//! Line info generation (`.debug_line`) use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::path::{Component, Path}; use crate::debuginfo::FunctionDebugContext; use crate::prelude::*; use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc; use rustc_span::{ FileName, Pos, SourceFile, SourceFileAndLine, SourceFileHash, SourceFileHashAlgorithm, }; use cranelift_codegen::binemit::CodeOffset; use cranelift_codegen::MachSrcLoc; use gimli::write::{ Address, AttributeValue, FileId, FileInfo, LineProgram, LineString, LineStringTable, }; // OPTIMIZATION: It is cheaper to do this in one pass than using `.parent()` and `.file_name()`. fn split_path_dir_and_file(path: &Path) -> (&Path, &OsStr) { let mut iter = path.components(); let file_name = match iter.next_back() { Some(Component::Normal(p)) => p, component => { panic!( "Path component {:?} of path {} is an invalid filename", component, path.display() ); } }; let parent = iter.as_path(); (parent, file_name) } // OPTIMIZATION: Avoid UTF-8 validation on UNIX. fn osstr_as_utf8_bytes(path: &OsStr) -> &[u8] { #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; path.as_bytes() } #[cfg(not(unix))] { path.to_str().unwrap().as_bytes() } } const MD5_LEN: usize = 16; fn make_file_info(hash: SourceFileHash) -> Option { if hash.kind == SourceFileHashAlgorithm::Md5 { let mut buf = [0u8; MD5_LEN]; buf.copy_from_slice(hash.hash_bytes()); Some(FileInfo { timestamp: 0, size: 0, md5: buf }) } else { None } } impl DebugContext { pub(crate) fn get_span_loc( tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, function_span: Span, span: Span, ) -> (Lrc, u64, u64) { // Based on https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/e369d87b015a84653343032833d65d0545fd3f26/src/librustc_codegen_ssa/mir/mod.rs#L116-L131 // In order to have a good line stepping behavior in debugger, we overwrite debug // locations of macro expansions with that of the outermost expansion site (when the macro is // annotated with `#[collapse_debuginfo]` or when `-Zdebug-macros` is provided). let span = if tcx.should_collapse_debuginfo(span) { span } else { // Walk up the macro expansion chain until we reach a non-expanded span. // We also stop at the function body level because no line stepping can occur // at the level above that. rustc_span::hygiene::walk_chain(span, function_span.ctxt()) }; match tcx.sess.source_map().lookup_line(span.lo()) { Ok(SourceFileAndLine { sf: file, line }) => { let line_pos = file.lines()[line]; let col = file.relative_position(span.lo()) - line_pos; (file, u64::try_from(line).unwrap() + 1, u64::from(col.to_u32()) + 1) } Err(file) => (file, 0, 0), } } pub(crate) fn add_source_file(&mut self, source_file: &SourceFile) -> FileId { let line_program: &mut LineProgram = &mut self.dwarf.unit.line_program; let line_strings: &mut LineStringTable = &mut self.dwarf.line_strings; match &source_file.name { FileName::Real(path) => { let (dir_path, file_name) = split_path_dir_and_file(path.remapped_path_if_available()); let dir_name = osstr_as_utf8_bytes(dir_path.as_os_str()); let file_name = osstr_as_utf8_bytes(file_name); let dir_id = if !dir_name.is_empty() { let dir_name = LineString::new(dir_name, line_program.encoding(), line_strings); line_program.add_directory(dir_name) } else { line_program.default_directory() }; let file_name = LineString::new(file_name, line_program.encoding(), line_strings); let info = make_file_info(source_file.src_hash); line_program.file_has_md5 &= info.is_some(); line_program.add_file(file_name, dir_id, info) } // FIXME give more appropriate file names filename => { let dir_id = line_program.default_directory(); let dummy_file_name = LineString::new( filename.prefer_remapped().to_string().into_bytes(), line_program.encoding(), line_strings, ); line_program.add_file(dummy_file_name, dir_id, None) } } } } impl FunctionDebugContext { pub(crate) fn add_dbg_loc(&mut self, file_id: FileId, line: u64, column: u64) -> SourceLoc { let (index, _) = self.source_loc_set.insert_full((file_id, line, column)); SourceLoc::new(u32::try_from(index).unwrap()) } pub(super) fn create_debug_lines( &mut self, debug_context: &mut DebugContext, symbol: usize, context: &Context, ) -> CodeOffset { let create_row_for_span = |debug_context: &mut DebugContext, source_loc: (FileId, u64, u64)| { let (file_id, line, col) = source_loc; debug_context.dwarf.unit.line_program.row().file = file_id; debug_context.dwarf.unit.line_program.row().line = line; debug_context.dwarf.unit.line_program.row().column = col; debug_context.dwarf.unit.line_program.generate_row(); }; debug_context .dwarf .unit .line_program .begin_sequence(Some(Address::Symbol { symbol, addend: 0 })); let mut func_end = 0; let mcr = context.compiled_code().unwrap(); for &MachSrcLoc { start, end, loc } in mcr.buffer.get_srclocs_sorted() { debug_context.dwarf.unit.line_program.row().address_offset = u64::from(start); if !loc.is_default() { let source_loc = self.source_loc_set[loc.bits() as usize]; create_row_for_span(debug_context, source_loc); } else { create_row_for_span(debug_context, self.function_source_loc); } func_end = end; } debug_context.dwarf.unit.line_program.end_sequence(u64::from(func_end)); let func_end = mcr.buffer.total_size(); assert_ne!(func_end, 0); let entry = debug_context.dwarf.unit.get_mut(self.entry_id); entry.set( gimli::DW_AT_low_pc, AttributeValue::Address(Address::Symbol { symbol, addend: 0 }), ); entry.set(gimli::DW_AT_high_pc, AttributeValue::Udata(u64::from(func_end))); func_end } }