafe { $type::from_u32_unchecked(value) } } /// Hacky variant of `from_u32` for use in constants. /// This version checks the "max" constraint by using an /// invalid array dereference. #[inline] $v const fn from_u32_const(value: u32) -> Self { // This will fail at const eval time unless `value <= // max` is true (in which case we get the index 0). // It will also fail at runtime, of course, but in a // kind of wacky way. let _ = ["out of range value used"][ !(value <= $max) as usize ]; unsafe { $type { private: value } } } #[inline] $v const unsafe fn from_u32_unchecked(value: u32) -> Self { unsafe { $type { private: value } } } /// Extracts the value of this index as an integer. #[inline] $v fn index(self) -> usize { self.as_usize() } /// Extracts the value of this index as a `u32`. #[inline] $v fn as_u32(self) -> u32 { self.private } /// Extracts the value of this index as a `usize`. #[inline] $v fn as_usize(self) -> usize { self.as_u32() as usize } } impl Idx for $type { #[inline] fn new(value: usize) -> Self { Self::from(value) } #[inline] fn index(self) -> usize { usize::from(self) } } impl ::std::iter::Step for $type { #[inline] fn steps_between(start: &Self, end: &Self) -> Option { ::steps_between( &Idx::index(*start), &Idx::index(*end), ) } #[inline] fn replace_one(&mut self) -> Self { ::std::mem::replace(self, Self::new(1)) } #[inline] fn replace_zero(&mut self) -> Self { ::std::mem::replace(self, Self::new(0)) } #[inline] fn add_one(&self) -> Self { Self::new(Idx::index(*self) + 1) } #[inline] fn sub_one(&self) -> Self { Self::new(Idx::index(*self) - 1) } #[inline] fn add_usize(&self, u: usize) -> Option { Idx::index(*self).checked_add(u).map(Self::new) } } impl From<$type> for u32 { #[inline] fn from(v: $type) -> u32 { v.as_u32() } } impl From<$type> for usize { #[inline] fn from(v: $type) -> usize { v.as_usize() } } impl From for $type { #[inline] fn from(value: usize) -> Self { $type::from_usize(value) } } impl From for $type { #[inline] fn from(value: u32) -> Self { $type::from_u32(value) } } newtype_index!( @handle_debug @derives [$($derives,)*] @type [$type] @debug_format [$debug_format]); ); // base case for handle_debug where format is custom. No Debug implementation is emitted. (@handle_debug @derives [$($_derives:ident,)*] @type [$type:ident] @debug_format [custom]) => (); // base case for handle_debug, no debug overrides found, so use default (@handle_debug @derives [] @type [$type:ident] @debug_format [$debug_format:tt]) => ( impl ::std::fmt::Debug for $type { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result { write!(fmt, $debug_format, self.as_u32()) } } ); // Debug is requested for derive, don't generate any Debug implementation. (@handle_debug @derives [Debug, $($derives:ident,)*] @type [$type:ident] @debug_format [$debug_format:tt]) => (); // It's not Debug, so just pop it off the front of the derives stack and check the rest. (@handle_debug @derives [$_derive:ident, $($derives:ident,)*] @type [$type:ident] @debug_format [$debug_format:tt]) => ( newtype_index!( @handle_debug @derives [$($derives,)*] @type [$type] @debug_format [$debug_format]); ); // Append comma to end of derives list if it's missing (@attrs [$(#[$attrs:meta])*] @type [$type:ident] @max [$max:expr] @vis [$v:vis] @debug_format [$debug_format:tt] derive [$($derives:ident),*] $($tokens:tt)*) => ( newtype_index!