#[doc=" High-level interface to libuv's TCP functionality "]; import ip = net_ip; import uv::iotask; import uv::iotask::iotask; import comm::methods; import future_spawn = future::spawn; // FIXME: should be able to replace w/ result::{result, extensions}; import result::*; import libc::size_t; import str::extensions; // tcp interfaces export tcp_socket; // errors export tcp_err_data, tcp_connect_err_data; // operations on a tcp_socket export write, write_future, read_start, read_stop; // tcp server stuff export listen, accept; // tcp client stuff export connect; // helper methods import methods = net_tcp_methods; export methods; #[nolink] native mod rustrt { fn rust_uv_current_kernel_malloc(size: libc::c_uint) -> *libc::c_void; fn rust_uv_current_kernel_free(mem: *libc::c_void); fn rust_uv_helper_uv_tcp_t_size() -> libc::c_uint; } #[doc=" Encapsulates an open TCP/IP connection through libuv `tcp_socket` is non-copyable/sendable and automagically handles closing the underlying libuv data structures when it goes out of scope. This is the data structure that is used for read/write operations over a TCP stream. "] class tcp_socket { let socket_data: @tcp_socket_data; new(socket_data: @tcp_socket_data) { self.socket_data = socket_data; } drop { unsafe { tear_down_socket_data(socket_data) } } } #[doc=" Contains raw, string-based, error information returned from libuv "] type tcp_err_data = { err_name: str, err_msg: str }; enum tcp_connect_err_data { #[doc=" Some unplanned-for error. The first and second fields correspond to libuv's `err_name` and `err_msg` fields, respectively. "] generic_connect_err(str, str), #[doc=" Invalid IP or invalid port "] connection_refused } #[doc=" Initiate a client connection over TCP/IP # Arguments * `ip` - The IP address (versions 4 or 6) of the remote host * `port` - the unsigned integer of the desired remote host port * `iotask` - a `uv::iotask` that the tcp request will run on # Returns A `result` that, if the operation succeeds, contains a `tcp_socket` that can be used to send and receive data to/from the remote host. In the event of failure, a `tcp_err_data` will be returned "] fn connect(input_ip: ip::ip_addr, port: uint, iotask: iotask) -> result::result unsafe { let result_po = comm::port::(); let closed_signal_po = comm::port::<()>(); let conn_data = { result_ch: comm::chan(result_po), closed_signal_ch: comm::chan(closed_signal_po) }; let conn_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(conn_data); let reader_po = comm::port::>(); let stream_handle_ptr = malloc_uv_tcp_t(); *(stream_handle_ptr as *mut uv::ll::uv_tcp_t) = uv::ll::tcp_t(); let socket_data = @{ reader_po: reader_po, reader_ch: comm::chan(reader_po), stream_handle_ptr: stream_handle_ptr, connect_req: uv::ll::connect_t(), write_req: uv::ll::write_t(), iotask: iotask }; let socket_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(*socket_data); log(debug, #fmt("tcp_connect result_ch %?", conn_data.result_ch)); // get an unsafe representation of our stream_handle_ptr that // we can send into the interact cb to be handled in libuv.. log(debug, #fmt("stream_handle_ptr outside interact %?", stream_handle_ptr)); iotask::interact(iotask) {|loop_ptr| log(debug, "in interact cb for tcp client connect.."); log(debug, #fmt("stream_handle_ptr in interact %?", stream_handle_ptr)); alt uv::ll::tcp_init( loop_ptr, stream_handle_ptr) { 0i32 { log(debug, "tcp_init successful"); alt input_ip { ipv4 { log(debug, "dealing w/ ipv4 connection.."); let tcp_addr = ipv4_ip_addr_to_sockaddr_in(input_ip, port); let tcp_addr_ptr = ptr::addr_of(tcp_addr); let connect_req_ptr = ptr::addr_of((*socket_data_ptr).connect_req); alt uv::ll::tcp_connect( connect_req_ptr, stream_handle_ptr, tcp_addr_ptr, tcp_connect_on_connect_cb) { 0i32 { log(debug, "tcp_connect successful"); // reusable data that we'll have for the // duration.. uv::ll::set_data_for_uv_handle(stream_handle_ptr, socket_data_ptr as *libc::c_void); // just so the connect_cb can send the // outcome.. uv::ll::set_data_for_req(connect_req_ptr, conn_data_ptr); log(debug, "leaving tcp_connect interact cb..."); // let tcp_connect_on_connect_cb send on // the result_ch, now.. } _ { // immediate connect failure.. probably a garbage // ip or somesuch let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr); comm::send((*conn_data_ptr).result_ch, conn_failure(err_data.to_tcp_err())); uv::ll::set_data_for_uv_handle(stream_handle_ptr, conn_data_ptr); uv::ll::close(stream_handle_ptr, stream_error_close_cb); } } } } } _ { // failure to create a tcp handle let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr); comm::send((*conn_data_ptr).result_ch, conn_failure(err_data.to_tcp_err())); } } }; alt comm::recv(result_po) { conn_success { log(debug, "tcp::connect - received success on result_po"); result::ok(tcp_socket(socket_data)) } conn_failure(err_data) { comm::recv(closed_signal_po); log(debug, "tcp::connect - received failure on result_po"); // still have to free the malloc'd stream handle.. rustrt::rust_uv_current_kernel_free(stream_handle_ptr as *libc::c_void); let tcp_conn_err = alt