use hir::{AsAssocItem, HasVisibility, ModuleDef, Visibility}; use ide_db::assists::{AssistId, AssistKind}; use itertools::Itertools; use stdx::{format_to, to_lower_snake_case}; use syntax::{ algo::skip_whitespace_token, ast::{self, edit::IndentLevel, HasDocComments, HasName}, match_ast, AstNode, AstToken, }; use crate::assist_context::{AssistContext, Assists}; // Assist: generate_documentation_template // // Adds a documentation template above a function definition / declaration. // // ``` // pub struct S; // impl S { // pub unsafe fn set_len$0(&mut self, len: usize) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { // /* ... */ // } // } // ``` // -> // ``` // pub struct S; // impl S { // /// Sets the length of this [`S`]. // /// // /// # Errors // /// // /// This function will return an error if . // /// // /// # Safety // /// // /// . // pub unsafe fn set_len(&mut self, len: usize) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { // /* ... */ // } // } // ``` pub(crate) fn generate_documentation_template( acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>, ) -> Option<()> { let name = ctx.find_node_at_offset::()?; let ast_func = name.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::Fn::cast)?; if is_in_trait_impl(&ast_func, ctx) || ast_func.doc_comments().next().is_some() { return None; } let parent_syntax = ast_func.syntax(); let text_range = parent_syntax.text_range(); let indent_level = IndentLevel::from_node(parent_syntax); acc.add( AssistId("generate_documentation_template", AssistKind::Generate), "Generate a documentation template", text_range, |builder| { // Introduction / short function description before the sections let mut doc_lines = vec![introduction_builder(&ast_func, ctx).unwrap_or(".".into())]; // Then come the sections for section_builder in [panics_builder, errors_builder, safety_builder] { if let Some(mut lines) = section_builder(&ast_func) { doc_lines.push("".into()); doc_lines.append(&mut lines); } } builder.insert(text_range.start(), documentation_from_lines(doc_lines, indent_level)); }, ) } // Assist: generate_doc_example // // Generates a rustdoc example when editing an item's documentation. // // ``` // /// Adds two numbers.$0 // pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { a + b } // ``` // -> // ``` // /// Adds two numbers. // /// // /// # Examples // /// // /// ``` // /// use test::add; // /// // /// assert_eq!(add(a, b), ); // /// ``` // pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { a + b } // ``` pub(crate) fn generate_doc_example(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option<()> { let tok: ast::Comment = ctx.find_token_at_offset()?; let node = tok.syntax().parent()?; let last_doc_token = ast::AnyHasDocComments::cast(node.clone())?.doc_comments().last()?.syntax().clone(); let next_token = skip_whitespace_token(last_doc_token.next_token()?, syntax::Direction::Next)?; let example = match_ast! { match node { ast::Fn(it) => make_example_for_fn(&it, ctx)?, _ => return None, } }; let mut lines = string_vec_from(&["", "# Examples", "", "```"]); lines.extend(example.lines().map(String::from)); lines.push("```".into()); let indent_level = IndentLevel::from_node(&node); acc.add( AssistId("generate_doc_example", AssistKind::Generate), "Generate a documentation example", node.text_range(), |builder| { builder.insert( next_token.text_range().start(), documentation_from_lines(lines, indent_level), ); }, ) } fn make_example_for_fn(ast_func: &ast::Fn, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option { if !is_public(ast_func, ctx)? { // Doctests for private items can't actually name the item, so they're pretty useless. return None; } if is_in_trait_def(ast_func, ctx) { // This is not yet implemented. return None; } let mut example = String::new(); let is_unsafe = ast_func.unsafe_token().is_some(); let param_list = ast_func.param_list()?; let ref_mut_params = ref_mut_params(¶m_list); let self_name = self_name(ast_func); format_to!(example, "use {};\n\n", build_path(ast_func, ctx)?); if let Some(self_name) = &self_name { if let Some(mtbl) = is_ref_mut_self(ast_func) { let mtbl = if mtbl == true { " mut" } else { "" }; format_to!(example, "let{} {} = ;\n", mtbl, self_name); } } for param_name in &ref_mut_params { format_to!(example, "let mut {} = ;\n", param_name); } // Call the function, check result let function_call = function_call(ast_func, ¶m_list, self_name.as_deref(), is_unsafe)?; if returns_a_value(ast_func, ctx) { if count_parameters(¶m_list) < 3 { format_to!