#include #include "rust_internal.h" template class ptr_vec; rust_message::rust_message(rust_dom *dom) : dom(dom) { } void rust_message::process() { } kill_task_message::kill_task_message(rust_dom *dom, rust_task *task) : rust_message(dom), _task(task) { } void kill_task_message::process() { _task->ref_count--; _task->kill(); } rust_dom::rust_dom(rust_srv *srv, rust_crate const *root_crate) : interrupt_flag(0), root_crate(root_crate), _log(srv, this), srv(srv), running_tasks(this), blocked_tasks(this), dead_tasks(this), caches(this), root_task(NULL), curr_task(NULL), rval(0) { logptr("new dom", (uintptr_t)this); isaac_init(this, &rctx); #ifndef __WIN32__ pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, 1024 * 1024); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, true); #endif root_task = new (this) rust_task(this, NULL); } static void del_all_tasks(rust_dom *dom, ptr_vec *v) { I(dom, v); while (v->length()) { dom->log(rust_log::TASK, "deleting task %" PRIdPTR, v->length() - 1); delete v->pop(); } } rust_dom::~rust_dom() { log(rust_log::TASK, "deleting all running tasks"); del_all_tasks(this, &running_tasks); log(rust_log::TASK, "deleting all blocked tasks"); del_all_tasks(this, &blocked_tasks); log(rust_log::TASK, "deleting all dead tasks"); del_all_tasks(this, &dead_tasks); #ifndef __WIN32__ pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); #endif while (caches.length()) delete caches.pop(); } void rust_dom::activate(rust_task *task) { curr_task = task; root_crate->get_activate_glue()(task); curr_task = NULL; } void rust_dom::log(rust_task *task, uint32_t type_bits, char const *fmt, ...) { char buf[256]; if (_log.is_tracing(type_bits)) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); _log.trace_ln(task, type_bits, buf); va_end(args); } } void rust_dom::log(uint32_t type_bits, char const *fmt, ...) { char buf[256]; if (_log.is_tracing(type_bits)) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); _log.trace_ln(NULL, type_bits, buf); va_end(args); } } rust_log & rust_dom::get_log() { return _log; } void rust_dom::logptr(char const *msg, uintptr_t ptrval) { log(rust_log::MEM, "%s 0x%" PRIxPTR, msg, ptrval); } template void rust_dom::logptr(char const *msg, T* ptrval) { log(rust_log::MEM, "%s 0x%" PRIxPTR, msg, (uintptr_t)ptrval); } void rust_dom::fail() { log(rust_log::DOM, "domain 0x%" PRIxPTR " root task failed", this); I(this, rval == 0); rval = 1; } void * rust_dom::malloc(size_t sz) { void *p = srv->malloc(sz); I(this, p); log(rust_log::MEM, "rust_dom::malloc(%d) -> 0x%" PRIxPTR, sz, p); return p; } void * rust_dom::calloc(size_t sz) { void *p = this->malloc(sz); memset(p, 0, sz); return p; } void * rust_dom::realloc(void *p, size_t sz) { void *p1 = srv->realloc(p, sz); I(this, p1); log(rust_log::MEM, "rust_dom::realloc(0x%" PRIxPTR ", %d) -> 0x%" PRIxPTR, p, sz, p1); return p1; } void rust_dom::free(void *p) { log(rust_log::MEM, "rust_dom::free(0x%" PRIxPTR ")", p); I(this, p); srv->free(p); } #ifdef __WIN32__ void rust_dom::win32_require(LPCTSTR fn, BOOL ok) { if (!ok) { LPTSTR buf; DWORD err = GetLastError(); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &buf, 0, NULL ); log(rust_log::ERR, "%s failed with error %ld: %s", fn, err, buf); LocalFree((HLOCAL)buf); I(this, ok); } } #endif size_t rust_dom::n_live_tasks() { return running_tasks.length() + blocked_tasks.length(); } void rust_dom::add_task_to_state_vec(ptr_vec *v, rust_task *task) { log(rust_log::MEM|rust_log::TASK, "adding task 0x%" PRIxPTR " in state '%s' to vec 0x%" PRIxPTR, (uintptr_t)task, state_vec_name(v), (uintptr_t)v); v->push(task); } void rust_dom::remove_task_from_state_vec(ptr_vec *v, rust_task *task) { log(rust_log::MEM|rust_log::TASK, "removing task 0x%" PRIxPTR " in state '%s' from vec 0x%" PRIxPTR, (uintptr_t)task, state_vec_name(v), (uintptr_t)v); I(this, (*v)[task->idx] == task); v->swap_delete(task); } const char * rust_dom::state_vec_name(ptr_vec *v) { if (v == &running_tasks) return "running"; if (v == &blocked_tasks) return "blocked"; I(this, v == &dead_tasks); return "dead"; } /** * Delete any dead tasks. */ void rust_dom::reap_dead_tasks() { for (size_t i = 0; i < dead_tasks.length(); ) { rust_task *task = dead_tasks[i]; // log(rust_log::TASK, "dead task 0x%" PRIxPTR " with ref_count: %d", // task, task->ref_count); if (task->ref_count == 0) { I(this, !task->waiting_tasks.length()); dead_tasks.swap_delete(task); log(rust_log::TASK, "deleting unreferenced dead task 0x%" PRIxPTR, task); delete task; continue; } ++i; } } /** * Enqueues a message in this domain's incoming message queue. It's the * responsibility of the receiver to free the message once it's processed. */ void rust_dom::send_message(rust_message *message) { log(rust_log::COMM, "enqueueing message 0x%" PRIxPTR " in queue 0x%" PRIxPTR, message, &_incoming_message_queue); _incoming_message_queue.enqueue(message); _incoming_message_pending.signal(); } /** * Drains and processes incoming pending messages. */ void rust_dom::drain_incoming_message_queue() { rust_message *message; while ((message = (rust_message *) _incoming_message_queue.dequeue())) { log(rust_log::COMM, "read 0x%" PRIxPTR " from queue 0x%" PRIxPTR, message, &_incoming_message_queue); log(rust_log::COMM, "processing incoming message 0x%" PRIxPTR, message); message->process(); delete message; } } /** * Schedules a running task for execution. Only running tasks can be * activated. Blocked tasks have to be unblocked before they can be * activated. * * Returns NULL if no tasks can be scheduled. */ rust_task * rust_dom::schedule_task() { I(this, this); // FIXME: in the face of failing tasks, this is not always right. // I(this, n_live_tasks() > 0); if (running_tasks.length() > 0) { size_t i = rand(&rctx); i %= running_tasks.length(); return (rust_task *)running_tasks[i]; } // log(rust_log::DOM|rust_log::TASK, "no schedulable tasks"); return NULL; } /** * Starts the main scheduler loop which performs task scheduling for this * domain. * * Returns once no more tasks can be scheduled. */ int rust_dom::start_main_loop() { // Make sure someone is watching, to pull us out of infinite loops. rust_timer timer(this); log(rust_log::DOM, "running main-loop on domain 0x%" PRIxPTR, this); logptr("exit-task glue", root_crate->get_exit_task_glue()); while (n_live_tasks() > 0) { rust_task *scheduled_task = schedule_task(); // If we cannot schedule a task because all other live tasks // are blocked, wait on a condition variable which is signaled // if progress is made in other domains. if (scheduled_task == NULL) { log(rust_log::TASK, "all tasks are blocked, waiting for progress ..."); _progress.wait(); continue; } I(this, scheduled_task->running()); log(rust_log::TASK, "activating task 0x%" PRIxPTR ", sp=0x%" PRIxPTR, (uintptr_t)scheduled_task, scheduled_task->rust_sp); interrupt_flag = 0; activate(scheduled_task); log(rust_log::TASK, "returned from task 0x%" PRIxPTR " in state '%s', sp=0x%" PRIxPTR, (uintptr_t)scheduled_task, state_vec_name(scheduled_task->state), scheduled_task->rust_sp); I(this, scheduled_task->rust_sp >= (uintptr_t) &scheduled_task->stk->data[0]); I(this, scheduled_task->rust_sp < scheduled_task->stk->limit); drain_incoming_message_queue(); reap_dead_tasks(); } log(rust_log::DOM, "terminated scheduler loop, reaping dead tasks ..."); while (dead_tasks.length() > 0) { log(rust_log::DOM, "waiting for %d dead tasks to become dereferenced ...", dead_tasks.length()); log(rust_log::DOM, "waiting for %" PRIxPTR, dead_tasks[0]); if (_incoming_message_queue.is_empty()) { _incoming_message_pending.wait(); } else { drain_incoming_message_queue(); } reap_dead_tasks(); } log(rust_log::DOM, "finished main-loop (dom.rval = %d)", rval); return rval; } rust_crate_cache * rust_dom::get_cache(rust_crate const *crate) { log(rust_log::CACHE, "looking for crate-cache for crate 0x%" PRIxPTR, crate); rust_crate_cache *cache = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < caches.length(); ++i) { rust_crate_cache *c = caches[i]; if (c->crate == crate) { cache = c; break; } } if (!cache) { log(rust_log::CACHE, "making new crate-cache for crate 0x%" PRIxPTR, crate); cache = new (this) rust_crate_cache(this, crate); caches.push(cache); } cache->ref(); return cache; } // // Local Variables: // mode: C++ // fill-column: 70; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C .. 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: //