err_data.err_name { "ECONNREFUSED" { connection_refused } _ { generic_connect_err(err_data.err_name, err_data.err_msg) } }; result::err(tcp_conn_err) } } } #[doc=" Write binary data to a tcp stream; Blocks until operation completes # Arguments * sock - a `tcp_socket` to write to * raw_write_data - a vector of `[u8]/~` that will be written to the stream. This value must remain valid for the duration of the `write` call # Returns A `result` object with a `nil` value as the `ok` variant, or a `tcp_err_data` value as the `err` variant "] fn write(sock: tcp_socket, raw_write_data: [u8]/~) -> result::result<(), tcp_err_data> unsafe { let socket_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(*(sock.socket_data)); write_common_impl(socket_data_ptr, raw_write_data) } #[doc=" Write binary data to tcp stream; Returns a `future::future` value immediately # Safety This function can produce unsafe results if the call to `write_future` is made, the `future::future` value returned is never resolved via `future::get`, and then the `tcp_socket` passed in to `write_future` leaves scope and is destructed before the task that runs the libuv write operation completes. As such: If using `write_future`, always be sure to resolve the returned `future` so as to ensure libuv doesn't try to access a released write handle. Otherwise, use the blocking `tcp::write` function instead. # Arguments * sock - a `tcp_socket` to write to * raw_write_data - a vector of `[u8]/~` that will be written to the stream. This value must remain valid for the duration of the `write` call # Returns A `future` value that, once the `write` operation completes, resolves to a `result` object with a `nil` value as the `ok` variant, or a `tcp_err_data` value as the `err` variant "] fn write_future(sock: tcp_socket, raw_write_data: [u8]/~) -> future> unsafe { let socket_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(*(sock.socket_data)); future_spawn {|| write_common_impl(socket_data_ptr, raw_write_data) } } #[doc=" Begin reading binary data from an open TCP connection; used with `read_stop` # Arguments * sock -- a `net::tcp::tcp_socket` for the connection to read from # Returns * A `result` instance that will either contain a `comm::port` that the user can read (and optionally, loop on) from until `read_stop` is called, or a `tcp_err_data` record "] fn read_start(sock: tcp_socket) -> result::result>, tcp_err_data> unsafe { let socket_data = ptr::addr_of(*(sock.socket_data)); read_start_common_impl(socket_data) } #[doc=" Stop reading from an open TCP connection; used with `read_start` # Arguments * `sock` - a `net::tcp::tcp_socket` that you wish to stop reading on "] fn read_stop(sock: tcp_socket) -> result::result<(), tcp_err_data> unsafe { let socket_data = ptr::addr_of(*(sock.socket_data)); read_stop_common_impl(socket_data) } #[doc=" Reads a single chunk of data from `tcp_socket`; block until data/error recv'd Does a blocking read operation for a single chunk of data from a `tcp_socket` until a data arrives or an error is received. The provided `timeout_msecs` value is used to raise an error if the timeout period passes without any data received. # Arguments * `sock` - a `net::tcp::tcp_socket` that you wish to read from * `timeout_msecs` - a `uint` value, in msecs, to wait before dropping the read attempt. Pass `0u` to wait indefinitely "] fn read(sock: tcp_socket, timeout_msecs: uint) -> result::result<[u8]/~,tcp_err_data> { let socket_data = ptr::addr_of(*(sock.socket_data)); read_common_impl(socket_data, timeout_msecs) } #[doc=" Reads a single chunk of data; returns a `future::future<[u8]/~>` immediately Does a non-blocking read operation for a single chunk of data from a `tcp_socket` and immediately returns a `future` value representing the result. When resolving the returned `future`, it will block until data arrives or an error is received. The provided `timeout_msecs` value is used to raise an error if the timeout period passes without any data received. # Safety This function can produce unsafe results if the call to `read_future` is made, the `future::future` value returned is never resolved via `future::get`, and then the `tcp_socket` passed in to `read_future` leaves scope and is destructed before the task that runs the libuv read operation completes. As such: If using `read_future`, always be sure to resolve the returned `future` so as to ensure libuv doesn't try to access a released read handle. Otherwise, use the blocking `tcp::read` function instead. # Arguments * `sock` - a `net::tcp::tcp_socket` that you wish to read from * `timeout_msecs` - a `uint` value, in msecs, to wait before dropping the read attempt. Pass `0u` to wait indefinitely "] fn read_future(sock: tcp_socket, timeout_msecs: uint) -> future> { let socket_data = ptr::addr_of(*(sock.socket_data)); future_spawn {|| read_common_impl(socket_data, timeout_msecs) } } #[doc=" <<<<<<< HEAD Bind to a given IP/port and listen for new connections # Arguments * `host_ip` - a `net::ip::ip_addr` representing a unique IP (versions 4 or 6) * `port` - a uint representing the port to listen on * `backlog` - a uint representing the number of incoming connections to cache in memory * `hl_loop` - a `uv::hl::high_level_loop` that the tcp request will run on # Returns A `result` instance containing either a `tcp_conn_port` which can used to listen for, and accept, new connections, or a `tcp_err_data` if failure to create the tcp listener occurs "] fn new_listener(host_ip: ip::ip_addr, port: uint, backlog: uint, iotask: iotask) -> result::result unsafe { let stream_closed_po = comm::port::<()>(); let stream_closed_ch = comm::chan(stream_closed_po); let new_conn_po = comm::port::>(); let new_conn_ch = comm::chan(new_conn_po); // FIXME (#2656): This shared box should not be captured in the i/o // task Make it a unique pointer. let server_data: @tcp_conn_port_data = @{ server_stream: uv::ll::tcp_t(), stream_closed_po: stream_closed_po, stream_closed_ch: stream_closed_ch, iotask: iotask, new_conn_po: new_conn_po, new_conn_ch: new_conn_ch }; let server_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(*server_data); let server_stream_ptr = ptr::addr_of((*server_data_ptr) .server_stream); let setup_po = comm::port::>(); let setup_ch = comm::chan(setup_po); iotask::interact(iotask) {|loop_ptr| let tcp_addr = ipv4_ip_addr_to_sockaddr_in(host_ip, port); alt uv::ll::tcp_init(loop_ptr, server_stream_ptr) { 0i32 { alt uv::ll::tcp_bind(server_stream_ptr, ptr::addr_of(tcp_addr)) { 0i32 { alt uv::ll::listen(server_stream_ptr, backlog as libc::c_int, tcp_nl_on_connection_cb) { 0i32 { uv::ll::set_data_for_uv_handle( server_stream_ptr, server_data_ptr); comm::send(setup_ch, none); } _ { log(debug, "failure to uv_listen()"); let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr); comm::send(setup_ch, some(err_data)); } } } _ { log(debug, "failure to uv_tcp_bind"); let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr); comm::send(setup_ch, some(err_data)); } } } _ { log(debug, "failure to uv_tcp_init"); let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr); comm::send(setup_ch, some(err_data)); } } }; alt comm::recv(setup_po) { some(err_data) { // we failed to bind/list w/ libuv result::err(err_data.to_tcp_err()) } none { result::ok(tcp_conn_port(server_data)) } } } #[doc=" Block on a `net::tcp::tcp_conn_port` until a new connection arrives This function behaves similarly to `comm::recv()` # Arguments * server_port -- a `net::tcp::tcp_conn_port` that you wish to listen on for an incoming connection # Returns A `result` object containing a `net::tcp::tcp_socket`, ready for immediate use, as the `ok` varient, or a `net::tcp::tcp_err_data` for the `err` variant "] fn conn_recv(server_port: tcp_conn_port) -> result::result { let new_conn_po = (*(server_port.conn_data)).new_conn_po; let iotask = (*(server_port.conn_data)).iotask; let new_conn_result = comm::recv(new_conn_po); alt new_conn_result { ok(client_stream_ptr) { conn_port_new_tcp_socket(client_stream_ptr, iotask) } err(err_data) { result::err(err_data) } } } #[doc=" Identical to `net::tcp::conn_recv`, but ran on a new task The recv'd tcp_socket is created with a new task on the current scheduler, and given as a parameter to the provided callback # Arguments * `server_port` -- a `net::tcp::tcp_conn_port` that you wish to listen on for an incoming connection * `cb` -- a callback that will be ran, in a new task on the current scheduler, once a new connection is recv'd. Its parameter: * A `result` object containing a `net::tcp::tcp_socket`, ready for immediate use, as the `ok` varient, or a `net::tcp::tcp_err_data` for the `err` variant "] fn conn_recv_spawn(server_port: tcp_conn_port, +cb: fn~(result::result)) { let new_conn_po = (*(server_port.conn_data)).new_conn_po; let iotask = (*(server_port.conn_data)).iotask; let new_conn_result = comm::recv(new_conn_po); task::spawn {|| let sock_create_result = alt new_conn_result { ok(client_stream_ptr) { conn_port_new_tcp_socket(client_stream_ptr, iotask) } err(err_data) { result::err(err_data) } }; cb(sock_create_result); }; } #[doc=" Check if a `net::tcp::tcp_conn_port` has one-or-more pending, new connections This function behaves similarly to `comm::peek()` # Arguments * `server_port` -- a `net::tcp::tcp_conn_port` representing a server connection # Returns `true` if there are one-or-more pending connections, `false` if there are none. "] fn conn_peek(server_port: tcp_conn_port) -> bool { let new_conn_po = (*(server_port.conn_data)).new_conn_po; comm::peek(new_conn_po) } #[doc=" ======= >>>>>>> std: dump the tcp::new_listener server API Bind an incoming client connection to a `net::tcp::tcp_socket` # Notes It is safe to call `net::tcp::accept` _only_ within the context of the `new_connect_cb` callback provided as the final argument to the `net::tcp::listen` function. The `new_conn` opaque value is provided _only_ as the first argument to the `new_connect_cb` provided as a part of `net::tcp::listen`. It can be safely sent to another task but it _must_ be used (via `net::tcp::accept`) before the `new_connect_cb` call it was provided to returns. This implies that a port/chan pair must be used to make sure that the `new_connect_cb` call