(example, "assert_eq!({}, );\n", function_call); } else { format_to!(example, "let result = {};\n", function_call); example.push_str("assert_eq!(result, );\n"); } } else { format_to!(example, "{};\n", function_call); } // Check the mutated values if is_ref_mut_self(ast_func) == Some(true) { format_to!(example, "assert_eq!({}, );", self_name?); } for param_name in &ref_mut_params { format_to!(example, "assert_eq!({}, );", param_name); } Some(example) } fn introduction_builder(ast_func: &ast::Fn, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option { let hir_func = ctx.sema.to_def(ast_func)?; let container = hir_func.as_assoc_item(ctx.db())?.container(ctx.db()); if let hir::AssocItemContainer::Impl(imp) = container { let ret_ty = hir_func.ret_type(ctx.db()); let self_ty = imp.self_ty(ctx.db()); let name =; let linkable_self_ty = self_type_without_lifetimes(ast_func); let linkable_self_ty = linkable_self_ty.as_deref(); let intro_for_new = || { let is_new = name == "new"; if is_new && ret_ty == self_ty { Some(format!("Creates a new [`{}`].", linkable_self_ty?)) } else { None } }; let intro_for_getter = || match ( hir_func.self_param(ctx.sema.db), &*hir_func.params_without_self(ctx.sema.db), ) { (Some(self_param), []) if self_param.access(ctx.sema.db) != hir::Access::Owned => { if name.starts_with("as_") || name.starts_with("to_") || name == "get" { return None; } let mut what = name.trim_end_matches("_mut").replace('_', " "); if what == "len" { what = "length".into() } let reference = if ret_ty.is_mutable_reference() { " a mutable reference to" } else if ret_ty.is_reference() { " a reference to" } else { "" }; Some(format!("Returns{reference} the {what} of this [`{}`].", linkable_self_ty?)) } _ => None, }; let intro_for_setter = || { if !name.starts_with("set_") { return None; } let mut what = name.trim_start_matches("set_").replace('_', " "); if what == "len" { what = "length".into() }; Some(format!("Sets the {what} of this [`{}`].", linkable_self_ty?)) }; if let Some(intro) = intro_for_new() { return Some(intro); } if let Some(intro) = intro_for_getter() { return Some(intro); } if let Some(intro) = intro_for_setter() { return Some(intro); } } None } /// Builds an optional `# Panics` section fn panics_builder(ast_func: &ast::Fn) -> Option> { match can_panic(ast_func) { Some(true) => Some(string_vec_from(&["# Panics", "", "Panics if ."])), _ => None, } } /// Builds an optional `# Errors` section fn errors_builder(ast_func: &ast::Fn) -> Option> { match return_type(ast_func)?.to_string().contains("Result") { true => Some(string_vec_from(&["# Errors", "", "This function will return an error if ."])), false => None, } } /// Builds an optional `# Safety` section fn safety_builder(ast_func: &ast::Fn) -> Option> { let is_unsafe = ast_func.unsafe_token().is_some(); match is_unsafe { true => Some(string_vec_from(&["# Safety", "", "."])), false => None, } } /// Checks if the function is public / exported fn is_public(ast_func: &ast::Fn, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option { let hir_func = ctx.sema.to_def(ast_func)?; Some( hir_func.visibility(ctx.db()) == Visibility::Public && all_parent_mods_public(&hir_func, ctx), ) } /// Checks that all parent modules of the function are public / exported fn all_parent_mods_public(hir_func: &hir::Function, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> bool { let mut module = hir_func.module(ctx.db()); loop { if let Some(parent) = module.parent(ctx.db()) { match ModuleDef::from(module).visibility(ctx.db()) { Visibility::Public => module = parent, _ => break false, } } else { break true; } } } /// Returns the name of the current crate fn crate_name(ast_func: &ast::Fn, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option { let krate = ctx.sema.scope(ast_func.syntax())?.krate(); Some(krate.display_name(ctx.db())?.to_string()) } /// `None` if function without a body; some bool to guess if function can panic fn can_panic(ast_func: &ast::Fn) -> Option { let body = ast_func.body()?.to_string(); let can_panic = body.contains("panic!(") // FIXME it would be better to not match `debug_assert*!` macro invocations || body.contains("assert!