( @attrs [$(#[$attrs])*] @type [$type] @max [$max] @vis [$v] @debug_format [$debug_format] derive [$($derives,)*] $($tokens)*); ); // By not including the @derives marker in this list nor in the default args, we can force it // to come first if it exists. When encodable is custom, just use the derives list as-is. (@attrs [$(#[$attrs:meta])*] @type [$type:ident] @max [$max:expr] @vis [$v:vis] @debug_format [$debug_format:tt] derive [$($derives:ident,)+] ENCODABLE = custom $($tokens:tt)*) => ( newtype_index!( @attrs [$(#[$attrs])*] @derives [$($derives,)+] @type [$type] @max [$max] @vis [$v] @debug_format [$debug_format] $($tokens)*); ); // By not including the @derives marker in this list nor in the default args, we can force it // to come first if it exists. When encodable isn't custom, add serialization traits by default. (@attrs [$(#[$attrs:meta])*] @type [$type:ident] @max [$max:expr] @vis [$v:vis] @debug_format [$debug_format:tt] derive [$($derives:ident,)+] $($tokens:tt)*) => ( newtype_index!( @derives [$($derives,)+ RustcEncodable,] @attrs [$(#[$attrs])*] @type [$type] @max [$max] @vis [$v] @debug_format [$debug_format] $($tokens)*); newtype_index!(@decodable $type); ); // The case where no derives are added, but encodable is overridden. Don't // derive serialization traits (@attrs [$(#[$attrs:meta])*] @type [$type:ident] @max [$max:expr] @vis [$v:vis] @debug_format [$debug_format:tt] ENCODABLE = custom $($tokens:tt)*) => ( newtype_index!( @derives [] @attrs [$(#[$attrs])*] @type [$type] @max [$max] @vis [$v] @debug_format [$debug_format] $($tokens)*); ); // The case where no derives are added, add serialization derives by default (@attrs [$(#[$attrs:meta])*] @type [$type:ident] @max [$max:expr] @vis [$v:vis] @debug_format [$debug_format:tt] $($tokens:tt)*) => ( newtype_index!( @derives [RustcEncodable,] @attrs [$(#[$attrs])*] @type [$type] @max [$max] @vis [$v] @debug_format [$debug_format] $($tokens)*); newtype_index!(@decodable $type); ); (@decodable $type:ident) => ( impl $type { fn __decodable__impl__hack() { mod __more_hacks_because__self_doesnt_work_in_functions { extern crate serialize; use self::serialize::{Decodable, Decoder}; impl Decodable for super::$type { fn decode(d: &mut D) -> Result { d.read_u32().map(Self::from) } } } } } ); // Rewrite final without comma to one that includes comma (@derives [$($derives:ident,)*] @attrs [$(#[$attrs:meta])*] @type [$type:ident] @max [$max:expr] @vis [$v:vis] @debug_format [$debug_format:tt] $name:ident = $constant:expr) => ( newtype_index!( @derives [$($derives,)*] @attrs [$(#[$attrs])*] @type [$type] @max [$max] @vis [$v] @debug_format [$debug_format] $name = $constant,); ); // Rewrite final const without comma to one that includes comma (@derives [$($derives:ident,)*] @attrs [$(#[$attrs:meta])*] @type [$type:ident] @max [$_max:expr] @vis [$v:vis] @debug_format [$debug_format:tt] $(#[doc = $doc:expr])* const $name:ident = $constant:expr) => ( newtype_index!( @derives [$($derives,)*] @attrs [$(#[$attrs])*] @type [$type] @max [$max] @vis [$v] @debug_format [$debug_format] $(#[doc = $doc])* const $name = $constant,); ); // Replace existing default for max (@derives [$($derives:ident,)*] @attrs [$(#[$attrs:meta])*] @type [$type:ident] @max [$_max:expr] @vis [$v:vis] @debug_format [$debug_format:tt] MAX = $max:expr, $($tokens:tt)*) => ( newtype_index!( @derives [$($derives,)*] @attrs [$(#[$attrs])*] @type [$type] @max [$max] @vis [$v] @debug_format [$debug_format] $($tokens)*); ); // Replace existing default for debug_format (@derives [$($derives:ident,)*] @attrs [$(#[$attrs:meta])*] @type [$type:ident] @max [$max:expr] @vis [$v:vis] @debug_format [$_debug_format:tt] DEBUG_FORMAT = $debug_format:tt, $($tokens:tt)*) => ( newtype_index!