blocks until an attempt to create a `net::tcp::tcp_socket` is completed. # Example Here, the `new_conn` is used in conjunction with `accept` from within a task spawned by the `new_connect_cb` passed into `listen` ~~~~~~~~~~~ net::tcp::listen(remote_ip, remote_port, backlog) {|new_conn, kill_ch| let cont_po = comm::port::>(); let cont_ch = comm::chan(cont_po); task::spawn {|| let accept_result = net::tcp::accept(new_conn); if accept_result.is_failure() { comm::send(cont_ch, result::get_err(accept_result)); // fail? } else { let sock = result::get(accept_result); comm::send(cont_ch, true); // do work here } }; alt comm::recv(cont_po) { // shut down listen() some(err_data) { comm::send(kill_chan, some(err_data)) } // wait for next connection none {} } }; ~~~~~~~~~~~ # Arguments * `new_conn` - an opaque value used to create a new `tcp_socket` # Returns * Success * On success, this function will return a `net::tcp::tcp_socket` as the `ok` variant of a `result`. The `net::tcp::tcp_socket` is anchored within the task that `accept` was called within for its lifetime. * Failure * On failure, this function will return a `net::tcp::tcp_err_data` record as the `err` variant of a `result`. "] fn accept(new_conn: tcp_new_connection) -> result::result unsafe { alt new_conn{ new_tcp_conn(server_handle_ptr) { let server_data_ptr = uv::ll::get_data_for_uv_handle( server_handle_ptr) as *tcp_listen_fc_data; let reader_po = comm::port::>(); let iotask = (*server_data_ptr).iotask; let stream_handle_ptr = malloc_uv_tcp_t(); *(stream_handle_ptr as *mut uv::ll::uv_tcp_t) = uv::ll::tcp_t(); let client_socket_data = @{ reader_po: reader_po, reader_ch: comm::chan(reader_po), stream_handle_ptr : stream_handle_ptr, connect_req : uv::ll::connect_t(), write_req : uv::ll::write_t(), iotask : iotask }; let client_socket_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(*client_socket_data); let client_stream_handle_ptr = (*client_socket_data_ptr).stream_handle_ptr; let result_po = comm::port::>(); let result_ch = comm::chan(result_po); // UNSAFE LIBUV INTERACTION BEGIN // .. normally this happens within the context of // a call to uv::hl::interact.. but we're breaking // the rules here because this always has to be // called within the context of a listen() new_connect_cb // callback (or it will likely fail and drown your cat) log(debug, "in interact cb for tcp::accept"); let loop_ptr = uv::ll::get_loop_for_uv_handle( server_handle_ptr); alt uv::ll::tcp_init(loop_ptr, client_stream_handle_ptr) { 0i32 { log(debug, "uv_tcp_init successful for client stream"); alt uv::ll::accept( server_handle_ptr as *libc::c_void, client_stream_handle_ptr as *libc::c_void) { 0i32 { log(debug, "successfully accepted client connection"); uv::ll::set_data_for_uv_handle(client_stream_handle_ptr, client_socket_data_ptr as *libc::c_void); comm::send(result_ch, none); } _ { log(debug, "failed to accept client conn"); comm::send(result_ch, some( uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr).to_tcp_err())); } } } _ { log(debug, "failed to init client stream"); comm::send(result_ch, some( uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr).to_tcp_err())); } } // UNSAFE LIBUV INTERACTION END alt comm::recv(result_po) { some(err_data) { result::err(err_data) } none { result::ok(tcp_socket(client_socket_data)) } } } } } #[doc=" Bind to a given IP/port and listen for new connections # Arguments * `host_ip` - a `net::ip::ip_addr` representing a unique IP (versions 4 or 6) * `port` - a uint representing the port to listen on * `backlog` - a uint representing the number of incoming connections to cache in memory * `hl_loop` - a `uv::hl::high_level_loop` that the tcp request will run on * `on_establish_cb` - a callback that is evaluated if/when the listener is successfully established. it takes no parameters * `new_connect_cb` - a callback to be evaluated, on the libuv thread, whenever a client attempts to conect on the provided ip/port. the callback's arguments are: * `new_conn` - an opaque type that can be passed to `net::tcp::accept` in order to be converted to a `tcp_socket`. * `kill_ch` - channel of type `comm::chan>`. this channel can be used to send a message to cause `listen` to begin closing the underlying libuv data structures. # returns a `result` instance containing empty data of type `()` on a successful/normal shutdown, and a `tcp_err_data` record in the event of listen exiting because of an error "] fn listen(host_ip: ip::ip_addr, port: uint, backlog: uint, iotask: iotask, on_establish_cb: fn~(comm::chan>), +new_connect_cb: fn~(tcp_new_connection, comm::chan>)) -> result::result<(), tcp_err_data> unsafe { let stream_closed_po = comm::port::<()>(); let kill_po = comm::port::>(); let kill_ch = comm::chan(kill_po); let server_stream = uv::ll::tcp_t(); let server_stream_ptr = ptr::addr_of(server_stream); let server_data = { server_stream_ptr: server_stream_ptr, stream_closed_ch: comm::chan(stream_closed_po), kill_ch: kill_ch, new_connect_cb: new_connect_cb, iotask: iotask, mut active: true }; let server_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(server_data); let