#![warn(rust_2018_idioms, unused_lifetimes)] use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::LazyLock; use regex::RegexSet; #[derive(Debug)] struct Message { path: PathBuf, bad_lines: Vec<String>, } impl Message { fn new(path: PathBuf) -> Self { // we don't want the first letter after "error: ", "help: " ... to be capitalized // also no punctuation (except for "?" ?) at the end of a line // Prefer "try" over "try this". static REGEX_SET: LazyLock<RegexSet> = LazyLock::new(|| { RegexSet::new([ "error: [A-Z]", "help: [A-Z]", "warning: [A-Z]", "note: [A-Z]", "try: [A-Z]", "error: .*[.!]$", "help: .*[.!]$", "warning: .*[.!]$", "note: .*[.!]$", "try: .*[.!]$", "try this", ]) .unwrap() }); // sometimes the first character is capitalized and it is legal (like in "C-like enum variants") or // we want to ask a question ending in "?" static EXCEPTIONS_SET: LazyLock<RegexSet> = LazyLock::new(|| { RegexSet::new([ r"\.\.\.$", ".*C-like enum variant discriminant is not portable to 32-bit targets", ".*Intel x86 assembly syntax used", ".*AT&T x86 assembly syntax used", "note: Clippy version: .*", "the compiler unexpectedly panicked. this is a bug.", ]) .unwrap() }); let content: String = std::fs::read_to_string(&path).unwrap(); let bad_lines = content .lines() .filter(|line| REGEX_SET.matches(line).matched_any()) // ignore exceptions .filter(|line| !EXCEPTIONS_SET.matches(line).matched_any()) .map(ToOwned::to_owned) .collect::<Vec<String>>(); Message { path, bad_lines } } } #[test] fn lint_message_convention() { // disable the test inside the rustc test suite if option_env!("RUSTC_TEST_SUITE").is_some() { return; } // make sure that lint messages: // * are not capitalized // * don't have punctuation at the end of the last sentence // these directories have interesting tests let test_dirs = ["ui", "ui-cargo", "ui-internal", "ui-toml"] .iter() .map(PathBuf::from) .map(|p| { let base = PathBuf::from("tests"); base.join(p) }); // gather all .stderr files let tests = test_dirs .flat_map(|dir| { std::fs::read_dir(dir) .expect("failed to read dir") .map(|direntry| direntry.unwrap().path()) }) .filter(|file| matches!(file.extension().map(OsStr::to_str), Some(Some("stderr")))); // get all files that have any "bad lines" in them let bad_tests: Vec<Message> = tests .map(Message::new) .filter(|message| !message.bad_lines.is_empty()) .collect(); for message in &bad_tests { eprintln!( "error: the test '{}' contained the following nonconforming lines :", message.path.display() ); message.bad_lines.iter().for_each(|line| eprintln!("{line}")); eprintln!("\n\n"); } eprintln!( "\n\n\nLint message should not start with a capital letter and should not have punctuation at the end of the message unless multiple sentences are needed." ); eprintln!("Check out the rustc-dev-guide for more information:"); eprintln!("https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/diagnostics.html#diagnostic-structure\n\n\n"); assert!(bad_tests.is_empty()); }