( @derives [$($derives,)*] @attrs [$(#[$attrs])*] @type [$type] @max [$max] @vis [$v] @debug_format [$debug_format] $($tokens)*); ); // Assign a user-defined constant (@derives [$($derives:ident,)*] @attrs [$(#[$attrs:meta])*] @type [$type:ident] @max [$max:expr] @vis [$v:vis] @debug_format [$debug_format:tt] $(#[doc = $doc:expr])* const $name:ident = $constant:expr, $($tokens:tt)*) => ( $(#[doc = $doc])* pub const $name: $type = $type::from_u32_const($constant); newtype_index!( @derives [$($derives,)*] @attrs [$(#[$attrs])*] @type [$type] @max [$max] @vis [$v] @debug_format [$debug_format] $($tokens)*); ); } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct IndexVec { pub raw: Vec, _marker: PhantomData } // Whether `IndexVec` is `Send` depends only on the data, // not the phantom data. unsafe impl Send for IndexVec where T: Send {} impl serialize::Encodable for IndexVec { fn encode(&self, s: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error> { serialize::Encodable::encode(&self.raw, s) } } impl serialize::Decodable for IndexVec { fn decode(d: &mut D) -> Result { serialize::Decodable::decode(d).map(|v| { IndexVec { raw: v, _marker: PhantomData } }) } } impl fmt::Debug for IndexVec { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.raw, fmt) } } pub type Enumerated = iter::Map, IntoIdx>; impl IndexVec { #[inline] pub fn new() -> Self { IndexVec { raw: Vec::new(), _marker: PhantomData } } #[inline] pub fn from_raw(raw: Vec) -> Self { IndexVec { raw, _marker: PhantomData } } #[inline] pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self { IndexVec { raw: Vec::with_capacity(capacity), _marker: PhantomData } } #[inline] pub fn from_elem(elem: T, universe: &IndexVec) -> Self where T: Clone { IndexVec { raw: vec![elem; universe.len()], _marker: PhantomData } } #[inline] pub fn from_elem_n(elem: T, n: usize) -> Self where T: Clone { IndexVec { raw: vec![elem; n], _marker: PhantomData } } #[inline] pub fn push(&mut self, d: T) -> I { let idx = I::new(self.len()); self.raw.push(d); idx } #[inline] pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option { self.raw.pop() } #[inline] pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.raw.len() } /// Gives the next index that will be assigned when `push` is /// called. #[inline] pub fn next_index(&self) -> I { I::new(self.len()) } #[inline] pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.raw.is_empty() } #[inline] pub fn into_iter(self) -> vec::IntoIter { self.raw.into_iter() } #[inline] pub fn into_iter_enumerated(self) -> Enumerated> { self.raw.into_iter().enumerate().map(IntoIdx { _marker: PhantomData }) } #[inline] pub fn iter(&self) -> slice::Iter<'_, T> { self.raw.iter() } #[inline] pub fn iter_enumerated(&self) -> Enumerated> { self.raw.iter().enumerate().map(IntoIdx { _marker: PhantomData }) } #[inline] pub fn indices(&self) -> iter::Map, IntoIdx> { (0..self.len()).map(IntoIdx { _marker: PhantomData }) } #[inline] pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> slice::IterMut<'_, T> { self.raw.iter_mut() } #[inline] pub fn iter_enumerated_mut(&mut self) -> Enumerated> { self.raw.iter_mut().enumerate().map(IntoIdx { _marker: PhantomData }) } #[inline] pub fn drain<'a, R: RangeBounds>( &'a mut self, range: R) -> impl Iterator + 'a { self.raw.drain(range) } #[inline] pub fn drain_enumerated<'a, R: RangeBounds>( &'a mut self, range: R) -> impl Iterator + 'a { self.raw.drain(range).enumerate().map(IntoIdx { _marker: PhantomData }) } #[inline] pub