(") || body.contains(".unwrap()") || body.contains(".expect("); Some(can_panic) } /// Helper function to get the name that should be given to `self` arguments fn self_name(ast_func: &ast::Fn) -> Option { self_partial_type(ast_func).map(|name| to_lower_snake_case(&name)) } /// Heper function to get the name of the type of `self` fn self_type(ast_func: &ast::Fn) -> Option { ast_func.syntax().ancestors().find_map(ast::Impl::cast).and_then(|i| i.self_ty()) } /// Output the real name of `Self` like `MyType`, without the lifetimes. fn self_type_without_lifetimes(ast_func: &ast::Fn) -> Option { let path_segment = match self_type(ast_func)? { ast::Type::PathType(path_type) => path_type.path()?.segment()?, _ => return None, }; let mut name = path_segment.name_ref()?.to_string(); let generics = path_segment.generic_arg_list().into_iter().flat_map(|list| { list.generic_args() .filter(|generic| matches!(generic, ast::GenericArg::TypeArg(_))) .map(|generic| generic.to_string()) }); let generics: String = generics.format(", ").to_string(); if !generics.is_empty() { name.push('<'); name.push_str(&generics); name.push('>'); } Some(name) } /// Heper function to get the name of the type of `self` without generic arguments fn self_partial_type(ast_func: &ast::Fn) -> Option { let mut self_type = self_type(ast_func)?.to_string(); if let Some(idx) = self_type.find(|c| ['<', ' '].contains(&c)) { self_type.truncate(idx); } Some(self_type) } /// Helper function to determine if the function is in a trait implementation fn is_in_trait_impl(ast_func: &ast::Fn, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> bool { ctx.sema .to_def(ast_func) .and_then(|hir_func| hir_func.as_assoc_item(ctx.db())) .and_then(|assoc_item| assoc_item.containing_trait_impl(ctx.db())) .is_some() } /// Helper function to determine if the function definition is in a trait definition fn is_in_trait_def(ast_func: &ast::Fn, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> bool { ctx.sema .to_def(ast_func) .and_then(|hir_func| hir_func.as_assoc_item(ctx.db())) .and_then(|assoc_item| assoc_item.containing_trait(ctx.db())) .is_some() } /// Returns `None` if no `self` at all, `Some(true)` if there is `&mut self` else `Some(false)` fn is_ref_mut_self(ast_func: &ast::Fn) -> Option { let self_param = ast_func.param_list()?.self_param()?; Some(self_param.mut_token().is_some() && self_param.amp_token().is_some()) } /// Helper function to determine if a parameter is `&mut` fn is_a_ref_mut_param(param: &ast::Param) -> bool { match param.ty() { Some(ast::Type::RefType(param_ref)) => param_ref.mut_token().is_some(), _ => false, } } /// Helper function to build the list of `&mut` parameters fn ref_mut_params(param_list: &ast::ParamList) -> Vec { param_list .params() .filter_map(|param| match is_a_ref_mut_param(¶m) { // Maybe better filter the param name (to do this maybe extract a function from // `arguments_from_params`?) in case of a `mut a: &mut T`. Anyway managing most (not // all) cases might be enough, the goal is just to produce a template. true => Some(param.pat()?.to_string()), false => None, }) .collect() } /// Helper function to build the comma-separated list of arguments of the function fn arguments_from_params(param_list: &ast::ParamList) -> String { let args_iter = param_list.params().map(|param| match param.pat() { // To avoid `mut` in the function call (which would be a nonsense), `Pat` should not be // written as is so its variants must be managed independently. Other variants (for // instance `TuplePat`) could be managed later. Some(ast::Pat::IdentPat(ident_pat)) => match { Some(name) => match is_a_ref_mut_param(¶m) { true => format!("&mut {}", name), false => name.to_string(), }, None => "_".to_string(), }, _ => "_".to_string(), }); args_iter.format(", ").to_string() } /// Helper function to build a function call. `None` if expected `self_name` was not provided fn function_call( ast_func: &ast::Fn, param_list: &ast::ParamList, self_name: Option<&str>, is_unsafe: bool, ) -> Option { let name =; let arguments = arguments_from_params(param_list); let function_call = if param_list.self_param().is_some() { format!("{}.{}({})", self_name?, name, arguments) } else if let Some(implementation) = self_partial_type(ast_func) { format!("{}::{}({})", implementation, name, arguments) } else { format!("{}({})", name, arguments) }; match is_unsafe { true => Some(format!