/* The 'fmt' extension is modeled on the posix printf system. * * A posix conversion ostensibly looks like this: * * %[parameter][flags][width][.precision][length]type * * Given the different numeric type bestiary we have, we omit the 'length' * parameter and support slightly different conversions for 'type': * * %[parameter][flags][width][.precision]type * * we also only support translating-to-rust a tiny subset of the possible * combinations at the moment. */ import util.common; import std._str; import std._vec; import std.option; import std.option.none; import std.option.some; export expand_syntax_ext; tag signedness { signed; unsigned; } tag caseness { case_upper; case_lower; } tag ty { ty_bool; ty_str; ty_char; ty_int(signedness); ty_bits; ty_hex(caseness); // FIXME: More types } tag flag { flag_left_justify; flag_left_zero_pad; flag_left_space_pad; flag_plus_if_positive; flag_alternate; } tag count { count_is(int); count_is_param(int); count_is_next_param; count_implied; } // A formatted conversion from an expression to a string type conv = rec(option.t[int] param, vec[flag] flags, count width, count precision, ty ty); // A fragment of the output sequence tag piece { piece_string(str); piece_conv(conv); } // TODO: Need to thread parser through here to handle errors correctly fn expand_syntax_ext(vec[@ast.expr] args, option.t[@ast.expr] body) -> @ast.expr { if (_vec.len[@ast.expr](args) == 0u) { log "malformed #fmt call"; fail; } auto fmt = expr_to_str(args.(0)); // log "Format string:"; // log fmt; auto pieces = parse_fmt_string(fmt); auto args_len = _vec.len[@ast.expr](args); auto fmt_args = _vec.slice[@ast.expr](args, 1u, args_len - 1u); ret pieces_to_expr(pieces, args); } fn expr_to_str(@ast.expr expr) -> str { alt (expr.node) { case (ast.expr_lit(?l, _)) { alt (l.node) { case (ast.lit_str(?s)) { ret s; } } } } log "malformed #fmt call"; fail; } fn parse_fmt_string(str s) -> vec[piece] { let vec[piece] pieces = vec(); auto lim = _str.byte_len(s); auto buf = ""; fn flush_buf(str buf, &vec[piece] pieces) -> str { if (_str.byte_len(buf) > 0u) { auto piece = piece_string(buf); pieces += vec(piece); } ret ""; } auto i = 0u; while (i < lim) { auto curr = _str.substr(s, i, 1u); if (_str.eq(curr, "%")) { i += 1u; if (i >= lim) { log "unterminated conversion at end of string"; fail; } auto curr2 = _str.substr(s, i, 1u); if (_str.eq(curr2, "%")) { i += 1u; } else { buf = flush_buf(buf, pieces); auto res = parse_conversion(s, i, lim); pieces += vec(res._0); i = res._1; } } else { buf += curr; i += 1u; } } buf = flush_buf(buf, pieces); ret pieces; } fn peek_num(str s, uint i, uint lim) -> option.t[tup(uint, uint)] { if (i >= lim) { ret none[tup(uint, uint)]; } auto c = s.(i); if (!('0' as u8 <= c && c <= '9' as u8)) { ret option.none[tup(uint, uint)]; } auto n = (c - ('0' as u8)) as uint; alt (peek_num(s, i + 1u, lim)) { case (none[tup(uint, uint)]) { ret some[tup(uint, uint)](tup(n, i + 1u)); } case (some[tup(uint, uint)](?next)) { auto m = next._0; auto j = next._1; ret some[tup(uint, uint)](tup(n * 10u + m, j)); } } } fn parse_conversion(str s, uint i, uint lim) -> tup(piece, uint) { auto parm = parse_parameter(s, i, lim); auto flags = parse_flags(s, parm._1, lim); auto width = parse_count(s, flags._1, lim); auto prec = parse_precision(s, width._1, lim); auto ty = parse_type(s, prec._1, lim); ret tup(piece_conv(rec(param = parm._0, flags = flags._0, width = width._0, precision = prec._0, ty = ty._0)), ty._1); } fn parse_parameter(str s, uint i, uint lim) -> tup(option.t[int], uint) { if (i >= lim) { ret tup(none[int], i); } auto num = peek_num(s, i, lim); alt (num) { case (none[tup(uint, uint)]) { ret tup(none[int], i); } case (some[tup(uint, uint)](?t)) { auto n = t._0; auto j = t._1; if (j < lim && s.