setup_result = comm::listen {|setup_ch| iotask::interact(iotask) {|loop_ptr| let tcp_addr = ipv4_ip_addr_to_sockaddr_in(host_ip, port); alt uv::ll::tcp_init(loop_ptr, server_stream_ptr) { 0i32 { alt uv::ll::tcp_bind(server_stream_ptr, ptr::addr_of(tcp_addr)) { 0i32 { alt uv::ll::listen(server_stream_ptr, backlog as libc::c_int, tcp_lfc_on_connection_cb) { 0i32 { uv::ll::set_data_for_uv_handle( server_stream_ptr, server_data_ptr); comm::send(setup_ch, none); } _ { log(debug, "failure to uv_listen()"); let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr); comm::send(setup_ch, some(err_data)); } } } _ { log(debug, "failure to uv_tcp_bind"); let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr); comm::send(setup_ch, some(err_data)); } } } _ { log(debug, "failure to uv_tcp_init"); let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr); comm::send(setup_ch, some(err_data)); } } }; setup_ch.recv() }; alt setup_result { some(err_data) { // we failed to bind/list w/ libuv result::err(err_data.to_tcp_err()) } none { on_establish_cb(kill_ch); let kill_result = comm::recv(kill_po); iotask::interact(iotask) {|loop_ptr| log(debug, #fmt("tcp::listen post-kill recv hl interact %?", loop_ptr)); (*server_data_ptr).active = false; uv::ll::close(server_stream_ptr, tcp_lfc_close_cb); }; comm::recv(stream_closed_po); alt kill_result { // some failure post bind/listen some(err_data) { result::err(err_data) } // clean exit none { result::ok(()) } } } } } mod net_tcp_methods { #[doc=" Convenience methods extending `net::tcp::tcp_socket` "] impl methods_tcp_socket for tcp_socket { fn read_start() -> result::result>, tcp_err_data> { read_start(self) } fn read_stop() -> result::result<(), tcp_err_data> { read_stop(self) } fn read(timeout_msecs: uint) -> result::result<[u8]/~, tcp_err_data> { read(self, timeout_msecs) } fn read_future(timeout_msecs: uint) -> future::future> { read_future(self, timeout_msecs) } fn write(raw_write_data: [u8]/~) -> result::result<(), tcp_err_data> { write(self, raw_write_data) } fn write_future(raw_write_data: [u8]/~) -> future::future> { write_future(self, raw_write_data) } } } // INTERNAL API fn tear_down_socket_data(socket_data: @tcp_socket_data) unsafe { let closed_po = comm::port::<()>(); let closed_ch = comm::chan(closed_po); let close_data = { closed_ch: closed_ch }; let close_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(close_data); let stream_handle_ptr = (*socket_data).stream_handle_ptr; iotask::interact((*socket_data).iotask) {|loop_ptr| log(debug, #fmt("interact dtor for tcp_socket stream %? loop %?", stream_handle_ptr, loop_ptr)); uv::ll::set_data_for_uv_handle(stream_handle_ptr, close_data_ptr); uv::ll::close(stream_handle_ptr, tcp_socket_dtor_close_cb); }; comm::recv(closed_po); log(debug, #fmt("about to free socket_data at %?", socket_data)); rustrt::rust_uv_current_kernel_free(stream_handle_ptr as *libc::c_void); log(debug, "exiting dtor for tcp_socket"); } // shared implementation for tcp::read fn read_common_impl(socket_data: *tcp_socket_data, timeout_msecs: uint) -> result::result<[u8]/~,tcp_err_data> unsafe { log(debug, "starting tcp::read"); let iotask = (*socket_data).iotask; let rs_result = read_start_common_impl(socket_data); if result::is_err(rs_result) { let err_data = result::get_err(rs_result); result::err(err_data) } else { log(debug, "tcp::read before recv_timeout"); let read_result = if timeout_msecs > 0u { timer::recv_timeout( iotask, timeout_msecs, result::get(rs_result)) } else { some(comm::recv(result::get(rs_result))) }; log(debug, "tcp::read after recv_timeout"); alt read_result { none { log(debug, "tcp::read: timed out.."); let err_data = { err_name: "TIMEOUT", err_msg: "req timed out" }; read_stop_common_impl(socket_data); result::err(err_data) } some(data_result) { log(debug, "tcp::read got data"); read_stop_common_impl(socket_data); data_result } } } } // shared impl for read_stop fn read_stop_common_impl(socket_data: *tcp_socket_data) -> result::result<(), tcp_err_data> unsafe { let stream_handle_ptr = (*socket_data).stream_handle_ptr; let stop_po = comm::port::>(); let stop_ch = comm::chan(stop_po); iotask::interact((*socket_data).iotask) {|loop_ptr| log(debug, "in interact cb for tcp::read_stop"); alt uv::ll::read_stop(stream_handle_ptr as *uv::ll::uv_stream_t) { 0i32 { log(debug, "successfully called uv_read_stop"); comm::send(stop_ch, none); } _ { log(debug, "failure in calling uv_read_stop"); let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr); comm::send(stop_ch, some(err_data.to_tcp_err())); } } }; alt comm::recv(stop_po) { some(err_data) { result::err(err_data.to_tcp_err()) } none { result::ok(()) } } } // shared impl for read_start fn read_start_common_impl(socket_data: *tcp_socket_data) -> result::result>, tcp_err_data> unsafe { let stream_handle_ptr = (*socket_data).stream_handle_ptr; let start_po = comm::port::>(); let start_ch = comm::chan(start_po); log(debug, "in tcp::read_start before interact loop"); iotask::interact((*socket_data).iotask) {|loop_ptr| log(debug, #fmt("in tcp::read_start interact cb %?", loop_ptr)); alt uv::ll::read_start(stream_handle_ptr as *uv::ll::uv_stream_t, on_alloc_cb, on_tcp_read_cb) { 0i32 { log(debug, "success doing uv_read_start"); comm::send(start_ch, none); } _ { log(debug, "error attempting uv_read_start"); let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr); comm::send(start_ch, some(err_data)); } } }; alt comm::recv(start_po) { some(err_data) { result::err(err_data.to_tcp_err()) } none { result::ok((*socket_data).reader_po) } } } // shared implementation used by write and write_future fn write_common_impl(socket_data_ptr: *tcp_socket_data, raw_write_data: [u8]/~) -> result::result<(), tcp_err_data> unsafe { let write_req_ptr = ptr::addr_of((*socket_data_ptr).write_req); let stream_handle_ptr = (*socket_data_ptr).stream_handle_ptr; let write_buf_vec = [ uv::ll::buf_init( vec::unsafe::to_ptr(raw_write_data), vec::len(raw_write_data)) ]/~; let write_buf_vec_ptr = ptr::addr_of(write_buf_vec); let result_po = comm::port::(); let write_data = { result_ch: comm::chan(result_po) }; let write_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(write_data); iotask::interact((*socket_data_ptr).iotask) {|loop_ptr| log(debug, #fmt("in interact cb for tcp::write %?", loop_ptr)); alt uv::ll::write(write_req_ptr, stream_handle_ptr, write_buf_vec_ptr, tcp_write_complete_cb) { 0i32 { log(debug, "uv_write() invoked successfully"); uv::ll::set_data_for_req(write_req_ptr, write_data_ptr); } _ { log(debug, "error invoking uv_write()"); let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr); comm::send((*write_data_ptr).result_ch, tcp_write_error(err_data.to_tcp_err())); } } }; // FIXME (#2656): Instead of passing unsafe pointers to local data, // and waiting here for the write to complete, we should transfer // ownership of everything to the I/O task and let it deal with the // aftermath, so we don't have to sit here blocking. alt comm::recv(result_po) { tcp_write_success { result::ok(()) } tcp_write_error(err_data) { result::err(err_data.to_tcp_err()) } } } <<<<<<< HEAD // various recv_* can use a tcp_conn_port can re-use this.. fn conn_port_new_tcp_socket( stream_handle_ptr: *uv::ll::uv_tcp_t, iotask: iotask) -> result::result unsafe { // tcp_nl_on_connection_cb let reader_po = comm::port::>(); let client_socket_data = @{ reader_po : reader_po, reader_ch : comm::chan(reader_po), stream_handle_ptr : stream_handle_ptr, connect_req : uv::ll::connect_t(), write_req : uv::ll::write_t(), iotask : iotask }; let client_socket_data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(*client_socket_data); comm::listen {|cont_ch| iotask::interact(iotask) {|loop_ptr| log(debug, #fmt("in interact cb 4 conn_port_new_tcp.. loop %?", loop_ptr)); uv::ll::set_data_for_uv_handle(stream_handle_ptr, client_socket_data_ptr); cont_ch.send(()); }; cont_ch.recv() }; result::ok(tcp_socket(client_socket_data)) } ======= >>>>>>> std: dump the tcp::new_listener server API enum tcp_new_connection { new_tcp_conn(*uv::ll::uv_tcp_t) } type tcp_listen_fc_data = { server_stream_ptr: *uv::ll::uv_tcp_t, stream_closed_ch: comm::chan<()>, kill_ch: comm::chan>, new_connect_cb: fn~(tcp_new_connection, comm::chan>), iotask: iotask, mut active: bool }; crust fn tcp_lfc_close_cb(handle: *uv::ll::uv_tcp_t) unsafe { let server_data_ptr = uv::ll::get_data_for_uv_handle( handle) as *tcp_listen_fc_data; comm::send((*server_data_ptr).stream_closed_ch, ()); } crust fn tcp_lfc_on_connection_cb(handle: *uv::ll::uv_tcp_t, status: libc::c_int) unsafe { let server_data_ptr = uv::ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(handle) as *tcp_listen_fc_data; let kill_ch = (*server_data_ptr).kill_ch; if (*server_data_ptr).active { alt status { 0i32 { let new_conn = new_tcp_conn(handle); (*server_data_ptr).new_connect_cb(new_conn, kill_ch); } _ { let loop_ptr = uv::ll::get_loop_for_uv_handle(handle); comm::send(kill_ch, some(uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr) .to_tcp_err())); (*server_data_ptr).active = false; } } } } fn malloc_uv_tcp_t() -> *uv::ll::uv_tcp_t unsafe { rustrt::rust_uv_current_kernel_malloc( rustrt::rust_uv_helper_uv_tcp_t_size()) as *uv::ll::uv_tcp_t } enum tcp_connect_result { tcp_connected(tcp_socket), tcp_connect_error(tcp_err_data) } enum tcp_write_result { tcp_write_success, tcp_write_error(tcp_err_data) } enum tcp_read_start_result { tcp_read_start_success(comm::port), tcp_read_start_error(tcp_err_data) } enum tcp_read_result { tcp_read_data([u8]/~), tcp_read_done, tcp_read_err(tcp_err_data) } iface to_tcp_err_iface { fn to_tcp_err() -> tcp_err_data; } impl of to_tcp_err_iface for uv::ll::uv_err_data { fn to_tcp_err() -> tcp_err_data { { err_name: self.err_name, err_msg: self.err_msg } } } crust fn on_tcp_read_cb(stream: *uv::ll::uv_stream_t, nread: libc::ssize_t, ++buf: uv::ll::uv_buf_t) unsafe { log(debug, #fmt("entering on_tcp_read_cb stream: %? nread: %?", stream, nread)); let loop_ptr = uv::ll::get_loop_for_uv_handle(stream); let socket_data_ptr = uv::ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(stream) as *tcp_socket_data; alt nread as int { // incoming err.. probably eof -1 { let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr).to_tcp_err(); log(debug, #fmt("on_tcp_read_cb: incoming err.. name %? msg %?", err_data.err_name, err_data.err_msg)); let reader_ch = (*socket_data_ptr).reader_ch; comm::send(reader_ch, result::err(err_data)); } // do nothing .. unneeded buf 0 {} // have data _ { // we have data log(debug, #fmt("tcp on_read_cb nread: %d", nread as int)); let reader_ch = (*socket_data_ptr).reader_ch; let buf_base = uv::ll::get_base_from_buf(buf); let buf_len = uv::ll::get_len_from_buf(buf); let new_bytes = vec::unsafe::from_buf(buf_base, buf_len as uint); comm::send(reader_ch, result::ok(new_bytes)); } } uv::ll::free_base_of_buf(buf); log(debug, "exiting on_tcp_read_cb"); } crust fn on_alloc_cb(handle: *libc::c_void, ++suggested_size: size_t) -> uv::ll::uv_buf_t unsafe { log(debug, "tcp read on_alloc_cb!"); let char_ptr = uv::ll::malloc_buf_base_of(suggested_size); log(debug, #fmt("tcp read on_alloc_cb h: %? char_ptr: %u sugsize: %u", handle, char_ptr as uint, suggested_size as uint)); uv::ll::buf_init(char_ptr, suggested_size as uint) } type tcp_socket_close_data = { closed_ch: comm::chan<()> }; crust fn tcp_socket_dtor_close_cb(handle: *uv::ll::uv_tcp_t) unsafe { let data = uv::ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(handle) as *tcp_socket_close_data; let closed_ch = (*data).closed_ch; comm::send(closed_ch, ()); log(debug, "tcp_socket_dtor_close_cb exiting.."); } crust fn tcp_write_complete_cb(write_req: *uv::ll::uv_write_t, status: libc::c_int) unsafe { let write_data_ptr = uv::ll::get_data_for_req(write_req) as *write_req_data; if status == 0i32 { log(debug, "successful write complete"); comm::send((*write_data_ptr).result_ch, tcp_write_success); } else { let stream_handle_ptr = uv::ll::get_stream_handle_from_write_req( write_req); let loop_ptr = uv::ll::get_loop_for_uv_handle(stream_handle_ptr); let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr); log(debug, "failure to write"); comm::send((*write_data_ptr).result_ch, tcp_write_error(err_data)); } } type write_req_data = { result_ch: comm::chan }; type connect_req_data = { result_ch: comm::chan, closed_signal_ch: comm::chan<()> }; crust fn stream_error_close_cb(handle: *uv::ll::uv_tcp_t) unsafe { let data = uv::ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(handle) as *connect_req_data; comm::send((*data).closed_signal_ch, ()); log(debug, #fmt("exiting steam_error_close_cb for %?", handle)); } crust fn tcp_connect_close_cb(handle: *uv::ll::uv_tcp_t) unsafe { log(debug, #fmt("closed client tcp handle %?", handle)); } crust fn tcp_connect_on_connect_cb(connect_req_ptr: *uv::ll::uv_connect_t, status: libc::c_int) unsafe { let conn_data_ptr = (uv::ll::get_data_for_req(connect_req_ptr) as *connect_req_data); let result_ch = (*conn_data_ptr).result_ch; log(debug, #fmt("tcp_connect result_ch %?", result_ch)); let tcp_stream_ptr = uv::ll::get_stream_handle_from_connect_req(connect_req_ptr); alt status { 0i32 { log(debug, "successful tcp connection!"); comm::send(result_ch, conn_success); } _ { log(debug, "error in tcp_connect_on_connect_cb"); let loop_ptr = uv::ll::get_loop_for_uv_handle(tcp_stream_ptr); let err_data = uv::ll::get_last_err_data(loop_ptr); log(debug, #fmt("err_data %? %?", err_data.err_name, err_data.err_msg)); comm::send(result_ch, conn_failure(err_data)); uv::ll::set_data_for_uv_handle(tcp_stream_ptr, conn_data_ptr); uv::ll::close(tcp_stream_ptr, stream_error_close_cb); } } log(debug, "leaving tcp_connect_on_connect_cb"); } enum conn_attempt { conn_success, conn_failure(uv::ll::uv_err_data) } type tcp_socket_data = { reader_po: comm::port>, reader_ch: comm::chan>, stream_handle_ptr: *uv::ll::uv_tcp_t, connect_req: uv::ll::uv_connect_t, write_req: uv::ll::uv_write_t, iotask: iotask }; // convert rust ip_addr to libuv's native representation fn ipv4_ip_addr_to_sockaddr_in(input_ip: ip::ip_addr, port: uint) -> uv::ll::sockaddr_in unsafe { // FIXME (#2656): ipv6 alt input_ip { ip::ipv4(_,_,_,_) { uv::ll::ip4_addr(ip::format_addr(input_ip), port as int) } ip::ipv6(_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) { fail "FIXME (#2656) ipv6 not yet supported"; } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { // FIXME don't run on fbsd or linux 32 bit (#2064) #[cfg(target_os="win32")] #[cfg(target_os="darwin")] #[cfg(target_os="linux")] mod tcp_ipv4_server_and_client_test { #[cfg(target_arch="x86_64")] mod impl64 { #[test] fn test_gl_tcp_server_and_client_ipv4() unsafe { impl_gl_tcp_ipv4_server_and_client(); } #[test] fn test_gl_tcp_ipv4_client_error_connection_refused() unsafe { impl_gl_tcp_ipv4_client_error_connection_refused(); } } #[cfg(target_arch="x86")] mod impl32 { #[test] #[ignore(cfg(target_os = "linux"))] fn test_gl_tcp_server_and_client_ipv4() unsafe { impl_gl_tcp_ipv4_server_and_client(); } #[test] #[ignore(cfg(target_os = "linux"))] fn test_gl_tcp_ipv4_client_error_connection_refused() unsafe { impl_gl_tcp_ipv4_client_error_connection_refused(); } } } fn impl_gl_tcp_ipv4_server_and_client() { let hl_loop = uv::global_loop::get(); let server_ip = ""; let server_port = 8888u; let