fn last(&self) -> Option { self.len().checked_sub(1).map(I::new) } #[inline] pub fn shrink_to_fit(&mut self) { self.raw.shrink_to_fit() } #[inline] pub fn swap(&mut self, a: I, b: I) { self.raw.swap(a.index(), b.index()) } #[inline] pub fn truncate(&mut self, a: usize) { self.raw.truncate(a) } #[inline] pub fn get(&self, index: I) -> Option<&T> { self.raw.get(index.index()) } #[inline] pub fn get_mut(&mut self, index: I) -> Option<&mut T> { self.raw.get_mut(index.index()) } /// Returns mutable references to two distinct elements, a and b. Panics if a == b. #[inline] pub fn pick2_mut(&mut self, a: I, b: I) -> (&mut T, &mut T) { let (ai, bi) = (a.index(), b.index()); assert!(ai != bi); if ai < bi { let (c1, c2) = self.raw.split_at_mut(bi); (&mut c1[ai], &mut c2[0]) } else { let (c2, c1) = self.pick2_mut(b, a); (c1, c2) } } pub fn convert_index_type(self) -> IndexVec { IndexVec { raw: self.raw, _marker: PhantomData, } } } impl IndexVec { /// Grows the index vector so that it contains an entry for /// `elem`; if that is already true, then has no /// effect. Otherwise, inserts new values as needed by invoking /// `fill_value`. #[inline] pub fn ensure_contains_elem(&mut self, elem: I, fill_value: impl FnMut() -> T) { let min_new_len = elem.index() + 1; if self.len() < min_new_len { self.raw.resize_with(min_new_len, fill_value); } } #[inline] pub fn resize(&mut self, new_len: usize, value: T) { self.raw.resize(new_len, value) } #[inline] pub fn resize_to_elem(&mut self, elem: I, fill_value: impl FnMut() -> T) { let min_new_len = elem.index() + 1; self.raw.resize_with(min_new_len, fill_value); } } impl IndexVec { #[inline] pub fn binary_search(&self, value: &T) -> Result { match self.raw.binary_search(value) { Ok(i) => Ok(Idx::new(i)), Err(i) => Err(Idx::new(i)), } } } impl Index for IndexVec { type Output = T; #[inline] fn index(&self, index: I) -> &T { &self.raw[index.index()] } } impl IndexMut for IndexVec { #[inline] fn index_mut(&mut self, index: I) -> &mut T { &mut self.raw[index.index()] } } impl Default for IndexVec { #[inline] fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl Extend for IndexVec { #[inline] fn extend>(&mut self, iter: J) { self.raw.extend(iter); } } impl FromIterator for IndexVec { #[inline] fn from_iter(iter: J) -> Self where J: IntoIterator { IndexVec { raw: FromIterator::from_iter(iter), _marker: PhantomData } } } impl IntoIterator for IndexVec { type Item = T; type IntoIter = vec::IntoIter; #[inline] fn into_iter(self) -> vec::IntoIter { self.raw.into_iter() } } impl<'a, I: Idx, T> IntoIterator for &'a IndexVec { type Item = &'a T; type IntoIter = slice::Iter<'a, T>; #[inline] fn into_iter(self) -> slice::Iter<'a, T> { self.raw.iter() } } impl<'a, I: Idx, T> IntoIterator for &'a mut IndexVec { type Item = &'a mut T; type IntoIter = slice::IterMut<'a, T>; #[inline] fn into_iter(self) -> slice::IterMut<'a, T> { self.raw.iter_mut() } } pub struct IntoIdx { _marker: PhantomData } impl FnOnce<((usize, T),)> for IntoIdx { type Output = (I, T); extern "rust-call" fn call_once(self, ((n, t),): ((usize, T),)) -> Self::Output { (I::new(n), t) } } impl FnMut<((usize, T),)> for IntoIdx { extern "rust-call" fn call_mut(&mut self, ((n, t),): ((usize, T),)) -> Self::Output { (I::new(n), t) } } impl FnOnce<(usize,)> for IntoIdx { type Output = I; extern "rust-call" fn call_once(self, (n,): (usize,)) -> Self::Output { I::new(n) } } impl FnMut<(usize,)> for IntoIdx { extern "rust-call" fn call_mut(&mut self, (n,): (usize,)) -> Self::Output { I::new(n) } }