(j) == '$' as u8) { ret tup(some[int](n as int), j + 1u); } else { ret tup(none[int], i); } } } } fn parse_flags(str s, uint i, uint lim) -> tup(vec[flag], uint) { let vec[flag] noflags = vec(); if (i >= lim) { ret tup(noflags, i); } fn more_(flag f, str s, uint i, uint lim) -> tup(vec[flag], uint) { auto next = parse_flags(s, i + 1u, lim); auto rest = next._0; auto j = next._1; let vec[flag] curr = vec(f); ret tup(curr + rest, j); } auto more = bind more_(_, s, i, lim); auto f = s.(i); if (f == ('-' as u8)) { ret more(flag_left_justify); } else if (f == ('0' as u8)) { ret more(flag_left_zero_pad); } else if (f == (' ' as u8)) { ret more(flag_left_space_pad); } else if (f == ('+' as u8)) { ret more(flag_plus_if_positive); } else if (f == ('#' as u8)) { ret more(flag_alternate); } else { ret tup(noflags, i); } } fn parse_count(str s, uint i, uint lim) -> tup(count, uint) { if (i >= lim) { ret tup(count_implied, i); } if (s.(i) == ('*' as u8)) { auto param = parse_parameter(s, i + 1u, lim); auto j = param._1; alt (param._0) { case (none[int]) { ret tup(count_is_next_param, j); } case (some[int](?n)) { ret tup(count_is_param(n), j); } } } else { auto num = peek_num(s, i, lim); alt (num) { case (none[tup(uint, uint)]) { ret tup(count_implied, i); } case (some[tup(uint, uint)](?num)) { ret tup(count_is(num._0 as int), num._1); } } } } fn parse_precision(str s, uint i, uint lim) -> tup(count, uint) { if (i >= lim) { ret tup(count_implied, i); } if (s.(i) == '.' as u8) { ret parse_count(s, i + 1u, lim); } else { ret tup(count_implied, i); } } fn parse_type(str s, uint i, uint lim) -> tup(ty, uint) { if (i >= lim) { log "missing type in conversion"; fail; } auto t; auto tstr = _str.substr(s, i, 1u); if (_str.eq(tstr, "b")) { t = ty_bool; } else if (_str.eq(tstr, "s")) { t = ty_str; } else if (_str.eq(tstr, "c")) { t = ty_char; } else if (_str.eq(tstr, "d") || _str.eq(tstr, "i")) { // TODO: Do we really want two signed types here? // How important is it to be printf compatible? t = ty_int(signed); } else if (_str.eq(tstr, "u")) { t = ty_int(unsigned); } else if (_str.eq(tstr, "x")) { t = ty_hex(case_lower); } else if (_str.eq(tstr, "X")) { t = ty_hex(case_upper); } else if (_str.eq(tstr, "t")) { t = ty_bits; } else { log "unknown type in conversion"; fail; } ret tup(t, i + 1u); } fn pieces_to_expr(vec[piece] pieces, vec[@ast.expr] args) -> @ast.expr { fn make_new_lit(common.span sp, ast.lit_ lit) -> @ast.expr { auto sp_lit = @parser.spanned[ast.lit_](sp, sp, lit); auto expr = ast.expr_lit(sp_lit, ast.ann_none); ret @parser.spanned[ast.expr_](sp, sp, expr); } fn make_new_str(common.span sp, str s) -> @ast.expr { auto lit = ast.lit_str(s); ret make_new_lit(sp, lit); } fn make_new_uint(common.span sp, uint u) -> @ast.expr { auto lit = ast.lit_uint(u); ret make_new_lit(sp, lit); } fn make_add_expr(common.span sp, @ast.expr lhs, @ast.expr rhs) -> @ast.expr { auto binexpr = ast.expr_binary(ast.add, lhs, rhs, ast.ann_none); ret @parser.spanned[ast.expr_](sp, sp, binexpr); } fn make_call(common.span sp, vec[ast.ident] fn_path, vec[@ast.expr] args) -> @ast.expr { let vec[ast.ident] path_idents = fn_path; let vec[@ast.ty] path_types = vec(); auto path = rec(idents = path_idents, types = path_types); auto sp_path = parser.spanned[ast.path_](sp, sp, path); auto pathexpr = ast.expr_path(sp_path, none[ast.def], ast.ann_none); auto sp_pathexpr = @parser.spanned[ast.expr_](sp, sp, pathexpr); auto callexpr = ast.expr_call(sp_pathexpr, args, ast.ann_none); auto sp_callexpr = @parser.spanned[ast.expr_](sp, sp, callexpr); ret sp_callexpr; } fn make_new_conv(conv cnv, @ast.expr arg) -> @ast.expr { auto unsupported = "conversion not supported in #fmt string"; alt (cnv.param) { case (option.none[int]) { } case (_) { log unsupported; fail; } } if (_vec.len[flag](cnv.flags) != 0u) { log unsupported; fail; } alt (cnv.width) { case (count_implied) { } case (_) { log unsupported; fail; } } alt (cnv.precision) { case (count_implied) { } case (_) { log unsupported; fail; } } alt (cnv.ty) { case (ty_str) { ret arg; } case (ty_int(?sign)) { alt (sign) { case (signed) { let vec[str] path = vec("std", "_int", "to_str"); auto radix_expr = make_new_uint(arg.span, 10u); let vec[@ast.expr] args = vec(arg, radix_expr); ret make_call(arg.span, path, args); } case (unsigned) { let vec[str] path = vec("std", "_uint", "to_str"); auto radix_expr = make_new_uint(arg.span, 10u); let vec[@ast.expr] args = vec(arg, radix_expr); ret make_call(arg.span, path, args); } } } case (_) { log unsupported; fail; } } } fn log_conv(conv c) { alt (c.param) { case (some[int](?p)) { log "param: " + std._int.to_str(p, 10u); } case (_) { log "param: none"; } } for (flag f in c.flags) { alt (f) { case (flag_left_justify) { log "flag: left justify"; } case (flag_left_zero_pad) { log "flag: left zero pad"; } case (flag_left_space_pad) { log "flag: left space pad"; } case (flag_plus_if_positive) { log "flag: plus if positive"; } case (flag_alternate) { log "flag: alternate"; } } } alt (c.width) { case (count_is(?i)) { log "width: count is " + std._int.to_str(i, 10u); } case (count_is_param(?i)) { log "width: count is param " + std._int.to_str(i, 10u); } case (count_is_next_param) { log "width: count is next param"; } case (count_implied) { log "width: count is implied"; } } alt (c.precision) { case (count_is(?i)) { log "prec: count is " + std._int.to_str(i, 10u); } case (count_is_param(?i)) { log "prec: count is param " + std._int.to_str(i, 10u); } case (count_is_next_param) { log "prec: count is next param"; } case (count_implied) { log "prec: count is implied"; } } alt (c.ty) { case (ty_bool) { log "type: bool"; } case (ty_str) { log "type: str"; } case (ty_char) { log "type: char"; } case (ty_int(?s)) { alt (s) { case (signed) { log "type: signed"; } case (unsigned) { log "type: unsigned"; } } } case (ty_bits) { log "type: bits"; } case (ty_hex(?cs)) { alt (cs) { case (case_upper) { log "type: uhex"; } case (case_lower) { log "type: lhex"; } } } } } auto sp = args.(0).span; auto n = 0u; auto tmp_expr = make_new_str(sp, ""); for (piece p in pieces) { alt (p) { case (piece_string(?s)) { auto s_expr = make_new_str(sp, s); tmp_expr = make_add_expr(sp, tmp_expr, s_expr); } case (piece_conv(?conv)) { if (n >= _vec.len[@ast.expr](args)) { log "too many conversions in #fmt string"; fail; } // TODO: Remove debug logging // log "Building conversion:"; // log_conv(conv); n += 1u; auto arg_expr = args.(n); auto c_expr = make_new_conv(conv, arg_expr); tmp_expr = make_add_expr(sp, tmp_expr, c_expr); } } } // TODO: Remove this debug logging // log "dumping expanded ast:"; // log pretty.print_expr(tmp_expr); ret tmp_expr; } // // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: //