expected_req = "ping"; let expected_resp = "pong"; let server_result_po = comm::port::(); let server_result_ch = comm::chan(server_result_po); let cont_po = comm::port::<()>(); let cont_ch = comm::chan(cont_po); // server task::spawn_sched(task::manual_threads(1u)) {|| let actual_req = comm::listen {|server_ch| run_tcp_test_server( server_ip, server_port, expected_resp, server_ch, cont_ch, hl_loop) }; server_result_ch.send(actual_req); }; comm::recv(cont_po); // client log(debug, "server started, firing up client.."); let actual_resp_result = comm::listen {|client_ch| run_tcp_test_client( server_ip, server_port, expected_req, client_ch, hl_loop) }; assert actual_resp_result.is_success(); let actual_resp = actual_resp_result.get(); let actual_req = comm::recv(server_result_po); log(debug, #fmt("REQ: expected: '%s' actual: '%s'", expected_req, actual_req)); log(debug, #fmt("RESP: expected: '%s' actual: '%s'", expected_resp, actual_resp)); assert str::contains(actual_req, expected_req); assert str::contains(actual_resp, expected_resp); } fn impl_gl_tcp_ipv4_client_error_connection_refused() { let hl_loop = uv::global_loop::get(); let server_ip = ""; let server_port = 8890u; let expected_req = "ping"; // client log(debug, "firing up client.."); let actual_resp_result = comm::listen {|client_ch| run_tcp_test_client( server_ip, server_port, expected_req, client_ch, hl_loop) }; alt actual_resp_result.get_err() { connection_refused { } _ { fail "unknown error.. expected connection_refused" } } } fn run_tcp_test_server(server_ip: str, server_port: uint, resp: str, server_ch: comm::chan, cont_ch: comm::chan<()>, iotask: iotask) -> str { task::spawn_sched(task::manual_threads(1u)) {|| let server_ip_addr = ip::v4::parse_addr(server_ip); let listen_result = listen(server_ip_addr, server_port, 128u, iotask, // on_establish_cb -- called when listener is set up {|kill_ch| log(debug, #fmt("establish_cb %?", kill_ch)); comm::send(cont_ch, ()); }, // risky to run this on the loop, but some users // will want the POWER {|new_conn, kill_ch| log(debug, "SERVER: new connection!"); comm::listen {|cont_ch| task::spawn_sched(task::manual_threads(1u)) {|| log(debug, "SERVER: starting worker for new req"); let accept_result = accept(new_conn); log(debug, "SERVER: after accept()"); if result::is_err(accept_result) { log(debug, "SERVER: error accept connection"); let err_data = result::get_err(accept_result); comm::send(kill_ch, some(err_data)); log(debug, "SERVER/WORKER: send on err cont ch"); cont_ch.send(()); } else { log(debug, "SERVER/WORKER: send on cont ch"); cont_ch.send(()); let sock = result::unwrap(accept_result); log(debug, "SERVER: successfully accepted"+ "connection!"); let received_req_bytes = read(sock, 0u); alt received_req_bytes { result::ok(data) { server_ch.send( str::from_bytes(data)); log(debug, "SERVER: before write"); tcp_write_single(sock, str::bytes(resp)); log(debug, "SERVER: after write.. die"); comm::send(kill_ch, none); } result::err(err_data) { log(debug, #fmt("SERVER: error recvd: %s %s", err_data.err_name, err_data.err_msg)); comm::send(kill_ch, some(err_data)); server_ch.send(""); } } log(debug, "SERVER: worker spinning down"); } } log(debug, "SERVER: waiting to recv on cont_ch"); cont_ch.recv() }; log(debug, "SERVER: recv'd on cont_ch..leaving listen cb"); }); // err check on listen_result if result::is_err(listen_result) { let err_data = result::get_err(listen_result); log(debug, #fmt("SERVER: exited abnormally name %s msg %s", err_data.err_name, err_data.err_msg)); } }; let ret_val = server_ch.recv(); log(debug, #fmt("SERVER: exited and got ret val: '%s'", ret_val)); ret_val } fn run_tcp_test_client(server_ip: str, server_port: uint, resp: str, client_ch: comm::chan, iotask: iotask) -> result::result { let server_ip_addr = ip::v4::parse_addr(server_ip); log(debug, "CLIENT: starting.."); let connect_result = connect(server_ip_addr, server_port, iotask); if result::is_err(connect_result) { log(debug, "CLIENT: failed to connect"); let err_data = result::get_err(connect_result); err(err_data) } else { let sock = result::unwrap(connect_result); let resp_bytes = str::bytes(resp); tcp_write_single(sock, resp_bytes); let read_result = sock.read(0u); if read_result.is_err() { log(debug, "CLIENT: failure to read"); ok("") } else { client_ch.send(str::from_bytes(read_result.get())); let ret_val = client_ch.recv(); log(debug, #fmt("CLIENT: after client_ch recv ret: '%s'", ret_val)); ok(ret_val) } } } <<<<<<< HEAD fn tcp_write_single(sock: tcp_socket, val: [u8]/~) { let write_result_future = sock.write_future(val); ======= fn tcp_write_single(sock: tcp_socket, val: [u8]) { let write_result_future = write_future(sock, val); >>>>>>> std: mod cleanup, impl/test for conn. refused err + mem leak fix let write_result = write_result_future.get(); if result::is_err(write_result) { log(debug, "tcp_write_single: write failed!"); let err_data = result::get_err(write_result); log(debug, #fmt("tcp_write_single err name: %s msg: %s", err_data.err_name, err_data.err_msg)); // meh. torn on what to do here. fail "tcp_write_single failed"; } } }