("unsafe {{ {} }}", function_call)), false => Some(function_call), } } /// Helper function to count the parameters including `self` fn count_parameters(param_list: &ast::ParamList) -> usize { param_list.params().count() + if param_list.self_param().is_some() { 1 } else { 0 } } /// Helper function to transform lines of documentation into a Rust code documentation fn documentation_from_lines(doc_lines: Vec, indent_level: IndentLevel) -> String { let mut result = String::new(); for doc_line in doc_lines { result.push_str("///"); if !doc_line.is_empty() { result.push(' '); result.push_str(&doc_line); } result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&indent_level.to_string()); } result } /// Helper function to transform an array of borrowed strings to an owned `Vec` fn string_vec_from(string_array: &[&str]) -> Vec { string_array.iter().map(|&s| s.to_owned()).collect() } /// Helper function to build the path of the module in the which is the node fn build_path(ast_func: &ast::Fn, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option { let crate_name = crate_name(ast_func, ctx)?; let leaf = self_partial_type(ast_func) .or_else(|||n| n.to_string())) .unwrap_or_else(|| "*".into()); let module_def: ModuleDef = ctx.sema.to_def(ast_func)?.module(ctx.db()).into(); match module_def.canonical_path(ctx.db()) { Some(path) => Some(format!("{}::{}::{}", crate_name, path, leaf)), None => Some(format!("{}::{}", crate_name, leaf)), } } /// Helper function to get the return type of a function fn return_type(ast_func: &ast::Fn) -> Option { ast_func.ret_type()?.ty() } /// Helper function to determine if the function returns some data fn returns_a_value(ast_func: &ast::Fn, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> bool { ctx.sema .to_def(ast_func) .map(|hir_func| hir_func.ret_type(ctx.db())) .map(|ret_ty| !ret_ty.is_unit() && !ret_ty.is_never()) .unwrap_or(false) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::tests::{check_assist, check_assist_not_applicable}; use super::*; #[test] fn not_applicable_on_function_calls() { check_assist_not_applicable( generate_documentation_template, r#" fn hello_world() {} fn calls_hello_world() { hello_world$0(); } "#, ) } #[test] fn not_applicable_in_trait_impl() { check_assist_not_applicable( generate_documentation_template, r#" trait MyTrait {} struct MyStruct; impl MyTrait for MyStruct { fn hello_world$0(); } "#, ) } #[test] fn not_applicable_if_function_already_documented() { check_assist_not_applicable( generate_documentation_template, r#" /// Some documentation here pub fn $0documented_function() {} "#, ); } #[test] fn supports_noop_function() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub fn no$0op() {} "#, r#" /// . pub fn noop() {} "#, ); } #[test] fn is_applicable_if_function_is_private() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" fn priv$0ate() {} "#, r#" /// . fn private() {} "#, ); } #[test] fn no_doc_example_for_private_fn() { check_assist_not_applicable( generate_doc_example, r#" ///$0 fn private() {} "#, ); } #[test] fn supports_a_parameter() { check_assist( generate_doc_example, r#" /// $0. pub fn noop_with_param(_a: i32) {} "#, r#" /// . /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use test::noop_with_param; /// /// noop_with_param(_a); /// ``` pub fn noop_with_param(_a: i32) {} "#, ); } #[test] fn detects_unsafe_function() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub unsafe fn no$0op_unsafe() {} "#, r#" /// . /// /// # Safety /// /// . pub unsafe fn noop_unsafe() {} "#, ); check_assist( generate_doc_example, r#" /// . /// /// # Safety$0 /// /// . pub unsafe fn noop_unsafe() {} "#, r#" /// . /// /// # Safety /// /// . /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use test::noop_unsafe; /// /// unsafe { noop_unsafe() }; /// ``` pub unsafe fn noop_unsafe() {} "#, ); } #[test] fn guesses_panic_macro_can_panic() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub fn panic$0s_if(a: bool) { if a { panic!(); } } "#, r#" /// . /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if . pub fn panics_if(a: bool) { if a { panic!(); } } "#, ); } #[test] fn guesses_assert_macro_can_panic() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub fn $0panics_if_not(a: bool) { assert!(a == true); } "#, r#" /// . /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if . pub fn panics_if_not(a: bool) { assert!(a == true); } "#, ); } #[test] fn guesses_unwrap_can_panic() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub fn $0panics_if_none(a: Option<()>) { a.unwrap(); } "#, r#" /// . /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if . pub fn panics_if_none(a: Option<()>) { a.unwrap(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn guesses_expect_can_panic() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub fn $0panics_if_none2(a: Option<()>) { a.expect("Bouh!"); } "#, r#" /// . /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if . pub fn panics_if_none2(a: Option<()>) { a.expect("Bouh!"); } "#, ); } #[test] fn checks_output_in_example() { check_assist( generate_doc_example, r#" ///$0 pub fn returns_a_value$0() -> i32 { 0 } "#, r#" /// /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use test::returns_a_value; /// /// assert_eq!(returns_a_value(), ); /// ``` pub fn returns_a_value() -> i32 { 0 } "#, ); } #[test] fn detects_result_output() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub fn returns_a_result$0() -> Result { Ok(0) } "#, r#" /// . /// /// # Errors /// /// This function will return an error if . pub fn returns_a_result() -> Result { Ok(0) } "#, ); } #[test] fn checks_ref_mut_in_example() { check_assist( generate_doc_example, r#" ///$0 pub fn modifies_a_value$0(a: &mut i32) { *a = 0; } "#, r#" /// /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use test::modifies_a_value; /// /// let mut a = ; /// modifies_a_value(&mut a); /// assert_eq!(a, ); /// ``` pub fn modifies_a_value(a: &mut i32) { *a = 0; } "#, ); } #[test] fn stores_result_if_at_least_3_params() { check_assist( generate_doc_example, r#" ///$0 pub fn sum3$0(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32) -> i32 { a + b + c } "#, r#" /// /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use test::sum3; /// /// let result = sum3(a, b, c); /// assert_eq!(result, ); /// ``` pub fn sum3(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32) -> i32 { a + b + c } "#, ); } #[test] fn supports_fn_in_mods() { check_assist( generate_doc_example, r#" pub mod a { pub mod b { ///$0 pub fn noop() {} } } "#, r#" pub mod a { pub mod b { /// /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use test::a::b::noop; /// /// noop(); /// ``` pub fn noop() {} } } "#, ); } #[test] fn supports_fn_in_impl() { check_assist( generate_doc_example, r#" pub struct MyStruct; impl MyStruct { ///$0 pub fn noop() {} } "#, r#" pub struct MyStruct; impl MyStruct { /// /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use test::MyStruct; /// /// MyStruct::noop(); /// ``` pub fn noop() {} } "#, ); } #[test] fn supports_unsafe_fn_in_trait() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub trait MyTrait { unsafe fn unsafe_funct$0ion_trait(); } "#, r#" pub trait MyTrait { /// . /// /// # Safety /// /// . unsafe fn unsafe_function_trait(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn supports_fn_in_trait_with_default_panicking() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub trait MyTrait { fn function_trait_with_$0default_panicking() { panic!() } } "#, r#" pub trait MyTrait { /// . /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if . fn function_trait_with_default_panicking() { panic!() } } "#, ); } #[test] fn supports_fn_in_trait_returning_result() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub trait MyTrait { fn function_tr$0ait_returning_result() -> Result<(), std::io::Error>; } "#, r#" pub trait MyTrait { /// . /// /// # Errors /// /// This function will return an error if . fn function_trait_returning_result() -> Result<(), std::io::Error>; } "#, ); } #[test] fn detects_new() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub struct String(u8); impl String { pub fn new$0(x: u8) -> String { String(x) } } "#, r#" pub struct String(u8); impl String { /// Creates a new [`String`]. pub fn new(x: u8) -> String { String(x) } } "#, ); check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct MyGenericStruct { pub x: T, } impl MyGenericStruct { pub fn new$0(x: T) -> MyGenericStruct { MyGenericStruct { x } } } "#, r#" #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct MyGenericStruct { pub x: T, } impl MyGenericStruct { /// Creates a new [`MyGenericStruct`]. pub fn new(x: T) -> MyGenericStruct { MyGenericStruct { x } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn removes_one_lifetime_from_description() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct MyGenericStruct<'a, T> { pub x: &'a T, } impl<'a, T> MyGenericStruct<'a, T> { pub fn new$0(x: &'a T) -> Self { MyGenericStruct { x } } } "#, r#" #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct MyGenericStruct<'a, T> { pub x: &'a T, } impl<'a, T> MyGenericStruct<'a, T> { /// Creates a new [`MyGenericStruct`]. pub fn new(x: &'a T) -> Self { MyGenericStruct { x } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn removes_all_lifetimes_from_description() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct MyGenericStruct<'a, 'b, T> { pub x: &'a T, pub y: &'b T, } impl<'a, 'b, T> MyGenericStruct<'a, 'b, T> { pub fn new$0(x: &'a T, y: &'b T) -> Self { MyGenericStruct { x, y } } } "#, r#" #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct MyGenericStruct<'a, 'b, T> { pub x: &'a T, pub y: &'b T, } impl<'a, 'b, T> MyGenericStruct<'a, 'b, T> { /// Creates a new [`MyGenericStruct`]. pub fn new(x: &'a T, y: &'b T) -> Self { MyGenericStruct { x, y } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn removes_all_lifetimes_and_brackets_from_description() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct MyGenericStruct<'a, 'b> { pub x: &'a usize, pub y: &'b usize, } impl<'a, 'b> MyGenericStruct<'a, 'b> { pub fn new$0(x: &'a usize, y: &'b usize) -> Self { MyGenericStruct { x, y } } } "#, r#" #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct MyGenericStruct<'a, 'b> { pub x: &'a usize, pub y: &'b usize, } impl<'a, 'b> MyGenericStruct<'a, 'b> { /// Creates a new [`MyGenericStruct`]. pub fn new(x: &'a usize, y: &'b usize) -> Self { MyGenericStruct { x, y } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn detects_new_with_self() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct MyGenericStruct2 { pub x: T, } impl MyGenericStruct2 { pub fn new$0(x: T) -> Self { MyGenericStruct2 { x } } } "#, r#" #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct MyGenericStruct2 { pub x: T, } impl MyGenericStruct2 { /// Creates a new [`MyGenericStruct2`]. pub fn new(x: T) -> Self { MyGenericStruct2 { x } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn supports_method_call() { check_assist( generate_doc_example, r#" impl MyGenericStruct { ///$0 pub fn consume(self) {} } "#, r#" impl MyGenericStruct { /// /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use test::MyGenericStruct; /// /// let my_generic_struct = ; /// my_generic_struct.consume(); /// ``` pub fn consume(self) {} } "#, ); } #[test] fn checks_modified_self_param() { check_assist( generate_doc_example, r#" impl MyGenericStruct { ///$0 pub fn modify(&mut self, new_value: T) { self.x = new_value; } } "#, r#" impl MyGenericStruct { /// /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use test::MyGenericStruct; /// /// let mut my_generic_struct = ; /// my_generic_struct.modify(new_value); /// assert_eq!(my_generic_struct, ); /// ``` pub fn modify(&mut self, new_value: T) { self.x = new_value; } } "#, ); } #[test] fn generates_intro_for_getters() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub struct S; impl S { pub fn speed$0(&self) -> f32 { 0.0 } } "#, r#" pub struct S; impl S { /// Returns the speed of this [`S`]. pub fn speed(&self) -> f32 { 0.0 } } "#, ); check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub struct S; impl S { pub fn data$0(&self) -> &[u8] { &[] } } "#, r#" pub struct S; impl S { /// Returns a reference to the data of this [`S`]. pub fn data(&self) -> &[u8] { &[] } } "#, ); check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub struct S; impl S { pub fn data$0(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { &mut [] } } "#, r#" pub struct S; impl S { /// Returns a mutable reference to the data of this [`S`]. pub fn data(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { &mut [] } } "#, ); check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub struct S; impl S { pub fn data_mut$0(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { &mut [] } } "#, r#" pub struct S; impl S { /// Returns a mutable reference to the data of this [`S`]. pub fn data_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { &mut [] } } "#, ); } #[test] fn no_getter_intro_for_prefixed_methods() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub struct S; impl S { pub fn as_bytes$0(&self) -> &[u8] { &[] } } "#, r#" pub struct S; impl S { /// . pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] { &[] } } "#, ); } #[test] fn generates_intro_for_setters() { check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub struct S; impl S { pub fn set_data$0(&mut self, data: Vec) {} } "#, r#" pub struct S; impl S { /// Sets the data of this [`S`]. pub fn set_data(&mut self, data: Vec) {} } "#, ); check_assist( generate_documentation_template, r#" pub struct S; impl S { pub fn set_domain_name$0(&mut self, name: String) {} } "#, r#" pub struct S; impl S { /// Sets the domain name of this [`S`]. pub fn set_domain_name(&mut self, name: String) {} } "#, ); } }